444 Radiation in Art and Archeometry D.C. Creagh and DA, Bradley (editors) © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. AMS dating in archaeology, history and art C. Tuniz a *, U. Zoppi3 and M. Barbetti b aAustralian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation, Physics Division, PMB 1, Menai NSW 2234, Australia bThe NWG Macintosh Centre for Quaternary Dating, Madsen Bldg F09, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia Radiocarbon (14C) dating provides an absolute time scale for human history over the last 50,000 years. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS), with its capacity to analyse l4C in sub-milligram carbon samples, has expanded enormously the applicability of this dating method. Specific molecular compounds extracted from ancient bones, single seeds and other microscopic carbon-bearing substances of archaeological significance can now be dated, increasing the sensibility and reliability of the chronological determination. Thanks to the very limited invasiveness of AMS, rare artefacts can be sampled for dating without undue damage. The state of the art in AMS dating of objects significant for archaeology, history and art is reviewed with examples from some recent applications. 1. INTRODUCTION One of the main objectives of archaeology is to chronologically order past events by studying material remains that reflect human behaviour. A versatile array of dating methods is nowadays available. Relative chronologies can be deduced from circumstantial evidence, such as change of style and manufacturing technique. Relative chronological information can also be obtained using methods based on time-dependent geological and chemical changes (eg stratigraphy, sedimentation rate, weathering, hydration, magnetism). Certain kinds of annual phenomena, such as tree rings or varves, will yield very precise chronologies if stringent precautions are followed. Finally, many methods providing absolute chronologies are based on time-dependent phenomena related to natural radioactivity, and include: 1. exponential decay of long-lived cosmogenic radionuclides, as in the radiocarbon method; 2. exponential in-situ production by secondary cosmic rays of long-lived radionuclides, such as 10Be,26Al and 36C1, which can be used for dating rock surfaces and stone artefacts; Present address: Australian Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Mattiellistrasse 2-4/m A-1040 Vienna, Austria 445 3. linear build-up of radiation exposure effects, in thermoluminescence (TL), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), electron spin resonance (ESR) and fission track dating; 4. exponential build-up of a radiogenic daughter from a primordial radionuclide, in K-Ar, Ar-Ar and U-series dating. I4C is the most widely used of these chronometers. In the late 1940s, the development of radiocarbon dating by detection of the 14C residual activity (Libby, 1946; Arnold and Libby, 1949) revolutionised archaeology providing a precise and direct measurement of the time scale for the development of human activities during the late Quaternary. In particular, radiocarbon dating had a strong impact on the understanding of European prehistory, previously dated only by correlation with the historical chronology of the Near East (Renfrew, 1973) In the late 1970s (Muller, 1977; Bennett et al, 1977; Nelson et al, 1977), the development of direct atom counting by AMS enhanced more than a million-fold the sensitivity of 14C analysis. Extensive AMS work followed, particularly in the analysis of radiocarbon and other cosmogenic radionuclides for archaeological, geological and environmental applications (Tuniz et al, 1998; Fifield, 1999). Through the non-invasive analysis of famous artefacts and findings such as the Shroud of Turin (see Figure 1; Damon et al, 1989), the Ice Man (Prinoth-Fornwagner and Niklaus, 1994) and the Dead Sea Scrolls (Bonani et al, 1992), AMS has gained widespread public recognition as a dating technique. Figure L Close up of the facial image of the Shroud of Turin as it appears on a photographic negative (photo: © 1978 Barrie M. Schwortz). 446 Radiocarbon dating must be applied with due consideration for contamination, bioturbation, natural isotopic fractionation and many other factors that can influence its accuracy. Appropriate procedures to correct for these effects have been established. In the following, AMS dating will be reviewed with some illustrations that draw on the special advantages of this method to determine a precise chronology for human prehistory. The application of AMS dating to authenticate objects and materials of historical and artistic significance will be also discussed. 2. PRINCIPLES OF RADIOCARBON DATING i4C is formed in the atmosphere by nuclear reactions of secondary cosmic neutrons with nitrogen (78 % of the atmosphere consists of N2) and is quickly distributed throughout the atmosphere as 14C02. In pre-industrial times, the atmospheric isotopic ratio 14C/12C was about 1.2 x 10"12. In a simplified model, which is not strictly correct (see sections 4. and 5.) but is often used to introduce the basic idea, we may argue that living organisms participating to the carbon cycle via metabolic processes are characterised by this radiocarbon concentration. When a living organism dies, the carbon exchange stops. Hence, by measuring the residual 14C concentration in organic samples, if they have not been contaminated by younger material (eg via bacterial action, soil organic acids) or older material (eg geologic calcium carbonate), it is possible to calculate the time elapsed since the material was originally formed. Ages up to about 50,000 BP can be determined by radiocarbon dating. 2.1. Radiocarbon: a gift of nature The functioning of radiocarbon as a precise natural chronometer in archaeology is due to a number of favourable circumstances. Firstly, the 14C half-life of 5730 years is ideal for studies in the temporal scale characterising the development of human civilisation. Furthermore, the rather rapid and homogeneous mixing in the atmosphere of the freshly produced 14C02 gas attenuates production variations. Hence, the time zero point of the chronometer (the initial isotopic ratio in living organisms) is fairly uniform in space and time. Finally, incorporation of 14C within organic molecules permits the extraction of material for dating which is directly derived from the original living organism. In principle, other natural long-lived radioisotopes could be useful to extend the datable time span in archaeology. In particular, the cosmogenic isotope 41Ca was measured by AMS in modern bones and other terrestrial materials to test the possibility of directly dating archaeological findings with ages of 105 - 106 years (Middleton et al, 1989). Unfortunately, the variability of the 41Ca/40Ca ratio in contemporary materials makes it difficult to establish the time zero point for this chronometer. 3. AMS: COUNTING ATOMS RATHER THAN DECAYS AMS is the analytical technique of choice for the detection of long-lived radionuclides in samples which cannot be practically analysed with decay counting or conventional mass 447 spectrometry (MS). Its advantage is that the ambiguities in ion identification are practically removed, enabling the analysis of isotopic ratios as low as 10"15, a factor 105 lower than in most MS systems. Since the atoms and not the radiation resulting from their decay are directly counted, the sensitivity of AMS is unaffected by the half-life of the isotope being measured and detection limits at the level of 106 atoms are possible. Compared to the decay counting technique, the efficiency of AMS in detecting long-lived radionuclides is 105 - 109 times higher, the size of the sample required for analysis can be 103 - 106 times smaller and the measurement can be performed 100 to 1000 times faster. For example, samples having as little as 20 • g carbon are analysed in 30 minutes at the ANT ARES AMS centre (see Figure 2). To highlight the difference between decay counting and atom concentration analysis, consider 1 g of modern carbon containing 6 x 1010 atoms of 14C, which can be measured by decay counting with 1% precision (104 decays detected) in 1000 minutes hours. With a high-intensity ion source, AMS can count 104 14C atoms in one minute, consuming only 100 • g of the source material. Figure 2. The Tandem Accelerator in use at the ANTARES AMS centre (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Sydney; Tuniz et al, 1995). 3.1. Choice of accelerator In AMS, the intrinsic analytical properties of ion accelerators are exploited to perform ultra-sensitive isotopic analyses. Van de Graaff tandem electrostatic accelerators are the optimum choice for a variety of AMS applications. Tandem accelerators working between 0.5 - 3 MV have been specifically designed for 14C analysis (Purser, 1994; Suter, 1999). Large tandem accelerators, originally 448 developed for nuclear physics research, are also used to analyse a variety of rare radionuclides (Tuniz et al, 1995) with the advantage of allowing higher energies and a more effective separation of isobaric interferences. Other accelerators, such as cyclotrons, were unsuccessfully used in early attempts to measure long-lived cosmogenic radioisotopes at natural 14C levels. Only recently, an AMS system based on a small cyclotron has been developed to detect 14C at natural abundances (Chen et al, 1999). However, its practical use is limited and further developments will be required to allow precise measurements of isotopic ratios. 3.2. Radiocarbon analysis with tandem Van de Graaff accelerators A typical AMS set-up is shown in Figure 3. Negative carbon ions are produced in the caesium sputter ion source and, after low-energy mass analysis, are injected into the tandem accelerator. In the case of l4C, isobaric interferences are completely eliminated because 14N does not form stable negative ions. High precision AMS measurements are carried out either ( 4 -i ^ . -I "i ..... by using simultaneous injection or by rapid sequential injection of the isotopes C, C and 14C. Negative ions are attracted to the positive voltage on the terminal and thereby accelerated to energies between 0.5 - 15 MeV, at which point they pass through a low pressure gas or a thin carbon foil and are stripped of some of their electrons. Multi-charged positive ions are then further accelerated away from the same positive terminal voltage. The stripping process is used to destroy molecular interference which is the main limitation for conventional mass spectrometry. After the acceleration stage, a magnet selects the most probable charge state (typically 3+ or 4+, depending on ion energy). Velocity or energy analysers provide additional filtering to remove residual background. Finally, identification of the 14C ions is performed in an ion detector. The isotopic ratio 14C/12C (or 14C/13C) is derived from the 14C counting rate in the detector and the 12C and 13C beam currents measured in Faraday cups. A similar methodology is used to analyse other rare cosmogenic radionuclides, such as 10Be, 26Al, etc. Figure 3. Scheme of the ANTARES AMS facility as used for 14C AMS (Tuniz et al, 449 Reaction Unit Figure 4. Scheme of the graphitisation line using the Zn/Fe method. 4. SAMPLES FOR AMS 14C ANALYSIS Organic samples to be analysed by AMS need to be purified and transformed into a graphite target for the ion source. Most samples require treatment to remove extraneous carbon or to extract fractions containing only original carbon compounds. C02 is obtained from the purified sample either by combustion or hydrolysis. Finally, CO2 is reduced to graphite via a catalytic process with Fe or €0 in the presence of Zn (see Figure 4) and/or hydrogen (Jull et al., 1986; Jacobsen et al, 1997). CO2 rather than graphite can be also used, eliminating the need of converting gas to graphite (Bronk-Ramsey and Hedges, 1997). However, only low ion currents are achievable, considerably limiting the analytical throughput. 4.1. What is being dated? The degree to which AMS dated samples are representative of a specific past event is crucial to the satisfactory interpretation of the results. Some of the archaeological materials that have been studied illustrate the importance of the small sample capability. In particular 1. individual amino acids extracted from bone or blood can sometimes provide a better basis for radiocarbon dating than the use of all organic material; 2. individual seeds can be directly dated instead of using neighbouring pieces of charcoal; 3. tiny pieces of charcoal, extracted from inclusions in ceramics can directly date the object of interest; 4. a small number of foraminifera shells (or pollen grains) of one species can be selected under a microscope and used to date sediment layers with good time resolution The interpretation of 14C measurements, including the potential for contamination, depends on the molecular species that are extracted and used to date the original sample. The 450 small sample capability of AMS increases the need for careful study of the material used for dating and provides the means for making detailed assessments of the differences hi 4C content of various molecular species present in a sample. An important example is the radiocarbon dating of bones. Buried bones are easily contaminated by carbonates from the surrounding soil. A simple extraction of the original organic components such as collagen may not be sufficient, as complex molecules, including proteins present in ground-waters and various soluble carbonaceous materials, may also penetrate the bone. To limit this kind of contamination, methods based on the isolation of carbon atoms forming intact peptide bonds in bone proteins have been developed (Nelson, 1991). A simpler approach is to date all organic carbon whilst avoiding any inorganic components. For example Russ et al. (1990) have developed a method for using a low-temperature (100 °C), low-pressure (4 torr) oxygen plasma to selectively oxidise the organic carbon in small samples of pigments from prehistoric rock paintings to C02 for AMS dating. Nelson et al. (1986) reported the use of AMS to obtain radiocarbon dates for blood residues on prehistoric stone tools. In one case, involving blood from a snowshoe hare, the {4C date (1010 ± 90 BP) was in good agreement with measurements on charcoal from a closely associated hearth (1060 + 160 BP). Only 50 |ig of carbon, extracted from high molecular weight proteins, was obtained in the second case of human blood from a chert tool and this proved sufficient to obtain a date (2180 + 160 BP) compatible with expectations. Another important issue to consider is the biological aging process. The 14C concentration of living tissues is fixed as it is formed. Thereafter the cells and bone carbonate in animals are renewed very slowly by the metabolic processes, while radioactive decay of the fixed l4C is continuously lowering the initial level. The net result is that the 14C content lags the atmosphere by up to a few decades. In the case of growing trees, cells formation happens only in a narrow zone under the bark, so the innermost wood may already be centuries old before the tree dies. In some but not all species, there is a clear ring boundary corresponding to each year. This forms the basis of dendrochronology and explains why wood is so widely employed for radiocarbon calibration studies. 5. PERFORMANCE AND LIMITATIONS OF AMS 14C DATING The attributes of AMS 14C dating which are most significant for archaeological applications are sample size, datable time span and dating accuracy. Material Quantity* Materia! Quantity* Wood 5 Shell, Carbonates 10 Bone 500 Paper, textiles 5-10 Charcoal 3-5 Grass, seeds, leaves, grains 5-10 Beeswax 1-2 Hair, skin 5-7 Pollen 1 Teeth, tusk, ivory 500-700 milligrams for AMS, grams for decay counting 451 5.1. Sample size Sample sizes required for AMS, as reported in Table 1 for some archaeologically significant carbonaceous materials, are generally 1000 times smaller than those required for decay counting and samples as small as 20 ug carbon can be processed. While the use of small samples greatly extends the applicability of i4C dating, contamination in the field and during chemistry processing may limit both accuracy and datable time span. 5.2. Datable time span Oxidation and graphitisation processes are responsible for a background equivalent to about 1 |lg modern carbon. This sets an equivalent age limit of about 50,000 BP for 1 mg specimens. On the other hand, measurements carried out with geological (i.e. 14C-free) unprocessed graphite give results equivalent to an age of 60,000 to 70,000 BP, and accelerator background (with no sample) is equivalent to an age of 80,000 to 90,000 BP. Hence, the datable time span by AMS 14C could, in principle, be extended beyond the present limits. This extension would be very valuable for studying early activities of Homo sapiens sapiens in order to corroborate results from other dating techniques such as OSL and U-series dating (for a comparison of the datable time span for different dating techniques see Figure 5). Recent studies suggest that the use of a stepped combustion technique could further reduce the contamination (Bird et al, 1999). Pre-treatment of the glassware by baking it under streaming oxygen also showed a beneficial effect (Lawson et at, 1999). <^ Pal aeomagnetisro <^ Fission track Potassiuni-ar^on <^Varves^> "^'q",|ri(j ;ffg;e exposure dating ^> JOL?.g?.'!. Radiocarbon ^> Obsidian liydration ^> pendrochronology ^> Archaeomagnetism ^ I I I 11 Hi]-! I I jUHJ-1 I I |M;|-1 I ! ] HMj 1 II [i lO3 10* 10s l*. S* 34« <1MM«H» Fig. 14. 14C in tree rings (points) vs atmospheric radiocarbon records (lines) at similar latitudes. Bars represent the magnitude of atmospheric nuclear detonation for 3 month periods. For a review of radiocarbon data from atmospheric and tree-ring samples for the period 1945-1997 AD see Ffua ei al. (1999a&b). 10. CONCLUSIONS AMS C dating is having a tremendous impact on studies in prehistory thanks to a 1000-fold reduction in sample size. Accurate dating is possible by extracting only the most reliable fraction or by minimising sample contamination. Presently, the age limit is around 45,000 -50,000 BP, with potential for an extension to 60,000 BP. AMS 14C can play an important role in the verification of other dating techniques, such as optically stimulated luminescence and U-series dating, which allow a further extension of the datable time span. Alternative AMS radionuclides with longer half-lives have been considered for archaeological dating but 14C remains a unique chronometer to reconstruct the sequence of prehistoric events. 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