PYSCHOPATHY AND ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER Lisann Nolte & Justine Paeschen PSYCHOPATHY THE PSYCHOPATH TEST ¢ ¢ ¢ PSYCHOPATH TEST - are you a psychopath? ¢ PSYCHOPATHY HARE PSYCHOPATHY CHECKLIST REVISED ¢Superficial charm ¢Grandiose self-worth ¢Pathological lying ¢Manipulative ¢Lack of remorse or guilt ¢Emotional poverty ¢Lack of empathy ¢Failure to accept responsibility for own actions ¢Needs stimulation, easily bored ¢Parasitic lifestyle ¢Poor behavioral control ¢ ¢No realistic long-term goals ¢Impulsiveness ¢Irresponsible ¢Juvenile delinquency ¢Early behavior problems ¢Revocation of Conditional Release ¢Promiscuity ¢Many short-term marital relationships ¢Criminal versatility ¢ ¢ ASSESSMENT ¢ ¢points per item —0 if it does not apply to you —1 if it somewhat applies —2 if it fully applies — ¢No criminal background around 5 ¢30 or above qualifies a person for a diagnosis of Psychopathy ¢ ¢ PSYCHOPATHY OUTDATED ¢Not formally recognized by American Psychiatric Association (APA), ¢Not in the DSM-V ¢More severe form of ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder) ¢Almost all Psychopaths meet criteria for ASPD ¢Psychopathy: more importance on affective and interpersonal traits ¢ASPD: based on behavioral pattern ¢ ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER ANTISCOIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER ¢What is a personality disorder? ¢ ¢enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual's culture ¢pervasive and inflexible ¢leads to distress or impairment ¢stable and of long duration (onset in adolescence or early adulthood) ¢not another mental disorder ¢not due to physiological effects HYBRID DIMENSIONAL-CATEGORICAL MODEL ¢New in DSM-V ¢Diagnosis of Personality Disorder—Trait Specified (PD-TS) —can be made when a Personality Disorder is considered present, but the criteria for a specific personality disorder are not fully met. —clinician notes the severity of impairment in personality functioning and the problematic personality trait(s) CRITERIA ASPD ¢At least three of the following specific signs and symptoms: —Lack of conforming to laws, —Repeated deceitfulness in relationships with others, —Failure to think or plan ahead (impulsivity) —Tendency to irritability, anger, and aggressiveness —Disregard for personal safety or the safety of others —Persistent lack of taking responsibility —A lack of feeling guilty about wrong-doing — ¢Not diagnosed in children but the affected person must have shown symptoms of this diagnosis at least since 15 years of age. ASPD ¢Assessment —Mental-health interview thats gathers information to look for the presence of the symptoms —Importance of the cultural context ¢Affects about 1% of women and 3-4% of men —Different manifestations — CAUSES Combination of biological and environmental factors BIOLOGICAL FACTORS I —Smaller —Less responsive to happy, sad or fearful facial expressions of others —Link between lack of response and lack of empathy — ¢ ¢ ¢Amygdala ¢ C:\Users\Justine\Google Drive\3e - Cz Republic\amygdala.jpg BIOLOGICAL FACTORS II ¢Orbitofrontal cortex ¢Damage leads to —Difficulties in decision making ¢Risk assessment ¢Reward ¢Punishment —Impulsivity —Vivid emotional expression ¢= acquired Psychopathy ØPhineas Gage ¢ ¢ BRAIN SCANS C:\Users\Justine\Google Drive\3e - Cz Republic\Orbitofrontal.gif ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ¢Life events (risk factors) —Prenatal drug exposure or malnutrition —Childhood physical, sexual or emotional abuse —Neglect —Depravtion or abondonment —Antisocial and alcoholic parent — OTHER RISK FACTORS ¢Substance abuse ¢ADHD ¢Conduct disorder in children ¢Reading disorder ¢ ØCOMBINATION ! TREATMENT THERAPY ¢Cognitive behavioral therapy —Early treatment can help preventing behavior from becoming worse —Questioning the patients maladaptive or irrational thoughts and providing new cognitions to replace them —Therapeutic modelling —Combination of cognitive restructuring and relaxation training to help patients gain control over their behavior — ¢Group therapy —Improve interactions with others —Psychodrama — TREATMENT MODEL I ¢Dr Henri van der Hoeven Clinic, The Netherlands —Community based treatment —Patients have been committed by penal courts because of severe crimes and risk of future offence —Age 20 to 35, length of stay 4 years — TREATMENT MODEL II ¢Purpose : provide rehabilitation ¢Important part: patient group accepts responsibility for decision making ¢Living tasks are shared between staff and residents ¢Intense involvement in own treatment planning ¢Most common form: group psychotherapy in combination with educational rehabilitation and resocialisation programmes PHARMOCOLOGICAL TREATMENT ¢Most common forms of medication: —Neuroleptics ¢Reduction of arousal (aggression) —Antidepressants —Lithium ¢Reduction in impulsive, explosive and emotionally unstable behaviors —Benzodiazepines ¢Control of anxiety states and insomnia —Psychostimulants ¢To reduce feelings of tension and dysphoria —Anticonvulsants ¢Reduces behavioral dyscontrol — TREATMENT DIFFICULTIES ¢People with ASPD often do not admit they have a problem ØRarely seek treatment on their own ØPoor motivation ¢Threat of danger ¢Deceit ¢ Ø ¢ ¢ HIGH COSTS FOR SOCIETY ¢ASP : a frequent disorder —Affects up to 81/2 million Americans —Costs us billions though its direct and indirect costs — ¢In what? —Imprisonment: ¢Each time society spends 10 000$ for ASPD treatments, they avoid 70 000$ to keep patients in prisons. —Law enforcement —Criminal justice —Hospitalizations — ¢ ¢ REFERENCES PSYCHOPATHY ¢ ¢Hare, Robert D. Dr. Robert Hare's Page for the Study of Psychopaths. January 29, 2002 (cited April 5, 2002.) ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ANTIOSOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER ¢Weiner,G., Stricker,T., (2013). Handbook of Psychology. 1st ed. USA: John Wiley & sons ¢Grohol, J. M. (2013). DSM-5 Changes: Personality Disorders (Axis II). [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 09.10.2013]. ¢Dryden-Edwards, R. (2013). Antisocial Personality Disorder. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 08.10.2013] ¢Lee, J.H., (1999). 1 The Treatment of Psychopathic and Antisocial Personality Disorders: A Review. Clinical Decision Making Support Unit Broadmoor Hospital ¢ CAUSES ¢David B. Merrill, MD (2008). Antisocial personality disorder. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 10/10/2013]. ¢Yaling Yang , Adrian Raine , (2009). Prefrontal structural and functional brain imaging findings in antisocial, violent, and psychopathic individuals: A meta-analysis. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 174, pp.81-88 ¢John M. Grohol (2013). Antisocial Personality Disorder Treatment. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 10/10/2013]. ¢ TREATMENT ¢Donald W. Black, M.D. (2013). Antisocial personality disorder: the hidden epidemic. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 10/10/2013]. ¢Lee, J.H., (1999). 1 The Treatment of Psychopathic and Antisocial Personality Disorders: A Review. Clinical Decision Making Support Unit Broadmoor Hospital ¢M. Caldwell et al., Are violent delinquent worth treating? A cost-benefit analysis, in Journal of Research in Crimes and Delinquency, vol. 43(2), pp. 148-168, 2006. ¢John M. Grohol (2013). Antisocial Personality Disorder Treatment. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 10/10/2013]. ¢Tartakovsky, M. (2013). Surprising Myths & Facts About Antisocial Personality Disorder. Psych Central. Retrieved on October 10, 2013, from y-disorder/ ¢ ¢