A : fottK £ L £ LTli, —3^±*HiiJt LTfc»]* Lt...... B : ab*^ Zo'Cffro ...... A : * 9 T't^o A: t>*»l9*L^o 5. A (X*±t±M) (From X company) B (Y*t*tM) (From Y company) AiB (ifr^EXnoitR^fCo^TSL-^oTl^-ro They are talking about their joint development of a new medicine, EXII. (DBiffcSl (ifr^-T ^ i o ^ (c o ^ Ask B's opinion of the proposal that development costs should be shared fifty-fifty. Ask B's opinion of the proposal that the joint project should start within three months. T' § 5 tz tj-^ < g$t& L tz H t s o T < /£ Tell B that you want to start the project as soon as possible because you want to complete the new medicine within two years. Tell A that there's no problem. Tell A that it will be difficult. (Reason : It will take time to prepare.) Tell A to let you think more. (Reason : You can't decide by yourself.) HIlJ general rule jfcgt less than fiflg % < t r> an offhand answer 2> £ V Z> avoid fflS LA/^< new drug ftlHIP^fg Si^i'-JAHHi^ joint development Vr^tZ Mitf/vt •S share fifty fifty 22