5f? 2 lOf; ift^ b (y tttt*) : ©fe i^ imll£i£^T < rtf $ i\, (A is from X company and B is from Y company.) A : ® Ask B's opinion of the discount that X company has proposed. B : © Tell A that the discount is too low. 2. A (XtfcttJt) : ®Xt±^S^L/cffi|§(co^Tmm;&5l-5-aCD*Ml>T<*f$^0 b : _o A : 282«*/^ b: co^ffi(iT§5fc*^<5c4_(S 9 ^"T^...... A : ^ESS£"o MWfolc(ifsifij <* &^ t £#/LT?-r^0 US tiotf% speech If of J ii> permission j£iJ5"#"'5 L * % * ?"il"5 state strongly 19