FEEDBACK 1. JOHARI WINDOW 2. FEEDBACK GIVING & ACCEPTING FEEDBACK GIVING · GIVEN ON REQUEST Feedback is effective when it is given on request. Both ends should agree with feedback giving. · THE RIGHT TIME AND PLACE Feedback giving needs at least basic privacy and adequate time – it should never be given in a hurry. · DESCRIPTION NOT EVALUATION Feedback describes what a person has done or said, it does not evaluate if it is right or wrong. · BE CONCRFETE, NOT GENERAL Concrete observed situation should be described, feedback does not generalise form the particular situation. · CONSEQUENCES Feedback summaries all reactions of the people involved and/or consequences of a person’s behaviour in the given situation. · BALANCE Positives and negatives should be in balance. FEEDBACK ACCEPTING · LISTEN ACTIVELY It is important to listen carefully and remember (even take notes) the information. · MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND Open questions or asking for more examples can help you to clarify unclear and vague information. · DO NOT DEFEND YOURSELF There is no need to explain why you have done certain thing the way you have. · TAKE TIME FOR EVALUATION It is important to take enough time to think about the information and analyse critically which areas are to be changed and why. · SAY “THANK YOU” Honest and well-given feedback is a useful gift that deserves acknowledgement, even if negatives prevailed.