Accent Reduction Hana Vrtal o vá Accent Reduction Hana Vrtal o vá Accent Reduction term often used to describe the process of modifying a non-prestige dialect or accent, or changing a foreign-language accent toward a perceived standard mainstream, or prestige dialect The goal of my project • find out whether it is possible for non-native speaker to learn GA accent • demonstrate progress in recordings • find out what aspects of GA are most difficult for non-native speaker • final output: Veronika's presentation in GA accent (video recording) 3 Rs Strategy 1 Reading 2 Repetion 3 Recording petition Repc Repetition Rc on Repetition ition Repetiti petition Repe Repetition Re >n Repetition Dictionaries Macmillan x Cambridge :tiarDlad3i/ /imi:.ti.9r,Dl.9.d3i/ - US and British pronunciation Aspects Final Stop ■ p, b, d, t - holding the final stop in words such as: stop, cup, club, job, sad, dad, that, sat - The final stop is always held when the next word within the same sentence begins with a consonant. - Examples: help him, keep talking, stop that, could go Problematic Aspects Heldt - can x can't e.g: fall x fault, star x start, men x meant - words such as : football, lately, atmosphere, Atlanta Held t before n - e.g: certain, mountain, cotton, eaten, Britain Problematic Aspects V versus W Note die different lip positions in the illustrations below as you work through the following exercises. Do not confuse jw/ with /v/! M Note the different lip positions in the illustrations below as you work through the following exercises. Do not confuse /w/ with /v/! Problematic Aspects American r - rolling r - e.g: later x layer, waiter, letter, better... :'. ■■ in 11^. Uu Iiiilim .1 n Iri VIi-iIhilI I i-ii i ;:.ii: jlv \\\: up ijl >ijjr Ipniiii* 1^1 Lht UdLk ul U\k Lun^ue iLo aJI Lht: hi J pjl il j,vl: .■. b:v1: rep :ke *rark. Prea Ibt lidesaf j-'ouriiripK ■- ■ - - iifi ag-iijisrihc bjcV irctli. Iinhn imt; yim il......i i hviI Mm mi I llii> li|i :■ I irwiiKue Forming the American /r/ Method 1 Simply curl the tip of your tongue and pull it back a bit; keep the tongue tense. Method 2 l,et the back of the tongue do all the work. Press the sides of your tongue up against the back teeth. In this case, you do not need to curl the tip of the tongue. Thank You For Your Attention Accent Reduction Hana Vrtal o vá