K3R Mi& 3. ^r — ^Jl TV © H££il$c A : XttttM X fcU Y tt fi - 7" ;u TV © ^r#-el5i:^ s c: t tc ft 9 £ L tza r ■5 #HH> fe©£ 1 O B iC-g-^T < A : From X company X company and Y company have decided to establish a joint cable TV company. Explain to B the results of a questionnaire. Tell B one program which should be introduced. Think up the reasons for yourself. B: YttttM X#, Y#(2^r-7*^TV©£*±£ £#-et£j£Ti- 5 d £ (c ft i9 £ L /-c0 A B : From Y company X company and Y company have decided to establish a joint cable TV company. Agree to A's program suggestion but include some conditions. Think up the conditions for yourself. 1,000 xrf (Hai]£*iJ) tv -> a -j tf > y 900 (A) UffllBSic <'*■—Ay-arf program Co^A joint venture ISdLti ^t)ot5 establish tSS&? L *> * -5 0 -3 viewing rate 38