72) Mas»*aai (»4*» I 1 * S S 0 N ^(^"C^t1—S The First Date k is D a I o g u e Mary goes downtown. I /r'j-i / r 'J - e II In the evening, at Mary's host family's house. tzfz^to s T l] — ^ A,, On the phone. © Mary: Excuse me. Where is McDonald's;-' StranRer: It is in front of that department stone. Mary: Thank you. i Mary: I'm home. Host father: Welcome home. How was the movie? Mary: I didn't see it. Takeshi didn't come. Host father: Oh. why? Mary: I don't know. So. 1 went to a bookstore and a temple alone. Host father: Were there a lot of people? Man-: Yes. I took mam pictures at the temple. I also went to a department store. Here's a souvenir for you. Host father: Thank you. Host mother: Oh. Mary, you had a phone call a little while ago. 0 Takeshi: This is Kimura. Mary: Hello, is this Takeshi? This is Mary. Takeshi, you didn't come today, did you? Takeshi: I went there. I waited for one hour in front of the Haafien-Dazs place. Mary: Not Haagen-Da/.s. McDonald's! Takeshi: McDonald's . . . I'm sorry! 0 Nouns Activities People and Things ■ l v l ^ m < t * fh * r » t & Time cf. ^feL**^ in. part-time job shopping class you dog souvenir child rice; meal picture; photograph desk tetter cat bread person temple park supermarket department store bus stop hospital hotel bookstore town; city restaurant yesterday a little while ago hour one hour * Words that appear in the dialogue r L m ^ last week £ ^ when . . . ; at the time of . . . (f-^i: I'jBP E*EB Monday *' X T V jJCta Tuesday i* fe> ct T V tK%3 H Wednesday | < ± 11^ ^ 8 Thursday O-verbs & -? & l to meet; to see (a person) (person E-) * & £ there is . . . &7 to buy A* < # ^ to write (person I- tiling & ) ■ E I P I to take (pictures) (~ £) « £^ to wait * ib^*^ to understand C^^*) i - v e r fa * v 5 (a person) is in ...; stays at, , (place K) Adverbs and Other Expressions -~ <* *o V* about (approximate measurement) i ~sb/-u t£ ? v,^ I'm sorry. * tzfr'h- so; therefore * ft ^ ^ k, many: a lot fe* £ together with (a person) * why * pf-fl X " feSf alone * t L t L Hello? (used on the phone) Location Words right left * H i front ■) L ^ back # inside (—«) 7 i on Lit T under (~«) I near (~«) f% next W between (,-4 H B c?)) £ w there 3 Z here X S Grammar CI x#£Drr/urr X ') i-f means "there is/are X (nonliving thing)." The particle introduces, or presents, the item X. You can use & 0 i~t when you want to say that there is something at a certain location. $Mf Y~f-iV Ytffa >) 3 i"n 77,*«- a- 0 McDonald's over there. Note that & 0 * it is different from other verbs we have seen so far on the following three counts. One, it calls for the particle 1-, rather than X\ for the place description. Two, the place description usually comes at the beginning of the sentence. Three, the thing description is usually followed by the particle ¥, rather than 12. You can also use h *) £ "f to say that you have or own something.1 f V t*A*& 0 Jc -£ A,0 / don't have a TV. ftffflttf^fc 9 Do you hare time? Wc also use h ') £ i~ when we want to say that an event will take place. 'X^i S 1-f X h $fj£ 0 | ta 77i«v? hjiV/ 6# «« exaw o« Tnesdav. *■ if faLtz&B fcU CT> 7 7 X -b*h 1 I */i,c TVtere km"/7 6 0 { T are strictly for descriptions of existence and location, while "C"t is for description of an attribute of a person or a thing. 78 I There's an international student over there. (place L.) thing ^ ^D^r person # ilä^st TVsere is!are Describing Where Things Are We learned in Lesson 2 that to ask for the location of item X. you can use the word £' (where) and say X tZZZX'i't*. -7 7 f&WZi$>f& Where's McDonald's? In response, one can. of course, point and say: -?7 Pi-fr Kti McDonald's is orcr there. right there near you. right here. In this lesson, we will learn to describe locations in more detail. More specifically, we learn to describe the location of an item relative to another item, as in "X is in front of Y." The Japanese version looks like X Ii V coitrX"f. It's in front of that department store. Other useful words describing locations are as follows: location words UtzD £X Ufr \1 Ufc £TSDl x it y t z qmumF?* to the right of to the left of in front of behind X is 1 inside on 'above under I beneath near next to X is between Y and Z. Y. The bank is next to the library. 5 (It-7)l f)X%~f The umbrella is under the table. J"X." ■ 1X ft* 'Ji 77ie restaurant is between the department store and the hospital. One can use any of the above location words together with a verb to describe an event that occurs in the place. To use these phrases with verbs such as h and one will need A i the particle f". hfct. i i J / waited for Mary in front of the lluagen-Dazs place. Past Tense The past tense forms of verbs look like the following, where — stands for the stem of a verb. present tense past tense affirmative negative /T'J-H lilL3$ I^HU'f'IH tzo Mary returned home at about nine. fcföMH B &feSi t i •£ /v -C L £0 / ««/ s/«4v Japanese yesterday. The various details of formation of the long forms that we learned in Lesson 3, like the ru-verb///-verb/irregular verb distinctions, all apply to the past tense forms as well. ■"Another word for "near" that is also commonly used rs £>*- < . 5Both XliYco^ &•') ~C*i"and XJiY^J: ::-f-f describe situations where two items (X and Y) are found side by side. For a £ i 1 sentence to be considered appropriate, items X and Y need to belong to the same category; two people, two buildings, and so forth. In contrast, an item can be X ^ in relation to another item even if they are quite distinct. 1Ci£fi h A \s?>£Z -C"f„ The telephone is by the resiroom. x '£ti r >f t/ *) £ •) *f, (Odd) The past tense versions of "X ti Y sentences look like the following. present tense past tense affirmative negative -rut —u^^o^-rir/urufc6 Mr. Yamashita was a student at Tozui University. 77i«/ was ho/ « Japanem movie. Expressions of quantity in Japanese are rather different from those in English. In Japanese, if you want to add a quantity word like tz < $ A, to the direct object of a sentence, you can either place it before the noun, or after the particle uu ■ - ■ \mm Lft, ■ I Sf^žft < Sit ft < 3>lgf£Ž «1 Lft, / took many pictures in Kyoto. I ate a lot of vegetables. —Bf H The duration of an activity is expressed with a bare noun, like — Such a noun stands alone {that is, not followed by any particle) and usually appears immediately before the verb. T 'J — S £ ti £ C *Cft (t L 3 A, £ fflft htltz Alary waited for Takeshi there for an hour. For an approximate measurement, you can add Cb^ after ~b#P>1]. eAs was the case with the present tense I* f h 1 a written language would mere likely have "C£±& 1 JHfitlft, instead of the contracted form \!<>h *) i*t&J?lfc. 7 As we learned in Lesson 3, for "at about a certain time" we have another word SM PH 0 fafi lit - > replaces the particles dt, i*, or * in these sentences. You can also use & when you go to two places, do something on two different occasions, and so forth. 8You can use H to connect nouns only. We will learn about connecting verbs and sentences in Lesson 6. -■'Willi" a- in "with chopsticks" requires Bina0ia particle. See Lesson 10. t if s £ I f:-. / went to Osaka, too. Robert went to a party on Saturday. BIB life ^'-7" 4 -Hfr* 5 L/=o went to a party on Sunday, too. We put I after the particle I- in these sentences. More generally, particle other Lhan II, *\ and & are used together with t. rather lhan being replaced by it. Expression Notes X tf)fI!J^ X . you can also describe it as being X«-5 >o. sL'Dfda'D^ In the dialogues, we observe Mary's host father saying and her host mother saying fo-z>. jLi is like the incredulous "what?" that you use when you have heard something that is hard to believe, fai is used when you have suddenly noticed or remembered something. The small i at the end of these little words indicates that these words, when pronounced, are very short. ~B#^^^ f- (half) appears after the unit word like B$RH. Thus, "two hours and n half" is rffif-, rather than _: WIH]. feL^U^ & L& L is "hello," which is used only in telephone conversations. Some people nse t> L $> b when they place a call. Some other people use it when they receive a call. H W Practice «UJSK A, Look at the picture and tell what you see, using SOS"?" or U^T. B. Answer the following questions. i *> J: (lit 6. -SDffc^ (classroom) l^ll^'i^f^ 7. (zoo) Um^v^i-^0 8. IM^ibM (countrv) CH^'J) ') | <«; C.i 9. fci/iOfcmilt^ C. Look at Takeshi's schedule for the week and answer the following questions. @ School After School Monday French English Computer Tuesday History club activity Wednesday French English Computer Thursday History club activity Friday English (TEST) party Saturday NO SCHOOL date Sunday NO SCHOOL part-time job club activity 7 7 7* party —T 4 — test f Ah Example: Q : n^Blzyy 7 7 X*** 1 lt*\ A : iiv\ |>^fc 1. ft pi 7 ') 5 "t**. 3. ^K^H a C77 >XH(077 0 iti'c J A, Jt 1 y Ci: k*Js< a Sir D. Pair Work—Write down your next weeks schedule and ask each other what plans you have on each day of the week. Example: A : % hj a HWh 0 5 1~^0 B : 0^lcO7 7W) 21%, sH4SM I 85 Your Schedule Your Partner's Schedule n fa ±13 A. Look at the picture and tell where the following things are. M) Example: HI # 1 1. #|M£^ 2. 3. 5. 6. B. Look at the picture and tell where the following things are. (jjjjol Example: ^ > -^ii^ < ž-tOX^-f* 1. fciá£ÉŠ 2. f- (racket) 3. R^f+ 4. 'tiž 5. /^ax 6. BN L i 0 C. Pair Work—Ask and answer questions to find where the buildings are. One student looks at map A. The other student looks at map B (p. 93). Don't look at the other's map. Example: A ! £® (i if C X~ffi\ Map A f><- k 'l . . . — Q-H^fV. Ask where the following places are. 1. ^ 3. 5. 2. 4. fM| in 56*(*z:+=»riyfc A. Look at the information about Prof, Yamashita 25 years ago and answer the questions. @ Twenty-five years ago, Prof. Yamashita was twenty-two years old senior at a college good student his major—Japanese history-Example: Q : J,Tft±!i*.*± (college student) tL tz *C X L ft it A. -V k ■ — if L 2. 0,TM(i^4tU:h 3. a.Tft±lilH^itL/:i'o B. Pair Work—Guessing game Ask questions and find out the prices your partner has chosen. 1. Before you si an. both of you will choose one price in each row of the table and mark it. 2. In each row. use the item and one of the four prices, make a yes-or-no-question sentence and find out which price your partner has chosen. 3. You can ask at most two questions with one item. If you have guessed correctly the price your partner has chosen, you score a point. Your partner will not give away the right answer when you ask a wrong question. 4. When you have asked questions about all the items in the table, switch roles with your partner and answer their questions. 5. Tabulate the score. You win the game if you have scored higher than your partner. Example: A : £CObHfAsl±zz.~£]RX~Ltzfya ¥5.000 ¥10.000 ¥15,000 ¥20.000 ¥600 ¥1,000 ¥1,300 ¥2,000 Y1.600 ¥2,000 ¥2,400 ¥3.000 ¥3,300 ¥4,000 ¥6,500 ¥8,000 t: Hi- ¥3,0U0 ¥10,000 ¥17,000 ¥25.000 C. Pair Work—Suppose you got one thing as a birthday present and choose it from the items on the next page. Your partner guesses what you got. Answer your partner's questions. Example: B : 71/-t'/ h MhAlL-X: I tz£*0 hf-3J:5 y sic A. Change the following verbs into S\stz and ~£i+A/c?Ufc. @ Example: j&$§ > U$ 1. (ii'-f 2. 1H 3. it1 4. ^< 5. < | 6. r-? 7. ^.il 8. 9. f^f 10. Hi 11. 12. *2§ 13. 5< 14. 15. £i& B. The pictures below show what Mary did last week. Tell what she did. |j| Example: ^ T 'J - * ^ (i E ^ 3 C L £ 1% Ex. Monday (1) Tuesday (2) Wednesday (3) Thursday in the library at home at school at a coffee shop (4) Friday (5) Saturday (6) Sunday at a friend's house in Kyoto at a department store C. Look at the pictures in B and answer the questions, (jj Example: Q: / T 'J - * k l± % «g S I: gj^ffi -T?&3£ l £. L 7= ft, A ; $4?3> L2 l/r, 1. f—l^^»iiPI=^^ 11 L jlti\ 5. / r -?/ji±?a i:f^x* l 2 ifc*** 6. J-T 'J -?yUiB*SBi:JCt.^*: L5 ltzt\ D. Look at the pictures above and answer the questions. Example: Q : / T '1 - ^ ^ (+ % 3M H I-fa £ L £ l felhs if-sH y feu A : b*#tmS!lj l£0 *- ±* EC ill 3. 'j-^tiv^b&S^JU Lfc*'0 4. ^T'J-Uli^oS^^'i l § ltzi*0 6. / T 'J-^li^lHI^'ltmi:^^ LAc^o E. Pair Work—Ask what your partner did on Monday, Tuesday, etc. Example: A I H^B Kflk l £ l»&#!fi B:f-XUU/; = ® Pair Work—Using the expressions below, ask your partners how often they did the following activities when they were a child or in high school. Example: A ! -?m0>*t/&& Bit 1 B : ttv\ I < t ftc i. épw 4. ^nr-n< 5. ^&£#< 6. f*- h £t£ i < i-*A,-cift A. Compare sentences (a) and (b), and change sentence (b) using fc. Example: (a) <— if-(i-IR«Ci". a) ft It IS /Ui^f+fcíT^á Lfto b) ^»^^mvJ Lft0 a) o/sr- h S/liia^f*£í&?£LáTo a) ftltl^/Wái-HgBícr/t^M r H I f0 b) ftit 11 /JáHía i:r/v/f>f ř i 11 -f„ a) ífcia, I^Lt^ř#Í^^l^i b) NH* LLHíT^á-tí-/v'r'Lft0 B. Describe the pictures using =b. fc^j Ex. ^ihz vd j££ut>CD$tia (Review Exercises) A. Answer the following questions. t. i < fzkciir.ti/v^f-^i 7. ^«H* ^:tt:'l^&t^iU:^ B. Pair Work—A and B want to play basketball together. The following is A's schedule for this week. (B's schedule is on p. 93.) Play the roles of A and B with your partner. Ask each other what the other is doing and decide on what day you will play basketball. Example: A : *r 7 h (basketball) £ L I B : iu i-e-t*a0 A : n "IB ti £4 W#i ^HfH (J ? A's Schedule MON WED TMV Pa^Cs XCtnju i&# SAT P>a&C -Xc*n*~ fvC- mm* 93 Pair Work I C. Example: A : '^ili € Z Map B ■—■---- 1 r-r Ask where the following places are. i. 5^1 2. £g ****** >- * t* 3. X—4. IM? 5. L-Xr7> Pair Work VH B. Example: A i;*$z&4r<8 r (basketball) £ I £ B's Schedule X SUN 6 p. m ■ ^°331 ^ X MOW S-fucty tn -tk& library #^3> H— ^ )— November December Day Week Month Year -a-y^-ax l 1*1 i nam the day hefore yesterday the week before last the month before last the year before last ^1 (hie a) i 1 te£ (*^) yesterday last week last month last year * Jt 1 (4>B) (^) today this week this month this year hltz b^L^') (^iS) tomorrow next week next month next year the day after tomorrow the week after next the month after next the year after next