Gecilie L0veid The Tightrope Walker (Birth is Music) English version by Julian Gamer NORWSKA STRAKOSCH TEATERFÖRLAGET ApS v/Hanne Wilhelm Hansen Gothersgade 11,4. sal DK-1123 K0benhavnK 1 characters: Susanne approx. 40 Axel approx. 50 Rita approx. 20 Kristian approx. 20 Two Men The Tightrope Walker is set in the present. It can be reality, it can be the internal journey a woman makes as she lies in the labour ward having just given birth, waiting for her new life to begin. 2 ACT 1 MUSEUM. Scene 1. (A history museum. A large display cabinet, lit, empty. Susanne, dressed in black, elegant. Eyeing something she see in the cabinet. Smiles, secretively.) SUSANNE I have dreamt of silk Of entering a different rhythm I have dreamt Backwards Backwards Backwards in time First, sand on asphalt as in a movie Then: Leap out from the time-mountain Leap into a shape which is the solution: The Coil of Time I love weights, scales I love balance That is my wish I have a story When I tell it it sounds like a story from a woman's magazine (Strokes her body) Do you really want my old sour milk? (Smiles) 4 TURBULENCE Scene 2 (Susanne and Axel's apartment. Susanne is tense. She's been awaiting Axel's return from a trip abroad. She is going to tell him she is pregnant. Axel enters, wearing a pale-blue, light-weight American suit. They anticipate each others smile and embrace.) SUSANNE Is it you? The plane, didn't it shake just a little? Turbulence AXEL Nothing to speak of Were you so afraid so lonely SUSANNE Where's my perfume? AXEL Your fragrance SUSANNE (Opens the bottle and sniffs) Protection You remembered it this time, also I've enough now for the next nine lives at least (Laughs) (Axel kisses her) SUSANNE Suddenly you happened to think of me For the first time of the journey My fragrance AXEL It' s you I have danced with always SUSANNE And I have danced only with you AXEL (uncertain) You should've come Next time SUSANNE To warmer climes With the baby (Anxious as to his reaction.) AXEL Is that still so important to you What will you do with it? SUSANNE Stroke its skin smell it living 6 AXEL Careful careful SUSANNE Careful? Birth is music. AXEL And then afterwards it grows SUSANNE Be proud picture yourself pushing the baby-carriage through town yellow carriage, green wheels AXEL Grandpa SUSANNE When I was little I met a women who had twins two girls a bird and a butterfly she said as she put one to each breast (Holds her breasts in her hands) AXEL Careful careful SUSANNE Why careful? 7 AXEL And so, then? What then? SUSANNE We've been given a new life And so, then, life goes on AXEL And she goes on playing with her dolls It's not like that You know it never is SUSANNE Sitting up in a plane Wheels pulled up The plane flying all you can do is sit there Hoping they'll give you a drink a movie to distract you The Sound of Music hoping they'll give you a hot towel to wipe away your anxiety Aren't you going to take your coat off? (He takes it off) God, we're falling -Then I think, It doesn't matter. Axel will manage. I have no dependants If I die what does it matter? Cut through the clouds Then I buy spirits and remember you your fragrance and I buy you aftershave (Grasps his hand.) 8 AXEL Not a bad description actually SUSANNE I'm thinking of the town I discovered in the desert One great corpse People have lived have filled and emptied water-jars AXEL Life was A confirmation that we ARE. We're alive. SUSANNE Every time you go away from me Are you trying to say I'm dead? Are you reahearsing that? (Axel shakes his head, despairingly.) Maybe I'll die on a plane Maybe that's where I will die while everybody flies on and my body flies on (Smiles.) It would look good on my carriculum vitae if I died on a plane (Laughs.) 9 AXEL Each time you go away from me Are you trying to say consider me dead Perhaps I'll never come back. May I not be permitted to dance with you? FLIGHT ALL FLIGHT Scene 3 (Post coitus. Susanne lies as if dead. Axel strokes her back.) SUSANNE Now I'm back. Haven't I always come back to you? (She rises, acts out the following.) As a little girl I could both speak French and dance the minuett My father came with curb-stones in his hands and said: Read I lay on my back beneath the table wagging my tail with delight (Lies down, so Axel may scratch her behind the ears.) He insisted that I read each and every stone in the building Dostoyevsky, Ibsen the oriental religions the history of art I read and read Folklore the art of curation the lost objects the wonders of the world the lost thoughts the lost techniques the burned libraries the huge loneliness of a pair of human legs 11 struck: me they were abandoned to infinity earth mountain stone water And so I began shouting by daylight messages meant only to be whispered in the dark I looked up to Father Axel He pulled at me He pulled out my hair He lay more stones in my hands Other stones At first, they were comfortable warm as a heated floor But eventually (She burns herself and drops the stone.) I looked up to him like I look up to you, now. Axel to where the suit-stripes stop and the neck-tie ceases and I loved him I looked up and many times later I have looked up to men and seen nothing but the air and sky and there where the stripes stop and an endless * Match of the Day' begins He smiled His face was a precipice 12 AXEL And here, there's just air? (Susanne doesn't answer.) Shouldn't I have come back? Shall I phone your father for you? (Susanne tries to stare him out.) SUSANNE There's a telephone on the market now which shows you the eyes of the person you're talking to AXEL (Looks away.) Just the eyes? SUSANNE (Teasing) Just the eyes, what else? The nose? Just the nose? AXEL Isn't my smile dangerous enough for you? SUSANNE Distance makes the heart grow fonder. AXEL You think so? 13 SUSANNE So it's always been in the past But I'm the Red Queen from Alice screaming OFF WITH THEIR HEADS AXEL Ask to be excused loving Come back from Wonderland SUSANNE Balance. I must have balance AXEL With her it's flight all flight SUSANNE Straight down It goes straight down Leap off AXEL Flight SUSANNE (smiling) No! I thought because you liked jazz and I liked jazz you were someone else (Laughs, somewhat hysterically.) 14 AXEL Flight all flight SUSANNE I want to go back to my time to the 18th century You know what I long for (To herself.) His face was a precipice? (Thinks about the child.) I can't tell him He'd kill it AXEL (Turns away from her.) Flight all flight. (Susanne begins to move away from him.) Is that the solution to all women's probl to have a baby? YOU'RE TOO OLD! SUSANNE Because some of us need music ACT 2 16 HARPSICHORD 1 Scene 4 (Susanne alone in her great OPEN LANDSCAPE. Curled up, turned in on herself. Two men in white overalls, their faces covered, come on, slowly pushing a white harpsichord. They stop, wipe the sweat from their brows. Susanne does not react. They continue towards Susanne. Stop and share a drink from a bottle.) MAN Where shall we put it, Ma'aam? SUSANNE Here Right here MAN Here? SUSANNE Yes MAN Wouldn't it be better to put it inside? 17 SUSANNE I can't cope without music Right here where I am now You understand, don't you? you who are so musical MAN I wouldn't advise Ma'am to let it stand out in the cold it will get so out of tune MAN Snowstorms and harpsichords MAN No good SUSANNE When a woman says she needs something she needs it MAN That's right, Ma'am that's quite correct So, what you'll get someone else to help you? SUSANNE Thank you for your help 18 (They go out. Susanne begins to touch the instrument. Then she spins it around, wildly, around and around.) Freezes.) 19 ROCOCCO NIGHT Scene 5 (Night in the rococco garden. A castle in the distance, illuminated. A white parachute hanging from a tree, like the cadavar of a bird. Rita and Kristian arrive. They've come from a party and are heading for the castle, she in an evening dress and cape, he in a white suit and tail-coat. They are playing a game, but are not playful. Kristian virtually pulls Rita along. She's drunk.) RITA So tired so tired Why did you stop in the middle of the Ravel? You never do anything properly. Why are you pulling me along like this? I have no energy You said something to me In the middle of the Ravel Soon, I'll be nothing but a see-through dress with nothing inside it to see KRISTIAN With yourself inside it Only kids want to know where are we going RITA This is abuse is what this isi 20 KRISTIAN Wake up Tell me more you haven't finished you're almost asleep Where were we? Longing desperately for him me RITA (Yawns) Yes I'm lying, asleep, in the garden KRISTIAN With your hand, thus RITA I lie with my hand thus she lay with her hand, thus realises it is night and puts it to her face (Sniffs her hand violently. Likes the smell.) Hopeless Letting me sleep In the middle of Ravel KRISTIAN (Rita lets him sniff her hand.) She's hungry hence the mouth 21 RITA She's unsettled frightened resists it but must Can't you see I'm dog tired? KRISTIÁN Must have a man RITA She gets up dresses quickly he's practicing each note costs him dear You're using me, now (Tries to break free of him, but he holds her, tightly.) KRISTIAN Naked but for a cardigan What was it you wanted me for? RITA My own satisfaction Taxi! (She waves, he pulls her arm down.) She comes to his room every note keen she knocks on the door repeatedly peers through the keyhole wants so much to enter she sees him in there At last he comes 22 KRISTIÁN Says it's impossible RITA He says it's impossible She doesn't believe him forces her way in climbs onto his bed He says, it's impossible that Ravel was so elegant in military attire KRISTIÁN I want to be like him RITA But you can't just reject a woman like that! Not accept me accept me who was so KRISTIÁN But it was impossible didn't you see that? RITA He said I know it's impossible to satisfy you (They stand beside the parachute. Embrace, hungrily. Go off to make love.) HARPSICHORD 2 Scene 6 (The OPEN LANDSCAPE. Sharp morning light. Susanne has failed asleep at the harpsichord. She wakes, slowly, and strokes the instrument as if it were a person. Listens for music inside it. She is happy. She gets up and is about to open the lid when the two men come back on. They approach her, threateningly.) MAN This instrument SUSANNE Yes? MAN It's not payed for SUSANNE Oh? Send the bill to my husband MAN Can't you settle up here and now? SUSANNE Not payed for? How can I settle up? Do you know the way a soldier rapes a woman? 24 MAN No SUSANNE I shall show you (She changes her demeanour, becomes a sexy vamp", pawing at their bodies. They try to kiss her, but she doesn't want that.) No kissing (She gathers her dress up over her head and ties it in a knot.) That's the way a soldier likes his victim to be (They fuck her. Suddenly, she screams terribly. The men get off her.) MAN That was that (Susanne stands, her dress still tied up over her head.) SUSANNE Are we settled, then? (The men take the harpsichord) MAN Unfortunately, Ma'am, we must have cash How do you think our boss'd be if we came back without cash? (They push the instrument off.) 25 SUSANNE You should be paying me! MAN Now that's what I call a real woman SUSANNE (Shouts after them) I can't play (Lights down) THE NEW CURATOR Scene 7 (In the Rococco garden, some weeks later. Summer. In the background, Kristian is practicing his violin. Rita is alone. She's working with the large white parachute, together with a lace shawl. Arranges them into a still-life, which she then moistens and sows with cress seeds. Nearby, is a music stand with the beginnings of several compositions upon it.) RITA Openings Beginnings is all he does I wonder if he ever When we were making love Ladies on the walls watching us continuously Their eyes noting each movement We were in a boat Rocking A white bush of luminous roses approached drew nearer Then, suddenly, the image was whisked away (Susanne suddenly stands before her, stately, professional, with briefcase. Her dress, however, is inside-out. Rita greets her as a long lost friend. Begins stroking her clothes. Susanne reacts as if this were quite natural. Offers her hand.) SUSANNE I'm the new curator As I'm sure you know 27 RITA Susanne We've been expecting you Now we shall see some real activity at the castle SUSANNE Some people think I'm nothing but a common whore evidently RITA What a divine colour SUSANNE You're not blind? RITA Blind? SUSANNE I'd been rehearsing a meeting with a blind woman that she was blind and the first thing she said was What a beautiful dress you're wearing what a divine colour RITA Don't swoon It's just the way I am was it blue? 28 SUSANNE Yes blue porcelain-blue So you're Rita I'm putting my soul into this project RITA Yes I'm Rita (They smile at each other. Kristián ceases playing.) Kristián he always stops in the middle of Ravel SUSANNE That isn't Ravel RITA What is it, then? One of his own? (Laughs) Divine colour. (About the dress) 29 SUSANNE I searched many years for the right colours my colours My entire wardrobe is based on a limited range of colours everything matches But then I began to long for something totally different I'm getting close RITA Red is quite becoming SUSANNE Blood soaking into sand RITA Red for sensuality and fire To be taken seriously forcefully Blue for bullet-proof energy White the most powerful colour or non-colour diamond wisdom calm Black for mystery and oblivion Black Draws energy from others for career-women and nuns 30 SUSANNE Black I've been taken for a common tart RITA Black is fine SUSANNE It makes one look every bit one's age RITA I've sown cress here As they do in Poland on the bridal veil It means luck of course SUSANNE But I have some clothes whose colours clash completely with all the others I don't know what to do RITA Why is it one so often confides in complete strangers? Despite the fact they hardly listen? Barely give one a second glance? 31 SUSANNE One doesn't share real experiences or pain Besdies, I'm not telling everything RITA Do you have a lover? SUSANNE Yes. (Rita takes of one of Susanne's shoes, attempts to place in it in her still-life.) RITA Often I'm afraid of being crushed destroyed by love but then I'm saved by what is it saves me? SUSANNE Have you ever tried to put a end to it all? RITA I've yet to discover my colours I prefer to go naked You look like the cover of a magazine You were on the cover of a magazine That was when we tried to contact you You could save the castle 32 SUSANNE You didn't answer me RITA I'm one of those who helps themselves As I'm doing now I've no wish to be numbered amongst the broken, the damaged So the answer is no By the way, a letter came for you (Takes out the letter. Susanne opens it.) There. SUSANNE Listen! Madame, all I can say is that I love you! Yes yes yes and it continues: Farewell, dearly beloved and most beloved of all women I embrace you with all my heart RITA Goodness, how wonderful Your husband? SUSANNE No, not him No, it's a duke writing to Marie Antoinette in 1789 33 RITA She who recommended the starving eat cake? SUSANNE That was just a vicious rumour put about afterwards What she recommended was amour RITA My workshop is this way Everything there is white floor cieling everything I'm happy there in white But I don't suppose one can isolate oneself in one's white little world? (Touches Susanne. Susanne strokes her cheek.) SUSANNE Actually, I have many lives RITA You too? It's quite normal is it not to have many lives? (Rita lies on the ground and stares straight up into the air. Susanne reads the music on the stand.) 34 SUSANNE Nocturn for Rita. (Kristian comes out. He goes to the music stand and demonstratively turn the music back over. Susanne walks over to the parachute and puts on her other shoe. Rita closes her eyes. Kristian touches her, not with his hands, but with his foot. She smiles but does not open her eyes. Susanne watches them.) KRISTIAN How pretty you are today, Rita Something about you Something happy Something secretive What is it? RITA Nothing A dream come true There KRISTIAN Is that what makes you so happy? Just that? (Rita turns away from him. susanne sweeps forward in her inside-out dress.) SUSANNE I am happy only the nose is beautiful I don't believe we've been introduced? 35 CONVERSATION GALANTE Scene 8 (Susanne and Kristian go into the castle (or it opens out). A Rococco drawing-room, containing numerous antigue obj ects. We see a number of rooms at once. (In perspective?) A four poster bed. The interior is indicative of a new era's negelct for the old. The furniture is covered in plastic sheets, there are punk-objects from Rita's business. The coffee-table is an electronic game based on Star Wars.) SUSANNE (to herself) Your eyes are so clear that I can read all your thoughts You're wondering why I'm not at home with my husband why I'm not a mother How I could embark upon this (To Kristian) How's the service here in the castle? Are the servants friendly? KRISTIAN There's no service No servants 36 SUSANNE Oh? How disappointing KRISTIAN Teabags and cigarettes Wine at night Wine-cellar aristocrats Dead or alive straight from the cellar A turbid muddle or a clean spirit! SUSANNE Sounds exiting Music? KRISTIAN Don't mention that word! I can't bear it! SUSANNE No KRISTIAN This is the best place on earth for the imagination In winter it's freezing Dead rats tumble from the rafters Black ice on the floors But you won't be here that long will you? SUSANNE You wish to keep her to yourself 37 KRISTIÁN Yes SUSANNE Don't worry This is merely a staging post for me a temporary shelter I'm searching for the hole in the wall through which I may enter the picture Through the looking glass (Rita comes in, irritated to find Kristian enjoying Susanne's company.} Yes, I'm sure the wine-cellar here is most exiting! RITA We're at a standstill we stand and we're still but it only happens once a year SUSANNE What about my breakfast egg? Two, if possible RITA One lifts the hen thus that one might see Cluuuuuuck SUSANNE One never has the hen into bed with one? 38 RITA What one does with one's hen is entirely one's own affair Noone meddles with the curator's business SUSANNE Good Then I'll keep chickens Grow my own saladings and hand-make chocolate ice-cream KRISTIAN Have you any baggage I may help you with? SUSANNE No. (Rita and Kristian exchange glances.) Basically I'm used to most things having lived in the Sahara where I excavated a city RITA An entire city! Goodness, what an exhausting project that must have been! SUSANNE I love it once I start I simply cannot stop It's a game 39 RITA It must have been lonely SUSANNE There were people there the whole time I wanted not to emphasise the fact I was a woman so I shared a tent with the men the archeologists and their assistants Though eventually it became filled with kings princesses Mummies What was it I did that was so terrible? RITA What an exiting life! Like being commissioned to decorate the Arctic Sea SUSANNE The first white women ever to go to the desert was stoned to death I was the second RITA Did you die? I would have have died SUSANNE I wanted not to draw attention to the fact I was a woman and so, no, I didn't die I took no house-plants with me Not once did I cry 40 Not one tear I completely forgot my gender RITA You were happy (Susanne smiles radiently at her. You understand me!) You were happy? I see it on you SUSANNE Once I sat above the desert in an aeroplane looking down at sand sand sand sand Obsessed by the thought of what might lie beneath the sand I had to go down Under We found a city with streets and squares and people with water-jugs and seeds which sprouted after a thousand years It was quite a successful project RITA That city should be named Susanne SUSANNE Now, Susanne wishes to discover what lies beneath time beneath The Now 41 (She begins feeling her body, nervously. She realises something is not as it should be, because she cannot locate her pockets.) SUSANNE I want to enter the 18th century To go back (She realises from the feel of the seams that her dress is on inside-out.) There used to be pockets here. RITA It's inside out, that's all SUSANNE So it is (She pulls the dress off and turns it right-way-out, then puts it back on. A long, meaningful action. Beneath the dress she is wearing a three hundred year old corsett and stays. He body is white as chalk. She moves away, into her OPEN LANSCAPE.) KRISTIÁN Her arse swings so beautifully when she walks (RITA snuggles into him.) 42 THE TOUCH Scene 9 (Susanne in her OPEN LANDSCAPE. Axel comes in, up right, wearing his pale-blue suit. He walks, slowly, diagonally across to where Susanne is standing, centre stage. She senses his presence and arches her head backwards into his hands. With his finger, he traces a line from the crown of her head accross her face to her throat and back again. Leaves her, moves slowly diagonally up left, and out. Susanne traces the same line from the top of her head across her face to her throat and back again.) SUSANNE Flight all flight Flight (Reaches out for Axel in a gesture of longing) What were we promised which so holds us to our side of the bargain? (Fiddles with her hair.) What would be our reward? Coffee and cake at a conditori? (Lights down. In the dark, Rita sits down at the space invader's table. Green lights, computer sounds, music, full of pain.) 43 ACT 3 44 WHALE MUSIC Scene 10 (The castle interior. Some weeks later. Autumnal light. Susanne walks around, alone. Gathers up books, old letters, clothes, all 18th century, and places them in a trunk. She appears unconcentrated. Comes to a halt, feeling strange, has to sit. Stands again, forces herslf to continue. Rita comes in with boxes and bags.) RITA Hello! SUSANNE Have you got it? RITA Yes, yes, fusspot SUSANNE Show me! RITA Be patient SUSANNE Why wait? I want to see 45 RITA Have you no sense of drama? SUSANNE No (Rita takes out a roll of material, blue silk, shakes it out.) 500 metres It's begun RITA Raw silk SUSANNE My dream RITA Exclusive Expensive SUSANNE Send the bill to my husband RITA How tense you are It's just a party There's enough here to make a Big Top SUSANNE Don't worry about the price I've already sold my soul Money is no object 46 RITA Nonesense SUSANNE Did you remember the accessories? RITA Lace embroidery thread sequinnes applique jewels SUSANNE Spare a thought for the lacemakers goodness how they laboured so I might go to my grave in this RITA EXQUISITE SUSANNE They collapsed exhausted continued counting stitches in their sleep simple though it appears so complicated Now all we lack is a whale RITA A whale? 47 SUSANNE Yes, a whale. For the crinolines I roust be laced up properly the skirts must stand out so the wind really catches them (Drapes herself in the blue material.) Actually, my figure is perfect don't you think, Rita? I don't even own a pair of trousers they're not my style A slender waist and broad hips Like a bottle of something fine Let me look at you Hm RITA Hm? SUSANNE I hope the corsett is suitably robust Oh I'm fainting Smelling salts! (longingly.) If only we had a whale Whale music You know they sing? RITA Seen it on t.v. SUSANNE They love They love each other They love with hearts 48 weighing twenty kilos each The heart of the grampus is something I can respect A twenty kilo heart thumping with desire the ocean shivers And they sing To the ends of the Earth they sing But now, they can no longer reach one and other RITA Saw the programme on t.v. (Goes up close to Susanne. Looks at her closely. Gently touches her breasts.) Congratulations, Susanne! SUSANNE Thank you. With what? Something I did? RITA You're with child. SUSANNE Yes No no It's not true it just seems I am I refuse point blank It must be someone else RITA Tender? SUSANNE No-o 49 RITA (smiling) Birth? What's that to a woman like you? Shvuuuup! then sling it up on a pile of books and read on eat the afterbirth with a green salad Congratulations You'll go back to Axel, now Missing you alreadyI (Susanne stands, perplexed. The material slides slowly off her.) SUSANNE No! Never I'll put fifteen seamstresses to work cutting so we get production moving Day and night they shall sew for me though the earth quake and storms blow danger plagues the women willingly what do they think they're making costumes for a carnival! Yes Let it be a carnival Every stitch hand-sewn though it must pass through five and sixty layers of cloth Whilst I remain here and relax from it all And after night and day day and night the dress is ready And I shall board the dress shall be laced up laced changed 50 become cleaner more silent a lady behind her fan (Rita begins fingering Susanne's hair. They have a contact now which they have never had before. Caring, erotic, tender, happy.) RITA I love you Like I love strange countries SUSANNE Then I shall journey to countries beyond those stranger countries still It is far But I will let myself fall RITA Fall? From the plane? SUSANNE The time-mountain RITA And if the parachute doesn't open? SUSANNE Then I shall fall gently for the first time 51 Gently into the other place behind everything RITA But I love you as I love strange countries (They kiss each other.) (Ocean light. Music.) RITA We're whales We sing to one and other as we swim We sing and we fall in love SUSANNE We fall in love with our children RITA Disturbing love songs uninterrupted by any other wave or signal (Kristian's practice theme emerges from the music.) SUSANNE You shall stay, little one I shall not tear you out You shall be (Music continues. Rita and Susanne exit.) QUESTIONS 52 Scene 11 (Kristian and Rita sitting on the four poster bed. They are in the middle of a conversation. It is some weeks later.) RITA Go back? Back to the same blood-bath we have now? The soup tureens are still padlocked against the starving why does she wish to go back? KRISTIAN She desires luxury She desires servants RITA Massage Decoutage KRISTIAN She desires to be her queen RITA And bear children Poor children KRISTIAN It's a fairytale Susanne is a fairytale 53 RITA (Anxious) I won't let youi KRISTIAN What? RITA Is this person real? KRISTIAN Try sticking her in her side with a needle! (He pinches Rita so she squeals.) 54 THE DANCE AROUND LE GATEAUX CHOCOLAT Scene 12 (Susanne enters with a huge creation of cake and fruit. Wine. She's clearly suffering wit travel-fever. ) SUSANNE Come children out of bed Welcome! (Curtsies deeply) Candied oranges le gateaux chocolat sprinkled with orange-blossom water I purchased from a little 17th century apothecary in Florence. A thing worth doing is worth doing well RITA We have decided what you need is a good masseur and decouteur SUSANNE Correct (Allows Rita to tend to her, whilst Kristian takes out a magazine with a picture of Susanne on the cover. He reads.) KRISTIAN (Reads) "There are those who find Susanne O 55 the curator and art historian at LOVby castle a little spooky Not only does she appear old-fashioned (Susanne laughs, flattered) and speak of Marie Antoinette as if they were friends and confidents there is something else about her Something in her look a knowledge of a different time a different way of living which makes people doubt in fact whether she truly lives in the here and now." (Susanne snatches the magazine from him.) SUSANNE "Yes, she says, some might believe that I believe I've had a previous life in the 18th century" (Laughs) Oh, that journalist he was such a sweet young man terrified I wouldn't like his curls I told him contraception didn't belong in the 18th century And when he wished to sleep with me said I Goat-gut, perhaps? He got his interview He got it all Today, my dress is not on inside-out 56 RITA Have you tried to have children before, Susanne? SUSANNE Tore it out He thought of them as small cuddly crocodiles which threatened to become big eaters screamers biters yet more creepy-crawlies in a world already gone to the dogs What will you do with them he asked me And now they crawl around in the sewers Three metres long eating shit and anyone else who happens to fall down there RITA What a scumbag! KRISTIÁN But you? SUSANNE You think I wanted this They hindered my travels My concentration 57 (Lifts up her hand to see the children wriggling about in it.) RITA Do you have a mother? SUSANNE (Shouts) Don't mention heri I just get angry More cake? See I'm a perfect birth machine Look at my hips A child shouldn't stop me doing anything I travel I read I travel I write and soon now I shall travel back in time The birth will be easy Like music I'll feel the child coming Spread my legs a little thus plopp and it's out. I lay it on a pile of books And continue writing RITA But the breast 58 SUSANNE It shall have my milk for the first four months Only milk Cheers! Aristocratic, (ie the wine.) RITA But SUSANNE Of course, he'll need washing occassionally KRISTIÁN But SUSANNE You can both accompany me And we can celibrate with champagne rose I shall serve the afterbirth with a green salad Better than liver better than kidneys better than steak! (Kristian wretches.) You, who are so refined Kristian It's hard for you to stomache Nonetheless it's what I propose to do (They meet in an unashamedly erotic gesture.) 59 KRISTIÁN YOU exite me Were you aware of that? (He buries his head between Susanne's breasts.) SUSANNE We shall all go I'll have a green coach built with lemon-coloured wheels like the one in which Marie Antoinette escaped Versaille We shall flee RITA Where SUSANNE You need to ask? We'll lack for nothing not wine not nightingales silk And on our way we'll find beautiful small children at the roadside for me to gather up and kiss Kristian prepare the coach! KRISTIAN I shall endeavour to fulfill Madamme's wish (Goes out.) SUSANNE He's so handsome So sexy He touches me, here! 60 (Without warning, grabs Rita between the legs.) RITA (sulkily) When it came to Spring I was happy to be a little promiscuous brazen even but come the evening I was too weary SUSANNE (calls after Kristian) Kristian, wait a courtier's foot should never leave the floor but glide graciously forward as if he were skating on ice! KRISTIAN Oh? SUSANNE You're waddling! (Laughs exaggeratedly, runs across to Rita and enbraces her, then puts a record of gallant music on the gramaphone.) Watch me attempt to glide forward As if on thin ice (Demonstrates the dance.) This you must be able to do I shall teach you to walk 61 RITA Walk? Why should you do that? Shouldn't you teach me to fuck instead? SUSANNE Shouldn't this be authentic? RITA What's the point? SUSANNE If you know how to walk you can always pass as a lady of importance RITA Obviously you're the boss Susanne SUSANNE Boss what an expression You're already a little tired of me, aren't you? You must have poise There are two ways of walking Positively quite quickly Always elegantly (Demonstrates.) Like Marie Antoinette She was an expert You're musical? 62 RITA Am I? SUSANNE A sense of rythm? RITA Well SUSANNE Then this is no problem Women can't walk anymore trousers have destroyed femininity (Continues to demonstrate. Rita tries to copy her, but is clearly without talent. The reult is rather comical.) The other way is thus Swaying lazily no, more subtle perhaps carressingly is better thus (Rita tries, but the effect is vulgar.) (encouraging) Very good! Perfect But now, less sexy Simply glide away promising nothing you couldn't care less 63 RITA Nothing is more important than firm shoulders sparkling eyes a direct look Femme fatal That's something I've learnt SUSANNE (Smiling) Nonesense! Who told you that? Now watch me (Dances.) (Rita stops beside the computer game, sets the electronic music playing.) SUSANNE (Has danced some distance away) You know why they danced so beautifully, Rita? The wind caught their skirts and they could only follow They abandoned themselves to fate (Laughs happily, dances alone.) 64 PARACHUTE SILK Scene 13 (Rita by the space invader's game. Kristian enters.) RITA Soon, I shall be nothing but a see-through dress with nothing inside to see KRISTIAN Not you (They cross to the parachute.) Here you are This is you Not that escapist game in there RITA Once a dead man hung from the parachute Who was that? And those who went amongst the trees to pick bridal veils had first to pluck awat death and putrification before they could find the living the succulent the powerful the new 65 KRISTIÁN That fine strong silk had bourn and flown RITA And failed KRISTIAN First they had to clear away death and putrification But the birds had been most helpful in this And now you use the parachute to make your version of the truth What is that you've sewn there? RITA Cress an idea Of good fortune KRISTIAN From the story of my mother and father? Of when they were married? RITA Yes It was nice The parachute silk they'd plucked from the trees the silk she used for her bridal gown 66 KRISTIAN And after the ceremony as they emerged from the church it began to rain RITA And the dress became transparant And everyone saw her KRISTIAN That- was how I saw you the first time out here in the snow I was shocked at your nakedness RITA You're such a romantic You'll end up with Susanne I'm sure KRISTIAN Does she resemble a bride? RITA No A fugative queen The worst thing is she makes me feel as perculiar as she is I dream about you About you 67 You're standing at the foot of a slope Entrails and scraps of food are spread about on the terraces above like the aftermath of a party or a slaughter They lie there quivering, steaming One is supposed to tread upon them And all the time I hear your music Your unfinished music And you begin to climb the terraces The entrails quiver and move cry out They're no longer alive but they promise to behave as if they were KRISTIÁN Am I scared? RITA And I begin to sing right into your face KRISTIAN Honestly I thought it was our wedding we were planning RITA Now, when it's over? KRISTIAN Isn't it always like that? 68 (They console one and other.) 69 NAKED Scene 14 (Susanne in her OPEN LANDSCAPE: She comes in, slowly. She's naked, her hair free. She's holding various games, dolls, musical boxes playing. She leans right forward.) SUSANNE It's you I have danced with always And I have danced only with you (Lights down. Musical boxes continue to play.) I 70 FAREWELL TO THE MOTHER GODDESS Scene 15 (In front of the parachute. Rita's painting of a nude woman wearing a mask, a large coil painted on her stomache, a crescent moon in her hair, her arms are outstretched and each hand emits a powerful flash of lightning. Rita has positioned Susanne in front of the parachute. In front of her, along two axies, she places a number of sparklers supported in lumps of clay. She ignites the sparklers one by one and records the result both with a polaroid camera and on video. Susanne has remained passively compliant during this. Suddenly, she reacts violently to the proceedings.) SUSANNE (Kicks out at the sparklers and the painting) Won't! I am not a thing to be worshipped It's pitiful Unworthy Guilty no innocense in this world Why can't I be allowed Why can't I be allowed to die? (Approaches Rita, drapes herself on her.) No no Help me! (Rita lets the video camera run. She lies on the ground, pulls her skirt up over her head, crosses her legs and becomes a little boy guiltily masturbating.) 71 RITA Sissel! Sissel! SUSANNE I feel a certain responsibility RITA Sissel! Sissel! SUSANNE What are you doing? (Susanne stands. Watches Rita, fascinated.) RITA The sun is shining the grass is green And the little legless crocodile-child look I've no legs he has no legs do you see? He lies in the grass before you SUSANNE The sun is shining RITA Sissel! Sissel! 72 SUSANNE But Sissel isn't my name! RITA Sissel is the name he calls How should a little crocodile-child know what you are called? He knows no better Sissel could have been your name SUSANNE Yes, my parents could why not have called me Sissel But I don't RITA Who is he? Is he the child whose legs you tore off when you ripped him out that time? Who is he? SUSANNE No no! RITA You could go to him and say: Good morning, Crocodile-child your Sissel is here and sucked his cock for him and he would be happy because he has always believed this 73 would cause his legs to grow anew And you came SUSANNE I did RITA And you came SUSANNE I did? RITA And you took him into your mouth SUSANNE Yes I did that's true And his legs and feet bagan to grow And they grew and they grew and soon he was a man! (Rita stands.) How happy he was! In the grass and the sun shining and noone could detect any flaw anywhere and noone had any thought of dying 74 They'd forgotten that (She and Rita very close, exhausted.) RITA Shall I make a copy for you? We could call it the birth SUSANNE (confused) Have you recorded that, too? What have you done How vulgar How cheap How could you trick me so RITA Trick you? It was what you wanted All I want is SUSANNE You little shit! You fucking shit! Go away Go away! RITA Yes I'm going (She leaves. Susanne remains, shattered.) RITA'S FAREWELL TO THE CASTLE Scene 16 (Rita approaches Kristián.) KRISTIAN Rita my little Rita I shall miss you deep down inside RITA When the flax blossoms in the field below the castle when it turns blue you must photograph it it's something I have never done Something I never did KRISTIAN I shall do it RITA I cannot remain here I cannot bear to watch any more Take care of her She has opened me (Touches him) You have a lovely nose She's made an opening in the white through which darkness pours forth A picture I dare not look at I'm frightened of what will happen next (Kisses him.) My hands shall dream of this nose The hands dream of the nose KRISTIÁN (smiles) And the rest? RITA Dreams also of the nose (Begins to leave.) Remember me Forget-me-not Remember me Forget-me-not (Lights down. Mus ic.) 77 HARPSICHORD III Scene 17 (Susanne's OPEN LANDSCAPE: Wind, winter. Susanne approaches from afar. Pushing the harpsichord in front of her. She's heavily pregnant and utterly wretched. Positions the harpsichord centre stage and opens the lid. On the inside of the lid is an old fashioned picture of a couple making love. Susanne is holding a piece of knitting. A tiny baby's jumper of yellow wool.) SUSANNE Aren't you singing? If I sing noone will believe in me Whenever my mother wanted peace she would go to the barn and bury herself in hay She had five children She buried herself nice and deep I'm not sure which animal I should compare her to whichever one buries itself deepest to attain freedom Hides itself away to be free There was never a scream It was quieter that usual 78 it was quiet and we children couldn't jump in the hay and laugh. (Axel comes in. He's wearing the same suit, but is less immaculate than before. He breaks into Susanne's OPEN LANDSCAPE, and the lighting changes. Susanne reaches out, blindly, trying to grab hold of him. He approaches her at a tangent.) SUSANNE RITA! AXEL Aren't you even going to sav you're pleased to see me? SUSANNE (still addressing Rita) Can you see Look See how the skin around my eyes has changed hue? (She suddenly realises it is Axel. Reacts with fear, as if seeing a murderer.) AXEL Susanne (She runs away. Axel chaces her, captures her, drags her back. She struggles to break free. He holds her tightly.) SUSANNE Do you know how soldiers rape a woman? 79 AXEL No But I must decide quite simply whether or not I wish to go on living If I shall go on living without you because I have no other dreams than you SUSANNE Actually, Axel, I have more than one life! AXEL I know SUSANNE I'm not what you think I am AXEL I know SUSANNE (has her first contraction) There are dead children hanging from you Can't you see them? Go away! AXEL I don't understand 80 SUSANNE Just sniff at me smell me What do I smell of? Can you use me as your lover? Or should I be put to some other task Sewing or washing? AXEL Are you happy now? Have you found someone else? SUSANNE No AXEL I thought so long as she's not sick dead I have had many a glimpse of you I sit dreaming Incapable of work incapable of discussion Perhaps she's hurt sick dead SUSANNE I'm not dead I'm standing on the mountain I'm smiling! 81 (Has her second contraction. Axel pulls her up from the harsichord, drags her after him, ignoring her protests.) AXEL You can't stay out here you should be in bed SUSANNE (Protesting.) NO! HARPSICHORD IV 82 Scene 18 (Susanne and Axel on the ground by the harpsichord.) SUSANNE I don't feel as you do - I'm thinking Is he who he says he is Before I continue risking destroying my life I want to put the whole thing to the test Give myself a trial run The man who had control over me must have been a gangster! AXEL Who is the father of this child Old-Erik? SUSANNE You are! (Axel laughs, contemptuously.) 83 AXEL I think it's quite amusing that you're having another go (Susanne has her third contraction.) SUSANNE Remember you said, Fat men make the best lovers AXEL I'm your husband SUSANNE You were also quite fat AXEL This thing's nothing to do with me SUSANNE Nor me (Laughs) AXEL Perhaps it didn't happen SUSANNE I think there was something between us A marriage 84 AXEL It's all very vague SUSANNE And in the meantime I've travelled so far AXEL You were at it With the postman With.the butcher With everyone Everyone! SUSANNE I'll never be able to explain, properly, who I am I've been mistaken for a common whore How sad All I wanted was to enjoy myself in cafes But there's nothing more sexy than me with a briefcase Obviously? AXEL Come here make love to me Come 85 SUSANNE Do you remember when I chopped our bed into pieces with an axe? No AXEL You're so beautiful Never before have I seen you so beautiful (She stands before him, provocing him with her nonchalance.) SUSANNE I've had a dream come true of course I'll not let you destroy it now You killed them time and time again AXEL Forgive me Forget it (Susanne has her fourth contraction.) SUSANNE You killed this one Because you couldn't control the outcome Whether it would be white or black A child or a calf Yours or mine 86 A little normality is too much to ask for But one should ask for the moon You weren't interested So I had to look elsewhere Why do men never see that the road is open that escape is possible? Straight through the wall and away You build your houses on the great body of the Earth Certain you'll never be shaken off Why can't you be a part of the Whole? What have you been promised which so holds you to your side of the bargain? What's your reward in the end? Coffee and cakes at the conditori? Is my only reward the knowledge that Haitian ladies paint their bottoms blue whilst their Parisian counterparts paint their faces white? (Axel is beside her. He strokes her, kisses her, she cries. He lays her down, tries to undress her. He doesn't understand she's is in the process of giving birth. She resists him.) 87 SUSANNE (Smiling.) Now I remember Suddenly! You traced a line down my face like this isn't that right? And you said You're the one I've danced with always When I made love to you Your face was a precipice AXEL Susanne (They relax, lie still.) AXEL Be here Here and now SUSANNE I am here AXEL Just here Just now Feel it SUSANNE (Rises, turns her back to him.) I'm not here I'm free! 88 AXEL You betray reality with your games, Susanne SUSANNE (Thrusts her stomache at him) Isn't this real enough? AXEL Were you looking for an opportunity to really commit yourself? I wish I could provide it for you SUSANNE Here I am Take roe AXEL That's a strength easily misunderstood it's seen as weakness SUSANNE You think you're begging for punishment for all the sins you have committed But sins are first punished then committed 89 AXEL I'm talking about loving SUSANNE And I'm talking about finding a different life (She has her fifth contraction) It did mean something! Why open up Why leap off why fall if it's all arbitary if it has no meaning? AXEL You stage-manage your life You stage-manage your lovers you stage-manage a child Count me out I won't take part in your planned leap You have more talent for problems than for happiness I came here to make an impression on you To finally get you out To open your eyes Forget defence I love you SUSANNE I didn't think I could satisfy you I didn't think it was possible THE BIRD'S BIRTH Scene 19 (Same place. Kristian arrives, dressed for travelling, carrying luggage. The men size each other up. . The wind is stronger, the lighting suggests night.) AXEL (Morose.) Is this him? SUSANNE (Radient.) This is Axel my husband KRISTIAN (Rude) Yeah yeah (Susanne has her seventh contraction) What's the matter are you ill? SUSANNE Can't you see I'm giving birth? You are alive really help me give birth naturally like music Birth is music 92 AXEL Do you not want... SUSANNE I want to be here with both of you Kristián my dress was finished can I have it now? Where is it? (Searches, cannot find it, desperately searching.) Where is it? It's been stolen Who has taken it . My dress Where is it? Fetch it AXEL Which dress? KRISTIAN One she had made specially Women always want dresses Always wish they lived in another age They love cancelling themselves out Dissolving themselves in water They're made only of love SUSANNE I must have it quickly 93 (She plasters herself with white make-up.) AXEL Is this it? (Picks up the parachute.) SUSANNE No! KRISTIAN That's a bridal gown It's made of silk Rita should have SUSANNE Rita should have had it I want it Bring it here! (Puts it on. Calms down.) The skin must be white as possible AXEL And the arse we paint blue! (Susanne laughs) SUSANNE If you like KRISTIAN I thought you were crying I heard you crying I wondered why a woman 94 should cry when she had everything (They bring out champagne, they drink first to quench their thirst, without toasting. Then they look up, remember to toast each other.) SUSANNE That's precicely when they do cry Cheers1 (Insolently.) Why should I go into hospital when we can celibrate the birth here in a whirl of pleasure Feel my belly Say hello to it! (Has her seventh contraction. She hangs onto the nearest person, scared. It's painful.) AXEL I think you should lie down now SUSANNE No Don't let go of me No! (The birth is not at all as she was expecting. It's a terrifying, hysterical experience, but she won't lie down. She hangs onto the two men, exhausting them as she pushes and pushes and pushes. Screams, wildly.) It's a cow! A crocodile! It has hooves! 95 AXEL Do you want a drink? Is it painful? SUSANNE Of course it's not fucking painful! It's wonderful! Like a cat stretching! (The birth is imminent. Kristian fetches a tub of water.) KRISTIAN He shall be born in the first element (The child is born.) See, it's swimming! SUSANNE How wonderful AXEL He's dead KRISTIAN Dead? How? Why? He's just been born! (Susanne reaches out for the baby, wants to hold him.) (Wind and rain without. Music?) 96 SUSANNE You smell like nocturnal herbs in Provence A dark fragrance Night sweet Not music It's inside you I cannot hear it But I think there's something inside you playing (Axel wants to take the baby from her, but she protests.) AXEL Everything's in place but for the music (Susanne lets go the child. Axel is unsure what to do with it, so he he puts it into a plastic bag.) SUSANNE Murderer! Bloody murderer! Murderer! (Feverishly, takes out her knitting and tries to knit. She's shaking.) AXEL How can you do that, now? SUSANNE I must do it it's not finished 97 (Susanne knits, but suddenly stops, as if realising something Slowly, she stands and unravels the knitting, row by row.) SUSANNE I want to be alone What are you doing here? Alone! What do I know about taxidermy? Not much it will take time practice My first attempt probably won't be very wonderful But I want him to be eternal He shall always be with me (Axel strokes her tenderly. She leans into him and capitulates to the situation.) SUSANNE It threatens us I'm beginning to be fond of this time nonetheless (She takes the baby out of the plastic bag, it has changed into a wild bird, alive and beautiful. She moves centre stage, followed by the men.) SUSANNE Can it ever become human do you think? TABLEAU 98 Scene 20 (Susanne stands in the soaking parachute-dress. It has become transparent. She's holding the bird. Axel and Kristian stand on either side of her, figures, respectively, of light and dark. Rita enters through the auditorium, dressed in full rococco attire, dress, make-up. hair, etc. She sees everything, but holds her head high and light, not allowing herself to take anything in, because she is in another time. She approaches the display case, which is lit from above. Enters it. Silence. Then: the birth cry of a new born infant! Music, sound of the space-invaders machine.)