557.. 557 . ÖS*.. $5^EI Adjectives (Present Tense) "i) Answer the questions. 1. B$-U CD o .n CD c: T3 CO LL. ß Cü £j o CCf ■U Ml ss s t-H W cd +3 is s ca g ^ 4) Clí CS 8 6 en > TS CO £6 •W %■ '#1 V co on o 'A r ( % 5 Adjectives (Past Tense) (1) Answer the questions. 1. *iaiiy±TL/=^0 3. l±#^-,^T+^0 :_.j«-o Sis; :iv„ (n) Translate the following sentences into Japanese. 1. I was busy yesterday. 2. The homework was difficult. 3. My room was not clean. 4. The weather was good. 5. The trip was not fun. 6. The tickets were not expensive. _________ gig-gag" ( $5*1 Adjective + Noun (T) Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Ex. 1. 2. 3. 4. Example: Q : cf/CtrtPMT-f tf\ A : * "5 V T"f „ 1. Q : ZL+xmi%T-t-/)\ A : 2. Q : £XtefflTT-f A : **, 3. Q : t/^xAtt/r., A : 4. Q : £X^*T1" i\ A : 1 n * Translate the following sentences. 1. I met a kind person. 2. I bought an inexpensive ticket. 3. I read an interesting book last week.