Interactive syllabi VIKERA07 Information Literacy

4 How to search for information

How to search for information

In this module we will focus on the ways to find required documents. Adopting basic search habits will help you search more effectively - you will find more good-quality information within a shorter space of time.

Module objective

  • to acquaint you with the process of searching for information and its stages

  • to connect topic definition while working on a paper with search request formulation and analysis

  • to introduce the use of search tools (operators, wildcards etc.)

  • to acquaint you with search strategies and tactics

  • to teach you to work with your query while searching for information

  • to present the most frequent searching mistakes

Time expenditure

The expected time expenditure of the module as far as study is concerned: 2.5 hours. The expected time expenditure for working out an assignment: 1 hour.


search for information, search request, search query, Boolean operators, proximity operators, wildcards, search strategies (the strategy of building blocks, the strategy of growing pearls, the strategy of chipping)

Study material



Work with your topic from first module. Find at least 15 relevant sources. 

Send your homework as .doc, .odt or .pdf format to to 2. 11. 2014.