;2S EM ttfc*] 1. fetflfcigjl.fc&^a (GDI #15 11 A : % a t> QQIgftWEf] o ^ T t i ff-g L * 9 fr0 1 l) OT^fflitl 2) 3) ®Sfg ©^3&£Hfd' ©igilfcfcfgfc" Vim 2 A (X tttt*) : ®X tt*s*ISSLfc«r^^^o^TStm**«>T < i>( B (YfcfcfetM) : ©1S1M(cfMtL^i>£;tM£iz!^T< CA is from X company and B is from Y company.) A : ® Ask B's opinion of the new contract that X company has proposed. B : (2) Tell A that you want to give it further consideration. 2. §5£EjfcjgJL&aE'o (A is from X company and B is from Y company.) A : ® Ask B's opinion of the new contract that X company has proposed. B : © Tell A that your superior's consent will be difficult to obtain. H/pffite Tl> £frfr< proposed price SliittiB o tt-fcr/, reasonable fc&A&ft *> L141>^ D j; o VAj terms of payment r^*^ proposal LA,g new ffijg^lc -lfoii