41-50_ 10H - r r s ^ £ $ ^^a* quick, fast jS ^ * < t •A #i fljij^ highspeed Mi B'V'-L^ ijv » fast ft(69)»M^ 42 12H - fff ^|||« Li_J slow, late j£ c|gx| * c < ^ l€^lJ"f",2> to be late 58SI *14sH4 JS^-t^ 3^ * late 19(85) ^4 t> < 33<.-H<5 il.jK.'S tobelate Bfc. 58SJ. IS 43 i n f) b CH3 easy, exchange H tIH ^ II' i £ * "If J| trade Kfir ^ ^Jy^* easy, easygoing §«(89). £58 ( 69) SHS I* 'V'S-Ut^ H L O easy S«(S5) 34 44 9H (...) single, simple, unit #■ 8 E! J^ff- aword 43 l2Je* 9B c n / ) }" r*' )\ r%. "Á shallow äs ib# ši * i 30<í-l^ * shallow žS(«) °,M >J> nil - c y F~ ?~ F F if V? cooi s a 54 55 56 Bf 1(3" I il R B B*' B^ B*° B5* B^ B^ warm IS nH^tttt fib til >^B£ ^ warm, mild M(89) «-Yi« Bjr/Sf heating 8*1 'tJ* fiTzTz 7 a - - y v\vtw^v\. j. ^ y y / y ;^ cold, cool 1$ sy air conditioner -J)1* 0#>-/£H > com ®m). *hw ^■^"t" to cool, to chill #*p. #s *1*1^ U,-*.<5/U,-,V>T /^x. -5 to get cow m m 3:-J&<5/3?-3»T to cool down »fi *14 y^"i "t" to cool ^4P, 4«)^ 12H m warm £ nWIf 2 mJJ)L temperature fiflE -frs. j^vum body temperature #)S II ■& fotizJt-lNA iS^vV » warm M(M> :i -R >"B ,"s :s :e J J J J J A /n yrn jxm yjm r iB /Jja air temperature 71 i 57 *3> 15H - &1&L&L&L$L$L heat, hot * ffl "3 j^l heat, fever ft. »S. s£ i hot ft(69). "S^ 58 7H CD) be in trouble El 5 ; h *t L fflU"^' difficult B*(W) g ^) to be in trouble Aift 5&*t>^ o L 3M (51-60) 59 ball i$ 3 =? T T J J-Jf Jt 3f if" I* 5$. the Earth « *1 -? 60 © £U n —HTL Jt % &li £'J ii-^b, L T fc&iHt < fz*^\ ^ Ud: 5 jiDtf^lC a«L-r, TBBW CHli j4h ; £ z ^iz v ^ „ o fäll 1 TUBß® Oôtf&Tľ mžteči\0 m) e^^o ItAfeľ i2 ižttcD zut* m^T: mžfcti^o ( ) [c mfr& »$&£u> ( tťjľ ) ( *>^í^ ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (D (4 fffil* ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) líi líj © _ a <—> _m ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ft* mh3 n^/c féor «í@o&ču> o xxxxx /=ltT£< -tí:o.j:o|i o$£<7)tf< <ŕ»j ±-f,