mm mm 2. &i¥o§-cft$-t£ 2) fe-5fi>LW*«&L^«-5**^^ 3) x^r^a-;n:ii|lii)^§ ft|!V2 A (|p]W) : * b 201 ©&&:&H!glictt-ei«H^B fcB!,£# (A and B are colleagues.) A : © Ask B if the last plan proposed for Project 201 is OK. B : (2) Basically say yes, but tell A that the Project should start a little sooner. CD 16 -=5 3. Ufrfcfctr£»tt^fc* 2) Li^til^i* 3) £.5;6> «9 2 A (g|5T) : KftfcMlfetBLTk^ (A is subordinate to B.) A : ® You have obtained an estimate from the Grade Company. Tell B that it is a littli more than you had budgeted for. B : (D Reluctantly accept this information. l; i o I § oncondition g(i/l,Tglc basically MMWfoZ tr^abS be impossible %i%ilk\M%i S^L*-5gA><£^ last plan to be proposed "Pif^-fite^ JPti1£:X-t£\-'> can't be helped Li^A!t£l' can't be helped C/^&tC'?) just about ^Jf* —-">* — J; £/i,*over budget 28