(A and B are colleagues.) A : ® Ask B's opinion of the name of a new product. B : © Tell A that the name is easy to remember. (Reasons : (1) It is interesting. (21 The name itself describes the product's strong points well.) 2. S5EKJfcJftJt.*aB'::^-^ 5»i 2 A (111^) : ®#fjgiS©*- 5 V^"IC0UtIM*J6t( 7f£ M (A and B are colleagues.) A : (d Ask B's opinion of the name of a new product. B : © Tell A that the name is too long to remember. B (fl]W) : ©££»#4>ttt-r<5 < /c $ us (A and B are colleagues.) A : (d Ask B's opinion of the proposed budget for a project. B : © Tell A that the allocation for advertising is too low. 2. A (|5]W) : ®40%