FROM SARAB TO ALI KOSH TO TULA’I The Iranian Neolithic in the 1960s Society of Iranian Archaeology Tarbiat Modares, 30/10/2011 Frank Hole Yale University Tepe Sarab •Discovered in 1959 by Braidwood’s Iranian Prehistoric Project •Excavated in spring 1960 •Excavated part has early ceramic Neolithic, similar to Jarmo •No structures detected •Subsequent small excavation by University of Toronto found later ceramic phase and structures •Site never published • Sarab-winter trench Sarab aerial Sarab-dig scene-1 Sarab - F digging Sarab dig-2 Sarab profile-1 Sarab sherd yard Linda B RJB & Garthwaite Braidwood and Marj Garthwaite Sarab ILN-3 Sarab ILN-2 Sarab ILN-1 Fig-1 Fig-2 Fig-4 Fig-5 Fig-7 Fig -10 Fig-24 Fig-25 Fig-28 Camp-5 Camp-1 Camp -4 Camp-2 Camp -3 Reeds-2 Reeds-1