ss1« WW 2. *v > h£!&BJ3-ra CD 02 IS B: ©ff L l^tefe"? fofr C eh fo'T" Žžthi^ ÉóiQtto 1) (D*[HM±Aft©^ 'J 7 h 2) ®5ii|fc£g©£ttgffj 3) (D^±tf fofottfoo tttzm ©+5>^mfžfo'T- Š ^ fo o 0 i i B (IŠ] W) : ©§T L ^Ibr -> * r A © * 'J -y h lilféftfofofo bí^Cif: (A and B are colleagues.) A : ® Ask B about the advantages of a new sales system. B : © Tell A that one of the advantages of the new sales system is that it can cut down on advertising expenses to a great extent. 3. jtRu-cM-r* A: <$ft Žto A : ž>ž>, Ýó-effoo *H1 i) (Dg&figt ©l5%±ichft:o(T) 2) ®Ig^£& ©100^ifi<±Ělo(T) 3) (D^fijM ©20%Jil±ílď(T) CD y • 03 IS iSnci L^oO^ product 155r li/^li'l'' selling j* 'J ■>> h advantage SIS C # f < customer get #fe|H]f±Atl is J: ? £" ■? L ^ ft joint purchase $iii2i5K t> transportation costs WM+Z iSilf/vti cut SJffi^S lf/t,%-tn>;^ local production AftJS L^if/,:> personnel expenditure *■/ HJ cut 7c±lf -5 *3 If sales tti>'5 © If -5 increase jaf£ -£ advertising |H] >*> o If 0 number of orders received il1 "5 increase o'iSf fcVi"? number of machines ift< nearly ±®£ ^toStiS be above If V i. o K) operating income 2