(Dl «211 L E s Éfiife© Shopping N ti^t) D a o g u e o I 1 Mary goes to a flea market. *> i n >• i/TV—: Mearii Mise no hitu 3 s T »J - : Mearii Mise no hitu nil.' 5 y r g - : Mearii Mise no hi In *>!>•>•• 7 ^ 7 ') - : Mearii Sumimasen. Koro wa ikura desu ka. Sore wa sanzen en desu. Takai desu ne. laa, ano tokce wa Are wa sanzengohyaku en desu. 500 desu ka. Are mo lakai desu ne. Koře wa senhappyaku en desu yo. laa. sono tokee o kudasai. A man finds a wallet on the ground. 8 L jM£i(V$M£ Shiranai hito 9 / r 'J - : Mearii Koro wa dare no saifu desu ka. Watashi no saifu desu. Arigatoo gozaimasu. ikura desu ka. © After shopping, Mary goes to a restaurant. Ueetoresu Irasshaimase. Menyuu o doozo. Mearii Doomo. Kore wa nan děsu ka. Ueetaresu Doře děsu ka. Aa, tonkatsu desu. Mearii Tonkatsu? Sakana desu ka. Ueetoresu lie, sakana ja arimasen. Niku desu. Oishii desu yo. Mearii )aa, kore o onegaishimasu. * * I 7 / r » H t < > nooto pen notebook pen booshi hat; cap hon book p 1 a < e s * otearai restronm kissaten cafe ginkoo bank toshokan library yuubinkyoku post office c ounlries Amerika 1 f 'J X Igirisu Britain Kankoku Korea *> * -7 -I* < Chuugoku China M a | o r s keezai economics 3 > b & - 9 -b' ->* * X if ( M &i l konpyuutaa bijinesu rekishi computer business history F a m i 1 y okaasan mother otoosan father M o n e y Mat t e r s • ikura how much ... en . , . yen m takai expensive Expressions irasshaimase Welcome (to our store) {... o) onegaishimasu. . . , please. ( . . . o) kudasai Please give mc . . . jaa then . . . : if that is the case, ... ( . . . o) doozo Here it is. doomo Thank you. © &fo\$z> Grammar — zn %n £ti What do we do when we want to talk about things that we do not know the names of? We say "this tiling,*' "that one," and so forth. In Japanese, we use kore, sore, and arc. Zflii kf'i How much is this? Kore wa ikura desu ka. Sore wa sanzen en desu. Kore refers to a thing that is close to you. the speaker ("this thing here"). Sore is something that is close to the person you are talking to ("that thing in front of you"), and are refers to a thing that is neither close to the speaker nor the listener ("that one over there"). &*U3 htzlto -OX'to Arc wa watashi no pen desu. Kore wa watashi no pen desu. Sore wa watashi no pen desu. There is also an expression dore for "which," Here we will learn to use dore in sentences like: bore desu ka. Which one is it (that yon are talking about)? In this lesson, we will not explore the full extent to which the word dore can be put to use, because there is a slight complication with question words like dore. Question words like dore and mini cannot be followed by the particle wa. Instead, you must use the particle ga and say: - . ¥i\¥ ht£tz g tf^*# %4$&fe£iM(. i Which watch is 3,500 yen? Dono tokee ga sanzengohyaku en desu ka. Since dono is a question word, just like dore discussed above, wc cannot use the particle wa with it: we must use ga. To summarize: zti GHH 3© noun (lä—) close to the person speaking -Eßnoun (IS—) close to the person listening SCO noun (lí—) far from both people dti jpNJ PÍ noun PN? unknown AftMZ) noun In Lesson 1. we learned how to say things like Mearii san no demca bangoo (Mary's phone number) and Takeshi san no okaasan (Takeshi's mother). We now learn how to ask who something belongs to. The question word for "who" is dare, and for "whose," we simply add the parLicle no. Kore wa dare no kaban desu ka. Whose bag is this? Sore wa Suu ^an no kaban desu. That is Sue's bag. 33 *£3 32>"£3 £3 We will learn just one more ko-so-a-do set in this lesson: koko, soko, asoko, and doko are words for places. Z z here, near me zz there, near you over there cíz Z where You can ask for directions by saying: Sumimasen, yuubinkyoku wa doko desu ka. Excuse me, where is the post office? If you are close by, you can point toword the post office and say: O 1 IF A, b 1 < (i) h % Z -Ci"0 (The post office is) right over there. (Yuubinkyoku wa) asoko desu. We will learn how to give more specific directions in Lesson 4. 02m<. noun =fc In Lesson 1. we learned how to say "Item A is this, item B is that." We now learn how to say "Item A is this, and item B is this, too." Takeshi san wa nlhnnjin desu. Michiko san mo nihonjin desu. Takeshi is a Jap finese person. Michiko is Japanese, too. Note that these two sentences are almost identical in shape. This is natural, as they both claim (.hat a certain person is Japanese. The second sentence, however, is different from the first in that we do not find the particle wa in it. AVe have mo instead. Mo is a particle that indicates that that item, too, has the given property. One thing that you should watch out for is exactly where the particle is placed. In English, the word "too" can be placed after the sentence as a whole, as in the example above. Not so in Japanese. In the above example, mo must directly follow Michiko san. i a; ii x rtc A is X. m % [i rTo B too is X. two items shared property1 MSM noun V-P^D^Mh To negate a statement of the form A' wa Y desu, where Y ts a noun, you replace desu with ja arimasen? 6$ «■ h *) i -ttvU Mr. Yamada is not a student. Yamada san wa gakusee ja arimasen. 1\Ve cannot use ma to describe a situation tike the following: Our friend. Pat, has dual citizenship; Pat is a Japanese, but at the same time, she is an American. To describe the second half of this situation, we cannot say. Patio mo umerikajin desu. because the sentence would mean that Pat, in addition to somebody that has been mentioned, is an American. Neither can we say, Patto wa amerikajin mo desu. {Japanese speakers would say. Path/ tra amerikajin demo arimasu.) 2In the dialogues, there are two sentences that end with desu, which call for special attention: Are mo iakai desu ne (That one too is expensive), and Oisiiii desu yo (It is delicious). These sentences cannot be negated by replacing desu with ja arimasen, because iakai and oisiiii are not nouns. Are mo takai ja arimasen and oisiiii ja arimase.n are therefore not grammatical. Instead, one would have to say takaku arimasen and oisiiiku arimasen. We will learn about the conjugation pattern of adjectives in Lesson 5. ® Ja in ./« arimasen is a contraction of dewa. In written Japanese, the uneonlracted form is more common; thus, the above sentence more likely appears in writing as Yamada sun wa gakusee dewa arimasen. affirmative: (X \t) Y TTo X is Y. negative: X is not Y. 0 0BBI Statements often end with the tags ne or yo, depending on the way the speaker views the interaction with the listener. If the speaker is seeking the listener's confirmation or agreement to what has been said, then ne ("right?") could be added. •I V 'J — 31 '&& %&&4*:$t ^/v^ < "C"f fco Ma-, to. your major is literature, right? KM san no senmon wa bungaku desu ne. I^Lli t: < 9,000 90,000 kyuuhyaku kyuusen kyuuman A. Read the following numbers. @ (a) 34 i 67 (c) 83 (d) 99 ie) 125 if) 515 IS) 603 (h) 850 in 1,300 i.j) 3,400 (k) 8,900 (1) 35,000 W 64,500 (n) 92,340 B. Look at the pictures and answer how much the things are. {^} Example: Q J i± V ^ < Cy Pen wa ikura dcsu ka. A : (i*> L'rt ^ jfc&t?fc Hachijuu en desu. SSEIM Ex. -<> <1) z.kVo (2) (3) ¥80 ¥50 (4) liA ¥1,500 (8) d2) y - h (5) ¥600 ] (9) L'Li (13) tlT l ¥2,800 (6) < ¥3,500 l' i; A r (10) (7) £ttv* ¥10,000 (11) U t /v L f ¥20,000 ¥8,000 ¥9,000 ¥25,000 Pair Work—One of you looks at picture A and the other looks at picture B (p. 50). (Don't look at the other picture.) Find out the price of all items. Example: A J JLAstf-Olt ^< hX~$i>\ Enpitsu wa ikura desu ka. B : < fcJtlff* Hyaku en desu. Picture A ¥1,200 ¥36,000 ¥10,000 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥8,000 ¥ A. Items (1) through (6) are near you, and items (7) through (12) are near your friend. Your friend asks what these things are. Answer the questions. Pay attention to Ztl (/core) and -£tl (sore). @ Example 1: Your friend ! %tll± £vC"Ci~iK Sore wa nan desu ka. You : Korc wa pen desu. Example 2: Your friend :z %A,X"t4>\ Kore wa nan desu ka. You i ffIJi h V f—C-f3 Sore wa toreenaa desu. nets* ® B. Look at the picture and tell what each building is. Q'. Example: Q I %A,X"tfra Are wa nan desu ka. A : htiil nix ijNfc'T^i Are wa toshokan desu. / Coffee \ / 5h°p \ l (4) C. Pair Work—Point out five things in 1 they are using Ztl (kore), ^ztl [sore), for the vocabulary. Example!: Are wa nan desu ka. B : htlli £ Itutto Are wa lokee desu. ! classroom and ask your partner what ■ efcft (are). Refer to the picture on p. 53 Example 2: A : w&*&t&» Sorr vwj tun: di-su ka. 1 : :tiii ^fff. Kore wa pen desu. D. Pair Work—One of you looks at card A and the other looks at card B (p. 51). Ask and answer questions to find out the price of each item. Use ZO) {kono), ^(D (sono), or 35© (ano) appropriately. Example: Customer: Z 0)11 A, l£ V*i Kono hon wa ikura desu ka. Store attendant: lz-&A,u* < £A^X'to Nisen hyaku en desu. Card A ¥12,600 ¥2,100 ¥2,100 (1) ¥7,350 Pari I. You are a store attendant. Tell Part II. You are a customer. Ask for the the customer how much each item is. prices of items (1H5). mem* „ Pair Work—Point at each item below (picture A) and ask whose it is. Your partner will refer to the picture B (p. 52) and tell you who it belongs to. Example: A ! Ztlli tz'H<0 fr*X~?ir\ Kore vva dare no kasa desu ka. B : >f rJ -$/CO mp^ifri Mearii san no kasa desu. Picture A (1) (2) Switch roles with your partner. (6) (?) m (4) (5) Look at the pictures below and describe each picture, [^h Example: Otoosan wa nihonjin desu. Okaasan mo nihonjin desu. Ex. Japanese Father Mother (4) £ It V > (3) vegetable (6) U. of London students A. Look at the chart on the next page and answer the questions, (jjjj] Example: Q : / T'J - $lzllA,\S A,X"t*\ Mearii san wa nihonjin desu ka. lie, nihonjin ja arimasen. Amerikajin desu. Takeshi san wa chuugokujin desu ka. Robaato san wa amerikajin desu ka. Yamashita sensce wa kankokujin desu ka. Robaato san no senrnan wa nihongo desu ka. Suu san no senmon wa keezai desu ka. Takeshi san wa Toozai daigaku no gakusee desu ka. Mearii san wa Rondon daigaku no gakusee desu ka. Takeshi san wa ninensec desu ka. Suu san wa ichinensee desu ka. io. d/<-[hií ite/t-fr^-ei-TK Robaato san yonensee desu ka. Hart, Mary * fófc It L Kimura Takeshi Kim, Sue Smith, Robert Yamashila sensee Nationality Ainerican Japanese Korean British Japanese School U. of Arizona Tozai Univ. Seoul Univ. U. of London Tozai Univ. Major Japanese history computer business (Japanese teacher) Year 2nd year 4th year 3rd year 4th year B. Pair Work—Ask your partner whose belongings items (1) through (7) are. Your partner will refer to the picture on the next page and answer the questions. hxample: A : Zflii / T') — ? jC «0 ^ ^.>."C"T#*0 Ex. Kore wa Mearii san no saifu desu ka. lie, Mearii san no saifu ja arimasen. Kore wa Rii san no saifu desu ka. Ee, Rii san no saifu desu. (2) _ (3) (4) (5) (6) M (7) Mearii Rii Yooko vi ^ tl^ U (0 5 (Review Exercises) A. Rote Pfay—One student is a store attendant The other is a customer. Use Dialogue I as a model. SB8IM B. Role Play—One student is a waiter/wai tress. The other student goes to a restaurant. Look at the menu below and order some food or drink, using Dialogue I as a model. Pair Work® C. ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥3,700 ¥4,500 ¥9,000 ¥ Example: Customer: Z*C~i'&\ Kono hon \va ikura desu ka. Store attendant : lz-£A,U* < £&X*-f0 Sisen hyaku en desu. Card B ¥2,100 Part I. You are a customer. Ask for the Part II. You arc a store attendant. Tell price of items GH5). the customer how much each item is. Pair Work m Example: A I Zfrli ŕžtW $*%*Tfä% Koře wa dare no kasa desu ka. B : P^pfi Mearii san no kasu desu. Picture B + i a ft i \» í a í : Suu Takeshi Mearii Robaato Yamashita senses In the Classroom kokuban FT doa bideo 7 keshigomu kaban Useful Expressions Wakarimashita. Wakarimasen. Yukkuri itte kudasai. Moo ichido itte kudasai. § 1 o g § if % M &\ Chotto matte kudasai. I undei-stand./T understood. I don't understand./I don't know. Please speak slowly. Please say it again. Please wait.