Dovolujeme si vás pozvat na přednášku Human Enhancement: Transhumanists versus Bio- conservatives kterou přednese prof. Anna Monica Singer (Wien) The question of Human enhancement has become a highly contested issue in philosophy and research policies. Human enhancement is defined as attempts to overcome the current limitations of the human body through technological means. The most ardent supporters are the Transhumanists, who envision that biotechnologies will produce better humans, and who over the last decade have achieved a remarkable degree of influence in philosophical debates and discussions over research policies. On the other hand there are the so-called Bioconservatives, who became their most outspoken critics. Bio-conservatives see great dangers in these technologies and even finally see them as a threat for the self-understanding of the species as such. I think that both sides in this debate come up with highly contentious arguments, both philosophically and politically. In this talk I want to discuss the assumptions and arguments of the two camps from a philosophy of technology point of view. Furthermore, I want to tackle the concept of Human Enhancement and confront it with the figure of the Cyborg as developed by Donna Haraway. In this way, I shall argue why Transhumanism should not be mixed up with Posthumanism. V posluchárně C33 (aula) dne 13. 11. 2014 v 1730 hod.