guts 2. A(xt±*±M) :(D«fL^*-vro#S*IH^r 7 u - - ©If £B#FH1(ifir:*© *> © k 4 £ fa 10 fl^g (A is from X company and B is from Y company.) A : ® Ask B how long his company's portable CD player can keep playing. B : © Explain to A that it can play ten hours longer than the old model. 07 A (£§8©5]£#) b (tbfi?# mft 1. CD &m^-Z, Mfflfc&tX o 3. X^'J^h«lt£< report LiH'L* chairperson personal computer ?'5 7 graph ^ i:*6-5 compile filo' frO&i^ ratio r^flj^p t, vj, 5 c o 1q.Aj middle and advanced age (people) I8?A# C o ic ►> -5 L ip buyer 6