Lesson 1 I 1 I I ~v h 1 St^tfMift b ( Lectures on Kanji) X. 6 f* fc)!^ - 1 - (Kanji made from pictures - 1 -) The ancient Chinese drew pictures of various things around them. These pictures have gradually been simplified and have taken on a square shape to make them easier to write. This is how the present Kanji characters were made. Each Kanji, therefore, carries a specific meaning. Look at the following picture. Guess the meanings of the Kanji characters below. 1. Ill 2. j|| 3. B3 4. 7fc 5- B 6. R 7. A 8. □ 9. $ 10. ft Lesson 1 These Kanji characters were made from very primitive pictures as follows. Usually each Kanji has at least two ways of being read; the so-called 'KUN YOMI' (Japanese reading) and *ON YOMF (Chinese reading). Picture \ t y -Q- A Kanji 'KUN' H n Oj HI ffl A P □ 'ON' [NICHI] [GETSU] [MOKU] [BOKU] [SAN] [JIN] [NIN] [SHA] Meaning sun day moon month tree mountain ( [SEN] ) river [DEN] rice field man person [KOU] mouth car (frh?) [MON] gate ( ) reading is rarely used. When a single Kanji is used alone as a word, we usually read it by its 'KUN YOMI' (Japanese reading) which gives its meaning. When Kanji are used together with other Kanji to make a word, we often read them by their 'ON YOMI' (Chinese reading). Generally speaking, however, the way of reading Kanji should be decided according to each individual word. Lesson 1 7h2 —H ;U—;U 1 : Make every Kanji the same size and put them in a square. a o a & T3Q JU—Jl> 2 Follow the basic stroke order, (l) Write from left to right. r (2) Write downward. (3) Draw strokes from the top to the bottom as follows. 2 -3 (4) Draw strokes from the left to the right in the following order. 1 23, II (5) Draw a square in the following way. 1 2—, 3 ii m Q (6) When there is a figure in the square, the line which closes the square is drawn last. I 2—, 3 4 5 II IT [1 ffl ffl c.f. When a stroke line passes through a square, draw that stroke last. i 2 3 i ±. , c )l—Jl> 3 ! There are three basic ways to end a stroke. CD Stop (D Stretch (D Hook Lesson 1 »CO Q sun day (4) l n Fl Q ■ 0 (O) the sun, a day o • (5%) Japan B*H(£*> - i -9 - 00 Sunday 3B(^o • ir) the 3rd day moon month -ify (4) n the moon, a month 1 J! (v**> • #*o) January MMB (»fo • J: o ' tf) Monday 1 (v»o)ri\H Ofo) one month tree (4) (c*) a tree /fc^f (^ - tf ) Japanese name *BSB d>< ' ll ' V) Thursday mountain (3) 1 lL Uj(-^i) a mountain ÜJTO^ä • Lfz) Japanese name e±llj(^ • £ • 2 A,) Mt. Fuji 'X\h(fr • a volcano Lesson 1 )l river (3) )\ Jll (frt>) a river •fÄ ;WII • jo**?) the Nile River ffl rice field (5) n m EB (7^i) A.tä' a rice field ffl+Cfc • &/$*) Japanese name lijBaC^ä ' tz) Japanese name ffl (Z"/i ~t~<< 1) ^rrc? . 0v, man person -y (2) y A A(£>£) man, a person B^AO- • täA • DA) a Japanese 3A(£A,*t-A,) three people n mouth (3) n a □ (<*>) a mouth ffiP (T? • C*>) an exit AP(V^ • <"*>) an entrance AP(tA • population Lesson 1 9fr car (7) \ n f=i a car M^-i^A, • L*) a train §fij^(C ■ h**) * L^>) a car, an automobile n gate (8) i r P P P1 pi PI F6! (& A) a gate * i> ^) a speciality Lesson 1 2 — 2. cfc^ti/tbjbj, ( Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. * 2. M 3. M 4. PI 5. 0 6. A 7. □ 8. Ill 9. Jll 10. ffl 11. A □ 12. Ill B3 ^A, II . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 0 i B 2. M M B 3. * Bf B 4. B * 5. §j:9ii:3^15B fto Today is the 15th of March. 6. &<7)Al±llJJII 2 A"C"t"o That man over there is Mr. Yamakawa. 7. LljJII £A,tiH#A"Ct"o Mr. Yamakawa is a Japanese. 8. abOUu-liift&U]-Tl-0 That mountain over there is Mt. Tsukuba. 9. Z 14. Sunday 3. March 3 Q 7. July 7 L5 #o 11. November 1 1 u;«&9^5 #s_9 15. Monday 4. April 4 8. August 8 Q 12. December 1 2 ~ £ 19» 9 j" #0 16. Thursday 18. Mt. Fuji ± m 19. population Bf * < J; 9 CK 20. a speciality & IS SA ÜA, ~9 -ti-A 22. Mr. Yamada 23. Miss Yamakawa 24. the Tone River SA Lesson 2 21 -v V 1 -M¥<7)1£% b ( Lectures on Kanji) tzM^ - 2 - (Kanji made from pictures -2-) Look at the following picture. Each drawing indicates a certain meaning. Guess the meaning of the Kanji characters below. l.^C 2. £ 3.^ 4. £ 5.^ 6.^ 7. ± 8. TtC 9. % Lesson 2 These Kanji characters were made from very primitive pictures as follows. Remember that each Kanji has its 'KUN YOMF (Japanese reading) and 'ON YOMF (Chinese reading). Picture Kanji 'KUN' 'ON' [KA] Meaning fire i!1 * III P [SUI] water [KIN] gold money metal [DO] ground earth soil [SHI] ihild [JO] woman female W3 ^ [GAKU] study 5fc [SEI] [SEN] live birth foregoing previous Usually the 'ON YOMI' (Chinese reading) of Kanji will be written using Katakana in a Kanji dictionary. Therefore, students are expected to learn Kata-kana as soon as possible after mastering Hiragana. Lesson 2 217 h 2 -m-B(D%&A,m^ (Basic Kanji) 2-1. M^(Dfr%frtz ( Kanji Writings) <#fäA(7)® (Basic Strokes)> (1) a horizontal line (2) a vertical line (3) a slanting line (4) a short hook (5) a long hook (6) a corner ^ i9> "9 (7) a dot and various short lines 8 ;K 3- t>tzL Lesson 2 m* < ^ t>3i fire (4) X (O) fire XMB (fr • I 0 • (7) tuesday a volcano water (4) i tK(^-T) water tke Ot^ • ^L) a rice field tKBIB ("t"^ • «t 9 • tf) wednesday gold, money metal (8) JoáH/^fa) money <&eb (^te • ŕi) japanese name a) gold Éi0(h- -oo friday ground earth, soil (3) — ±(o-t>) the ground ±>fc((^) a girl • L-#*< •-tH>) a girl student ■k woman female & ^ t£ V 3 (3) iL £:(43A,&) a woman ic(ioA&) • C i) she ? study (8) f ^£(t5s< • -t±-v^) a student ^^(/'V • 7$?<) a university • £ a school 1 live birth O-ttlb (5) to live to be born 5fc£(-£X, •a teacher ^^(^)?< •a student Lesson 2 19 previous 1 : "•' » foregoing > -' '• •' ^ (6) ) 9c ahead %R • tfo) last month 5fc£(-t^ • a teacher private fr£< L (7) s * fa %{hfzL/htzi L) I &5;^^(L • O • • a private university Lesson 2 2 — 2. cfc<&ft^ b ti> o ( Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. % 2. J- 3. ~k 4. X 5. 6. # 7. 8. n m b 9. x m u 10. * i b n. *'m u Xi # ftyi U tf> 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 2. a student 3. a woman 4. a child 5. a teacher 6. money 7. water 8. fire 9. the ground 10. gold Lesson 2 H. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. Monday m 2. Tuesday m 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday m m 5. Friday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday 8. a woman 33 m m CO 9. a girl 10. a girl student 11. a university 12. afire CO - £ J: L 13. the date of one's birth 14. a rice field -tiro 15. a private university 16. my teacher 17. ahead ~" 1 1 ' i: 5: 9o fcV 18. Mr. Kaneda 19. Miss Tsuchida 20. a gold car (7) Lesson 2 (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) #— (a calendar) > 2 m 0 zK & ± 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 [Questions] 2. 2^15HliMl®BT*-t^o 3. 2^17B(iMBiBtf-T^o 4. 2^21B{±^rHHT*i-^0 5. 2^23BlifflBT*1-^o Lesson 3 mimi n." y h 1 -}Sľ?t-o [ICHI] one [NI] two ^o-o [SAN] three 2 + 2 3+2 5P - (K} -> gg j;0-o [SHI] 3 + 3 5 + 2 4«; + four five 7^ tr^-o [ROKU] six -b [SHICHI] seven A ^o-^ [HACHI] eight ^(7>o [KYUU] nine [KU] t £ [JUU] ten Lesson 3 h 2 HMiroSaAai? (Basic Kanji) 2-1. M¥t> • fa A,) one year — two (2) —• — o two (things) —Ai&tz-*)) two (people) ~M (tc • t^o) February —^(tc • faA) two years . three (3) -—' .-- -(<&o)o three (things) -0(^o-t)\> the 3rd day HiH^A,-/^) March H^(£A,-faA,) three years Lesson 3 24 E3 four £A,/£ (5) i \ / V 1 HgUo)o four (things) H B (<£ o • #\) the 4th day IZ9J! (L • t^o) April lzg^(j: • fa A,) four years five (4) ■— r 2(v^o)o five (things) S^(r-^o) May SB (v^o • ^) • fa a.) the 5th day five years 25 7^ six (4) J A(fro)^ six (things) *AB(£j^-^) the 6th day AJ1 (6 < • June a^(6 < • fa A,) six years 26 27 seven (2) -t: -fc(&fro)o 7 cosas -t^(L^^o) Julio 4r 0 (&<7);H 7° dia -b^(L*?faAy) 7 anos -fcA(frftt^/L*?(c:Ay) 7 personas Lesson 3 eight *? (2) A A(^o)o eight (things) A J! (\±% • August AS poo *AB(<£ o - ^) the 8th day A^(ti*> • fcA,) eight years nine (2) ft, (^ i • fr) the 9th day %M (< • j^o) September * ? • <) 900 ten v^y-Zv^- (2) — + + (t &) ten (things) + 0 (t £ • fr) the 10th day (C *9> 1 • tfi) October -f# (t v 0 • to A,) 10 years hundred -fe?+* (6) r r^Xfcl-tMK) 200 HSX^O^O 300 /^(6ot»<) 600 A"^aioI»<) 800 Lesson 3 t y a ^ (^<-r^>) thousand h -tf > (3) s y a thousand yen 3,000 • tf; Chiba pref. ten thousand all, every >*y (3) — 7 —7JR • £ ^ • ten thousand yen 7? f^fe ' ^""v l) tc<3* TjIU 0i*' ^ o all countries circle yen (4) ) n n R(x.A) a circle, yen IR(t>^< -x.^ 100 yen Effl(r ■ ^ • x. A.) 5,000 yen year age (6) A— r ^±(£L*5x.) persona mayor, viejo/a 5fe^(bV ^ feAv) ano pasado ^^(^ct-^A/) ano pasado £U este ano Lesson 3 2 — 2. cfc<&ft/b L m> 9 ( Reading Exercises) Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. (Read vertically from the right.) n I R A A A 31 — —. n (D ft X A ft A < £ 1 A — B B \± £ B (i li A & A A <£ □ A A i> 0 e3 a B (D ^ a A B O 75 a ct — Jl A A 1 C 0 B — A ^ a 23 a A o B o a A o A 1 A £ A A A A 0 —■ co ffl A Oj j£ A — (i (i A R A A A £ a 1 A B h R A A A' A A A A A A o A o o A o A A A R I . A ¥100 2. ¥6,900 3. ¥600 4. ¥17,000 5. 4 months 6. 8 years 7. Professor Yamada's age is 49. 8. This car costs ¥450,000. 9. That mountain is 2,000 meters high. 10. One year has 365 days. II . A the 3rd of March 2. the 24th of June 3. the year 1985 4. 03-3469-8251 5. Today is Wednesday the 9th of September. 6. The 5th of May is Children's Day. 7. The population of this country is about 60,000,000. Lesson 3 2-3. #£tiAUtf>5 (Writing Exercises) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. n 12. ^ ^ 13. ^ 14. if 8. ^ 9. < ^ 10. t 0 < Kb 9 X. ^ < WD 9 ^ 9 ^ ^ < ^ 3. < ^ A, 11. «9 7. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ x. Lesson 3 o L -9 Kb "5 L 5 CO It 27. 24. 21. 18. 6 (5) 9 L- L -9 -9 # -9 CO te' Tf 25. 22. 19. 1; KB 9 (i -£ A5 -9 ■0 «k 9 -9 K» 7 < < a* 26. 23. 20. Kb 9 < < 1_ ft -9 -9 CO if ;6> 15. 1. ¥20 5. ¥520 8. 10 years 12. three people 15. the 1st of January 18. the 4th of April 21. the 7th of July 24. the 10th of October 2. ¥300 6. ¥850 9. 100 years 3. ¥6,000 7. ¥47,000 10. one person 13. four people 14. 16. the 2nd of February 17. 19. the 5th of May 20. 22. the 8th of August 23. 25. November 26. 4. ¥80,000 11. two people one month the 3rd of March the 6th of June the 9th of September December Lesson 3 HI U r>Ti*$ 1"*»lEIIi T£ ST*» I (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) K> is K> I . AWM (Greengrocer) 1. l)A,r (an apple) ti, — < ibtrl#\> 2. frfrA, (an orange) ti, -ov^< f)tf^0 3. ^lí (Kanji made from signs) Abstract ideas which are impossible to illustrate are indicated with the help of points and lines. Look at the followings. Sign Kanji 'KUN' T o o o T y7ř 9 x. 'ON' Meaning [JOU] [GE] [CHUU] fc£5-£v> [DAI] [HON] ^ (ftriMi) [HAN] above up under down middle inside big *>v>-£^ [SHOU] small root origin book half divide [FUN] [BUN] [RYOKU] power Lesson 4 ~ y h 2 -*HBW)£aA8t¥ (Basic Kanji) 2-1. ^(DfrZfrtz (Writing Kanji) Y above, on up, superior ab-tf* (3) 1 r above, on _b to go up, to rise ± (0l?) & to go up ±# (i: i d • -f) 4 skillful T under down, inferior L£/$-J&*&/ to get off middle inside -v^ (4) \ m ^(ft^*) inside ^'ki^VI • LA,) the center — 0 if (i/>*> • tc-t> • Cv9> -5) all day long 36 37 38 Lesson 4 a* {fr< 19) big, large . great * -Y (3) f A(££) §V> = A^& big A^(/i^- &<) a university A$Kfcv> •-£o)& important *AA(£ = /h£& small /J\MI (£3 • riJfo) a brook, a stream ',M^5C( L n '^o • ^t) a primary school */hA( a child root, origin " true, main 11 (5) • (h) a Japanese surname ^(15 A,) a book #B (liA • Co) this day #J£0iA • Xk) the main office half (&t^-(£) ^> (5) 4M&^)f£ halfway, middle ^(liA, • .£A,) half ^(l^-tl) half a year Hff^ (£ A • D • (±A.) 3:30 Lesson 4 & division, part minute fr-tfh iy/--fy (4) j %{t>)\^h to divide fr(t>)fr& to understand S^M^-* ' «&>A,) five minutes ~r\5^{h^> • six minutes power, force ability ' (2) 7 t}(1ofrb) power • x <) one's real ability 2J^(*) § • dynamics what (#) (7) f r what ^(^^-C^^o What is it? mXittAs • 1,1 A,) how many people •fi'I^Ok/v • fa A.) what year Lesson 4 2 — 2 . 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the readings of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. # 2. \n 3. A 4. _t 5. T 6. 41 7. B^ 8. 9. /h£v> 10. 5j^£ 11. 5Ht£ 12. #53* 13. A^ 14. 15. -fc^ 16. ^ II . Write the readings of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 2. Wffl^<7)$Hl±;tt^TM±&9 £-£/L0 3. o < x.<7)±^io#^#) ^to There is some money on the desk. 4. $<7)tHC/jN$V^l£^*&l) £f o There is a small bag in the car. 5. A ^ V > A - A £ -t- C 5> 11 £ L/Jo We divided a big cake in two. 8. tr^ West Gate North Gate HJP Subway AP <- Hi P -> East Gate {UP AP South Gate im □ Exit I f r I—I Entrance ticket gate Lesson 4 II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1. inside 2. water power 3. heat power 4. half past nine Ufr i)i< a* «9 a < < i; {*A 5. what time 6. for counting long slender objects UK V &A -£A l>o (3TA- K «A 7. a Japanese 8. up train 9. down train 3 A ISA 10. an adult C ISA U A 01? < fi 11. a primary school 12. a junior high school 13. the middle of July 5 Kb 9 # o 3 9 14. a half, 1/2 15. one third, 1/3 (D (7) L5 ^A 1*5 SA 1*5 16. three quarters, 3/4 17. all day long CO cfc A A £A V>5 Iw5 £f*9 18. Mr. Yamamoto's specialty is dynamics. ■Ö-A &A 0 £ Lesson 4 -o-o .hDMM up train 4"v — A platform <- -O— -C7-Cr- TO MM down train "O-cr Exercise What do the following Kanji mean? 1. 3c*L (ri^So) 2. ffiP (t?C*>) 3. AP (V^ C-t,) 4. ±*) (<7>l?»)) 5. TO 7. mp oa<^) 8. ftP 9. in 10. J&Tlfc (*>Ko) Lesson 5 I £V Z* fr SB 5 |! I I7M -3liö)(ift U ( Lectures on Kanji) ( Kanji made from a combination of the meanings) What does the Kanji ^ 0 j mean? It means 'the sun.' What does the Kanji 1"Jf\ j mean? It means 'the moon.' Then, what do you think the Kanji ^H^j means? It means 'bright'! Some Kanji are made by combining rather simple characters. Now, guess the meaning of the following Kanji. 1. fa 2. # 3. ^ 4. £P 5. ft 6. f§ 7. ffl 8. jjC Look at the following examples and see how each character was combined and made into a new meaning. Combination b + n sun moon a + * man tree Kanji 'KUN' 'ON' Meaning 0^ tbfr-h^ [MEI] bright both the sun and the moon are 'bright' \1f *?i-ts [KYUU] rest a man is 'resting' beside a tree a + * man origin fr hfl [TAI] the body the origin of a man is 'the body' woman child #f -f-Z [KOU] a woman 'loves' a child love, like Lesson 5 Combination Kanji 'KUN' 'ON' Meaning ffi + rice field power ■fe t cl [DAN] a man, male 'a man' is powerful in the rice field tree tree # li^L [RIN] two trees make 'a wood' a wood a grove tree tree tree three trees make 'a forest' [SHIN] a forest a jungle gate sun Hj Jb^fz [KAN] between the sun can be seen 'between' the doors fire field 'Jjfl Itfzlf a cultivated field burn up the field and make 'a cultivated field' 111 + E mountain stone "** S [GAN] a rock a big stone in the mountain is 'a rock' Most Kanji were transmitted from China, however, there are some Kanji that originated in Japan. For example, j$](l±/ji (8) ) n B BJ] ÜM(fofr)Z)^* bright, cheerful B£j(áb)tt& (dawn) to break rest (6) Í r ft (^1") tr to rest, to be absent ft a break, a holiday ftS(ě^-) ' a holiday body (7) f r it ft(^io/j:) a body ftW (/c^ • V* <) physical exercises ft;£l(£^ • 0 «t <) physical strength 46 47 48 Lesson 5 49 ft love, like favorite -r-< (6) Is k r M £ř favorite U(1-)frtiZ> to be loved man male &tc\ vy i-y (?) \ n FF %(Í5kZ\) aman f§ (&t č\) ) a boy student 50 ti wood "* grove (8) t i i *- ffOi-^L) a wood /hff(A,) ayear B#fä ( £ • /S^) time 3; (^<1~9) cultivated field (9) iffl(tifclt) cultivated field E9'Jffl(/i • íifc) fields of rice and crops rock v^t> if y (8) 1 lU ř tu r ÜJ /FT ítí^fo) a rock SÜJ (^=b • ž) a rocky mountain Síí^A • -tř§) rocks and stones Lesson 5 2 — 2. <£ 0 Jto There is a river between the forests. 5. BBv^^tfr^il/^ We took a rest in a light forest. It takes about one hour to that small mountain. 7. sffl£/UiB3&v>A"Cl-0 Mr. Iwata is a cheerful man. 8. \l}(D±lZ-$itf$) 0 i"to There are cultivated fields on the top of the mountain. Lesson 5 3 . 1?% tiA L KD 9 (Writing Exercises) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a tree X 2 = a wood X 2 = 2. a tree X 3 = a forest X 3 = 3. woman + child = like t 4. rice field -f~ power = a man t 5. sun + moon = light t 6. man -H tree — to rest t frit 7. gate + sun = between 8. body's power = physical strength t — CD — foi^tz tz\- 0 5 = ^ 11. a boy 12. man and woman CO - L Lesson 5 II. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. for one minute fr/v 4. for four weeks A L (Q> 9 ?P /v 7. forests and woods . for two hours 3 . for three days . for five months 6 . for six years . a holiday 9 . an inactive vo 1 t HD 9 to ě ní 9 10. physical exercises 7t o o < 11. I like cheerful people. o 12. Those men are Mr. Kobayashi and Mr. Iwata. CO ŤZ % \± Ž A, t tit Z Ot £ A, T: o ŤZ Lesson 5 111 < L W> 9 111111 Review L. 1 — 5 B X ± Uj Jll ffl A J. □ PI 3g —- _.. _A El A % 75 R ± T X /h ft fa & m fa fa 0 K MJ I. Make 5 sentences by using the Kanji above. II . Fill in the blanks with an approriate Kanji. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. 0 s + Lesson 5 ID . Read the following story. Jeffl^ A,(±B*A<7)#§<7)A-C-ro H^<^v^Si/>T^^t^t^iL/:0 LT, *HH (-£AkA) speciality j£W (£v^><) physical exercises BIB (£7 If) day of the week ~fp (>T) ~ a language —AWZX'-t Hike- ?fcM (-£ALv9o) last week U.fz~h We ^A-^^^r various ~-fo ~ for each — B#|HJ (^*> C^A) for one hour ~<7)*>^<'C near ~ [lo^A] 1. y^--$Aj±B^A-ei-^o 3. 7ov--$^(i{pI^ipIHH0^^^ L/j^o 4. 7°7--£AJi^BI07>^Bi0 £-cfsr£ Lit^0 5. 7°7~-£^^(i^OLij^v^ £ L^tK 6. -ifA^-e (all together) IfAt^iL/:^ 7. 7°7^ -ZA,tz%\$)\\R¥ - 3 - ( Kanji made from pictures - 3 -) Look at the following picture. Each drawing indicates a certain meaning. Guess the meaning of the Kanji characters below. 1- C 2. ft 3. % 4. & 5. M 6. ^ 7. J£ 8. M 9. ^ 10. |= Lesson 6 These Kanji characters were made from very primitive pictures as follows. Usually each Kanji has at least two ways of being read; the so-called 'KUN YOMF (Japanese reading) and 'ON YOMT (Chinese reading). Picture Kanji 'KUN' 'ON' Meaning [MOKU] eye m: tí □ / K > "S 5 x tztf [JI] [SHU] [U] [MAI] [BEI] [SHI] ear hand [SOKU] leg rain [CHIKU] bamboo rice America ([BAD) shellfish [SEKI] stone thread Lesson 6 - y h 2 -&*3t<• ^(X) a hand ^lft("C • 7^) a letter *±f(i:n • T) skillful *Tfh-/:)^ unskillful 58 Lesson 6 59 leg, pair suffice tz-t (7) 5_ J£(ab L) a leg 0 & to be enough (tC "• «£■ <) two pairs rain (8) n ffj Si M(&*6) rain M^C1? * X A,) rainy weather vr bamboo (6) ; V Yr(fzif) a bamboo fr (tztf) (O^ a bamboo shoot ttffl(/ilt * tz) Japanese name rice (for America) ^'f (6) f f rice £<) U.S.A. ^^("^ »9>") • Central America Lesson 6 @ shellfish (7) i n fl § @ a shellfish VY\ÖUf|€C.O JI U>>v\) a shell co^gWk stone (5) r r 5(^L) a stone ííJII (v* L • Japanese name • v9>) petroleum, oil • a fossil thread string (6) < ü k &(^h) thread * ^t) woollen yarn -2. 9 ( Reading Exercises) Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. M 2. Id 3. B 4. J£ 5. * 6. % 7. ^ 8. 1t 9. M 10. * 11. AiigA^Ao ALA, ^-C^^^-to 12. B^At«£A-<;£Ao Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. IAIi^AJl#^^tLA 2. 37^'J*(i^f(:^^A Costa Rica is in Central America. 3. B^(i7^ 7>io5M^V^ Ao Japan buys oil from Arabia. 4. M?)B (i^^>AA$t£ A§ i Ao I write letters in my room on rainy days. 5. m&t tzU*mtf&$ «9 AA^±& 19 fAAo I am not so good at Japanese yet. 6. < o£ l j^A < oT£ 4 J5L^v>£ LA0 I bought a pair of shoes and 4 pairs of socks. Lesson 6 2-3. ##ft/bLKj>9 (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. hands and legs 2. a rainy day 3. a shell 4. rice Ltz . Mr . Ishikawa 8 Miss Itoyama $ ^ $ ^ Lesson 6 E. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a purpose 2. a table of contents 3. a letter 4. a stamp 5. skillful 4 < U 6. unskillful 7. an assistant -3 8. shortage So C «t 9 . a heavy rain 10. a light rain 11. rain water 12. America 13. North America 14. South America 15. Central Arne 3E 4b It 16. thread (i< ^O tiL ^O *>(9)9 17. Ishikawa Prefecture 18. Mr. Takeda 0£ öl &t> Lesson 6 1 i UoT^*Tfr~ T£$TAH (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) < A^ The following Kanji are commonly used in Japanese family names. ffl ill Jll * * * ± T 3: ± G ft ft & iffitsh a village) jff(« afield) See the following Japanese family names. 1. ffl* 16. (li^L) 2. lilffl 17. /Jn# (£tf*L) 3. LÜ* 18. /ML! 4. LÜT 19. /J\)l| 5. *T 20. 6. tr f>) 21. (fe *>) 7. (fr *><>*:) 8. (tf ^70^) 23. (d*fc*f) 9. (&70>tf 24. (frtezi) 10. (fcjÖ**£) 25. 5JU (v> L^t>) 11. (%frfrk>) 26. *5 (£J3l/> L) 12. + » (%fr) 29. (tztfüfr) 15. Jtffl 30. 1tT (tzVLtz) Lesson 6 Notice the phonetic changes as in the following. O Other common family names: Ex. ^TJ/fc (WO 9 fell mm 9) (1^9) (fe^L- a name card used for business) Address Telephone Title Name Name of University and Department Name of Company 1—Department and Section Lesson 7 I 71 I '7h 1 31^(7)L ( Lectures on Kanji) iLA*STff £31^ - 4 - ( Kanji made from pictures - 4 -) Look at the following picture and guess what it means. Guess the meaning of the Kanji characters below. 1. & 2. .% 3. JH 4. ^ 5. 6. |*| 7. ft 8. ^ 9. ^ 10. £ Lesson 7 h 2 i-tSrot (iA/St^ (Basic Kanji) 2-1. %&0-^<) beef 0 • K <) chicken ftftilZ < - the body 66 67 68 Lesson 7 X pattern . letter, sentence *y (4) • 4 $:(<&A,) a sentence X^i&A, - <) literature XW£(t A, • • L J: "7) the Ministry of Education % letter character (6) 1 r %(V) a letter, a character i> (A,) • C) a letter **W'A, • £) Kanji ...letters ft 1 thing tO 7*7 *V (8) J- if ft ^(tO) a thing IV>ft(]J»V»' to) shopping ' a living creature ipf^Gw - to) a baggage cattle, cow bull, ox (4) h_ 4- ^(^L) cattle 4H*3(g>7-K<) beef ^¥1 •tCt*-?) cow's milk Lesson 7 3 ; to> < -t 3) horse (10) ] r If ff JKo t) ahorse BvJJ (l£ - ^ horsepower(h.p.) L*0 a carriage bird (ID / f P f % h A(t ) a bird & .%(t*)) roast chicken &(li< * *> J: 3) a swan EFA(* • *> J: 3) a wild bird fish Tt3 (11) / p f ff) % 1 ft fish grilled fish a fish shop #&(£/,•£*.):) a goldfish Lesson 7 2 — 2. 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i i 1. fa 2. & 3. ft 4. £ 5. .1 6. ^ 7. .! 8. 9. 10. 4^ 11. B#3K 12. * [I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 2. tt^fii 3. 4. gft 5. ftCFAJIftSr^faü'o I put some flowers in a vase. 6. L/Jo I bought some chicken at the butcher s. 7. ^^"CCLOgl^^r^c^t^i^o I learn these Kanji at the university. 8. &(i B#£/W#-C*1-0 I like Japanese tea. 9. &0 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. beef g>9 K< 2. a small bird 3. a horse carriage 4. a letter 5. literature 6. biology (=study of living creature) 7. Japanese tea 8. a goldfish -m* #< 9. cherry blossoms \l ilk. 10. a sentence Lesson 7 II. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a flower shop 2. a fish shop 3. a butcher shop 4. beef 5. pork 6. chicken 7. horse meat 8. fish meat 9. roast meat 10. grilled fish 11. roast chicken 12. cow's milk 13. the body £19 14. a real thing 15. Kanji 16. horsepower 17. a pony 18. fireworks 19. a vase 17^ Lesson 7 (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) <>I? The following Kanji are the name of the animals below. Match the Kanji with the pictures. ft g 4- M 3§ *L 9* Mt: Lesson 8 msmt 17 h 1 -fM¥ TO ^ • • < 11 ^ * * etc. 2. Kanji + LV> : • etc. IE Lv^ 3. Kanji + others ** etc. The Hiragana endings chang e as follows. Present Affirmative '. ■SWold) ITrLv 4 (new) Wbig) Present Negative - frL< tc^ Past Affirmative Past Negative • >tz #fL<&3&*o£ ^tz Lesson 8 Remember when the following Hiragana endings are used with nouns, verbs or the other adjectives. Adjective + Noun : an old book $f a new car a big letter < Adjective -f- Verb: Oil-become old newly buy write in a big character Adjective -f" Adj. : old and cheap new and pretty big and bright [tiA. U t$> 9] Put the proper Hiragana endings to the following Kanji. ň £ Ä £g Í? * ffl Bf £ '> ÍĚ ± /Jn Lesson 8 ^AlS(D#(äA)l^ (Basic Kanji) 2-1. iS& 0 * ^ * U*) a second-hand car long eldest, chief (8) ) r F ■ft ^(&#?)^ long ^#!(^ J; ^ • &A.) the eldest son J£!ff • <7)) Nagano Prefecture ^JK^X - h tn) a president Lesson 8 short (12) h £z r V> short faX(tzA,-tz^) a junior college &$$m {tzL - C • frA,) a short time 3-a high expensive (10) "a" "a" 1 ft m cf IS] V> high, expensive ^^(Cl^ • CI 9) a high school ^^(fc/^ * ti L) Japanese name t^?S(«I 9 • <) high-speed safe cheap (6) i t IT 4r cheap $7B(^1~ • 9 ) *9 bargain sale A, • LA,)1~& to be relieved $^:(&A. • -if A,) & safe low (7) r )v> low {&T(T^ • to fall, to go down iS;im(TVi * £>A,) a low temperature Lesson 8 dark (13) ) n A a B* Bf I* Bf(< h)^ dark 8£iE(£^ • to) a dark room y many much (6) 9 ^•(&£)l^ many, much • L J: "9 ) more or less #-ifc(fc • "t~ -)) a large number t few little 1-i-L (4) j y] >» iH-fO&K few, little 'P(i-Z)L a little, a few 4*£(Lj: ■? • fcA.) a boy 4>&(L J: 0 • C t) a girl Lesson 8 2 — 2. J:fatiA,btyo ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 2. 3. £v> 4. ^ 5. 6. Bg^ 7. 8. 9. $fLV> 10. 11. $|&V> 12. Ml^W 13. H . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. H:*0B#^^o 2. ^(D^m^^i-0 It is dark in the forest. 3. h§ílA U «> 9 (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a new year 2. an old car, a second-hand car t v> — - t l la to a, < & í Kb 9 3 3. a president of the university 4. long 5. short <7) 6. a lot of people 7. a few people 8. a dark forest 9. expensive meat 10. cheap fish 11. to go down 1" & II. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a boy 2. a girl L- i 9 &A, l ± -5 i; ± 3. (I) have a little money. a>to T~ o Lesson 8 4. a high mountain ~ 9 7. a short string 10. ancient writing 13. the eldest son 16. a junior college 7^ ffO 5. a cheap thing 6. a used book K>1r 4> © 8. for a long time 9. new tea 11. a long sentence 12. a short sentence % i 9 4^ 14. the eldest daughter 15. safe ± 9 i; i 17. a high school ~ 9 3 9 Lesson 8 (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) >it^-A (i) How to play (A) : "frhtz" One person reads the letter cards. The others look for the matching picture cards scattered on the table. When a player finds the appropriate card, he gets to keep it. The one who collects the most cards is the winner. How to play (B) : " L/Utl^1~^ C * < " (Concentration) Put all the cards face down up on the table. Each person turns over two cards at a time in turn. If those cards match, he can keep the pair. The one who collects the most cards is the winner. Lesson 8 L L ) I 1 u") -ft I ) I 1 I ) l 1 Lesson 9 n 9 ml 17 h 1 -—)i?CDli*U (Lectures on Kanji) - 1 - ( Kanji for Verbs - 1 -) Each Kanji has its own meaning. It can function as a noun, adjective, verb etc. in sentences. What do you think is the function of the following kanji ? & ff * r^j and are nouns. r0fj functions as an adjective and rMj (to buy) as a verb. However, Kanji can not be used alone as an adjective or a verb. Some Hiragana endings always follow and they are called 'OKURIGANA (inflectional endings)'. ff -* $fl>* new M — MO / to buy Using the above four Kanji, let's make some sentences. IU±$f L\s^&W^i LtZo I bought a new book. %(D^\WiL< %^X~ir0 My book is not new. $J32fc£Ho"C < fi£i/>0 Please buy me a book. Lesson 9 Japanese verbs can be divided into 3 groups according to their way of conjugation. 1st Group: a verb stem ends with a consonant [ik-u] [ik-imasu] to go m< [kik-u] [kik-imasu] to hear #< [kak-u] [kak-imasu] to write m? [hanas-u] [hanas-imasu] to speak I%tr [yom-u] mfrtir [yom-imasu] to read fats [yasum-u] [yasum-imasu] to rest [kaer-u] [kaer-imasu] to go back rm •> [ka (w)-u] [ka (w)-imasu] to buy 2nd Group: a verb stem ends with a vowel [tabe-ru] [tabe-masu] to eat [oshie-ru] [oshie-masu] to teach [mi-ru] %z-f [mi-masu] to see 3rd Group: an irregular verb [ku-ru] [ki-masu] to come [su-ru] [shi-masu] to do 9 4 X Classify the following Kanji into nouns, adjectives and verbs. M * w PS H _i_* -a P*8 %M Oo^U Noun) : f^M (itv^^L, Adjective) mm (fH, Verb) : Lesson 9 -V h 2 -ÄAB£>£ö/i,äi¥ (Basic Kanji) 2-1. m^Ofrtfttz (Kanji Writings) > 3 : s ■» go, conduct line -< (6) / A it frM< to go to travel Mf( - & ) 9 to carry out ^ i ■? ) ~ lines 86 come next <- 5 4 (7) 1 *(<)* to come * • if"O) next month 3^0 (^ • fe/v) next year &-"£>)"f~ to visit Japan 87 'if return go (come) back (10) 1 V •J* 'if Mifrz.) h to go/come back 4§m(c^,3; (fr to eat «(t X < • C) a meal H(tz)-fr >f > (12) / A Í t §k((D)ts to drink &{) drinking see, look view (7) i n R S @ JtL(<&) h to look at, to see to show A,) an opinion •*£o)-t& to do sightseeing «1 hear ě-Ciž (14) i i P r f H n MI(cO< to hear, to listen to Mi (ě) Cl X-<£> can be heard |fr^(LA • *£As) a newspaper Lesson 9 ig* < ^Xh (fri-tl) read -tr (14) \ P V -V-- 0 6 >± 1% (J;) ti to read < • Li) reading books !%(=£) <^ tü^(t*< • reading L*) a reader a write book, document fr- < V 3 (10) \ IrW < to write ( L £ • T/I) a book shop irUKLj: • ■/ 5 a %% H£(f±&)*f" to speak asÜÜf • ;b) conversation Sni!i ("ÜA • a story, a talk fc>) a telephone f buy (12) \ rm tED 0X7 1 VP Hü f s I S W -9 to buy tO) shopping Lesson 9 educate, teach religion (11) I lie #C(£L);i& to teach t&W (§ J: "9 • ^ <) f& to educate ^^(^J:^ • tH^) a church I^Hl^i^ • Lo) a classroom 2 — 2. Bc<&ftALn!>9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. mt 2. m< 3. #< 4. mti 5. e& 6. tf< 7. 8. 'if-5> 9. I9 10. Ifctf 11. 12. ^tx.^ 13. fflito 14. H*£yU**£-r0 15. fc£ fe£ t^it^0 16. fV^FtmHUf0 II . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. %\Z\M!) £tc 4. ^(7)titB$i^tilt0 5. jz^n^fe-e^^zm^t LtZo 6. ^(il%»i^f^^T-to rUfl^^B^^ 0 i 7. B^ffLv^^^E^LS-to 8. ]0frBO:fc£f^-e< 2-3. »#nAUKD9 (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. to go 2. to go back 3. to come 4. to eat 5. to drink < ^ L A J£ A II. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. food 2. a drink 3. reading matter 4. shopping fz 0) i>0 5. a trip 6. a bank 7 . the 3rd line 8 to go back to one's country m m 1 0 i Z 9 Z. 9 ě A áf i 9 3< 9. next week 10. next month 11. next year 12. a telephone 5>l> Lw>"5 £>0 (fo 13. a breakfast 14. a lunch £1-» &A 15. a supper "CA 16. a restaurant SI ^iHi< *>(9>9Lj;< $>9 Li< 17. to visit for study 18. cherry blossom viewing OA L «t < "CA 19. education F3 tfA ifi< 20. to buy flowers 21. to drink Japanese tea fr SA (7) Lesson 9 llotl^ffr II T- ft £ * ft r (Do you know these words? Can you use them?) (2) See p. 75 to play (A): "friii" and (B)L A, It ^1"^ U *P < ". Lesson 10 ikiohI I7M -3l^(7)ii ( Lectures on Kanji) ^(DM^ ( Kanji for Time) 0: 00 ) 6:00 Meal : ri± A - j: 1 ■ Lx<) breakfast ^r(0^)r{iA = ^{h^l • lunch ^(^o)r(U = ^($>9 • LlO supper = B£(f£A,) riiA ^Jt^ • Li <) midnight snack Lesson 10 -7h 2 H+Ü<7)§(äA-3l^ (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . m^(Dmt 1j ( Kanji Writings) morning (12) t $ I In In to $j(&£) morning %E B (#> £ * O) the morning sun $3Jt ("*3 «t 9 * Li: <) breakfast noon * daytime (9) r ü:(t>ä) noon, midday (& • te) a nap, a siesta S&(*>i*7 • Lj: <) lunch gft:(t>& • ^"T) <^ a lunch break night Xh X (8) T ^(Ü) night L l <) a midnight meal 4i£(-A-^) tonight 98 99 100 Lesson 10 101 < A. j: A * > 3 5 W> < 1" T ) night (12) 1 f 1 n B P' B7 B<" B# B&0£/^) night ^(CA, - MA,) tonight WMf$l(l£As • ■ supper, dinner 57 evening ^ (-b^r) (3) 7 ^7 (^-9)^: evening, last night ^Jt^ ^ • L i O supper, dinner • tftz) Star Festival 102 direction way, means (4) ~-RWz) how to ~ ~«7J(£ t • frfz) c/o Mr. ~ (0 7 • #s£) evening 7j^(t5^-t5^) a method 103 noon (4) A^ ^F|t|(Cr • -tf/v) morning, a.m. ^P?£(CT • C) afternoon, p.m. TJE^f (L «t "9 • ~) high noon 104 Lesson 10 105 106 107 108 before, front previous (9) if if" it Irl m(tz-) before, front lU^M-tfA • liA,) the first half — ^Itf (fe^ ■ ix.) ~ years before after, later back, behind 0 (9) / ft ft '\k(ht) after, later behind, back ~^f£(t^ • r) ~ years after -9 • JiA,) the last half every (6) ; A- * 3$0(£ VWC"*b) everyday ££;il(£v*' L ^ ^ ) every week %R (t • tfo/£ V> • o£) every month ig week (11) ) n PI ft HI 5fcjl(5>v> • L»9> -9) next week :iI^(L*9> 7 • Jo) the weekend 3fcj@(-ti"A, • Lt$>-9) last week — jSW(v*o ■ L ^ ^ • #*A,) a week Lesson 10 * y 3 3 (fr < • £l ■ If) Thursday 2 — 2. jJ5c<&ftA U tf> 9 ( Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. m 2. g 3. Bft 4. & 5. ^ 6. ^lu 7. ^pf£ 8. ^Bi 9. 'Xm 10. *Ht 11. 12. 13. ±Bg 14. BB1 15. W 16. m 17. '\&h II . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 9cM, ^m, ^I, 2. &n 3. ^ 4. ^(i^B*^ffM^I%^^-ro Lesson 10 7. MBimfrhmt^^frt^^to 8. r^lfÍJ U CL <7)«H^ä Ltlo 2-3. S# tlA U 0 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. morning 2. daytime 3. night OS 5. every week 6. a.m. 7. p.m. É V ^ L Kb 9 4. evening 8. Sunday ct 9 O II. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. breakfast 2. lunch 3. supper (0? Li< 4. a midnight meal Lesson 10 5. midnight 6. last week 7. next week 8. every week «k Ufr 9. two weeks L Kb 0 f»0 10. everyday 11. every month L Kb 1 12. every year 13. every morning 14. every night 15. before 16. after 17. behind 18. the first half 19. the last half 20. how to read 21. how to write 3 9 22. how to hear frtz frfz 23. how to speak 24. how to eat % frtz 25. how to see, a viewpoint frtz tz frtz Lesson 10 11111111111111111111111111111111 < U tf> O 1111 Review L. 6—10 I . £1*1 (<£>V^ L, Nouns) g mo : it 0# : fi lb m ft I. Jf^PI Ot^J^U Adjectives) * ft £s at ft fa £ # ^ I. H/PI U Verbs) tf * i t f M M i N. ^(0% (% J: ^ 5. 6. 7. 8. A ( * ( Lesson 10 III. Give an adjective of the opposite meaning. e.g. -1. §f — 3. m 4. ^ 5. #• 6. I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Hiragana. e.g. # 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. T II. Complete sentences using the following Kanji as in the example. ¥ £ ± T a H ft I It I t t i I e.g. bf-;i/fr Ifc^^-T 1. Tl"tf£ 2. 3. B^§££ 5. 6. Tt^-e 7. 4. 8. Lesson 11 ■JH^^iS ( Lectures on Kanji) H - 1 - (the radicals - 1 - ) Most Kanji are formed by more than two components. The followings are the ways the components are formed. l)^A(left) 2)o< *) (right) 3) frA,tr 0 (top) T>) tz.fl (the upper left) (') ti^ XL (the enclosure) 4) h L (the bottom) 7)1- J; b (lower left) I 1 are where the components express the meaning of the Kanji. We call these components "Bushu (the radicals)". The Kanji made from pictures (or their simplified forms) can be the radicals. CD human beings h( \ ) - ~k - 1— ^ • % - U - ^(\) • (D animals and plants : 41 * IS • Ms • ^ • JH * • ft • (3) nature : 0 • ^ • j>c • 7K ( 7 ) • ^ • ± • ^ • • JH • M-CD life and tool : ffl • f*3 ■ * • ¥ • L^ (I) ••• ( ) are simplified forms There are many radicals which can not be used as Kanji by themselves. ) 1 Guess to which of the seven radical groups the following belong. 1) or 2) : 3) or 4) : 5) : 7b 6) 7) Lesson 11 1) -.A. (left) F ft Off It ?#) v4 The Kanji group with the meaning components located on the left is the largest of the seven groups. j = A — man % = step ~ = = water Guess the meaning of the common components below. W B$ Hfe Bf ( B = 0 = ) pf pp b% ( 5 — i=i # f£ ^ ( f = vfc = ) 2 ) O < *) ( right) The components which carry the meanings can be located on the right. m r__ ax — moon = hit Lesson 11 -L—V h 2 §H—SW)ff^3t¥ (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . 3!^<7)»£3f ( Kanji Writings) make produce o<-£ -»r^ ■9" (7) f i' r fM^> <) & to make ffc£(£ < •composition f^iSo < - OA) a piece of work ®jf£(£'"9 • £) action 'ft swim (8) / N >» / -;i £k(:fc <£) <" to swim 7K£k(t~• swimming (8) N N N / -;n oil x.) an oil painting ^^(■^■^ • *9>) petroleum 110 111 112 Lesson 11 113 x sea I 0* * > 3 J. il4 (9) )4 the sea, the ocean • t5>^) oversea 0 • (JA • the Japan Sea #Mc.(tH» • i<») sea water 114 rice wine liquor Sit V J- (10) X * / ; in f!K£tf") liquor • tiA * Lw>) Japanese wine • ^) a liquor shop ' Lnn) foreign liquors wait hospitality th (9 ) / / r # #(i)o to wait • • Lo) a waiting room L i: "9 ' tz^)~$"& to invite * school (10) t • Zo) a school (C 1 • h i. 1) a school principal iiii$£_fe(>I n • Zn • -t^v■») a high school student 115 116 Lesson 11 time hour (10) 1 1 n 0 B^ B^ »* Bti t I tif(b^) time, when — B#r^(. C • frA.) one hour HR#U ' C) 4 o'clock *B#ff() a watch, a clock say ^> (7) N 1 n 5 W(^%) 1 to say CI1 • fcP language, a word WlnOfViv • cT) language (eH("CA/ • Cf/v) a message 5 measure (9) >■ >• r > ri > >-6 It H#§+(i: • a watch, a clock tHUdt^ - ^<)ti to plan ^Sft(/:^ • &A, • ttV^) a thermometer 0 D word language (14) 3-r n o p p p i p n pP P^bpG^ • • CT) Japanese language 5Sb§(x.V> • r*) English *!&m(h(D • ^/c<9) a story Lesson 11 <^«t^ ^>3; OKI"?) cooked rice „ meal, food (12) f r if c\"j$t(c\* • \XhS) cooked rice, meal = $K(#)L) a colloquial word used by male ^#*(#> 5 * J2/u) supper 2 — 2. i%9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. f£5 2. 3. m 4. ?g r>. ?@ 6. #o 7. ^ 8. 9. B#ff 10. W5 11. 12. rrts 13. M. If), II. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. R*m-efrx%mzt.Ltzo 2. ^(Dy°-jv-xs-mmt^^Ltc0 3. yTyWlt^m^ir soy bean soup 5. £(D #Hl^ Lfc„ Lesson 11 6. %¥£H^:£-f< soy sauce 2 — 3. He* tlA b $ O (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1. oil 2, the sea 3. cooked rice 4. liquor 5. to make 6. to swim 10. time 7. to wait 11. a school 12. a watch 0< 8. to say 9. Japanese language c z iZ HA. -, II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1- 4 o'clock 2. 5 o'clock 3. 6 o'clock 4. 7 : 00 a. m. X IS 3< IS if A, L *> U Lesson 11 5. 9 I 30 p.m. 6. one hour 7. what time UK- U 8. a primary school 9- a junior high school 10. a senior high school Si» 9 tíi ^9 9 >- 9 11. a school principal 12. composition 13. petroleum C 9 Si: 9 14. swimming 15. Chinese language 16. linguistics=study of language 3E TO sk»9 r< 17. breakfast (colloquial —* formal) 18. lunch OS čóL ' S*?Li:< 19. supper j£A #>L It A, KJ>9 liA 9 L-J: < Lesson 11 Jl_-\y h 3 -lai35 (rt><-fo) house, home residence 9 9 (6) n 1 £35 (fc < ) one's home tt^ ( Z *9» 9 •/*:<) housing my house 'if 35 (§ • < to go home guest customer (9) r ^ (* O a guest, a customer (D J: "9 * 1 ^ O a passenger room (9) N 1 • Lo) a classroom lf*I(Lo • indoor W^Ell 0t A, • ^ ifl) -) • L^>) an office, a seminar room 122 123 124 Lesson 12 125 house ^ (10) - V r |c(v^x_) a house ^^(iBis • a landlord WJkifr ■ ?<) a family superb (for England) (8) — -v- -H- 4-4-n £SU^ • - <) England &*0&&(x.v> • t> • D • TA) ^In (x_V> • CL') English language an English-Japanese dictionary 126 127 medicine (16) r -0 5& Ü(<"t"l5) medicine eye lotion ( < 1" 0 • •*?) a chemist's shop MM o * ^ «t < ) a pharmacy 128 meeting association 1ZT ab-o 2? 4 (6) £(ab)o to meet Kf,S"(^'1 • t?) conversation zxtt (/^V> • L^) a company Lesson 12 129 now present 3 y (4) J ^(v>i) now (,1/^ • ffo) this month 4-^(£'£L) this year *^B(in) today snow »9> § -fey (ID ~~~ i r—7 rf- f iK^i*) snow f * C(-) a snowy country cloud (12) 1 S(<*>) a cloud V— electricity i (13) l it it^'C A,-^) electricity, an electric light %%&(Xk, - h) a telephone MMirQk, • L*) an electric train Lesson 12 i TU sell -5 - (7) I P- r tc(-?)& to sell a sales counter a stand, a stall 2 — 2 . fSc&fiA U $ 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the readings of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. fcsg 2. % 3. 4. 5. 6. H 7. £i 8. £f£ 9. S 10. m 11. miS 12. ^ 13. tc& II . Write the readings of the following Kanji in Hiragana. l. ^m, ^b&, 4^, ^ 3. ab<7)^Jl{iv*ot^^#-\/^-c-to ■? s — 112 — Lesson 12 7. ^ 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1. a house 2. one's home 3. a guest 4. a classroom 5. now 6. to meet 7. medicine 8. English 9. snow 10. a cloud 1 < 1"*) JL^ Z: 11. a telephone 12. to sell -OA, II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Kanji. 1. today 2. this week 3. this month 4. this year £ 21. a family Lesson 12 h 3 Wtfrty ( Reading Material) (A Postcard) r ■ -1 i---i I T is; ifii •£-■J to know well to give one's regards to (someone) Questions [is-D^A] 1. tztlfrtzfUZZtDitfr^^^tLtzfro 2. -CDACi^d bz^ttfro 3. ^At±§0o^pJ£- L£ri\, 4. ZWAl^i-Df JfrbCDis&ZHzg^i Lfzfro ■ b)^ wide Ju%{X>h • La) Hiroshima width JAoKCIt' • »1 <) an advertisement % shop fr*t t y (8) j£(<^-£) a shop #J£(Li • "CA,) a book store (T A, • V*A0 a store clerk ^J£(tü>^ • "CA-) a main store P degree frequency K (9) r f f p J* —ܧ;(v*"fc> • £*) once 7m5£(i3A, • £*) temperature ^j£C:A,-£*) next time &f%.(Z < ' t') speed 134 135 136 Lesson 13 137 fa sick (10) r f iH&iZFxi • §0 sickness #al%(0.t -9 • i^A,) a hospital I^A(Oj: -9 ■ (I/v) a sick person fatigue worn out (10) r r r ^(o^)-lx^ to be tired ^(o^)tL tiredness pain ^tz-is (12) r r r ft li(^/j)V^ painful Jg(V>fc)&iL(£*)#> a painkiller ffi (Wj) to ache Slffi (T • 0 "9 ) a headache roof, shop house (9) r 1 ^M((5A • -t3) a book shop Mi: (& < • D «t ^ ) the roof 1*1 g(H < • ^) a butcher 138 139 140 Lesson 13 141 142 143 144 a country (8) i n n m m w H!(Oc) a country £j-IUA(#?^ • CI < • ZA,) a foreigner M±LJZ%:(Z. < • I90 • fz\* • ri*<) a national university 0 turn round ifr-J- (6) 1 n Fi pi \BHtt>)~fr to turn — @K^o"^V>) once 0 (£ to) & to go round IS trouble (7) 1 n m E (C. t) h to fall into trouble Btt(^ • ttDtt difficult ?n. open h-tth (12) I r r F r n H pi m HH(&)< to open (fr^^ ' fr^*)~f & to open a meeting ?*\({>b)< to open F$fä(fr^^ - XAs)-fZ> to open a store Lesson 13 close L-#6/t-i:& (11) 1 P r p r n h pi pfl $j(L)$£ to close ^#(^^ • ^v^)-f h to close a meeting %{t)Zh to close PilSK^-T^f^ to close a store — 2 . f&tfrtlA, L tf> *5 ( Reading Exercises) Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. £v> 2. JiV> 3. -Jg 4. -HO 5. U 6. #§A 7. Jfi 8. #m 9. -igti^ io. ii. muz, i2. i3. %m Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. ItM, ^£IL SIL |£JM 2. ^|i)CW;< £ -To 3. *%nt'?WL7LtLtzfrh, mtiiLfz, 9. M^M-Mf^S L£c 10. JA^^c^iifASl^c^-etiab <9 ^-^rA.< 2 — 3. tlA, L tf> 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. wide 2. painful 3. a shop 4. a country 5. to be tired z>3 6. sickness 7. a book store 8. to be in trouble 3t 9. once 10. to open 11. to close a6 & Oo l**> if h L Lesson 13 Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a butcher shop 2. a fish shop 3. a liquor shop 4. a chemist's shop 5. a main store-*—*a branch store < T<9 ^ 6. a stand 7. the roof L XA, 8. next time 9. a hospital 10. a sick person 11. a headache 12. tiredness Si # ^ = §1 13. to open the store 14. to close the store 1r Z> -c^ 15. a foreigner 16. a foreign language 17. Hiroshima ft 03 Lesson 13 217 h 3 Bcn'j?Lfetix, utfmfr^>tzA,) a hospital t X i> very ZZZ. X i>, - But - Pfl £ o "t v * $ L was closed C "9 "tfA. by chance _ (^o^ J; () a pharmacy - r ~ j hfV^J L/: (someone) said," ~ ". 2. z\(Dh\$%(Dn t'l LXm*) t Ltzfro ,3. Z(DM±&^-lfti«sab 0^1"^o 7. z\ Which shop do we have to go in order to buy the items below? !• £tr 8. -€oltA 15. Mfa 2. k.h.Vß'D 3. M 4. 4^ 5. \£-)V 6. ^ 7. 9. (D 10. L 11. ifv u > 12. Lis 13. $ L& 14. m fin IE 16. i/^yf- 17. y'a-X 18. ^-tf^ 19. ft 20. 21. VEÖ Lesson 14 I 141 I •y h 1 -^CQIS ( Lectures on Kanji) 4 — CCcfc 9 — (the radicals — lower left) Some meaning components are located in the lower left. 7 ) CiM lower left) (a i i i i i) = walk, way (the meaning components + the sound components) In some kanji a different component from the meaning component shows the 'ON YOMI' (Chinese) reading of the kanji. v B# (B sun + #v) J£ hand + # v ) if Hf f| -H:>f Bf (B sun + W-t^) If- (ltf-fe>f clear + #- conflict) M # «fc fpf (A man + pj ii ) iHf (-*" grass + oj # ) Hfc (nj * + open mouth) Lesson 14 "7h 2 -m+mm 3 ^ it near . recent (7) f fr it j5:(*)^)v^ near j£ < near i&Bf (£ A- • t i) the neighborhood far remote (13) i f % % far a£(£*3)< far j!L5L(x^ • < ) a picnic 3* speedy (10) * ii({i^»)v* fast iI3i(-£-< • fco) express delivery !§]£(*< • speed 146 147 148 Lesson 14 149 150 151 152 3s (^ late, slow M£'J (*> • CI <) to come late @(*3<)*l£ to delay way . street (12) \ i/- v- f 1í 1í % jJK^"^) a way, a street • b*i) a footpath, a sidewalk TKüKi"^ • b* n) waterworks ^iKL-f • t*-?) a roadway blue (8) — + i n R W(ábi5)l/> blue #^(-£v> • fa A,) a young man • LA, • ) a green light ň - fine clear up li-íi (12) l n R B B' B+ B* B* "f Pf((ä)^L fine weather Bf^(-£^ • TA,) fine weather fé(í±)*L&" to clear up Lesson 14 153 154 155 156 . silent still (14) ■— r #(L-ř)ri»fc quiet »lh(^^ • L)i"2> to stand still f(Lf)íž to become quiet temple (6) -— 4- # ("C h) a temple 3C*#(fc 7 • £V • C) Todaiji Temple . hold 4) -o V (9) ' ft £ř(i>)to hold, to own Wfái(C • -ť<)h to continue one's property ^i#(c*'&)*> a feeling load (10) - 4t fiř% (K • o) luggage, a package Wfč (H • o* <) í) i" & to pack ¥-í^^(T • tC • &o) hand luggage Lesson 14 song Ôfc--? (14) f o" 51 f IT iL D J f (o/:) a song (#* * L *9>) a singer W:(l ?z) l to sing o • the national anthem 2 — 2 . 9c 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. i£v> 2. jtv> 3. 4. 31^ 5. Wv> 6. fit^& 7. mtlh S. 9. fto 10. at 11. 3f 12. ^ 13. II . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. l. 7kM(D7k$:$k&i1ro 4. foment£i>tz%k 9 *-?X(DW:$:W:-ei:e 9. & L^iä^T^Bffcä-CL «t 10. ir^l^iIS(i0#ÜJöI^nT1-^o 2-3. 9£tlA,'Lti>o (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. near 2. far 3. fast 4. slow 5. blue 1 1 5 a* it*? ts% h& 6. quiet 7. to sing 8. to hold 9. a package o 9fc 4 £1 to 10. a way 11. to clear up tl h 12. a temple #5 Lesson 14 II • Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a singer 2. the national anthem 3. hand luggage L Kb X £ to 4. speed 5. a rich person 6. a sidewalk 7. a roadway 8. the neighborhood 9. near m 12. fine weather -tto TA 15. one's property « if 5 10. far 11. a picnic < < 13. to come late tit iL A 14. to delay ft & 16. a young man 17. a quiet person 1 4 ■a-o feA. LT" Lesson 14 _7 h 3 -tft'fc^ ( Reading Material) &frx\ ^*tz\%x-F±o 'J - : WZW^xftZil-fro 'J - : t>fr*)t Ltzo *«Lij(o < tfSA) Mt. Tsukuba t w5 a place ^Fotlf { to take (something) )SU3fc)V> heavy |#o"C3^^) to bring (something) 3. W^SA^i^MTl it^o 4. %Z\\±¥A.t£hz\?>X*1r-t)\ 6. W*$^^l±j£j&it:M£#oTtf£21-7&\> Lesson 14 3 331 -? X o £ T ft T t £ T *» [ < ^Sl^ffi (Weather forecast) > Lesson 15 ft1511 I OLZLy h 1 [?<7)§S ( Lectures on Kanji) AHKH&tf)}!2?! ( Kanji for human relationships) I . Personal pronouns he she you (hearer) ft I (speaker) II . Family members (J5i;aA/) (351*2)0) (fi^iA,) [21* fctf 1 135 Lesson 15 There are two ways of addressing family members. Words in Group 1 are used when a speaker refers to his own family and words in Group 2 are used when he refers to someone else's family. But when one addresses his own father at home, he may use the word r£>;$C$A.j in Group 2. 1. Speaker's family 2. Another's family father mother elder brother Ri&K) :B5&U;i>) sa, elder sister husband younger brother % (& t -j t) younger sister ft(^'i)H) isWitez.) £ a, m^i> 9 t)zk r±A(L*> da,) Wl fe ■Cfc < ) sa, child &?(z\) sa. — 136 Lesson 15 h 2 -*+5EHa>£(5A3l¥ (Basic Kanji) 2 - 1 . 3I?<7)S#^ ( Kanji Writings) friend (4) %{ti>)=-%.(tk)tzh a friend £A(*9>"9 ■ fcAO a friend 7*1f■? • £ i -9 ) friendship 158 father (4) Xi^h) one's own father XMi'h'h • Jo^5) male parent £A father 3Cft(^ • {?) parents 159 mother (5) Q ©(JJli) one's own mother #&({±Ji • female parent *$$M(fr$>)ZA, mother $@(t?-^<) one's motherland 160 Lesson 15 elder brother ^r^ (5) \ P 52, one's elder brother * £52, (IZ.o) £ A elder brother 52,5(1 (§ i 9 • /"iO) brothers 3C52,(^ • &to) guardians n • elder sister (8) k one's elder sister * (fax.) £ A elder sister WfcML- • io) sisters younger brother (7) %(ist7t) one's younger brother *%,^-(X* • L) a pupil, a disciple t^^(L • TO) sons, children younger sister (8) I j #£(o & -9 t) one's younger sister WlfcXL - So) sisters Lesson 15 165 < A- <£ t>35 0&» < 7) k husband (4) — -— 3z(&vb) one's husband ~3cA(^ * DA,) Madam~, Mrs.~ *) • ^) a married couple wife (8) — -a- % * i(oj) one's wife ;£itK-&> • £^) husband and wife ~**(^-S^) Mr. &Mrs. ~ he ^*L (fc) ri»<0- (8) *> ft t£ 06**1) he tS(^*L)a *S>1_ (5) r ±(£*>)& chief, main ^f(())^i(AU an owner iA(L>*9> * DA) a master, one's husband 166 167 168 1 r\f\ Lesson 15 T\Jt 1 deep, inside interior (12) / f h ft ft ft rfl ^(fcO deep inside H (£ <) $ A other's wife, madam = (fc < • £ £) 2 — 2 . l7c 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. X 2. m 3. ft 4. 5. W 6. 7. 8. W. 9. 10. £3C$A 11. 12. ££$A 13. 14. #!£A 15. r±A 16. II . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. l. lljT£A^m£A{±&o5^;£/j«to 3. mti^^-e, iHEBir^^^i 19 if0 4. »(2j£^ic£#oTv^1-0 Lesson 15 5. ±Ali5&&a*^fc^-C1-0 6. § £i{±xi>mt>m%Mz'n^x^itc 8. UUffl^r^Mfa^ Li Ltz0 I asked Mr. and Mrs. Yamada. 3 . ^%tlA b HD 0 (Writing Exercises) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a friend 2 . he 3 . she 4 . father tz*> a>co i9 5. mother 6. elder brother = is 7. younger brothe 8. elder sister 9. younger sister tlx. 10. husband 11. wife Lesson 15 II. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. brothers (and sisters) 2. parents 3. a married couple 4. sisters Jr. (J- J* Si- 5. guardians 6. a parents' association L JO 7. Mrs. Tanaka ^ if fro ^ (to fri- &fr i UA, &fr *< 8. Prof. Yamamoto's pupil 9. my father's friend (7) -t+o -c* L 5 5 t$9 A, 10. main language 11. one's homeland 12. one's mother tongue *4 If A, (if if Z < Z' Lesson 15 h 3 !HzLTo mmmm^, x^i^x-to xt -etc ££/i*>(c&oT< tzz^t^t^fro c : 3Ai;*)(io (?< U^3^X\ ^& 4 : M # ft s: w m m us m m * ■• # & s * •• tT # ts p>C nj§ pq p~f * : Vc & H 5£ # T & ^ "7 X* ^ ^ fg- £ Mi ft ^ ± Ji: : M : B# # f# ^ : 1 £ 1 3 I i M M fa ft * : 'Jffl ^: 9t $j 7u 5E n: * -7— • m-j 5. ^ ^ ■ it: is st r: M n : R l^J n: HB ffl m □ : □ s * Lesson 15 mi A< u»5 mi Review L. 11—15 N : H#tt m$ *(¥) ^ % % X « J£ < * m « ±(A) £ 1^ v:fp& #o ^ Sti& m§it& ma s& iffta 1. (i.u#ft 2.mt) ti$fLv>-ci-0 2. £/i*>0^"CB:fcO (l.tffi 2.j@) L£0 5. ^ (l.^ 2.^*x) ^4i:^^U:0 6. a*I§<7) (l.M 2.ffl) ^ito 7. 5ffl£A{*£< (l.tt 2.#) tifrh, m<0ito 8. ^<^is^F(iv»ot (l.Hf^ 2.jfH\) -C1-0 9. (l.S 2.M) &&*)ii-0 10. (l.TEg 2.aS) X'-fc^ftiW^iLtZo 11. (l.fcfr 2.#0 (i&?*m-e$fc£K_iL/:0 2. «laOidO^_Tv^ii-0 3. £tr^r>, _ÍLn„ 4. HIŠ^J: <#^&v^^ _i-to 5. í> < «9 _______ "C < fi$v^0 6. ^tšiMtft/^ _tv^tfeo 8. &<£>Jg-e_£^fô£ TV^Ž-j-0 9. tfri^t^K Z OfrCb^ ____X<ŤzŽ^ Lesson 16 I §g16f£ | b- 1 [-m^ms M^M+hA (handsome) & 7.-7- h (smart) ft U -y f- (rich) & T 7 -y 9 7, (deluxe) ft [tlA. L 9] Guess the meaning of the following adjectives. tfy ?*ft Adjective + Noun a quiet room Adjective + Verb to speak quietly Adjective + Adjective quiet and light Lesson 16 7h2 2 - 1 . M^Omt'fj ( Kanji Writings) (*KTd) origin, source base ify (4) —• T 7L %B (#?A • Co) healthy, fine New Year's Day spirit, mind air, atmosphere (6) / h a feel Ji%{XL • §) weath ing er ' -£A.) a Jpf^Utfj: ? • #) mood, a sickness state of mind have, exist possess (6) r K * to exist, to have • *) i <) & powerful *!?v^)^ famous i#>-}) "t" & to possess 170 171 172 Lesson 16 name, famous members ft *>f IbU (6) / 9 £fly (ft -li) a name ££S(ft • r • *?) Nagoya 35flJf(*&V> • Li) famous places £%K#>v> • special products ft parent kinship ltz-L^ (16) s f f I I1 fn fl(£^) a parent (*>*>• is^) father 8(L£)LV* intimate, friendly M(LA--£o)ft kind cut, end moderate i*-£/#o- -fey (4) t $}(§)& to cut ^3¥(§o'"C) a postage stamp Mf (£ o • -K) a ticket :fc#J(£v> • -£o) ft important it current, traffic convenience \f> (9) \ r in ft i*g.(?z£)!0 a letter, news jlfij HA • 0 ) ft convenient iJt^^ • < 7 • If A) airmail MFirHA ■ t i) a toilet Lesson 16 profit proficient (§-<) 'J (7) i i -feMCOti^ • %)% left-handed MMi^n • *))ft advantageous fIJi1 (•) • L) interest fljffl ( h • X 7) -f £ to use un-, in-not -7/7-(4) •— r ^®(^ • ^A,) ft inconvenient 'FjI A,) ft unlucky ^U-^Ot^. to lack of m(i'U'-&o)i unkind young (8) — -r- r f ^(t?^)v» young 3s(t>fr)% youthfulness i?f fcO) a young man early (6) n e ^((2^)v> early -f-(li^) < early, soon #-fi3 (-?" "9 • Jt -9) early morning Lesson 16 31^ 'ft ■ busy (6) > - t tt(v>-e^) Lv> busy #ft(£ • (3--))& very busy 2 — 2 . li&txA b Kb 9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. II 2. £fu 3. ^ 4. ^ 5. fCU* 6. 7. MW^Jctk 8. 9. 10. ^M&IPfL II . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. Z\mWXLtZo Lesson 16 5. ligl^Al-A^W^ab *9 ii"o This song is popular among young people. 6. IW<&£-C, S&7&*fc CL^tf £ t LtZo I got up early in the morning and went to the quiet place. 7. Z These pretty stamps are pre- cious things for my younger brother. 9. m $ 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. healthy 2. famous 3. kind 4. unkind if A, -fro L-A, . convenient 6 . inconvenient 7 • young 8 . busy 9. early 10. sickness 11. Nagoya 12. one's name l£ ft. Lesson 16 A. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. uneasy 2. advantageous 3.disadvantageous 4. to lack of 5. intimate 6. a parent 7. a feeling 8. powerful Lit $ n x < 9. a postage stamp 10. a ticket 11. important 12. to cut ft to t 13. air mail 14. sea mail 15. mail 16. quick delivery IS ^•9 XfA, tz-z> i K» 9 . a young woman 18. early morning 19. early time *> J: 7 20. famous products Lesson 16 jLny h 3- rbZlt[ts faTTfroj (What is his job?) Various persons wrote about their own jobs. Read the following passages and guess what each job is. Choose from below. 1. 2. V>L* 3. 7EM 4. tJtt 5. « 6. ?! 7. 8. iLXL^ 9. -)xO^ 10. D : jftofcC^KiiJ: <^_«i1-0 ^ftcoifi<-ei-^^I< ST*??y-i:£Oot^lto ^ii7C^T*1"^«b, L ♦ Adverbs of frequency : v^o i always 1 F 4. 5. 6. 7. A □ 1. %H Oltott) a reception 2. Ill (ISfrto) an office 3. m\ 0H>»t^) an accountant 4. M (^o § i <) a pharmacy 5. (fc^W an internal medicine department 6. A^m{Lin\zfr) a pediatrics 7. 5JM4 an ear and nose department 2 F n. 12. 10. 13. IS 3^ s. an*) a surgical department 9. mmm* (mz*n §tw a nephrology department 10. v>y a X-ray room 11. mm** (^wt^t» an orthopedics department 12. mm A® (%A.&£A,fr) an obstetrics & gynecology department 13. m% wA.fr) an ophthalmology department Lesson 16 mm in /g mm medicine for internal use ~ m aw) Mr. / Mrs. / Miss — fflfi directions ~ Bft (K*>.£A,) for — day(s) every ~ hour(s) — packet(s) to be taken ~ tablet(s), ~ capsule(s) Lesson 17 I 171 I h 1 H0>*? - 2- &m%&bt>Tm^ (Kanji carrying the meaning of "Movement") Below are listed many types of verbs which we will study. They carry the meaning of "movement." These verbs express a moving action with direction. ® Memorize each of them with the particle. it X Lesson 17 v_* it i&v i t > r f i \ \ 9 -' its {9 it t *2> lit — 159 — Lesson 17 7h2 2 - 1 . W$Om%J5 ( Kanji Writings) come/go out -c- ■4 -T yi7/ya (5) i t f it it ttJP("C to come out C"*b) an exit to put out to go out 182 X enter put in (2) / X A(liv>)& to enter A(*Xfc& to put into • #f<)T& to enter a school * ride (9) * 183 184 \{ to get on a train, a bus, etc. — 160 — Lesson 17 3$ (^<1"d) descend is-^l" (10) I P r pgr P£ |$tf5)lj& to get off P$ (•&>) & to fall (rain, snow, etc.) 1 reach, arrive wear (12) y ¥ * If lf(o) < to arrive ^r(£)& to wear PJiF(t "9 * h*? <)1~& to arrive tfd • a kimono cross t>tz-r (12) "s. / / iP $L(t>tz)2> to cross St (fofc)"^" to pass (something) over «(1-& to visit U.S.A. pass commute kts-i- do) -7 I ft i ill ii(i:i3)S to pass to commute 3ci§(C: ? • 07) traffic -9 • ^<)f ^> to go to school Lesson 17 k run (7) — ±- + t£0±L)& to run jfe#(-?""9 • L-*) a runner walk (8) 1 \Y it to walk »(L^ • tr)1"4 to progress 2Mr#(ti • Cl -5 • L*) a pedestrian ^iSOi • ^9) a pavement jh stop t-*6^> (4) I h \Y Jh(t)i& to stop jifrih(o-9 • £-9 • closed to traffic *9> 9 • L)i~& to cancel, to discontinue move 9r-< 9 (11) X" n i i 1) (-9 r) < to move frill (i9 • to act, to behave gSfr^(£ • f-9 • L-*) a car • an animal Lesson 17 m work (13) f f ft ft % ffliWihX towork labor tft^^kihn - t'l • L«?) a laborer 2 — 2. ifc<^tlAL^9 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. l. Xu^hX^tto 2. ttinfrhfttto 3. mzm'oito 4. M^l^ tto 5. 1 lflfC^Cf liL/Co 6. S*) 7. »££££1-0 8. jfehJto 9. ^ta*Jt.i »3 £ L£„ 10. n > fcf * - ?tfW}£ i-£A,0 11. /fi-Cf!)^TV^1-0 12. ^CAf Lito II. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. fflfrbmtffc£ Ltzo 3. ^mm^X^tto 4. *$#R:i:Ail-Co HA. a ticket —163 — Lesson 17 6. z. tt^H-C«v>-Cv»i1-e a a. a zoo 2 - 3 . "L KD 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. to come in 2. to go out 3. to arrive at the station iz h 9Uz z> mz < 4. to cross a street 5. to get on a bus 6. to get off a bus CO 7. A car stops. 8. A horse runs. 9. to walk on a street £f1 < 4 & ^ & < it lib — 164- Lesson 17 10. a man-t-to move=to work < = + < II. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. to pass in front of a book store 2. an animal HA, * t*. bis 3. to discontinue 4. to wear a swimsuit E 9 S-o 5. It rains. 4 *> K» 9 * 4 6. to attend a school 7. to enter a school #o 3 9 riJ=fc O9 9 8. to attend 9. an exit 10. an entrance 11. a pavement 12. a passenger 13. a train ticket 14. traffic 1$ if 9 i;j:9^'P< t;j:9b^ ttA Z.0 -9-5 — 165 — Lesson 17 v h 3 &w*^iiS£*^i-0 < xffiL^*¥-?to ^£&ft£&#^-e-f0 mist MM (t -9 § J: -9 ) Tokyo 81 □ south gate £ *> n> -9 "t? on the way *S3l (i < Do) national IR (x. a station i^iS^^X the highway bus ? —%1-)l> the terminal ©f^bil § *9> 9 L-o) a seminary room ^.Xfff (TV1) a bus stop Choose the correct one from the followings. 1 1.5 hours 15 minutes 4 minutes 1.5 hours 15 minutes 4 minutes 3. J 1.5 hours 7 # 15 minutes 4 minutes — 166 — t* 9 6 l> J: ■? L t <3tft#il (Road signs) > 1. $t®f#jt (io^fi/v/fSt*-?) a pedestrian crossing 2. ^fi^fltBf&ih L*/fc7fc*A./£A,L-) No crossing for pedestrians 3. g|g*jiffih*!) (CCAL^/o7iVa * No passage for bicycles 4. £#T*glk (-9^0/^AL) No right turn 5. £#fgjt ($-£o/§A,L-) No left turn 6. -B##ih (V^C/TV^L) Stop 7. (IS j: z\ 7) Go slow 8. —jjMff (^IfVoH^) One way only 9. mxm±. {Lh,\Z*>n/$A,V) No entry 10. S¥^lh (*)*U^/HU No parking — 167 — Lesson 18 181 ZL-y h 1 ( Kanji carrying the meaning of "Position") Remember the following Kanji carrying the meaning of "Position. £E| W ftfc N S it outside inside — 168 — Lesson 18 ~v h 2 2 - 1 . >I^<7)*t;£ ( Kanji Writings) < A. «fc & * > 3 5 0&» < 1" ? ) right (5) j *(*#') the right T) the right hand (* £ • the right side (S ■ * 7) right and left A left (5) £(l>/i*)) the left tt{X>tz*)-X) the left hand &m(t>tz *) • rt?=b) the left side * east (8) \ n ~M(UtfL) the east JfLU OtfL • the east gate l^M (35 (^<1"^) west (6) -—' \ n S ffi ((c L) the west HP L • C*>) the west gate • ) the north gate • • Hokkaido * south (9) — + ft ft * ffj(<^&&) the south the south gate #*(ftA • South America ffi4t(£A • (?<) north and south 4 out, outer other, foreign (ä-f-t /läri» y (5) / £M-f^)1"& to go out ^j-HI• .1 <) a foreign country Hf-Hlf * surgery — 170 — Lesson 18 1*1 inner, within inside (4) i n 1*1 ft ftiiH % • tft>) inside ^F*J(ri* • ft^) one's own wife IHf*l(.I < • ft^) the interior 1*1$-(ft ^ • internal medicine department, part section, club 7* (11) >■ iL it n p ~nM-£) ~ department, — section, ~ club *g|$g(^--^) a room A,) a part, a section station (14) 1 r IT If ff ft .1'' tit IR(x.£) a station IRJt (x. § • l>»A,) a station-employee IRS(il • *>n) the stationmaster ft shrine, company assembling (7) * * zstt(;^V> • L*) a company ttS(L* ' t> £ i) the president tt&(L* • a society #tt(£A, • a Shinto shrine — 171 — Lesson 18 }% hall, house * institute (10) -7 } r r r* ft mteiXft. o • ^A,) a hospital • **< • ^A,) A^(t-v9> 1 ' b*A,)-f~2> to be in a hospital a graduate school 2 — 2 . Iro^txA L tf> 9 ( Reading Exercises) I • Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. 2. 3. mar 4. m^t 5. = mft 6. m\*\ 7. ir 8. g&g 9. m& 10. ^± 11. u& 12.4b^-m II. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. 7je<7) g tm^frbm&^i- lite 3. (t*^*» * 9 22. to be hospitalized JLLZy b 3 Lesson 18 t^9lW)Jtia0 r|*Jj o±K r< Cj, rj £^£>£^ rrt^L*j ^l^tto ">^j ±K r^x.j ^ifetjifo r^x.j £ ry'nt^j HW&^to r^*-j <02ZK r<-hj, *0 £t\ M-C*^L/:^ 178^-V\Ztb *) t-ffrb, It 9 (frA. C) the Kanji, that is ~ If (I'n) aline £t\ Now, Then ^ (-*?A..«) all ^-v a page [*>A/£^3 + - \-*K&&2^ ttz\±, 3^ £*o L a magazine for information) £IL"C, 2 A^^nBSS: £/6?L"C < V>0 ttJU itzifit> m ■ I life < / •9Xt v>->a> IR^12# ^n-BStjMT n 7.27JR ft 1 ft 3 ft MOOR IML TO A .6«. ft 1r^15# 7, ooo n «15* «B-j*»«fij-t:-r. » i ®; □ *t mm 6« 5 7JR ft 1 ft 2 [ft 5.000R 2 8.27JR >«55"J V>->3> 6W 6W Lesson 18 Sí-ŽowÉ (Useful words) V y V 3 y [< mansion >] a ferroconcrete apartment house of a better class. T J'— p- an apartment house $1 2^ = 2^ 12 minutes on foot. |£Jf (**>A) rent jfcát (LššA) deposit ^Láz: (ti^šA.) gift money ^fjjl j| (frA, X» administration fee BM (V&tz)*) XlZ.d) sunny — ijlrj ( £ J: 1) tatami mat ÍCHi (If kip k) the front door ^ill (J: < Lo) a bath room JM^T HA £ i ) a lavatory flA (*3 Uv^tL) a closet K = uPJX a kitchen LDK a living dining kitchen Describe where you live using the words above. — 177 — Lesson 18 ft It A ft m m an P & A 1. m& 2. 3. ft® 4. ai§ 6. 7. 4*t§ 8. ASE 9. 5=ffg 10. 11. V>*>tfA.£<0fr (±-T) 13. ftftjl 14. £hj 2ff§ 15. 7|C^ 3tf@ i6. asa i7. art is. 1*3« 19. sbs 4fri 20. Att 5fifB 21. MA 22. An 23. — 178 — Lesson 19 I 191 I n.~y h 1 ffCDät^ (Kanji Affix) •tiro xf £ OP Prefix Word Suffix e.g. 7k-M £ ^t^ § ^ n L i a big hospital a research institute L^ L«? a new company a movie theatre & LA, -tiro unkind a musician -T U * -9 L J: address ( polite ) a zoological garden [tlA, U tf> 9] Divide the following words into meaningful units e.g. ib^m 1. 2. DrPfltt 3. ?FA^ + HI a zoological garden animal garden 4. = 5. £§fffl = 6. = Lesson 19 ( Kanji for Places) — pjf (y g/y h) : flf^/f -it : iife (*) mum Wife &t/-# *9> "9 L i) Ctf Li) a research institute a stop an information bureau an office ■9 h\ t" •) L i -9 ) a playground ^i^^Lid) a baseball ground "tb#'?L-^Li'9) a parking lot trttf) 7 »9 tf) < 1" T) ground base V f- (6) + *-> i&T^ • underground i&!7j ("*b • (3 ^) a locality, a district *&EI(*> • 1*) amap ±*(t • *,) a land 206 ik iron TV (13) / f f it i^(-Co) iron a railroad i&T$c(*> • • to) a subway %L$%.(L ' To) a private railroad 207 craft, skill construction (3) —' T X IJ§(.I"9 • Ci 9) a factory If (C^ • L) construction X^(Cl-9 • engineering Il!(.l-9 - -9) industry 208 — 181 — Lesson 19 209 place scene (12) + *" **- SIMO* • Li) a place fc%i(T>h • tf) a square 8H^(tf ' M>) a case iltb^Ko A • Lio) a playground _ diagram devise h (7) 1 n n IS) JfeEI(*> • -f) a map MW(t -Li) books ^^EKTA • _* ■ 1*) a weather map 210 It mansion hall * >-(16) / A 1 1 1 f r if if if if mWMit ■ Li ■ frA,) a library Ai£££(/i^ • t • ^) an embassy Milt• ^ • frA,) a movie theatre public official (4) / &H(Cl0 • X.ÄL) a park ÄiC? • ho) public ? • ^)1~& to open to the public 211 212 — 182 — Lesson 19 IS garden (13) 1 n n n n Fl Fl l?l Ifl Ifl n &IS(C: ^ • x.A,) a park Wi^Mit'o • .£0 • x.A) a zoo j§[Hi& (i# • x.A • "*b) an amusement park dwell inhabit (7) \ tt(1~)tr to live ttK (Dt9> 9 * inhabitants ttßf (C * -9 ' Li) an address ft^ (C >9> ^ • tz <) housing place that which (8) 0f(fcCl6) a place i^pJt (/i^ • ^ ^) a kitchen fiff^uRlfOtA • ^ "9 • C x) a research institute 4- number order (12) s & $r • CT^ ) a number ^Sll (C -9 • \t*k) a police box 03: A • <**) a program —# (v»*> • \ZK) the most, No.l Lesson 19 t>3 ; f call, naming [suffix] order (5) \ n f -IT')) a sign, a symbol (t*A • t> • a • r-9) a teleph one number 7 ) a traffic light 2 — 2. Ifc^tiA, U m> 0 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. arm 2. xm 3. mm 4. mmm 5. ®.m 6. 7. fttr 8. 9. mm 10. II. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. r0j (2^i%. r*j lifc#Wo 4. ffiJI|$A,0#fU>fti?fli rU3B 3 T g l#*101-^j T-1-o — 184 — Lesson 19 5. #SO;tt£HOirH£#ri*fc«3£1-c 6. SJi^-Cr UtT^O J: "9 «9 #J&*ETV^1-C 2 - 3 . 9%tlA,Ltf>o (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a subway 2. land 3. a railroad 4. a factory *> To t *> To if 9 5. a park 6. a library 7. a place Z b %.k, . a numbe 9 U i 9 8. an address U «i> 9 L 9 £ Kt> 9 — 185 — Lesson 19 4. a convenient place 5. a house number 6. a quiet place li* Li 7. Room No. 1 1 8. a sales counter 9. a car park \**> r? Lo 10. an embassy 9 (i* l/f Ui? 11. a movie theatre 12. a research institute B&iffl 13. a zoo 14. Tsukuba academic city 15. a neighbor if 9 -SO 7L ^ 16. a station square & & |_J_J *f rfj 17. a traffic light 18. a telephone number if If la, 3*9 19. industry 20. construction 21. a weather map 22. a public school 9 L Xh t T 23. an extension lecture 2: Lesson 19 h 3 Read the following letter and find Miss Tanaka's new house in the map below. Choose from A—F. 7*$A,, &7t%X-ffro SBS»9T, $Ov»-Cl-*a0 $X, S<7)*BlBHif Lv^HL>o^ Li LA: (moved)o $f LV>gc(2itijT££OlR^ *?^h\<*?>0 JSJ-C^H^ ££#X*§ S-To J&O^O-m ¥z:7>t#i3 4!%z:?>ilzi*¥&.tftz< £ Alexia < ^lot, *i W^x 0 £-£Ao t^X\ ^IWKi §*lv»X*1-0 4^<7)BBIB^&W^*2 -£AtK Li K-&B££A,I3TLX, irMt^iLno mt^WM 03(_3428)5697X1-^^, ^«lSLX») 2 1" ri» 5. \k*ZA,j: ? r)!i 26. fljflfelil(t>75^i)!i 27. j|$(toi: ^)fr 29. PlllCfc 79^30 ft 31. lljP(*£ <*-*>)& 32. mmik < L£)fr 34. %muv*b)m 38. WCft^^cDir 40. ik^(isis^tz)^ 42. JSiB^(^rLi)ir 2. 4. |Ij7T2(*£ri*fc)-m 6. mi§(^< Li)m 8. ffi*{t%%)% 10. ^f5($v^ji)m 12. n#JW(frt£tft>)% 14. lli^K^SfcUm 16. K#(r^)!ir 18. SfclGfc 5JHft 21. m#(^< 23. &K(L3&*)IH 25. ^&(£5LJ)| 33. #JH(^^)ir 35. 37. 39. t^(< t i> t)m 41. SlH^(^^$^)ir 43. im(&£%t>)Wc 190- Lesson 20 JL~y h 2 2 - 1 . ( Kanji Writings) city market (5) \ ?U(L) a city TfTft (L- ■ % I 0) a mayor TfT£(L-&A,) a citizen fi(v^ • If/L • Cn) a market town (7) 1 n m BR ffl ffl- Br HT(i"*3) a town TWT(Lfc • downtown BUM"*b £ "9 • £ "9 ) a town headman 218 219 - village (7) t i +t(tff>) a village Jft+t(^-9 •-£A,) a farm village *tfx^(fr£> •*<•{£) a village office 220 — 191 — Lesson 20 3$ (jK1-?) division section, ward (4) — 7 E(<) award ESÜ ( < • ^o) to distinguish Efößff (<•*<• L J:) a ward office ÄfeE (*> • <) a district capital i big city, Tokyo (11) t I7 Is £l$rfT(ch • L) a big city $B#(t • jö»v>) an urban area ~MP,U(to • ^ x o - t) Tokyo (metropolis ) /ft administrative prefecture 7 (8) r r Jit 7CE£jfr(:fcjo • Sri» • ^) Osaka Prefecture 5vM(§ I -? • t • ^) iÖCffr ■> • ^) the government Kyoto Prefecture prefecture (9) I n J. f if ürUtA) a prefecture ürfr(ttA • «t a prefectural office — 192 — Lesson 20 im ft island LZ (10) f P f % Ä Jo H(L£) an island ÄH(L£ • CH) an island nation ^IKlä/v • 0 ( Reading Exercises) I . Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. i. rtr 2. g 3. bt 4. n 5. ^ 6. m^ffi 7. m^tP 8. ^ Mo < (fTrT 9. JSlfMt 10. LljPft 11. ff&Ji- 12. II. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. B#l± 1IM j!2Jfr43!!M;E#£*iTV>£0 is divided into— 2. IlllClifltfflE, **E£^23C9|x ^WTfflrrT. J&*rtjfc^26r> Lesson 20 2-3. »t ft/i U tf> 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a village 2. a town 3. a city 4. award 5. Kyoto Pref. fr6 6. Tokyo (metropolis) 7. Ibaraki Pref. 3fc t 9 £ i 9 2: 8. Tsukuba City 9. a peninsula 10. Mr. Kimura II. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. a mayor 2. a town headman 3. a village headman 4. the governor of Tokyo 5. the governor of a prefecture 5 i; 195 Lesson 20 6. a ward office 7. a city office 8. a town office fx IX fx < ^< Li L ^< Li 9. a village office 10. the Tokyo Metropolitan 11. a prefectural office Government office IX It Jt tsh ^< Ii* t It A, 5* 5 12. Hiroshima Pref. 13. Japan is an island nation. 14. Java Island li X>6 L£ JtA, 15. Mr. Tanaka tz ka, l* <*£ 16. a district 17. a market fc9 *> < 18. downtown 19. Japanese government o$ li 20. the Izu Peninsula Be Pa. L/c ir sa, üa, to . appearance, a state of affairs 22. various divisions ±5 1- < .fiA, Lesson 20 JL - y h 3 nxhho %%&\>x\z.\u tiKpfcomfi, ZLXt^wz&ift* 1 * 1 & fiTO-m ft < It" l-l / \ 9 ^ * MM («^ 9 £: 9 ) an envelope a letter ^Wt(v>tffc Ibaraki Prefecture —boy's name i> X the surface ffi-^&^T) the receiver of a letter (±& to put, to paste E3^ ( L^^ < ) a square US-HE (i9> ^ l^)#->7 postal code ^ to lodge, to take rooms \}\ \ {frtz) care of—, c/o~ 3&f — 197 — Lesson 20 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ^< L ti> o llllllllllllllllllllllllll Review L. 16—20 fsi urn) (&m m)u xm m m m n? e ht £ * A : Ip-^ ttU> x^c* ii?y& v : lf< #< it 4* tb< ®< -fit? ffl-t A*i*> ih*6& (58) I. #C.I t i£0 Ex. ± ~ ( T ) 1. <-> ( & 8. <-> ( 2. ft <-» ( ^ b-h ) 9. <-> ( 3 3. m «-> ( 6 i:L) 10. ik <-> ( jlL^I) 4. ft <-> ( \t) <^3,) 11. *k <-> ( /(/^^j 5. <-> ( li* ) 12. <-> ( tL'Iv 6. <-> ( /M£ ) 13. art <-> ( © 7. <-> ( TFf^ ) 14. ( a*l*> — 198 — Lesson 20 Ex. &mz*£ttc N it ir ft it* # 3f ^ wr x« i fif< B1" »< i i i i *< #< »< «< fr tr fit/ V — 199 — Lesson 20 Z' Z-!)*^ ISffiJS (1) Word Structure Zht^Ut^fDm^liMk z\tl$0 (D Two Kanji of the opposite meaning '. □ «-» □ f§£(/iA,i;i) - H £ £ (D Two kanji of the similar meaning '• □ =% □ (3) The former Kanji explains the latter Kanji '• □ □ © The former Kanji functions as the verb and the latter can be used with the particle r^j, rt-_u r£_K etc. © %j is added, it can be used as a verb. 'I studied Japanese.' There are a number of words which can be used as both a noun and a verb. Look at the following examples and pay attention to the particles. s Noun the study of Japanese the practice of Kanji the study of literature Verb B*I§^M3Ä1-^) to study Japanese to practice Kanji to study literature Some r_ ~$~%>j verbs, however, take different particles. >9 * -9 75s' < (to CA a question to the teacher going to America for study marriage with him to ask the teacher a question to go to America for study to get married with him — 201 — Lesson 21 Some r— i" hs verbs are usually used without any particle in a sentence because they include a meaning which corresponds to N + V constructions as follows. tBLH (Uo:<) = ?] Choose the words which can be used as verbs with ]B#ft(hlt^, a watch) >' ] 7C^ Of A. § , healthy) > ] ttflff (£ *9> 9 L I , an address) C ] ^1? < L *9> 9 , learning) ] s in (tf A, «1*, language) shortage) A ] mm (i> A, tz V \ a problem) 1 1 SIS ("C A t?, a telephone) ] #tt (#*v* L * , a company) ] ^ih {% «P ■? L, stoppage) jiKl^'i^^, a hospital) .HL^OtA,^^, sightseeing) 'J IHtbW^L^o, going out) '1]fl(i^(, returning to one's country) Lesson 21 -L-v h 2 2 - 1 . SB^fl)*^ ( Kanji Writings) iLlfr *>3l OKI"?) ft knead (fc-£) (14) i It % f IP It i&llOriA, • L to practice f practice (11) f !?(&£) 9 to learn iff < • L$>l)~th to learn ^'tl(t^9 • frA) a habit, a custom endeavor (10) ft HA • # j: -9) to study 228 229 230 — 203 — Lesson 21 35 (^<1"9) ?4 ' force, ^ strong (11) r !* ft SI(oJ:)v» strong Sfigll(§ i 9 • i 9to emphasize • In)t4 to study . grind sharpen (9) r r i if !9F2uOtA • § *J> 9) "t" & to study, to research ^f-fl^(ttA, • L*» 9)1"& to study and train to carry to » extremity (7) i (If A, ' § *9> "9 ' C i) a research institute Wi&^UtA • # *9> "9 • L^) a researcher ffl stay detain (10) c C-TI tj77 n 77 m m • a registered letter (I) *> 9 * ri* <)£ to study abroad — 204 — Lesson 21 V s s quality question (15) <- rr rf' frr> 1 ft if s t quality Lo) nature, character KFp^(L-0 • la A,)-fit to ask a question m inquire question (11) i r r P P" n H PI H ?$(t)\<^yk(&)t>-$2> to make inquiries UPpIOjH ■ i>A)~fZ> to visit FrK£1/») the question title theme (18) 1 n 0 0. ay IS £1 m fn\ML(1$A, • /i^) a question, a problem §£ll(;b • /fv>) a topic JfilKLi* < • homework il% (£V • a title answer (12) to answer t!^(^A • t o)i"h to reply ^ («1 tz) k. an answer Lesson 21 lodging dwelling (11) 1 r r ^sfl(L*9>< •/iv>) homework Ti#(L^< • L*) a dormitory Tsvfi(LKb < • 1± <)"$-& to stay 2 — 2. lE*)Z?o * Iii 2-3. (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. i. a question 2. homework 3. to answer 4. to learn 5. to study 1-* . to practice 7. to research ^A, ti9 frX L-KD9 £ KD 9 8. to study abroad 9. to ask a question 10. to learn 0 KD 9 # < A5 < L KD 9 II. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Kanji. 1. review 2. the title of the book (7) L KD 9 too -207 3. student dormitory -li-O Lkd < Lesson 21 4. to learn English 5. to answer a question 6. nature 9 7. to practice Kanji •tiro Lo 8. to study Japanese tltv 9. to study biology 10 . to stay 11. a custom 1"* •ti-l * t (9> 9 b t9> < (i< b KK 9 HI. Write the following sentences using kanji. e.g. frtl\± *, *9> -9 ct< #?<-Č^ "C1"o (§#) to visit 5. D*9fc< <> A,*:W;:ov>-C% Z.A,t*<0 ^ct9H ItA, š *> 9 Ä^#s ££c Lesson 21 "7h 3 f-U r20x., 'j^i < * *) £-£A0 f A,£B# (when) o^>it^o ^Jt75*7oi<7)gra1-Cl-0 x.x., ^(iti t A,^ (almost) &RX~$-0 v»x., j&ii$miojK>£-£Ao ^tl(i^<^ (bedclothes) -ei"^0 (when you sleep) o^V^-f^c — 209 — Lesson 21 r 'J : (iv^0 T'J hi W£ £-£>Ut£\ -o H -.frfr^tz \&7L\t ( ) -etido [mm] i. ±<7>y-A^x.{±^-ei-^0 2. ffl*£A.> #JI|£A,, I^AOf-A (team) liv» 3 *^x.(ä2l3^-y I) Jfo — 211 — Lesson 22 I mum I ( Nouns made from two Kanji) Beta &4 ' ffi^ ^ ' ^) * '» %g • u) ^ft^ • if?) |^ . is?) ^Afr^-ffc^- t tf-C-to 1?IOt)^-C^ fci • golden color a place "S"$(-£>& • ^ >) a used book a ticket a stamp a name a letter — 212 — Lesson 22 T • L.tz) one's inferiors, one's subordinates = 7 • ^^) all = (t> fPlp (t> «I\ Japanese native wordsh ?HIa (^A>T\ words of Chinese origin) > W-sfciu words of foreign origin) tf$>t)ii~o £*A,& must) ^t('j 3 • 3?) Tfrilr (v ' v 3 *>) £^#(Vi • 'J 3 <7" V 3 ) 7 "f X (rice) ii — (a car) h 7 travel) v — ^ v Ma market) * r ^ (a hotel) Uv — h (a receipt) 3. £H 4. Rffi * feOOKKOgx.] 1. TiS(l*9> < fi^) a homework 2. 16Pp1 — 213 — Lesson 22 JL— 7h 2 2 - 1 . ^CD^S" ( Kanji Writings) administration (9) T T if if' 5fern(^V> • L) politics lfeJ#(-frv» • the goverment ff ©C (£ "7 •administration govern f- (8) X X, "s X / / .-^ /\ /a Ta(%&)-f to cure in (& £) * & to govern Efe?t5^(-£V> • £ • a politician (#> • C) name of an era control pass through (11) < f r at to pass through S^Ot^ * £V) economy S'g'Ot^ • x>>)i~& to manage 240 241 242 Lesson 22 < A, J: * t>3? (rt* < 1" ■?) finish save (11) / N 1 / i &(rt)tt to finish &^0t^ • £V • fr<) economics jgSf('^.^ • to pay back s career L* (14) r r r r f r 1? ft ft K£(tL# • L-) history ^S0&*< • *l§0 one's educational HtlJlifr (*9 • fai • L«t) one's personal history background history (5) 1 n t 5&^(L • historical science B^£(^ • 11 A, • L) jffift^I (c* A, • 7tfl>* • L) modern history Japanese history breed raise Zfz-Xh (8) **" 1 f f t(-?-fc')"CS to bring up t&W J: "9 • ^ <) education 'ffcW (fcv> • V> <) physical exercises — 215 — Lesson 22 3? (^<1"^) K change -ization (4) V 4t¥(fr ' chemistry JCiti&A, • 73\) culture i&iXiti^ A, • fiv* • fr) modernization &iXit'ti> to modernize reason ration, logic 'J (11) — T ^a(^o-IJ) physics ft-SO X 7 • to cook 3gfi («9 • *9> -9) a reason (*> • 0 • #? <) geography branch division (9) s i i #^(^-^?<) science ^^fOf-TW surgery tfc^W (In '^^ Li) a textbook ft number some, several (13) * * f r ftCd*^*)*.* to count number I^Ot"*? • #?<) mathematics IfcA ("£""? - HA) several people — 216 — Lesson 22 *>a^ (76x1--)) medical doctor (7) — T*" • #?<) medical science • L^3) a doctor • i^/v) a doctor's office 2 — 2. I?c<&||li ( Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. ■ 1. S5& 2. 3. mm 4. ifete 5. 6. 7. ^ 8. m 9. 10. &w 11. « 12. mm 13. j&Jfr II. Write the reading of the following Kanji in Hiragana. 1. %&±¥fcxmm&*m%Lx^t-t0 3. 5a(2IS?4A^£ft^ft#^IS^& y) i Ltzo Li- 5. ^Hii^fpKi^^^^^^^o — 217 — Lesson 22 6. f&&<7)£ t^^kim^mix^^tM^mxtc 7. z.T?I±, tf< ti&tf £i/M*o/*, 1. ^co £ i fa -e/iTft^fb, fiv^s<-C It^SVfc ^A,#.f? while bringing up her child close your eyes internal medicine surgical medicine ^'n L^fzo 4. L*>oUi: — 219 — Lesson 22 I7h 3 <* £ if L> Z\tl\ttmffi££&A,"C, fofcfc (which shelf) \Z\3bhi)\ 1.-17. 3. 2. 3a 5. 6. it ^ 7. 8. X ^ 16 14 s on 17 15 it 10. & 11. a 12. S £ 13. ifc S y tf A □ a. r0*S^«onSj c. rK>f 7l&fc&AFli d. r/N° V u > Basic <7)^v^j e. r^£L^4»*£j f. rmL^m%%ni?T^? < ) * (C"C A,) languages • dictionaries '■ (# £ "9 <£ "9 ) literary arts • culture — 221 — Lesson 23 £§& (Hobbies) 6. X*°-7 ¥1" — 1 — Lesson 23 7h 2 2-1. reflect (9) 1 i 1 n 0 #S(oo)S to be reflected r(io)t to reflect «ftH(x.v> • a movie -hR(U i 7 • x.v>)i"4 to show (a movie ) ill picture Kanji strokes (8) i fi ffi S S iIj B^ISOC • (5 A • a Japanese painting WMiff • fr) a painter • tbk) a screen ( TV/movie ) ®ft(ri*< • 1""?) stroke number % copy project (5) I T W-{*)*z>)h to be photographed ^K(L* • LA) a photograph ^("9 *^)i" to copy, to take ( a photograph ) 252 253 254 Lesson 23 9(& < A, J: * t>35 (®&) true, genuine just, exact (10) ■+- r fi f %. /N K£4»(S • J: • midnight ÄÔ(ío- L%) real white E3(LA • *)) truth 0 sound js í: * > (9) i ft ft ft sound, noise b^c(£A -J:)* 'ON' reading (läo • £ A,) pronunciation amuse, pleasant music fcO-Ltr 7? (13) / ť fi -é U» enjoyable f^(J3A, • riJ<) music ^(fcO) Ltr to enjoy 1(^0^ easy, comfortable _ ingredients fee, fare (10) r i n • •}) cooking $r&(0 i n ' š A,) a fee, a charge *t£K£'V • Y) 1 ingredients Hífl.(^ • «9 i 9) raw material — 3 — 5 Lesson 23 35 (lift) U unite - assemble <-tr V <*/-C* (11) t * l! It ffi.(<)&-a"(&)h-*£ a combination —SL(<&) —sets,—pairs Ü.(<<£■) a group, a set #£§.(WTA, • <*&) a (TV/movie) program think fancy (9) ) n m FR & 8A&i>)o to think S(i5^)v^m(/i)1- to recall S (fc ) V > ft a memory S#2J(L • i 0 * ♦) i <) thinking power color feature (6) fe(v^5) color JS#.0fA • L j: <) primary colors #fe (i: < • L J: <) a characteristic 6 white confess L5 L5-v> (5) / { fl Ö(L^) white color S(L6)v> white ÖA04< • *> J: -9) a swan — 4 — Lesson 23 3 5 (urn) black <6-^ (11) n a ft > E E M-Aih) black color M-MH < • IfA) a blackboard S(< />)v> black H^(< h • Vi profit, surplus red ab*»-v» (7) r it Tfcihfr) red color #(&#*) lb* A a baby ^ (£>#*) ^ red ^^($>^-C) deficit _ 2-2. I. o f^l^:©!^^ £ <> h tftt X* £ & £ t >0 1. .lo 2. ^Ltr 3. 4. ^Lv> 5. gv> 6. 7. 8. ^ 9. 10. 11. H£ 12. Bfc®^ 13. 14. #-*b*A 1. -rVtr^liffi^ji (the equator) COS < Ogl^l&o T V>£0 *>A. — 5 — Lesson 23 2. :^lo#feii^?,v^WAoTv^;i:ftt 3. fttktmmz^zm^x, ^tmttommiLii-, UK It o to 8. m^^fc^x^i^<^o/c^f>> ^^*^fic 9. £>Wz&\,*WV>*-ez*-$:Ltzzib\t, *Lv\lv»ffi-c1-t 2-3. *f«l 1. a movie 2. to cook 3. a photograph 1"£ 0 J: 1 »? L^> LA 4. music 5. sound 6. enjoyable — 6 — Lesson 23 7. comfortable 8. a program 9. to think 10. a memory 11. color i>3 4 <** 12. white snow 13. black cloud 14. red flower V* V* V* < 4 1. black and white 2. a baby < h 4. a photographer *? ^ 5. a musician 3. a fee hi U 6. a painter m. txttMzt^-rz^frhx*Lhtffrfr^t:%tzo — 7 — Lesson 23 <#>#)> (a dream) oT\ £ti^tzo liCfcKlfcBfcJIfctTofco BISBOBfcailli^OiA, -ev»fc#, iftStiiJt L^^o^o v> ! j *T*—h a date Wf^^rZ) to shave oneself to polish 7 > tf —.X a one-piece dress Z.A,X*^2> to be crowded a wall 1*— K mood 7 W > wine tii3 a cheek g £o.£;j> to shut one's eyes ,lv>Hct~ to make bold to do~ a bell K a bed 5. ^OAliKa^-^Attto-A-Ci^hSi/^i-^o — 8 — Lesson 23 L -o T n £ tB 1 T'gftfr I I <§riH G 00 IB 005*3—1/"» ! 20 Xr/ —>*3lSg?A^OllR 35 MT*«bT7>df—5>H 00 *3S^A/i—*tsoaR 30 i/;wc-*/-hi nw 00 -tf'^KW- x 30IHB3DOKI H4>-DO ! 00 > 1 00 1^6 CHV^ynCD 30 n C 6 30 5E3&IKI2¥u oo x^-r rmiiss 30 /n>^ji/»jssh raits 6 00 ^-f^MC] TOE? oo rv 30B-5 00S 7 DSCD— a -XOQ 30 NK33flB]tt/jN££3!E 00 £53?3&6£3Effi • I 30 SSEDCAPI rfiB#CDaKJWJ 7 8 00 ^SSX-/f—T-Y HJU «81610 VNTVW89K 4*£fi£ BEEPS flW«^ 00 3 > s k L 8.5/ 00 WZWS^^is + JV [-O 45 nc 8 4 5 rmmmiz oo etvs rismtstvrc JliaB*a- • j—^out 45 rl/t37A T^SC^ iW^ISiJ «HH—HS 00 i>-^>^ju rAt&4tf^ ffinb^B*>0 54B[hb 00 —a.—X-te>>* — 9B# 40 *3i:A/l5 00 Si 5COMBES 25 Z7 7S.V-i>^—i-)U 9 oom&ccDasi® x^« ^; u jtJSIESRSB'S' oo ; 1 If s 4 1 30 NHKd—f H v^^fi?^V53tnB V//.00—a.-XdrfPSS, //.25 x^^ai-L r^nta 55 E'C/WaUT) io.i5 m&ckm • L fi^EEJ tej&/s ■ 70.5/ xsk—wih /0.48i: 00 • ¥t4fc& rSEffiJbCD&llJJ W*3*j> 30 7-5>Xi§t»M® r*35c^T?T*i ? J c;/.5a3»T) II oo iaasp i s&£-c • 2* • 2T>t>-OE]Q /.zona rjBS[wnfiafc«j 3.0013 ra&Kv-i'^ «/w IH 30 m 0.00^ ;.05C 2.53» A/ r«s*r«s?^afej 5.45 — n — X^-Y H ff. oo ^smm^m o 6 . 40 *33^%h'87@ 5.00 ! hsK-n/ 5.53 5^57 5.25 * — 911*(I < r) bilingual XfVt stereo P&Ij movie TOfc^ ($ v * I 5 "9 "9 ) rebroadcast 7. i^/:oiwf p\£%mz-D^xmmlx < /*$v>0 — 10 — Lesson 24 I £524111 -V r- 1 UjPI - 4 - J5Dy<7)I!jfE (Opposite Actions) al m it tti « Ztii^<^ opposite) <7>t&ftU#»tf*£ L i 0 [ ] UB&PI (D J: L particles). **>*a [ ] & IZMM (X&bi appropriate) £ <-► ^OA []&<[] ±l " o [ ] • ^ ° * — 11 — Lesson 14 O §ÜÖP0 ^ffeSlJPÖ (Intransitive verbs and Transitive verbs) <~sö* Vi> (to get up, to happen) (to stand up) (to turn, to be bent) (to begin) (to finish) <~tf ~Z Vt> £ cil-do wake, to cause) tLXh (to set up something) (to bend something) (to begin something) (to finish something) — 12 — Lesson 24 OLZLy h 2 2-1. S rise initiate is-.i1- (10) M (&) £ h to get up, to rise (is) CI & to happen, to occur |2(is)wi" to cause, to wake someone up f sleep (13) r r r f w ft 8E(ta) -6 to sleep £&$( * /iv> • L*) a sleeping car $EiE(L>^ • to) a bedroom * play, fun _ wander (12) > i ft to play 2S(«b-£-)t>' play, recreation jžííälilk (K» d • * *>) an amusement park 265 266 267 — 13 — Lesson 24 268 stand establish (5) >- \ ±L(tz)-3 to stand tL^{tz^> • \f) a standpoint «*)o) national &&(L-»>o) private seat (10) \ r r r m(tt>)Z> to sit mitia seat IEM(-£v> • &)t2> to sit up straight 269 use (8) J t 1 r $i(oj3>) -9 to use, to employ skfäKtz^^ • L) an ambassador Itffi (L • «fc-9)t"& to use ftv^C^/j) way of using 270 begin start iil>£>& (8) ft i tostart fö*&(*M,* • U-f* tobegin §a 0* C) & to start something 271 — 14 — Lesson 24 272 end fc-;L£ (ll) < * & \ * r **■ (H) t>h to end (L * 0 • "C A,) the last train to finish something $K£.(Li*-9 • "CA,) the terminus § / N. lend rent (12) / . i ^ i" to lend, to rent «0W Lffittf) L loaning out 1 0 borrow rent (10) \ t ft ftW»)H to borrow ' If (L * < • 11 • t J:) an IOU f££(L«o • £A,) a debt return back (7) T n >S(^x.)1" to return iS^M^A.- LA,)i"& to reply (letter) (-^A, • L) an answer — 15 - Lesson 24 ü send (9) * tosend ÄglJ#(-t7 • • jHO a farewell party to send off d • *) x d) postage 2-2. 1. 2. g& 3. 4. 5. iäih 6. &=b* 7. ft•) 4 8. Ä-T 9.igt 10. föd 11. 12. 13. SM 14. 15. ÄLdiL II. o§*^g|^Oi^;fr£0^7>*&T*#£££^0 2. *z>o 6. Qnt^mmx-mx^t+frb, -fwce:u0 7. mffii!>t% *J 5. to pay back + 6. to get up 7. to sleep 8. to stand 9. to sit on a chair 10. to play 11. to use chopsticks liL-fc 12. to send a package to — 17 — Lesson 24 1. the last train 2. a sleeping car 3. a seat 4. a reply 5. a national university a 6. loaning out 7. to send off "< Oo fil* a«< 8. the opening ceremony 9. the closing ceremony 10. an embassy Til- L ID. o§'coi^T^ t 9^I?^ot|l^i.^^„ -hcscir t i n.m o Two i. ^tojti»^ii, c*-tfAiiL(:^^LLT, rri i:iiAUjo^-&o 4. L*o£A£^x.-f£tf>t::, *£J3§Tri»f>J:*fc*£T-li£f>v>-Ci,»£1-0 — 18 — Lesson 24 XH y h 3-H<&$9 <--B£>±>£> Read the following script of the interview and fill in the chart below. ^oa rti3boj #§oa r^?m 7B#r6^*oj ^f^^hTjLT- r(i£>> (irt a job) lifTOl&i^-t-t^oj mr^cj istM^T- rX\ imZ'b&itfroj swa r^t»-c^iinf r^-c-r feoj 9]WA rv>£, &£{>&v>U &A Cv^'c a lover) fcv»frt,»L, '*t:'6r ^> LT (to idle one's time away) ^>i"t"0j 12 6 12 L [HH] (^n a chart) *R*IHh ^tl:7if4fti "liU, *ti'tS»*Hi), &&B$fill t'£n £ A *i, Ufrl-tZ>Z.ti i'f J 4- $ v>o — 19 - 24 ■CS*T*»L~ 7\ 2 n feb. 8.8 14: • * k> 11 i: i t 3 * *■ 2-00 * If1 It 12«* 15 HONJ 16 •a TUC j 17. 19, 20,:; 9 It .2 1 1 1 « S « 7 * t 10 II 12 1--I * tit II 1? t 2 3 4 & f ; * » 10 II 13 III II I.' I J 1 * r, T * * 10 11 12 Jt_*?r_________ ii i: i K * 1" 11 12 18«: ^ fi 9 Id II 12 •aw II 1J I J .1 4 * h 7 0 * 10 II 12 meeting Hm (Ti>L*>o) submission return a training camp start **7 (L*>9 J: 9) finish SKftosft Useful words feflc (ILii) = getting up «£U (L*9>oLA) = CI i; going to bed Lesson 25 -IL— V V 1 0:£<7)íŠítíiA (Japanese Wedding Ceremonies) Cfn (Japanese style) [# (Western style) TÉ** í£ "CO'Tp/l! (the schedule up to the wedding) h- h _ftA.*t (arranged marriage) 'iL-š^l arrangement (love marriage) 31 > love engagement £Š#3 (*9>v>0"?) a betrothal gift IféffotyZFfo an engagement ring Ä s wedding ceremony — 21 — Lesson 25 (r7)j means'Japanese'. See the following words. (*> • Li) ftfll Ob-AO fn# (*> • Li) Ob- Li o ftm^ (*> • a* • L) mw: (*> • Japanese style Japanese clothes = Sr$9 Japanese style room Japanese books Japanese food Japanese sweets Japanese poetry with 5-7-5-7-7 syllables r# ( 3 ) j means 'Western. #Ä (id mm (id (id (id L#) AO to) Li) Li <) (id • L) ££ffi (id • L*9>) #® (id • rt?) fcftl^ (A gift) Western style Western style clothes Western style room foreign books Western food a cake foreign liquors a foreign film A special envelope with a ceremonial red and white cord is used to make a monetary gift. You write (fcl^^bV*, a gift) j or r^f (ZL h > c£, felicitations) j and your name on the envelope. You may use an envelope with a gold or a silver cord, but the left edge of the envelope must always be red. You should not use a similar kind of envelope which has a green or grey edge, as it is used to make a monetary offerings to departed spirits. People write r| -tf A/, before the spirit) j on the envelope and offer it at funerals. Lesson 25 7h2 2 -1. m^omzjj < A «fc t>3; (®&) connect conclude (12) i * r S(tfi")«K to bind, to connect #nlm(tt-^> • ^A) conclusion ISÄtdto • -lAOl-* to get married S^Oto • 70») result "fit 4 wedding an I k t < •aft *§J£0to • -lAO-t* to get married ff»tT(LA • za, • J) * • d £f #J(>! A • ^> <) to get engaged a honeymoon separate (äft-ftä 'J lifc-"t (19) >- IT j n ft r r Äff Bt((i&);ft& to separate ÄiOi*)"*" to part, to detach SIAKO • dA)1"S to divorce 277 278 279 — 23 — Lesson 25 % seat (10) r f a seat t85£Jfc(L--CV*~i£§) a reserved seat ffiJrf (Lv»o •-£§)1"& to attend ffiJ£(^--£i) a seat defect lack ri»-< (4) T &(75>) (t£> to be missing, to be short of MSO+o • «*)■>■ 4 to be absent T previous preparatory 3 (4) -7 3, ^aE^ * T^) a schedule ^#7 («t • <) -f* h to reserve ^jfcf-WiiX A, • § • X • li-?) weather forecast fix - settle £7"i-*6& (8) \ teH^T^ • L i <) a fixed menu tejI ("Cv> • v>A<) admission limit 5e$K"CV> • §) commuter's pass Lesson 25 ocean occidental (9) / / / mn • «fc1) the West jjC# (11 • J: i) the East, the Orient #JIU ? •-*»<) Western clothes Li<) Western food ceremony formula, style (6) Ä(L§) a ceremony, a formula föi&ÄOto • dA, • L§) wedding ^(^9 • li) a formula IEÄ(-£^-Li)ft formal, official it peace sum, Japanese (ftr-tr) 7 (8) f i ¥fD(^v> • t>) peace ftt(fc • L I <) Japanese food fn(t?) harmony, sum, total fPflS(^)-^<) Japanese kimono >* vivid vigor (l>-£) *7 (9) V / / ft- /I £f£(-£^ • ^o) life, living • li'o) ft active ruf (fro • L) printed type fi&ffiKfro • £-9) activity Lesson 25 2-2. R#an 6. 7. Kt^fs 8. rnm-z 9. ^ io. mmm II. c^i$W7j*^^mti«:$v>o 1. 5&li-J3K»ttl,T, 35J!Kig*1-;&o 2. »ti-^H««L^o 3. ^+-BK££^a*s»£KffiEt*o 7. US "to I'll have a fixed menu with grilled fish. 8 J&li3% X*&tf£tlX&ftLX\<->ii-o I live away from my father and mother. — 26 — Lesson 25 2-3. mzmm 1. marriage 2. divorce 3. to attend 4. to be absent (to £A, Lkko -tirt (to ** 5. Western fooc and Japanese food 6 . the East and the West t t cfc9 L J: < to Li < to «fc9 7. a fixed menu 8. a schedule 9. life, living 10. a ceremony Tt> Li < £ XI" "ttl^ frO L* 1. to tie a string 2. to leave the country 3. activity 5: fr£ 4. Western books 5 . Western liquors 6 . Western style ±9 Li <£ 9 L t* ck9 LS — 27 — Lesson 25 7. Japanese style 8. Japanese books 9. formal IE ft t> Li ■ti-l- Lt 10. conclusion 11. result 12. engagement 13. a honeymoon {to LA -A 14. admission limit 15. a reserved seat 16. to reserve L X^ -ti-% 5. ^inlf^i)tli4<, ^7r^o^U<^otv4( 7 h 3 X tfk $AM<7)i o Bt;ig*iLti-o &£x-i&mtt-tz>ttx~i-frt>, sumfl? ■J - • r >7°7 > 1992^ 6 ^ 9 B *J¥^ (iiv^t^O the first address of a Japanese letter like 'Dear Sir' in English (Usually some seasonal greetings as r£ ts^^X'-ffcoj, r«t < Mt5LJ> i-$~fa0j and so on follow.) $"C, Well, Now (The main topic starts after this conjunction.) ~i:ov>T about ~ ~(sentence in plain style) ^TE'T'fo i'm planning to do ~ i3lK.(V^)V» a gift, a present ~ t ■? to be different from ~ (-~^ L) a reply Sfc^- Ot^C) the ending address of a Japanese letter like 'Sincerely yours' in English Lesson 25 f Lesson 25 5. -zA,Ktzh\z^m.x*®frm%lx<*f$v>0 rliM (if A,*) * <)j etc. ^tr^B^ocfi £1"fr\j etc. rJofr^l9$)^ $-tAfroj rv^frfr^1-rtt*1-fr0j etc. ®Z\-t>b(thanks), &t>Tf (apology), Li^/:^ (invitation) ft f r£gHfrfr&0£'&L^KLTV^-foj r££ 9 ft 9 IIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIII ft H lllllllllllillllillMllllllllill Review L. 21—25 N:&te igSf M5& (ft)W CfcMt (ft)* mm E*) PpIM BfeU ¥K »3i (#)«. a* (*)jg A: gv^ §v> v:j£§& m& 5lo ^-9 «FnTl& feSSt* i^E-f£ — 31 — Lesson 25 RfltA (2) Word Structure I. -og0)Zlb\Xi\t->frtzA,\<* (meaningful units) tC^HtftS^c Ex. mmm -* mm / ft books building = a library 1. ift M fi - 2. % % m - 3. m ^ £ - " " 4. w * m -* 6. %L±%^ -* 7. Waft^M - 8. flfftBfS — 9. fr*i£r£ - 10. grig&Hflg - 11. ^B^ffiH ~* 12. m$.mmm9i£ - Ex. *lf « * ( )*fH )^c^- = s£( )#§!% = mm( )EH = es&( )W^i-^-t = *^( 1. 2. = )E^ 3. if if = if ( )&Fif 4. = era it/. / mfflk )±¥ — 32 — Lesson 25 5. t K = ft ( 6. mmm^ = mm 7. = ^( 9. &&&g = mm 10. *g]^ = #g( 11. = SIM 12. * p«a a = a ( III. 0§*0g|^£®~®0lfrl5] (verbs) tt^OV-mfrttfcSK (D Vi (D ~^/\Z Vi (D ~£ (place) Vi © ~£ (object) Vt (5) - \z (person) ~ £ (object) Vt Both (D and © (7) Others — 33 — Lesson 25 W. ( )twti'A,fcV>tf>£ tit (opposite word) *Atlfc£v\ Ex. ± — ( T 1. tL o — 2. ~ 3. *&4 & — 4. tti S — 5. £ it — 6. m 5£ — 7. & ± ~ 8. & 3L — 9. 11 ft — 10. ^ % *— 11. jj * 12. ai h 13. ^ 14. ft 15. & 16. S 17. £ is. m 19. it 20. Bf tL — 34 — Lesson 26 =L-V h 1 B^CDE3^ ( Four Seasons of Japan) There are four seasons in Japan ; spring, summer, autumn and winter. Memorize Kanji with the corresponding adjectives. o v n (to) <\7 — 35 — Lesson 26 — v b 2 & spring (9) ^U±h) spring §S-(Lt?iA • ^A)^B the vernal equinox day • L**A,) youth T summer £0 77 (10) T TT 1" X(&o) summer Hi^(^"^> • -^"t")^ summer holidays autumn h % V a. »!> (9) s s f * #c(&§) autumn $c5J" ( L*9> 9 • ^)^B the autumnal equinox day 288 289 290 Lesson 26 3^ (®&) winter (5) %r{^fy) winter %-fa(&$> - *?-t)fr winter holidays k hot ( for climate) (12) n S-(&o)v> hot Mt($>*2) £ heat, hotness hot ( for things ) (15) — # til i Sfc(abo) v» hot &0fco) fever, heat S^'lMfeo • LA,)& eager, enthusiastic ^ -Wle , ar<3t£nT cold ( for climate) (12) 1 "IT s »(£fr)v> cold lS(£tr)£ coldness — 37 — Lesson 26 cold (for things) th-^l" (7) 4 i ✓ / (o #>) fc^ cold, cool to cool, to refrigerate • tär^) air-cooling <£lt(tu^ • * calm - «I warm N (for climate) htztz-i)^ (13) 1 1 n fl B B B* b| Vä(&tz?z)J)^ warm ÜÜI (/iA ' ill) heating Gf (tzA, • 11) a mild winter warm (for things) Jbtztz-tbh (12) / / / / •a /im -Si iu.($>tztz) fr^ warm zSÄCfcA, • f) temperature TmMi&A, • Lo) a greenhouse 7mA (&A • -£A,) a hot spring cool v refreshing (11) X ✓ / / V - n / w(1~"f)lA> cool — 38 — Lesson 26 weather (4) — J X JL{$>t)!*<) heaven, paradise 2-2. 1. Hi^V^cOB 2. ^gl^cOB 3. f^IWB 4. Li/»S5I 5. 6. <^/iV^7R 7. fi3H>X-7* 8. 9. t&tf&Z 3. Kli^^llj^^LV^^TiTwV^ 4. ^frco B 9Mi>hh0 air-conditioning and heating 6. X, flu ^WT\ ^o^-#^i-Ci-^o 7. Wc&h »} £ i" ft „ #fitt~e tr otR#, **EftV»c0(±**i*» 1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter 5. a cool day m n n n liS &o ff O 6. a hot day 7. hot tea 8. a cold room 9. cold water so *1* 10. a warm house 11. warm food 12. weather htzti tz -CA, Lesson 26 1. four seasons 2. summer holidays 3. winter holidays &0 j*® k>+ 4. the vernal equinox 5. the autumnal equinox 6. the Milky Way L K6 hi &hj L ifr r> CO tub 7 . air-cooling and heating 8 . to cool 'sake' in the refrigerator & t tU^ (3f? 1ZK (i*9 I. 0|(D ( ) \zx% t d&il^£Ati&£v\ U 4 II i Z tc t x. 2. ( ) v^itcti, ( ) ^&£>£ ( ) A/itid^v>0 3. ( ) ^ot, ( ) -C ( ) T^ito 4. ( ) O ( ) Ji ( ) X\ ( ) A* ( ) Z t I A * ti K t W i + < 5. ( ) ^K.fcat, ( ) oHii ( ) v>^\ ( ) ( ) T /. t J: li 1 * ? 2 ts I> £ A — 41 — Lesson 26 1. four seasons 2. summer holidays 3 . winter holidays 4. the vernal equinox 5. the autumnal equinox 6. the Milky Way 1/ «i> 9 «5^ CO hi 7 . air-cooling and heating 8 . to cool 'sake' in the refrigerator t\ \m I IM%x Hi 1. o|*<7) ( ) KTi^ftgS^SrAtifcSv^ 1. ( ) iz*kititzi ( ) l,zL£Ltz< Hi (1 i Z tt t PL 2. ( ) ( ) v>&£>£ ( ) /v/i(i^Vv>0 3. UcTSAJi, ( ) i{ibot, ( ) -C ( ) -Cv>ito 4. ( ) O ( ) li ( ) X\ ( ) # ( ) &v\, ; t L A* td A. t 7 + < 5. ( ) ^Kiat, ( )W9*>Ji( ) ( ) CT^M ) T A. i J: II i *> Z 5 ti t> & — 41 — Lesson 26 7h 3 ^>g J! months events ie n H*m±$l5 (§-t£o) jFEofcij, ^tt* rizg^j (L§) fcV/^0 ?jxtewtftz< $a&*0 jE^^-^r^-t^o *^lp (i-w-o) a season ~£:<^-7 We call ~ — *? ~ tt £~ ~ and — so on "*b z % here and there ft (fcifc) t>ti& to be held JEM (Li? New Year's days E9^ (L§) four seasons ~Xhh = -tz/X-t is~ 4t.iL flower viewing ^ Mi moon viewing a^ a tournament, a meeting i&73 a district — 42 — Lesson 26 B*Ali, IEJ§ (Ln^'o) K^Kl* (feA^Xn a New Year's card), lOfv^Cf ^£i^ (L i v?> 1 a mid-summer greeting) <7>l±rif§ EH f b ÖJ3 ft CD I* L < *> flf Ü IS 0 L vn L ± s£ $ f • 0 ft i * t> 43 7C If fv *» «1 T 0 T' ) l^^iL/: Thank you for your assistance. £g (fed*) t±Jfi"f polite form of ^M^LSI" polite form of (all of you) (tzZ.ö) great happiness iäfli (V»W) iQ^^Lä-f I wish, I pray 7CÜ (ffAstzA,) a New Year's Day, the 1st of January ~7&B (Ä»o* <) CD>11 to be active &/Hf^"t* by everyone's favor & 0 =Nf time, when •TSS (Uab^1) T ( Please take care of yourself. — 43 — Lesson 26 < + —3t twelve animals used as names of years> 1. i1 (ft) = fc-f * a mouse 1948 1960 1972 1984 2. (U)=f a cow 1949 1961 1973 1985 3. = * a tiger 1950 1962 1974 1986 4. a rabbit 1951 1963 1975 1987 5. M (fc^>) = it a dragon 1952 1964 1976 1988 6. E a snake 1953 1965 1977 1989 7. (")£) = m a horse 1954 1966 1978 1990 8. a sheep 1955 1967 1979 1991 9. = & a monkey 1956 1968 1980 1992 10. 0) = .ft a bird 1957 1969 1981 1993 11. (v>ak) = it a dog 1958 1970 1982 1994 12. a wild boar 1959 1971 1983 1995 ft M (i) tt\±®%- (%\z£L) -e-r^o (2) ikifium (Zizzi,) tt^o lzi>&\,^0-0 — 44 — Lesson 27 I I -y h 1 *°iS - 2 - : tt^ (Suffixes - 2 -: Occupation) For expressing one's occupation the following suffixes are used. (L^») IS^a" = iM (v\ medicine) + ^3 a doctor = IS (I, record) a reporter ^ = ^ study) +# a scholar W^^- = Sf^£ OtAvi *> ?, research) + ^ a researcher tfcW# = tfcW (I i. 7 ^ < , education) +H" an educationist ^ (L#>) ffe^ = f: song) +^ a singer = & (£■?, throw) +^ a pitcher ilt^- = iS (*£A/, select) a player jS$e^=- = il$5 (•) A"CA, drive) a driver — J| (V^A^) KIM = M (cf, conference) + Jt a member of an assembly IRJt = IR (x_§, station) +M a station employee i£jt = )£ ("CA,, shop) + Jt a shop clerk ISJi = In (-£A,, ship) + Jt a member of the crew = (fr^L*, company) a company employee ffifM. =ffif (1^-9, bank) +M a bank clerk H#!IM = S*H (^LiM, library) +M a librarian Lesson 27 -Sc (fr) -S (*) = IB (/6* painting) +^ a painter = ($0 [£<], make) +^ a writer 'hWLM. = 'hlft (Li"5-t^, novel) + ^ a novelist WiXuW. = ifcfp (-£^1% politics) +lc a politician H- = i!t% (£A,;$*<, music) +^ a musician ^■MM = (L*LA,, photo) +^ a photographer a shop and a shop keeper #S = * OiA,, book) +M *® = * rice) +S ftM = ;fc (l±fc, flower) +1 = < , meat) +M = & (Sfrfc, fish) +1 MM = M [£&t], liquor) +M a liquor shop = ISI ( < ~f O , medicine) + JH a pharmacy ^ftM = W-M (L*LA,, photo) +M a photo shop a book store a rice store a flower shop and a florist butcher a fish shop and a fish monger (£ i "9) business Xm = I craft) +H mm = ^ (Ln, trade) +1 = m ( 3 5 carry fate (12) i \ P c7 c7 c IB 3({id.)^ to carry Mil A.) luck, fortune MM ("9 A, • £* *)) exercise, sports Mi% (■? A, • "9) conveyance roll > turn (11) fi g |r $e to fall down alfc(9 A, • TA,)1~& to drive U • TA, • L*) a bicycle EIfö(frv* •-CA,)1"& to rotate select (15) ■a EE s 'ft it S(x.'c))^ to select, to choose M^i^tA, • i i) an election • L*9>) a player record -» describe (10) f .> n >■ 0 V 5 Ir3^(§ • £) an article ISA (I • H *9> •} )1~& to fill in BlE(Ho * I) a diary IS#(I • L^) a reporter — 48 — Lesson 27 307 < J: <^ *>3$ (U&) discussion (20) r ^. >• 6 0 0 p ST* p tu p* ^sIKtH^1 * 10 a conference • Parliament • «t 0 ) a chairman hck lilmd1* • *>A,)i~& to discuss s member 4 y (10) n 1 n a CT CT @ CT CT © #H (^* • V*A,) a member of an association 5eÄ("CV» • i/*A,) admission limit J£Ä("CA, • V^) a shop clerk s commerce, merchandize (ID I Pi f\ ft $\ ft ffij£(L £ -9 • TA) a store fStc( 11 9 • trade j§jon(L±-9 • £>A) goods itt(Lj: 9 • L*) a trading company 308 309 f job, business (13) 1 \) XH(Cl-9 • manufacture fSH(L.t-? • i*i 9) commerce HIS (CD-9 • gin) agriculture Üll(£ A • J: "9 ) industry 310 Lesson 27 "III -1 - farming agriculture (13) n to ft f i ft+t(0-9 • ^tA.) a farm village 7 • fr) a farm house ■ a farmer • x 9) agriculture 2-2. I^^^P 1. xojtm 2. 3. 4. si&i-a 5. x-X<7)S^ 6. ffKIS# 7. S£IiJt 8. it 9. mm 10. 11. &m 12. 2. dowt7£|ts^TSiAT0 3. ffc^^fig^ott^ffcgtf* Lfc0 4. d(7DfrWie*(±J3^ t^V^-fo Lesson 27 5. &c7)j£Ml±j£<7)j8jpDqKo^-CJ: < Lot^Jto 7. m^coft*(±ttt^t:to 8. M^B&H&iilf^BE^t^-tv^o 2-3. 1. to drive a car 2 . to do a ; 3. to see a doctor 9 < 5* 7^ -r^ 4. a tennis player T - X 5. a newspaper reporter 6. a librarian 7. a member of Parliament 8. commerce 9. agriculture 1-5 if Li? if* 9 10. to write a diary 11. a bicycle «9 tf i "5 12. a shop clerk — 51 — Lesson 27 1. a conference room 2 . a young man 3. an article A»V» r LO fcjfc * t 4. a meal 5. construction 6. a scholar 7. a scientist Li< i; Z.5 V # < L ? i» < L * 8. the station staff 9. sports 10. a driver 11. industry I "'A, bh, Z.0 % X.0 in. oro ( ) Kxztobm^zw&ttz^o 1. *Lfc£> ( ) X ( ) 7)^f)li'tiito *> i> r r^ii 2. % ( ) i nirii *i>*>-3 t>t>ifA 5. Uo/: ( ) * ( ) fcfc^-C, 7;wMr£i*£LT ( ) LT v>£A£ r7'J-^-j tv^0 Lesson 27 — 7 h 3 1-j>l Z tXto 5. ffi&VAZfeLtz*)^ %Whh^K\zm^hmzy)th:g0od) ™ (fr&v>:bad) IELV^ (fc£*LV> : correct) f§Blo"0*5 (t^*5oTV^ : to be wrong) |f| t (fcfci: : same) — j! 9 (5 # 7 : to differ) (r$t 7& : suitable) — UT£ i: 5 & : unsuitable) HLV> (tff>L^ : difficult) — ^^ftP (easy) >kr<7)3:(±x LV'o (l.kind 2.easy 3.gentle) ( ) iDUj^JLtiSo ( ) ADllJ^£^tLS0 ) o^t; 1. &gitfs^£ ( )*<4oTifco — 55 — Lesson 28 a.-*y h 2 2-1. 35 (Eft) k good (7) * &(«fc)v» good l)n) the best ^.'L^C9 J: "9 • LA) conscience bad : in (11) 1 1 vi» 312 313 ^(b^)v^ bad M-Atib-o ' to change for worse *SP ObS • < *>) speaking ill of < • -£v*)<7> malignant point score (9) 1 i ,£(TA,) a point £*&("CA • i~■?) the number of points X£0to • TA) a fault ( L *>-9 • *C A) the terminus 314 — 56 — Lesson 28 315 < ^ ifr t>3 = if" correct right tztz-L^ v3 7 (5) ■— T T 1EM (L x t" • correct, right 7&?o) the New Year lE^-i^t^^ • t"?) a correct answer JEIfE (L i ■? • IS §) & honest differ *>7&f-7 >f (13) J ■h > * s ft 1 Nil it ii(*b#*)7 to be different ji(*>^)^' difference FeliSCi • *j75?) a mistake jtR(v> • l± A.) violation same fcft-U K7 (6) 1 n n - R(£&)IS same l^tf (f-? • IS 1 7 )1~& to sympathize |s|B#(ir'7 • D) same time lSIST.(f7 • to agree proper - fit (14) i Pi ft ft ft ft 'ft 316 317 318 M(X£)Ltz suitable • £: 7) proper ®J£(-C§ • *3 7)1~£ to adapt — 57 — Lesson 28 3? (If 80 § hit concerned $>-XZ> (6) 1 A' = to hit ^=ia (T • &) T medical treatment ^l(liA-tT) truth li* A,) duty. It • difficult (18) •H- g g t if ff r HKtrFfr) Lv> difficult £3:81 (U* 9 • < • fcA,) housing shortage HPnl (fc A • t A,) a difficult problem next o-C v o|' (6) J >X(-o)<" to be next to B D) a table of contents ^(•^£0 next -^HKC-/^) next time f shape fr£*> +*3^ (7) -* t' T&ifrtz-h) a shape A^OdA, • ^ J: d) a doll ^5£0tv> • L§0 a form — 58 — Lesson 28 UP* °* taste bz-fri (8) \ n a o to enjoy the taste - L-*> • a hobby 2 — 2 . tschau 1. 2. 3. lEU* 4. IL^ 5. 6. W\C 7. 8. * 9. M 10. ^ 11. P* 12. i& 13. if f 6. AW^Jifi.v^.^StiWI^H^'babSo as well as — 59 — Lesson 28 2-3. «# 1. same 2. different 3. correct 4. good 5. bad 1 tzfi 6. difficult 7. suitable 8. truth 9. a point klA, to XK 10. a shape 11. taste 12. next of n. □ Ka^fc8S3:£Atifc$v> 1. conscience 2. speaking ill of 3. a correct answer 4. a mistake <0 £7 LA, 5. same time 6. proper 7. meaning 8. housing shortage t'o IS x% to D K> 9 < & ^ — 60 Lesson 28 9. difference 10. to change for 11. honest 12. a fault worse 1-* 5# (to XL 13. the number of 14. terminus points 15. a doll 16. the New Year XL -fo l- m> x ^ 1^ if J: 9 L i -5 #o 17. a form, a style 18. a table of contents 19. a difficult problem & < i; Dl. MÝIi^IÍItottl^x.^?^ 3. cio-cA/t-?^ íy^tv^o 6. X>t
h < *>£v>-9<7){±, Í<$)0ž-ítAo — 61 — Lesson 28 w h 3 JKLHiaa-eiifc^ofco -wfrii^o^o-e, ^i£i;mw££fcIOA{i^^A/itS^S1-^o — 62 — Lesson 28 ® -#(±i;#>^:£{±, l77^mt<0 &?§(7t£A,^<, paragraph) (7)(±C£> co (2) roj * r*j r^j ru k 1 7Xi:Afitt(0 «£ d#§<7)B#£:£T# iOBf^GDfiiKv^ position) Ciifo _ J: b f: 1 - ■H r i / (D r, j * ro j, tf^oCK r j JfcWic^C j , < >, • , -, etc.) & i v*tcA*LT*<0 ^-r(i# v— i y V — ( hi ) It / t 9 0 ✓ A c <5r* hi ) -w \ / — 63 — Lesson 29 I I v h 1 llK>7*5< L It A, »»» — A ^H^i& (an entrance examination) Situ ft (0 * K ft * ft K Í4 B 69 a 14 § 1 2 X 81 #4 S 3 ? K B ft ( 5cnX 6 cm) 14 Ě k a «pa 'h £ x 9o a E g 1 9J312B (fl) 9A13B (A) V n2hb n bi'h a 2kb 1030-12:00 13:00-15:00 15:30-17:00 10:00-11:00 12:00 13:00-17:00 * a * WWII X H M*t*S 15:00-17:00 — 64 — Lesson 29 -y h 2 2-1. m<$si (®&) try J test (13) >• >• r -> P 0 aT &(ZZh)frh to try i£"n(L-M>) a game ffc(tztb)'f tötest UMM (L • *> < • Lo) a dressing room It * proof . examine (18) 1 \ r IT if 1 1^ If !^Ji£(L • It A.) an examination #SI£(lt^' t^" A.) to experience Hf£(lSc> • ltA,)"f~& to experiment face ' surface £ - ( 9 ) r rffi ifi S MS • L6)v> interesting [g (la• JÖÄ,) in the direction of ~ IÜic(£>A, • -£o)i"& to interview 324 325 326 — 65 — Lesson 29 327 328 329 330 MM M connect (o-C) -t7 (11) r r r ft ft ft © (o) <* to connect E8K*> J: < • -£^>) direct(ly) ®3f(£>A, •-£o) an interview W8:(^A,--£o) indirect(ly) explain (t-<) -t7 (14) >- P >-\ P P p p p 1. 1 • #v>)1-£ to explain (L J: "9 • -t-o) a novel fruit result -h-1 ({±-£1") * (8) n Fi f *£*0to • a result ^(-9'^) an effect * (< tz • *>-t>t ify- (6) / r n o ^(3b) to suit cHsCt^o * L-*9> <) a training camp gj(tifc) L^(&) 9 to consult ^ft(r-9 • *tv>) a total Lesson 29 331 im structure frame, rank (10) t t % P £-fö(r-9 • >$»<)1~£ to pass 14fö(-£^ • fr<) character Äfö ( L • ^ <) qualification receive d-Jt4 (8) <9 332 ^(d^t^ to receive ^ft(-9 »t • olt) reception ^c*J£(L*9> • ltA,)"3~& to take an exam. $tStl(t^ • t> • ^) a tel. receiver fall - drop i' is-t-r (i2) -— / +t to fall &£(a, -ti-o . to pass 3. to take an examination 1" L U 0 4. an interview 5. to explain the result 6. regrettable 3^ 4- 7. to pass (an exam.) 8. to fail (in an exam.) 3*9 n. DKa^fciis^fcAtifc^o 1. an experiment 2. experience 3. interesting — 69 Lesson 29 4. a direction 5. qualifications 6. an effect L *< 7. indirectly 8. directly 9. to consult "9 10. to put together 11. a total 12. reception 13. to take an exam. C-? li-l - Oft L va» It A/ in. & ( ) ^MM%m^zw£%z^ I. c6v>*>& ( ) tL/zv\ 3. 0*0 ( ) (i ( ) ( ) Lf ft A. *-5 L It ^ t it 0 *• £' /A. to A fc# £t\ ^Ofcirfct^fc^v (apiece) 4:^>)S1-0 ^LT, TC0f--\--h£ A£ < hf-UfotT^K S&«!)OA^f)$v^6Sr^0-r (cast a dice), § Kfr^tzh, >kco^co$f\z4o + u>->* LT < tzZ^0 zmtztbtzitzh, ^xz-To •fc it ft ft ititftft ftftftft 0) ■8 If! (fl> m m ft i* is © T ! 7 &H5CDA 1» * a^lt — 71 — Lesson 29 < ^L^S(DS f ^ (how to fill in a form) > 7 'J Jif tí J5>l S • -k MT-S 7 'J lit o § ( ) I ( ) a pass buying application form ■I 02«ĽEAXäBEÍÍ(75í,OT*0THA.TT*i.'. h: o íi* t, t <7>S»#tUífŤ»D —*í JBT L T * v.'. #1 "Éc ÍR Sotili! «8 «B( , ) m ;<7)t3 < i*9Cttl2A.L4^T< /i ŕ o. «K ( ) £fT (ft$x.:name) = ft£ (L#v>) (£ S : Mr., Mrs., Miss) =~H3: Otfv^o : Sex) &P)t (C^l Li I address) ^l&Tfe (*lA,C> < $ § : contact address) S (C /J < I one's home) Wm% (§A,tr$£ : one's work) Bfa£& (L i £V*> : location ) (£>v>L i 9 •* name) (< frA, : section) (ltv>i0> : via) l£ffilS&B (L J: 9 frv^L^': beginning date) fctf (*3«t I and) — 72 — Lesson 30 | mom I gf-gf (Radicals) 1. 33P 3. 5. 2 #f 5 6. 8. <* ft-r — 73 — Lesson 30 -•y h 2 2-1. z&nmzij 35 (Hut) finger point out £-r (9) r ? fl 1 }h(W) a finger J§5eJ&'(L • Tv> • a reserved seat Jb(£)1~ to point at - fold break (7) t #- #f (£) £ to fold, to break #f (fc) •} paper folding £#f (-9 • -tiro) right turn )£#f(£ •left turn pay (5) - t -9 to pay mfL(£ z. • (f^)^ payment in advance zt$L(L • (i to send a letter to the editor ft strike hit d -O (5) t r ft ?T(d)o to hit fr^H('/i •• percussion instrument fl ("9) "*b (£>) a preliminary meeting r deep (11) N J j y y deep &&(L-A,-^) midnight •5t wash hh-l -b> (9) X / y y i y ft to wash &#J(-£A, • £V) detergent ifeffi/ftteA, • *>A, • tj:)=^a('C-*f))^ a washroom — 75 — Lesson 30 /HI stream fc^-t (10) N / J / / / 'A til(t£tf)tl a stream iJiEfr ( v9> o • Z o) fashion tfi(%:tf)tL2> to stream flitii (*) ^ ^ • o n) -f h to circulate diminish erase tt-i- do) / / ^1 / ;« to disappear t^itin • X»-fh to consume M0t)1~ to remove :($'X(L J n • to extinguish fire determine (7) / ."I / J &(§)*!>& to decide fltjeOto • to determine i&Lx0to • LA,)i~& to make up one's mind 2-2. K*ttg 1. JTo 2. &tf& 3. iff* 4. 5. ffi? Lesson 30 6. fäJLh 7. fcth 8. mflh 9. m* 10. ft n. i2. ws\ i3. ítžJ^ u. is. mmřft n. ^íí^i^^c^t^tíš&s^o 3. a&iiirKÄ^fcM LT < ŕi§v>0 4. ^íi£#ŕe§ £-tiÁ^<^ £íFŕLT<ŕí$v»0 5. mfrhVL£x*mz<*Lx, mm<%itzo 6. fô#^--7*£í£lfT, ^7>£ÍTofco 7. ^v^Kfttr&liirAfcfe*: LT^Íf^o 8. lljTi$o/jfficO*iiJI|£iftlTféUA£o Lesson 30 2-3. mt 1. to hit a nail 2. to throw a ball 3. to pay the money 7 9 & »*^> 4. to bend one's fingers 5. to wash one's hands 6. a stream 9 7. deep 8. to decide the plan 9. to turn off the light *< * 1- 1. payment 2. payment in advance 3. a preliminary meeting L tz. Iff, 9 * 4. to turn left=left turn 5. to turn right=right turn \z fli> = to 9 ■fro Lesson 30 6. a reserved seat 7. to invest 8. to write a letter to the paper L to 9. a washroom 10 . midnight 11 . Black is in fashion. tbA, <5 D H6 9 £■5 12. the circulation of goods 13. to decide Sa 1"& = L £0 0 K» TO * in. M^ii^i?*fotfi^x.^$K 5. rr3 5^^^i*Lo-eH^w^^:^^tto 7. iO^(i^ i-To *0&0*gl± rASUfj -C1-0 A£ "0>£&OAtt;£^<7>IS*gK*g|& (^tffc a ring) * tTV^ CI £ tf^Xrto 2. &£fc<7)im2^<7)S:£^£Mtv^£-f-^c 3. B«(i^*^cx.^0#, m^tto lfrhlOiX$kz.Z>m 4. M<7)Ilit^^M(v^)tLj: — 80 — Lesson 30 Review L. 26-30 n : a«E(¥) a acao 1» na ft* to -at a- * (*)* \%fz^ «b MX mi &(te)i-£ ft? Others ! |f| C — 81 — Lesson 30 1. 3^ ( 2. f$f* ( 3. £JJf ( 4. ( 5. la^: ( 6. ( 7. ®& ( 8. mm ( 9. mi- ( 10. is* ( II. ^Of$i^T«:ti4$^( ex. 1. J£U> 2. «tU> 3. 4. §.tH> 5. 6. Sv> 7. &Lv> 11. MM ( 12. ( 13. WIM ( 14. ^ ( 15. £S£ ( 16. ( 17. MA ( is. #m ( 19. tt^ ( 20. ills ( — 82 — Lesson 30 HI. j&.(liZ)~C^2>l£& Similar-looking Kanji L fet < h 2. tz 5. < o white a day a ward medical 6. trf* lifc 7. fct fc 1" I l& difficult to part time to have to wait 8. & < & < & th& between to hear to open to close a question 9. ■£* if 10. fcfc 41: L* & a seat a degree same what IV. n LV&Cfc A,) (Om^- Kanji of the same 'ON' reading l. # 2. *o r 3. *»< 1-9 4. r9 *»< ® OP □ a movie English stroke number to pass — 83 Lesson 30 5. LA, 6. LA, UO 7. LA, 8. L-A, -třo a photograph a bedroom a newspaper kind 9. tfj:-? 10. ¥ \*A, 11. U.t-5 1^ 12. Ui9 * A a hospital a Member of Diet a merchant to extinguish fire 13. (to L-t 14. Iti> řv> form, style economy 15. t lti> a clock 16. L- i-^ 17. i> VA, 18. -fro 19. -tiro ton an examination an opinion an interview an explanation 20. ŠA, *^ 21. 5o *^ 22. ^w>9L«t< 23. ^tg>? r< regrettable next year lunch Ch ina — 84 — Lesson 31 I «31 IS I M?t (Travel) • 1 rfi 2 B / #.%*g5El£ S ^ Ii g E&fflf • OS *& a / 9^ 1 B-11.B30B B e 3 - X m -SnSfiftSR-lÜ*äm(TB) m üj* am — ans shir - — ■-■■ (mmm-nt*sR* 11 fB•ttB% ttffJBH 4 • 5*ä 1 I 67.600R 41.00OP3 3 g 1 S 39,800R 43,200R 2S1I 43.000R 46.400R 3~5& 1 M Z2,400n 24,600P3 — 85 — Lesson 31 =L—v h 2 2 - 1 . 3t¥0>**£ >* travel (10) > > i r tfcitzZf) atrip M3t(0.t • L>) traveling expenses Mf(*) i • -?)-f & to travel JfcSSC1) x • frA,) an inn promise approximate (9) ^m(^< -ZOtZ to promise £j(^<)~ about-■?$J («t • < )~f& to reserve £it#J (<1 A. • <) an engagement idea well-informed (10) IT ^($>A,) an idea, a proposal SfM&A, • &v>)i~& to guide %^(£>V> • £>A,) a good idea 346 347 348 — 86 — Lesson 31 < A, £ & * > 3 5 (]ggr) level semi- (13) 's s. / ft % i^ü(Cv9>A • U9"t~& to prepare TMMi'V'1 • Cv?> A,) a standard (C * A • # ^ "9) a local express \% provide {%%-7Lh) (12) ) . i r r r If $ tit W (■%■%:) t>2> to be provided fckWi (-tk*o ' Tf) equipment fäi^ztt) 7-h to provide fa face to face minister -va^ (9) in • X) an opponent, a partner • /iA,)-£~& to consult !ntä(L-*9> • Ii 9) Prime Minister . talk • (15) > >- r >-p -> V D —• P D P^ P? Ms&(/tV> • a face to face talk kK^V1 • tzk)~fh to hold a conference — 87 — Lesson 31 *«* 4 pair link (of>-fcj) (io) \ n a(ot>) to stand in a row SJt(£ < • tlA.) United Nations 3S(o)ft"CV> < to take ilH • Co) day after day tangle 0ö» to entwine • 3; (B») % quick hurry (9) i /7 % i C to hurry .H 1 • C -)) an express train 2-2. k#skb 1. .%<* 2. jfiS* 3. #U 4. mz 5. 6. J^fff* 7. 8. ^I*H"& 9. *lt4 10. ffiliH"* 3. Jfcfi^fljftOAli, ^-^li^il^30^*i:Ho^0 6. m^JilfcWTK^^Jv^ — 89 — Lesson 31 2-3. 1. to travel 2. to consult 3. to contact 4. specially l*z K> a Z 9 *9 tzA, tlA, 5. to stay a night 6. to hurry 7. a reservation 8. to guide 9. preparation £ t0> ^ t>* C t «fc 10. suddenly \z £ Kt> 9 1. a trip 2. a tourist 3. traveling expenses 4. an inn tzl? *) a x> 0 j: *'a< — 90 — Lesson 31 5. to stay two nights 6. to take someone 7. contact by telephone < li< ft 8. equipment 9 . a partner 10. a promise 11 . a tourist information offfice St -t+o a *< •J Jt ^ 9 12. an idea 13. a standard 14. a local express $>h i"0 *o> to> A/15 Kb "5 15. an express train 16. a special express 17. a characteristic S w 7 3 r> t o § «> 1 4. fcufc^T* VAU») i>-9 7Öf<1"4J:TViT*1-o 91 Lesson 31 y \s 3 -Wifrty <£A&&#\ ^í±í)ot*V^ HÉĚiÍ#i&*&^ofco *ME5(rt»A$V») the Kansai area ŠŘEL&b) Nara 5řLf<>íbv\ L"C is ib I asked him to lend me it, tf tK^f (š i fc) Kiyomizu Temple tr^x^iféá to come to see ^EiP#(J^TS? to think about— ^ (li A, <> <0) co real ÍMÍtU^-?-? ) a statue of Buddha IQ M ^co^ffA-C, ^oA^-^íiDtótcL^^t^^^-f-írolťSrlfv^ ( ) ^&ift-ejiiBB$/u;#o£o ( ) misfit £«Jt£0 ( ) v#7k#coi£< coMilCřůf o/wo ( ) ^W^-^V^fc&ofco ( ) -AXF^^LtZo ( ) JHBSAKmi&fcjHtfco (i) \k*-$A\zýf4 h'7v9*&m*fét)xmft7l/7h> BlHtH2^BiS, ^4^BiB-eto^£B(Lv9>oj&*v>v>-ei-;6>0 3*11 at* I ¥54.800 ¥61,300 ¥67,800 „-,.*■ ,1,1 ¥49,800 j ¥56,300 j ¥62,800 ■* £ a 9 O Bil a *l* 1 2 1 3 ju' 8 9 10 (fa 11 15 16 17 20 pc 22 23 24 27 28 29 301 B fl * * * * ± 2 3 4 5 w 7 8 9 10 I 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 &BUI0/I0 ttBUI 1/3-23 n — 2 o 8:00-10:00 ±B2 19:00- 20:30«! Lesson 32 y h 1 3tii^l8 (Means of Transportation) (tfA,-£A,) Platform No. — 1 #«l 2 $j& 3 #$1 S"® (ti In the direction of ~ dfcffcjf ""iiSWt^^j =t ) ' DDaJH • ^£77® • nnnJU • I beware) Beware of children (rushing out) *LCDf^jSS& Passage to Marunouchi Side ~ Line Lesson 32 y h 2 2-1 . il^CDSf£ <^.t* t>35 (Bft) line (15) r if ** iJft(-£A0 aline J: < • -&A,) a curved line ~line J: < •a straight line issue start (9) r a»(t»o • lf-3)-f4 to depart £3E(li^> • tfv) sale ^sfMlio ■ O-'i -})"t*& to announce HffiOio • io) publication reach approach (v>fc-&) l"> (8) -z; f $ PJ(^/i) & to arrive, to reach PJiK to cross, to associate ^t-^c(^jv> •>!-}) diplomacy machinery chance (16) t J* $IM(§ • tH>) a machine ->'x7 hS(l) a jet airplane Ms(§ • ' ^ i <) a telephone office a broadcasting office — 96 — Lesson 32 365 m* El* < a, i * ^^35 (m&) \% trust, believe message (9) / > í f r í*- fé(LÁ/)Ľ'& to believe ía^H LA, • CI*-9) a signal -(!!$!( l a-• ^ • h) a railroad track • Ô) a passage (ť "9 * 6) a road, a street old & dear s late, obstacle (9) + + I ť- W ÄfcA(Cl • ľ-a,) the deceased ^í£(c • Z.) an accident (CL • L i i)~fh to break down pour focus (8) N N N v -v / N \ / / VÍ^(*) ^ "9 * V»)1"& to care, to warn i9> explanatory notes Y£3t ("fb *9> 7 • &a,)"fá to order — 97 — Lesson 32 *^3 5 (MS) intention meaning (13) % 1 * IS.* t % 3llL(v* • If A,) opinion ^^(^ • h) meaning (v^ • L£) consciousness 2-2. Itc&H^ I. & 2. fvei 3. 4. 1:1, 5. 6. 7. mM+z 8. #§tc1-& 9. it c& io. mtz> II. 12. HIK 4. ^KliTO«^P^7-< SA&&0 — 98 — Lesson 32 6. g$ftltH*I^ffiJLit0 10. JR«l^t.fi:m*w||$:B#K«i^7LNF-ei-o 2-3. 1. to start 2. to arrive 3. to be careful 4. traffic L KK O «t> 9 - 9 O9 5. an organ 6. a road 7. aline 8. a signal S ^A, £*? 5 HtA LA. Z-9 9. an accident 10. an opinion 11. a pharmacy — 99 — Lesson 32 1 • a straight line 2 . a railroad track 3. the Tokaido line -t+A h to *»o i'o -y-A 4. sale 5. diplomacy 6. a jet plane 7. an opportunity 8. to relate 9. Kanto District 10. to believe M i? * ($9 la, 11. to order 12. a breakdown 13. a telephone office hvo i>A. z. l i. 0 1. z\n&A,\Ztlh*? lX^X"tc 4. ( l>fr*)2l*lr ) ( ) ( ) 3. %L\±*LmzQE.A,X-^Z-to 7 R30H Vlflí&iv 49 U 8n 9/971 5/9/1 377A 493K 73A 2/A to ?221líkJltímbk 5;* 537A misiou 223Í 6^/1 Iíít/j 9/7ÍA|39/A 02491 own nm mu 92m 02fí3 M07J| 01021 0103i ii22W40iipmi 0/06/ 02537 1I0S3 Ír/223 02/7/ 0//75 0239J 75 *l <9 J 3 81 3 J97 3 J9J i 377 493 g 73 i 2/ i 33 g 401 i 65 jí 1 <03 3 6 J @ 111 537 § S3 i JOJ 3 223 1 **->í / d— 1 <7/ 3 /75 39/ CJP Cíť Cl8> cu> clí? Čír' Oí> OS> CH> c34> cS> 'h ffl es -~ torn w-& 6i-e «- 1:: ?L 605 630 646 709 x; 600 V V V U 752 608 V V V ^ ^ 800 612 630 651 V V V V V 814 62C 638 701 712 725 747 814 832 RW 630 l-V V V 821 634i 652 714 725 737 801 827 845 910 638 656 V V V v 834 647 705 V V V 845 r 'J if Ig 712 V V ť 905 716 734 l-914 734 752 814 825 837 901 927 945 1010 734 752 814 825 837 901 927 945 íoia 740 (-t-934 «í * ss* 621 654 651 717 733 Qp ckp Cip CÍP <£> Oi> C21> C5£> C^ Ctl> cb> cíb <&> ft * »5Ě f líp-SIE-cm 11 iSSl 735 750 801 817 828 849 747 V l 839 803 811 V V 90S 810 825 i, 845 V 911 814 829 840 854 904 924 825 640 851 905 915 935 842 857 V V 939 858 V 950 906 t-1, 958 919 934 945 959 1010 1030 -—J £'b' rt -- <Ě2 940 955 t 1037 e* 8 A17 EB tt 1006 V V V 1058 1010 1025 1045 1111 1019 10341 1045 1059 1110 1130 1040 1055 !< 1115 1141 1045 1100 1111 1127 1158 1158 R UJ^cg *i ft» « Ol-= R-rt fe^ 850 905 918 931 954 840 V V 926 9M 927 958 912 935 l 1006 925 958 952 1007 1033 ^* 940 V 1026 951 V V V 1037 959 1045 1031 1043 1057 1111 1132 6 OPI *a 105» ť 1147i 1112 V 1135 1206 1131 1143 1157 1210 1232 1159 1212 1225 1238 1301 » g S-% OJ-'h fit* %t m-'h fr* ^ 1247 1309 1207 1236 1253 ť 1318; 1339< mm äb ab c£> Q£ CU> \QÍ> Cli) w ^ mi 8 9 13 B m ér. 7 • 12fl 28 • 1 \ 13 S 30 ■ 9 B I6fl a \ 3 "9c?J:'9'*b*9>'? : closed) ^fSctq(Cl^^LT'^)^^) '. getting ready to open) — 104 — Lesson 33 ft I) h if. b refund (Refund Counter) (tOt) ZD (*1Z) (*f*Sfc) (££<**>) (fe#) (Please pay an excess fare at the right-hand counter) (an unreserved seat) (Ticket Vending Machine) (4fc) (<*£) (Please buy (your ticket)) Lesson 33 3.-7h 2 2-1. m^om^yj it I* 3? (H&) press push (8) — ■ — t 0*3) "t to push fflA(£L • a closet SI pull draw (4) 370 371 51 (£>) < to pull, to draw 3l2j(v>A, • t) i<) gravity 5l(^)§aj(/i)L a drawer f'l divide cut fc>-tl%> iiV t>-h/t>*) (12) * $ 1' f'l 372 fij (fr) & to cut, to break, to crack ftM • 7&*o) division m^{t> 0 • MO rate, ratio -#131 (V>*> • t> *) ■ 00 § 10% off — 106 — Lesson 33 373 375 «1* < A J:* ' t>3; carry on operate (^) via, by way of 3fi (*) • v?) 3 ) reason get, hold acquire t-Z> Vi (8) r T" W(t)Z> to get, to take & (t) 1) 51 (t» § transaction, trade — 107 — Lesson 33 377 81^ MM request demand (7) 3T t)»bZ> to ask for 3c*(J: 3 ■ § u» to demand? • CA-u-) • u() a help wanted advertisement m pray - beg (19) 1 r m If * r pi It 378 JH(fc/6?) 9 to request K0tai6*)v> a wish (t5?A • Li) an application know, aware intelligence (8) . ; h £n(L)£ to know ftlltt(*) • L#) knowledge £n(L) h-*k%> to let know, to inform 379 2 2 . n5C<& 1. fff 2. 5I< 3. 4. #J& 5. Ii 6. %\h 7. 8. Jgi>Z 9. 10. g&fcB#H 11. Lesson 33 10. * MO ^ Bi H iz £n Art** > n > jg T* v > - )V h * £ 1" o 2-3. i. nizmMzmttxtizs^o 1. to push 2. to pull 3. to get 4. to ask for 5. to request 1 -t < O t . to break 7 . to know 8 . freedom 9 . to run an enterprise h h — 109 — Lesson 33 1. a closet 2. a drawer 3. ratio 4. to retire t L O ti Et* 5. 10% off 6. business 7. reason 8. by way of 9. one's own home 10. self-confidence 11. a notice 12. knowledge 13. transaction 14. an application 15. to demand PRX, * LS 9 — 110 — y h 3 Lesson 33 -t©ai:^-txf:t bv?z0*k ii'C^iU'i^io l*< l±v>6^5fc CD 7*>-"Y-£ < k^T^j: 9 t &o X, § v>J£ [zX o fco Atto 31^ £:W-5 (t>i-fiZ> : to forget) (fcA/5JA one's dearest wish) 6 . v> < 6"CRv>f Lfcrt\, — in — Lesson 33 IS ( -CA,fr ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 10. 11. ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (r*#^^1970-83j i£Uj3fc=fi|5« tt#m«t*)) — 112 — Lesson 34 | SR34R | 3~—v h 1 %(D$iWi£$5 ft (General terms for tools) W I • • am v-7 -&A, C stationery furniture LA. C bedding kitchen utensils can tableware (7) : ^ a* I£ ft^ it* ffl^ il£ (*) *S ittl TEf? *g £31 □ — 113 — Lesson 34 h 2 2-1. w?<&»*» 35 A board, table base (5) />. XI a i3 (£V) a table, a platform • *>) a plateau — a' • fiV^) one (for machines) aM.ii'z^^ a typhoon / window (11) ft 380 381 M (i b*) a window MO (i b*' C*>) a window, a counter (b*-l • • 75*^) an alumni association 382 equipment instrument (8) n Fl i. jl^ ( £ ' C) rain-wear Lesson 34 383 384 fa c< ' P < A, J: * t>H5 (fjg) sntainer, tool iiysical organ (15) \ n a on DO DO Is ^(^ofc) a container tS(Lio • tableware ^tf(^Jo * I*) musical instruments fihM^ • C) a utensil use errand t*,-V^ 3? (5) n ffl = ffiV( to take (medicine) ft paper ^ journal (10) < f $ r X 385 386 Ift (t^&) paper Slft(J>j: ^ • L) a cover ¥IK ("C • a letter — 115 — Lesson 34 ■* magazine (14) >• > >- >-r > *•» 0 0 PI pis* JtUKcf'o • L) a magazine Bf&O-o • L) daily records jl-PJft^ L v9> o * " L) a weekly magazine — 116 — Lesson 34 2-2. mfrwm 1. ^ 2. it* 3. Äff 4. tm 5. 6. g£g£ 7. £31 8. ffl* 9. ^jft 10. 1. ^Ä^0*í±5K-eJSAflB^0*t±3PS-Cto' 2. -éíJiU±íí^Ät!U;B2M::*£0 7. ÄA^^^^^iötciff^Ätia^^tOf) ^ffiü-r^o 8. z\(D-äm\tBi){^£ I_ L ± 9 i» * 4 * J; 9 <- — 118 — 7. to prepare Lesson 34 8. a kitchen 9. a plateau 10. a sleeping car ť Z Ó L *? 11. western clothes 12. Japanese kimono 13. origami art 14. to take medicine 15 t> 15. a window 16. a weekly magazine "t* flj <*0 «fc9 <"5 L Kí 9 fr A, L 17. noises 18. an English-Japanese 19. for ladies dictionary ťíl"l. 1É Ľ± -ŕv^ — 119- Lesson 34 ■jL—y h 3 tzA.-t, m&%¥Xto ^f?^^^fflpnp^v^v^^^E^pnp^^:<7)A^l^j -To mL\t^M*Mli>ftb%tfti\f%i)t-£A,o X-tfrb, bfrLfrb rtst*btt HAv^t, Mtf'D&tiZj tW^i-to to zti* r&m (®^A(i> "A^fttr^taott^it *U£fc»)*-£A,o %<0& a daughter o.£tl& to go into bankruptcy, to be ruined —7J(v^ol?^) on the other hand Mffiilf o # »9> ■?) one's monthly salary 2 7&\B3" for two months £T\ Now, Well, 2. ^OA»i, M£Lfclt*itffci)$i2:A,;&\, 4. 7ffBO r-tLj tv^Wll, fRlX*i-fro 5. ±t>fr/.:^^/ii:>Sv^i-fr0 Lesson 34 I Sett • *Jt tt±BR P S $ $ m>?l*L'.t? — 121 — Lesson 34 6 F mm^k (fcifcLfcOtj:?) Special Exhibition Hall mffi-TMFu (v/C^o^lfv^A,) Art and Craft 5F m%Uua ("CAeS-wTV^A) Electric Appliances ^Ifflon (^-C^J:^^) Household goods an m& mf • M&M ( § § A^ <) Watches and Jewelry 4F ^fl:(£fc%)flft ^e-fflpnP 5c* (t5*AC) Toys m& (r^<) Kimono 3F »±(UUI Mens Fashion ** * >f |f±Kt (LA L Co) Men's Shoes 2F £§A(^LA)II Women's Fashion Ay*i7^ • V jlT Casual Wear ££pp$tist («£ -9 L>Ac>*ozV0 Women's Goods and Accessories IF aiAKtULACo) Women's Shoes fb&iS (It L l n L> A) Cosmetics B 1 ^nap (ti c. & d.f-7'1'3-/- e. X**> f. g. T=-*7>rv h h. ^l/fr i. 3--y 7° j. tzAt k. *#-h 1. P*I (< ib^lZ) m. frZ n. ^CCOAcOT-* — 122 — Lesson 35 I I -SB* (Dig Htf (I^^t) a bank fliz: (<£ § A-) a deposit (L § A.) capital, funds ^mm (-£^$/v L-^) a producer (LnTA) a shop Wina (Lid £>A,) goods, commodities VB3?# (Li^L^) a consumer JSA (iCA) an individual (tz^^A) money 1) : 2) m$l=$Lmm: 3) M%=^M#J 4) : 5) 6) M : 7) ftflfi: — 123 — Lesson 35 -7h2 2-1 . ai¥(D»S» silver (14) f If SI 0(^A,) silver tKIKI"^ • mercury iltf(^A • £-9) a bank $HIE(§^ • £0 Ginza (place name) capital fund (13) ✓ / ✓ r ft * 390 391 (L • 15-O capital, a fund &'£(3 5 (■&) individual (10) ( in in flSjA(^ ' b^) an individual 1®II(C: * Lo) a private room —f](Wo • Z) one (thing) price (8) f r ir m iffi It/HH^o ' fr) commodity prices MURH^.-) • fr) & expensive iHBfi(t>J: 7 • fr)1rh to evaluate %- produce give birth i-t" (11) s it it ill (7 )tr to give birth £M (-£^ • £/v) to produce HH(£A ' £ £ ■)) industry MI&i'ZA, • "*?) producing area ] term, period •* expect (12) — f tt ^Pb1(# • a period ^$3 (/$?o • §0 a school term W#(§ • /iV>)i"^> to expect jeH (tv» • §) a commuter's pass — 125 — Lesson 35 397 MM 3$ m&) symbol of repetition (3) n A.*{U-b ' Zfb) people K I- * O-) various countries * (v>^> • various (L £ 9 • L i 9) a little, a few -,-,----- report „ reward (tr<-v^) *-7 (12) $ui({59 • pnpt>£Ido 3 fe^^fntlOfilfi^O^ (average) £ rlffllj t^ia 4. ;:oJ:-9&i£ffififci§i£ii, ^fffio 2 #131 %x~%0 £1"o Ail' 2-3. ftgftS 1. people 2. a period 3. industry 4. commodity . commodity prices 6. a bank 7. a fund 8. an individual ■Bo ^ 19 L - ISA, —127 — Lesson 35 9. to produce 10. to report 11. goods -fro 2. a material 1. to invest 3. capitalism to L 4. quality 5. elegant 6. unrefined 7. information * It to if OA, U j: -5 . a price 9 . fixed price 10 . an advertisement 1] . to expect 1"* TO - o 2< 3. Z\\±^ v^o^-C5000AA^ 1*2)0 5. d L£(5£*"Cl2:&j&»ofco Lesson 35 ZLZ. y h 3 Cn)Iot, ^'Jf o/:A7i«^(7)^ winner)-C-to ©am ! &3 77^ ^ | 7 CD (D © ft it US a* * —~ a* H m f >-7 3I < 7 7 -Y A" > £ H a © #; iz l T ffi'X gl^3^: ^4pdp /htfci* ff¥8§ *8fH ?1^4^: A^#!l% A^l£l£ ^5^: mnmftm sami* -k^mm^ n^e^: s^mw^ss mmmwm %m$:mm *ti&±: mnwm® An ¥&%.nr$mmft£ q ^\%^(DC\b M li/h£ V^^C0g.fi (a meaningful unit) &C53*lt£ £ £tfX~£ i 1% :&Jfc?)KH£ (relation) (□□) + □ : ^HA - ftm + A = ftS^A (□□) + (□□) : - Hal + m& W - + A^ - mis + ffaiXfl — (fJpfS + IK) + HIT = fpfsWCDfiJ frf^» - iff + w + %m) = tuo(m^)f^a — 131 — Lesson 35 2. -gs*- 3. IIddp- 4. £Bffflqnp— 5. 6. 7. A^f£l£-* 8. 10. H 11. 12. W^EM- 13. ;££A— 14. 15. i|*BR3H— 16. 8S^S-> 17. Kg^ft— 18. KrAttM^ 19. sl±ftift— 20. Jfcfi^rtJJfr— 51 4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 tz X X z\ ^ > • y - h & ^ — 132 — Lesson 36 h 1 -31^ (D IS ^ 1f S 51 (Kanji for Feelings) % It (lif ^) Lv* to be ashamed, shy iM> to be afraid (of) ■) h*?Z L-^ envious ig(*&)Ltr ffi(*)< ^(23^)4 to get angry to be surprised ■9 b*?$s to envy t5?o ^ O i" & to be disappointed — 133 — Lesson 36 ,17 h 2 2-1 . ä" im * > 3 5 (®&) heart v. (4) i (£■ ^ ^>) heart, mind 'IMS (LA • (2V)1"ä to worry (LA • 0 • psychology M'iM^A • LA) interest # feel sense (13) r r r Is L& to feel (ri^ • a sense LA)"^"& to be impressed L*)i"S to thank emotion state of affairs (11) r 1* 4* It ft (^^)tt^^i miserable J&fSCä^ -Cid) feeling 1- information 400 401 402 — 134 — Lesson 36 < a, «£ ^ * y a 5 (®&) sorrow 7&^-ttr (12) j • 1 si / Lv> sad Lis to feel sad &K(V"l>fi*) a tragedy weep " cry &-< (+^) (8) >> J / /— i&(&) <" to cry, to weep * animal's cry=P.I(&) < laugh smile (10) h k W h) *} to laugh, to smile %(t>h)^^ laughter, a smile *%M(z. ' 7iJjo) a smiling face 61a head leader X (16) n V V \ 5 s fill Sl ($> i) a head SlJI (T • o -)) a headache • H) down payment MU(t^)-^) the head — 135 — Lesson 36 «1* .) t awake sense Z-t-f (12 »/ 1 If If If T t jt{&\$) z.h to memorize U%(*b • £ LB#st an alarm clock (frA, • ri» <) a sense -t forget (7) s 1 (fr-f) tl& to forget &(t>"t) tl%d(i>&<7)-C\ S'l>Lfc0 I was impressed with him because he memorizes kanji well. 2. its Lmfzmmi^tix$ki Ltz0 unpleasant 8. f^OT\ ^£<«3t7$?£< ^o/:d 9. ibO^fii/i/h^v^-C, Sit> r n-;U^T¥7"io 10. Mi^/Ui&S r>I£$&v^\ t§1-B#(i£ <#^TI5-t-o — 137 — Lesson 36 2-3. 1. heart 2. a head 3. to cry < 4. to laugh 5. to memorize 6. to forget 7. to think 8. to feel flh 9. feeling 10. sad rt>a/ l ii r> 1. to feel relieved 2. to worry 3. to be impressed 4!) a, L A/ 4. helpless LA, IfO 5. reassuring 6. sense la. 7. psychology Z.Z.T, 0* ( ) »£ L r t Kir < 3. ( ) W ( ) #&j3o-C, ( ) L£o 4. ( ) \z\± ( ) tiWA^v^O-C- ( ) v>0 It A. S » i L-3 tl i ZZh-3t. 5. Tl/t> ( ) ( ) U> ( ) tf?A Liilii — 139 — Lesson 36 -7h 3 fz < ttV»a _f_ ZZ\£ *sff IZ t£ %> c t 4 7 LTV> a § tz <« So 1 iliKItu 1 ~ 2 0 J: < 5JC -----» \-f5 {c & £ to be disgusted with ~~ Hl (LA,«) heart BTH liver toll (1-^9) pancreas —143 — Lesson 37 I I - v V 1 m -5-: gi&PI£ffeHPI f 7 t) I:, flfeiii5J^g!ftii:^fcSt©^>)ite &&&(*?) A (a) (#) :*£M(»t)1- — 144 — ~ rt* Vi. vs. ~ ~ £ Vt. -aru m% -u ü< (fcř>.£) 3Ítf (1-t-tr) |%< (oo'<) -u Ü< (*5**5<) -ru -eru -eru ±*!>* gl** -eru (&ř>^á) -asu -su 3^1- (^t) -u AI* (*<) ffiÉC (ä C) šfkz/m-čz, fc*)b/foh-t, frfc* Lesson 37 -7h 2 2-1. m^owzü 410 TP* transmit legend * > 3 (WW) TS (6) f r z_h to transmit *^fa("C • ofi) ^ to help, to assist föpS ("C/u • a biography iX substitution period, fee fr-7Lh ?J (5) i W ft(^):b& to substitute ftüK/'iVi • «t -5 to represent B#ft (C • £V) an era nßltft • • £fv>) a room rent °f '. call (8) \ n D □ PfU)-£ to call P^ttiUtf • rtf) L calling 411 412 — 146 — Lesson 37 MM 3; (JS&) burn (12) t * r < to burn, to roast § 1*1 (IZ <) grilled meat B'J&(^ ' ^ sunburn bend, curve melody t-lfh (6) 1 n rh rtti ft ffi(£)7)?& to curve i < • -&A,) a curved line ffl(£)lfS to bend • § i < • 7» a composer ii undress -» drop out Ä-tfs vy/Vv-&-<* (11) ) n n r fi£ (&0 C to undress, to take off separate part with (7) n o p J5 ft\(t>fr)tl& to part from (^o) <7) different, another &SlJ(fc < • -) distinction of sex — 147 — Lesson 37 ft* collect assemble äbo-^ä (12) f f fl- ^(&o)aö& to collect 3MHL*>-9 • r-9)i"S to gather ^(&o)£& to gather ^fe^ML^d • v9> 9 ) 1~ & to concentrate Ü line up (8) f it it to line up 3fc ordinary 3£/fc a tree-lined road ÖJ (^v* • fto) parallel joy pleasure (12) i f % % % % %{XhZ.)£> to be glad %(thC\)Tf pleasure #i!l(^ • lt*§) a comedy Kl s surprise astonish (22) ■ IS it t It (i3 £ 5) < to be surprised surprise — 148 — Lesson 37 2-2. m&n^ 1. 2. 3R< 3. gljtl* 4. Dí^ 5. fžx.£ 6. ft fr* 7. &< 8- IftC 9. *ao£ 10. 11. ffiri** 12. ÍSW to greet 5. r£AcOftfr ^mm-MŤ0 8. vtzAnffix-mi&ntzibizmMz-mty.vx I I C I I *i£ I liž 9. to line up 10. to be glad 11. to be surprised & I I < 1. a message 2. a biography 3. to represent 4. money to be paid . an era xh £ £i> i>± 9 fio ^ 5. an era 6. a breath 7. to burn everything up 1» It* -tf^ LiO — 150 — Lesson 37 8. grilled meat 9. grilled chicken 10. to distinguish 11. to escape 12. different places 13. special CO a LK»^ £< . to compose 15 . a curved line 16 . a meeting place t J: < * j: < -ti•^ Lkd 0 Z*7 If 17. a tragedy and a comedy ij t m 18. to concentrate L KB 9 *9> 9 ID. M^lS^I?^fott^^i$^c — 151 — Lesson 37 y b 3 1- Sa&S^Ji, 5l-3962tr1-0 fAii'J-^AO^ifUv^o^ t}-ei-0 ili1 fsH£2 - v>t\ HU<7)BHB^k t'-otzt Z\htztm^X^£ Ltz0 $>%tztf%mz\t>b ^*Z>Z\tZ%iLtzb. tXi>^-AX\ ■^■O^tz^tmoX^iLtz^h, i- 151^3 - 5?Wllli*1StLXiibz.i-£A,fro *^OiOB(C(i§o(:M, H**?-:bo£^ ilLT^ (boT 7 (Kanji Lettering) > — 153 — Lesson 38 I I y h 1 &^m 0j\ V BiioTv^ (mm) X>ttz (£1*1) — 154 — Lesson 38 I7h 2 2-1 . >*¥a>*§£ *yBi mm &E slender minute (11) f * Ha *ffl((3^)^ slender M5(£v*--£) details «B(Clt)3&^> small, detailed #ffl5Mt(£^ • • to subdivide fat big (4) — ±U> 9 ) weight fiA(U^^ • /iV) & important Jl^J ( C "9 • *) ) gas oil, light oil $£j£0n> • L j: <) asnack g»Otv> frivolous 1* narrow (9) 1 r r 3£(-£^)v> narrow, small 3&H( c* i ■? • ?) a narrow sense ) § PI ( i> A) the strait gate (to Heaven) if weak J:fc>-n y + ? (10) -1 r 15 II 33 («fc t>) V> weak Sf 4 U =b • lh)L^^ fragile, vulnerable 33 (<£ t>) h to weaken MA (C * < • *t A,) a weak point s leep V (10) 1 n § r I3 If If flK(fctf)V» sleepy BR(totr)& to sleep »(£ d • <&A,) hibernation &As) a good sleep — 156 — Lesson 38 UP* 3 5 (ffi&) % bitter < &-L-WC7i?-v^ ? <£-Lfr (8) — -V- it I - ^(<£)LV> painful ^(< h) Lts to suffer ^(t;^)^ bitter ^M(<-^>l) pain Pal simple epistle * > (18) } 1 r P' ft ffi jjfj fSJ£(^A • /jAL) & simple, easy #fj&( L x • t5*A/) a letter v < v Li ■ 75* AL) an aerogram simple (9) -V \ (7^ A.) only, simply 4s-§§ (/^ * a word (fcAL • V*) a unit ^-t!t(7t:AL • i"-? ) singular number — 157 — Lesson 38 2-2. R»ttS 1. *ffll> 2. ±^ 3. 4. 5. 8R^ 6. HB^v» 7. 8. 9. ggv> 10. ^ 11. ■ 3. Š^^Bft, JBt^IXT, fötiHtkXLtzo 8. C^m^^i*^^!) i^ř^o 9. CO^v^fctfctrt, £o Lesson 38 2-3. wzmw 1. slender 2. thick 3. heavy 4. light 6. weak 5. narrow, small 7. sleepy 8. painful I I Lv> 10. small fat/ < S 11. bitter 9. simple, easy E. □ K3^fc?il3:£A;ri&£^0 1. small changes 2. slender fingers 3. fat (for a person) 4. the Pacific Ocean 5. one's weight 6. important 7. gravity tz^ £ KJ> 9 £ tfl> 9 i;» 9 0 i < 159 Lesson 38 8. a word 9. a snack 10. a light car ft A. Zf Ijn Li< ItO £ if 9 If 11. fragile 12. a weak point 13. strong and weak 14. a sound sleep 15. a hard life 16. an aerogram tt-h. < h -tn^ fro < 9 17. to be in a difficult position 18. bitter tea Lv^l I I \zhh 19. pain fc*3 If < 09 in. >k£ 1:1 /h$ i:2 A£C 1 *W(^^n) ingredients 0P (£ £ r) an egg = 3 IB (C) three — a crab a spring onion L i -9 fr ginger tf-iE*&(:frfc< *)z) starch JS(L*5) salt Lv>£tt a mushroom ftPWH^ti) sugar S^("t") vinegar Li soy sauce a tablespoon C a teaspoon a saucepan ^^(^ $> -9 fr) a wok Jl($f>) a plate £^ sauce (Dgptti, fc§\ Li9fr£Afu £/b£ i:i/2£ t: 1 £*A£ 1:1 t^^£&^< *)«o ©^jAcKLT, &£fe£oit, ll:^^o ®&A.£f£&0 Jt3l$A£ C l fcfc^KAtt, x-7"-ei:H„ AitAtiX. — 161 — Lesson 38 * &mz x < & i mm: m & to cut # vrtf to chop t < to beat (an egg) £-tf& to mix fr^i-tf^) to stir up Jp(< ;b) x.& to add ^(fao)-l& to heat »itLAtt^) to pour it£>h to put together HI (fr/j) £ -6 to become hard, to set @(fr£)tf>& to harden ttfh to melt tfrlr to dissolve £>o < iS't" to turn over it(tC) £ to boil 4£< to bake, to grill ®{^tz)t>%> to fry lightly Mits)~t to steam frtt^j to pour on, to put on — 162 — Lesson 38 1. -ČÁA^f^I (Ln>žv0 kinds of fabric |g (*^) cotton í; Ot) wool M linen $g (ŠÄ) silk 'J X ^ X polyester 2 . fam<0(*tA,tz < )©tt^" how to wash 40 less than) 1*7 A? 'J 7 A n >li^ä(180 ~210£)-C;Hj\ * T Ä © (cloth) Ír (to squeeze) 3010 J^T 7>f DXiftfi (80 - täm& (x. a,*- tt v s chlorine, chloric) <7) É#J(Oj: d í± < 3V, a bleach)#?/íí£k.h Lesson 39 ^L-V b 1 (Airport) — 164 — Lesson 39 2 - 1 . w&omffi 431 sky, air empty, vacant < a, J:* mm (8) x 1 9 sky £^(< -9 ' §) air 9 • a vacant seat ^Pr| (< 9 • space port harbor (12) x y ft & t) a harbor, a port (< 9 • £ 9) an airport ftHT(*&£ ■ S*>) a port city fly t-tf-j- (9) T ft ft HI to fly ffefi^ (^':vl) an airplane jfltff- • Cn) an airfield 432 433 — 165 — Lesson 39 434 (®&) ft step floor (12) 1 F f" P r Ft ~m :(tH>) ~ floors • fiA.) stairs CPSK/iA, • the 1st floor a step, a stage build construct tz -o (9) f * m(tz)-D to be built to build i><0) a building -iiro)i"& to construct 435 found establish (i?-»ts) -fey (11) r n 5 5 P P? a* l£(fc-9)lt£ to establish 1xj7_ • 0) f & to establish Ixft(-£c> • tt^)"£"& to plan, to design 436 7L complete (7) \ 1 ££0&>A,--tfAOfc perfect tcEJU^A, • -£v*)-3~& to complete 437 Lesson 39 438 439 & < A, J: * t>3^ (®&) form, emerge fc-t (6) ) r $A(-£V' - CA.) an adult Jjfc^J • i"9)i"S to succeed $3l(-£v> • 0^)tS to be organized J&ffi (4 0 • fc) Narita --- spend expense ■- ■ (12) & & \ ft ft $(ovOJ^"t" to spend Äffl(^-i-)) expense ÄÄ (t «t < • food expense • release ^ let go (8) % t to let free feSIGä-? to broadcast — 167 — Lesson 39 2-2. wtfrwm I. m 2. m 3. ft* 4. 3ÉT£ 5. A ž 6. £f£ 7. gjg 8. IM 9. 10. ftž&i-S 11. MtSttZ 1. &m&mfrb&&LÍX*&X*l#W¥<:b^X*'to 2. JFMŤílfCSÉái:, »ffl^fÄ<í:žo 4. ýo^x;kí40P§Etoí*ryJj;W$ax\ W&ŘtemftfiL^fz* 5. 2 £10B \zWL^flŤzŤV\£J$m\t. tt*^£ ( ) CO^h^ ( ) tf^Jto 3. Ht«Kfrfr& ( ) <7)Cito 4. ( ) tfm^tz*)&tz*)thtZ\h* ( ) tft^tc — 170 — Lesson 39 MjquzmifflxmmZioTO, 4000^-h;vcDri-7tg&l«, 1300 h >^3lA"CV^0 H.WX$bh 0 < international (*>tf) Chiba Pref. [Ml] ^Jt^IEUtfttfCX rB^oT^tl(fX^»§^$v^0 ( ) Jj£ffl£i§»±j|CjjC$BK£>£o ( ) $EB_£?gOSiJ£t2 r$f3ujCllP££&j "C**o ( ) J&B3£?g li 1977^L/co ( ) H 1 ^I*^fro7wB#, J&ffl£^i±ff^i&^2^&o£o ( ) ^EB^?f<7)^^-5 7";Kil977^H^L7Jo [M2] 'J Avw** tS^ogj^fc^^ft^ftt^fcc^o rf^£l (^of^) a runway PeEiI (1 i^l) non-stop service air cargo f'Jffl# (l)«fc? L*) a user Lesson 39 abbreviated word) K K Jt (Jt#5t) 77>^ 'fB (lB$WM) 7*r» 7 L 19 7 3 - n -y /n* 7 1. *b1"& 2. m%vtz> 3. U^t^ 5. mi mm 6. smffi 8. fti^lR 9. ep^iwjgM^ 10. H • & • ffi • # • 11. MD£MI 12. ffjit?^! £ • B #S!§ — 172 — Lesson 40 I I 7 h 1 mi S (Geographical features) a plain (Ci^fA) highlands (Stf<) a desert lLiM (£A,«^* <) a mountain range a plateau a basin a canal — 173 — Lesson 40 -7h 2 2-1. m^ostjj < ^ «J: & *>35 (Kg) position approximate (7) f f r m f£(<£?V>) rank ^fö(^*<-V») a degree H—fö(£fv> • v»t> • v») the 1st place Üfeffi (*> • V») position s. put place (13) m rrn no UP f f f f Ü. S(£) < to set, to lay S(£) §B#ft(t* • Itn) a table clock fiiSC^ • position, a location - horizontal side, wide xz *) a field HCi1 (If ^ • t) an atom 1KB Of ^ • v>a\) a cause, a factor H&J^ («1 9 • If a,) highlands plain, flat even (£>?>) ts^ (5) ¥(fcv>) flat, even ¥0 (^v* • Co) a weekday ¥fP(^V^ • fr) peace ¥^(L^ £ ^ • ) equality 7 field wild, untamed co \ (11) n B T f I •if m\h() vegetables If*^^ • £ *?> 9) baseball Lesson 40 «1* < A J: * * > 3 5 (Hüft) S wind ^ atmosphere 7H? 77 (9) a n E Ä(#Mf) wind &JK,(fcv> •-M) a typhoon itM. (£ re • ?Hf) a north wind fPfUfr •) Japanese style both, two money 'J 3 7 (6) \ MUC) i -9 ' LA\) parents ¥W(L* • •) X "9) vehicles, cars PÜHK1) -t ■? * /9?X.) exchange of money M^"(0 I 1 • (i-9) both bridge j (16) t r ** ft $t((äL) abridge ü("Cci • § «t "9) an iron bridge #ilflt(tä • • 1 i9) a pedestrian bridge 2-2. R*l*9 1. JH 2. |6]£ 3. ffi 4. If 5. M7J 6. fi< 7. 8. 7j|6j 9. ¥if 10. 11. £fl Lesson 40 1. $n^i:iotJtofcHS^*So 3. B«A¥#^MK-f5iEL-Cv>&0 to be located per square meter 6. ^Sl^Mo^fS]^^^ifiLTv^^^, 3HJH.^aitLT ^f^ 15. highlands 16. raw material 17. a typhoon 18. atomic energy -9 if A, If A/ 0±9 fcl* -Jo W L 0i< 19. flat 20. a weekday 21. peaceful 22. the velocity of the wind fd1 A-5 0 J; < .So * < I. #<7) ( ) K&^fciH^fcS^&S^o 1. ( ) ( ) \Z ( ) 9 ( ) # ( ) oVt^lfo 2. ( ) (i ( ) wei> ( ) cist-Lno 3. ( ) 4B#co ( ) ti, #\& ( ) CO ( ) 30*n<7)?£±-ei-o 4. (■ ) (i ( ) 20^ - MK7)Xtf-KT* ( ) U ( ) fr^X ( ) -ev^-To 5. ( ) mz ( ) A-CV^ ( ) frb ( ) ^ot, r( ) ri* i ^ itj 1- itiu -r- a h *> tr ( ) <£oT££7^ ( ) tWB££j t ( ) ,tv^U;, 6. ( ) (2 ( ) /h$&fej&*4 ho M±(D = fr(D~tfll}mX&Z>o \U&mW)LX\<*Z>'X\l}i>&<, ^OiS< iCJiJUH^oT, Jfcff#7}*#K ¥&oa5^c{iA^< zk&Lx^ho n*x~-&fc^wmm%w-wtx*>ht (tiA--9 ) Honshu ®?ft area, square measure (^vMi-?) ^UJ— h ;U ~ square kilometers itif (*> i < -£o) directly #K-£o)1"£ to be bounded Si: (C < b°) a country, a territory = fr<7>- (£AZ&AZ<7)IZ) two thirds, 2/3 7mzR (£>/^-£A,) a hot spring "HfR (Lt9>fc) a capital — [Z$)tzh to be equal to — [W B] 1. B*<7)APtifOfi[-C"t-^o 4. B*^®fltJifOf£-ei-^o 5. ±£ •? %r&X\ &%?z<7)MlZ'D\,*XftJ:*m&/j:2\<*o — 180 — Lesson 40 Review L. 36-40 n: >i> M I I i I ^ M( fiv^ gv> $fcv> ggv> ViSCä ä< ^ Äx.Ä m*bh SUft* M< vN-.^-r^) scEist* Suffix : -ft — 181 — Lesson 40 1. JSffi ( 2. fSH ( 3. T^lfi] ( 4. ffi^ ( 5. ÜSÜ ( 6. ( 7. H&k ( 8. ¥U ( 9. ( 10. ( 11. ( 12. fig ( 13. &m ( 14. 15. ( 16. £Bg ( 17. ( 18. ( 19. Äffl ( 20. föü ( n. mm(^)x^^m^ 1. *A,# to 2. &c to think a person & § & what direction same 3. < ^ & & < rank to cry flat 4. tz^ It A, & 4 a half to come 5. L t> to know Japanese 6. *t heavy & a car the east — 182 — Lesson 40 7. ztf *>* V & 8. Ii ft & bitter young fine mercy quiet 9. fr2> 33 10. Lo & light to fall down quality funds expenses 1. LUfflTfe^O (a. SF£M b. $f?EM c. ffi^S) mzm*$>t)Z1rfr0 2. gfL^t^fc (a. El* b. MU c. Mix) ^Kio 3. iffirfr^ifcTKli, tKjI^^^'T) (a. ?^ b. c. TtV^) /M^'Iot 4. 8r#*l0 6. r^n>e^-^<7)^v^(i (a. b. fB!# c. IW tf0 7. /J^V^^W (a. & b. 31 c. &) Ki^o 8. -r^i-Ö:/u^\ BB^/Ul (a. föW b. tf c. fäw) Sr&H^Lä-fo I. E IVt (fcÄ,) Kanji of the same 'ON' reading 1. v 2. in t* 3. -e? t.1 4. P L-p location meaning difference a doctor 5. C frv 6. C fro 7. fro second floor 8. fro twice to open (shop) a membership fee — 183 — Lesson 40 9. frK -t+O 10. frK fr< 11. \Z frk, 12. frK tzA, completion sense time simple 13. 8Ü7 It5 14. ^A, ti9 a pedestrian bridge study 15. t ± 9 fro 3a a church 16. (i9 -9 direction 17. < 9 :? an airport 18. L 3 9 19. fro -9 BB thought a school 20. ttA, -ti-o construction 21. -tro #>o 22. LA, -tfo 23. 9 -tio explanation kind right turn — 184 — Lesson 41 *41R I y b 1 Jfr3< V 5gA (5^> CA) an old man senility one's old age man -ization after 0^tz^3? (If&) * aged (*5-v>&) H7 (6) 451 £(£)v>& to get old Ifc^Ot^ • 5 9)<7)B (t» ^;A(6 o * CA) an old man a day to respect the old (Sept. 15) tribe s clan (ii) > 7 a* a family S^(<^A • -f <) a race, a people supply deliver (10) r n ft i B£(< if) & to deliver Kjl(tiv> • & to deliver 'bMS-(LA • ti°V"0i~& to be anxious, to worry Lesson 41 455 m art skill (11) / / It %ffi(L*> ' tVD) an operation (• C t$o) art, skill HJfiKtf • C fine arts retreat (9) si It il (l •)-?*) < to retreat al^ (£ V > • < ) -f h to leave school jIK(/*wV» • v>A,)-f-£ to leave hospital effect (8) > >-/ £&(§)< to work on, to be effective (^-9 • CI) validity ^(i-9'75») effect &$&(tr-£"9) invalidity people folk (5) r ft §i^(CL < • <^.^) a people, a nation itJ5:(&A • <&A,) refugees ft£(l • a citizen j3c&^(^ • • #?<) ethnology — 187 — Lesson 41 visit (a) \ > U 0 0 Üi(7t:T)fa& to call on $J5(&t-?)tlZ> to visit (a pla M% (li 0 ' & AS) i~ h to pay a visit ce) 0 m face «. ±- iL r r r m M(fr&) face &M(-^ • i)*A,)-tZ> to wash one's face Uli (75* & • l*-*>) complexion tooth Ii V (12) 1 r Ä((ä) tooth Hf4S (L • 75* • v>) a dentist i(li)75*> a toothbrush ®$({i-CäS) a gear — 188 — !. 2. mm 3. as 4. k 5. m 6. 4>S£1~& ~ 7. ilKtá Aߣ1~£ 8. 3Mt 9. io. ^ — fesb n. iífcä 3. ža*-A(CV>£5gV>£b:£E&;fc£o 4. ^BB^C0#Ht±S^t\ «t < 7 7 'J *<7)S>ír *m$tZ>0 X Á. 7. irhu-e^a/íhtfmmmv)vyzm^x^Zo Lesson 41 2-3. m 1. to wash one's face 2. to have a toothache 3. to visit 9 4. to worry about an operation 5. to leave the school CO 6. effect 7. an old person 8. a family 9. a citizen 3 9 hi LA- II. □ KJg_£fcil^£Atifc$v\, 1. to get old 2. validity K?> 9 3 9 4. to deal cards h 7 yy°i III! , > >» invalidity 3. This medicine is effective. 9 tz 3 O a1 in. #o ( ) izm^Km^zm^zz^o 1. ( ) * ( )ot,( ) A- is *> h li 2. r( ) (i ( ) £1-ri-£>o a multi-racial nation 4. r( ) ^5fc£*b ( ) £JL-£T < /i$^oJ sfrtifcm:, ?>$L^^ ) Ltz< Hi u 5. ( ) -e ( ) ( ) ttfc^ ( ) tztthtz ( ) 6. I^U^-Hi ( ) t> ia A i* t ; -) — 191 — Lesson 41 l~ y h 3 1-Wtfrfy wvtLtzo i-cmm*bmmiz&fotf$>y)tLtzo m.matxi.^Lx, ,%v>-e m^nt(>^v>Wo 5. £cDŤf±£f£&£ÁJl4pj£í#oTf횎 L£j&\> — 192 — Lesson 41 [hi 0 _U <1^3ix;5&^7Jn (indication) > 15 - 7 ■V , 2 • 5 - 3 ~ 1 0 01(2) S^H^^ti, V^V^^^tf (indication) ^o^tv^to ^C^> — 193 — Lesson 41 (-£A,fc < § Washing Machine) Water level i& ("Cv>) Low (~h «*> 9 ) Middle High ■ig ("CA-tfA,) Power A/iJO On/Off ft (ab *) v i) Water current B#H (»A,) Time Jft* (fio-tvO Spin vjima* (-^l^c* Vacuum Cleaner) 3i (I i 9) Strong ^ (^> *9> "9 ) Medium 11 ( £ * <) Weak ^ Off Ts h -7' (Stove) $t^VJfrfc (#*A, § J; o ) Ventilation necessary 35 (fe) * h § r^iAc ( L i 9 #0 Extinguish when going to bed fn'/ÖB#MA (^^^^CLi^^) Extinguish when refuelling d. 73O (Kotatsu: Japanese Table-type Heater) ä£ (£ A, ^- 9 - z&J£«Üg (& A, fc*tf*> J: -9 -^V 0 Thermostat Temperature fine adjustment f& ("CV») Low Warm Ä (^-9) High Hot (-5- < /i A,) Quick heating $r/m (A^) Retaining warmth Alarm # — ^ y h (Electric Carpet) :jnL ( LofcA,)-te Room temperature sensor S.StPln (£A.^l3)-fe>"9-- Light sensor — 194 — Lesson 42 421^ | j.— v h 1 -31*0) IS * ¥ £ >£ A^ TIE . d PP 2^ m —$xf4 @ o {i%7!>* & <) general subjects ■irTIf^ @ & <) special subjects St^f4 @ < ^ & <) selective subjects i£Mi*?4 @ (^oU^^O compulsory subjects II (Co It A,) experiments SPftnBlft (**$V**>J: 9$) field work :nffl ~3C (^"° <£ 7 a graduation thesis (§ J: V» < UoLk9>^») teaching practice $H (-^ (15) >- >- r n □ 5 0 Din aim lm~X (hk • &k) a thesis, a paper HirnCO • -5 A,) a theory ^Ira ( c? • 6 A,)"t~& to discuss, to argue % fruit real (8) N 1 1*» f %{b* to experiment ^H(C- to) a fact ^fflftKCo• £ ^ practical 462 463 — 196 — Lesson 42 464 465 3 5 (®&) p research tone (15) > >• >-r n £) in in tn IS pKto^ä to check • L) condition, tone |p$("o n • $)t^> to investigate 18ft (*> a 1 • t>) harmony necessity (5) y $(#*& o)"f surely, without fail 'J&lKÜ^ •<£-})& necessary indispensable essential V>-£ 3^7 (9) 1 n iff? f H(V>)& to need fiH (C *9> 9 •<£*})& important ^*(«t9 • £*9>9)i~ä to demand fc-äCio • TA,) the point 466 $1 genus s sort (18) r r p if 467 USKLj: • &V>) paper, documents 5Mi(-£A • &l/>)-f& to classify LH (LA, • &v*) relatives — 197 — Lesson 42 468 *>3 S gain obtain x.- h b* (11) / f f f ft #(x_) h to gain, to acquire Wt (t < • V>) & to be good at h O income k lose "9 (5) ) £("9 L£) 9 to lose 3ctL(Lo • tU>) & impolite £H(Lo £l&(Lo ■ J: -9) 1" & to lose • to fail one's job 469 bow, gratitude » ceremony (5) 7 tL(tlV>) etiquette, a bow *3*L0rU/») thanks *LflR(tLV> • ^<) a ceremonial dress &*L(-£ • tU\>& rude 470 — 198 — Lesson 42 2-2. Ií 9. #1* io. mi 2. ^Híi/MÄi »3 i®Öv>0 4. KIt^^tt^O(Z^^*^/j< £/^ábáo 6. umimi>rmLŽtj tf^o 8. ^ItíO^m^f^^Ž háó^o — 199 — Lesson 42 2-3. mi 1. to graduate from university 2. a thesis 3. an experiment *0 f ± 9 4. to investigate 5. necessary 6. documents Lb 7. good at Oo J: 9 8. impolite 4 Li 3l> 9. condition 4 to *> J: 9 L 1. a graduate 2. a college graduate 3. without fail *o r«t9 -tiro fcV #< <£o 4. to discuss 5. a theory 6. logic 1-* = 0 hh, — 200 — 7. a fact 8. practical use 9. fruit, a nut Lesson 42 10. to say thank you ■9 (7) mi" K" 11. to investigate 12. important 13. to demand 14. the point U m> 9 ±9 ±5 t kd r> ±0 XK 15. to gain 16. income 17. to lose one's job 1-4 18. to fail Li < 1. Z\hh,&k J: -)TA£ J ££&£i>0 4. ^O^O^CJi, J: 9 ^^ttLTl^V^ — 201 — Lesson 42 -7h 3 — 03 7 2 ' & t £ S * - f 1" ^ 3 r ^ 0^ *#&fclt&fo The spring is in all its glory. # (-?*A,) z i i~ = humble expression Jo^tffll"C by a person's favor, owing to (e?V#? < "*b t$ ■?) during one's college days fcifirllf (-£;b) H & & to receive assistance ^H($> H )^i~ to make good use of «E±»S (L»-9 L^TVO a M.A. course feMft ("t"V>ii" A, U J: "9) a letter of recommendation a one-sided request ^ LIR(t){t) IO=l I a— y h 1 &iWW)M (Verbs of Change) to increase •g^ : $t(^)& if ^ l i o to decrease to add to become few to change to disguise to increase to decrease = mt+z to change 0 10 20 30 4 0 30 20 10 0 -10 nnnnnn nnfln 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 I2fl I 2 3 4 S 6 7 « 9 10 II KB to transfer to line up £(1-1-) tr to proceed («"H#01-J&*fc 1987j S^-tt 1987) + fi(9 r)< = &i!rl* to move + £(oo*)< to continue + #(&£)< to walk to move to continue jH^I" & to progress — 205 — Lesson 43 -v b 2 2-1. m^omtij (IS) 471 add increase (14) + 0 k.h to increase, to grow iff (.&>)-"^i" to add, to increase iti>D(-F7 • fr)"f~& to increase, to rise, to grow 472 add < t>-t>Z> (5) 1 ft Jn(S to join #fln(£A, • fr)"*"£ to join tJ0(<^b)x.^ to add flDl (fr • £ -9) 1" & to process 473 decrease (12) ■il /)T /iff 5^ (^) & to decrease, to diminish ML (^) "t" to decrease $c^0fX • t i -))t^) to decrease, to reduce Lesson 43 474 MM t>3^ (®l fc) change t5- ^> (9) r ir f % (fr) fc>2> to change (75*) X. Z> to change (somethir Ig) ^i'bC^^ • to change, to vary AM(tz\<* • ^A,) very, much # transfer (11) s s t t to move to move (something) • to move, to remove • &A,) an immigrant continue (13) t 4. f * r r < to continue H(oo*)tt& to continue (something) (^T-A, • M(^ • ^<)"t"to continue •?* < ) i" S to inherit exceed _ pass t-r* * i-r-r (12) 1 n m rR ft ft ft to pass, to exceed jSjS(o-9 • to pass aid") to spend (time) • -) the past — 207 — Lesson 43 MM ) St proceed . advance 1-1--** (11 i r ft tf # si M(~?"i')ts to advance, to progress LA • &)~j~2> to progress sH(i--f")#>£ to advance, to promote from, than (5) i &±(V> • C • ^) less than &&(v> • r) after that beauty (9) H % HOo<)LV> beautiful (LP • «£ ■? • l^A) a beauty parlor HA(Oif- LA) a beautiful woman H^KCK* L^o) fine arts — 208 — Lesson 43 2-2. WífrWM 1. ±Í;L& 2. M£ 3. mnth 4.ft0x.ä 5. Mr*-* 6. féá 7. ^< 8. ^ioZ, 9. 10. Ütr n. &± i2. jiiT i3. mt^> 1. 1950#mž, Ť£-to 7. £íf<7)n e--CA^tv^g](7)^:(7)A^£^o 8. r^i:#cco^j £v^<7)ii, léfr^l-v^^E^io Lesson 43 2-3. mt 1. to increase 2. to decrease 3. to ch ange (f^ in 4. to move 5. to pass by 6. to continue •€*< . to make progress 8 beautiful 9 . more than ~ — LA, I? 1. The number of cars increases. CO 3. A new member joins the club. ^^7 71; 2. to gain friends it 4. to add salt frl^ Lit < t> — 210 — Lesson 43 5. to join the United Nations 6. to go on with the plan iz z< tiA, ■ft 7. to step forward 8. the past 9. Winter passed 10. to change the schedule 11. to move to Tokyo 12. to migrate 1"* ii9 TO C K» 9 1. ^<7)i^^^^?m^^^oT#^^x.^$^0 — 211 — Lesson 43 - v h 3 1962 1978 2373 2500 127 1137 785 352 /b$ 252 308 56 mm 130 311 181 fa 43 134 91 fzizZ 37 64 27 46 96 50 177 261 84 31 56 25 V* & 67 43 24 «1 94 105 11 a! 101 89 12 86 89 3 : Kcal) CI £ £1962^ 11978^O^tJ^b<03-* * < fc^fc^ri***,, Ji^;V^-t±% 127Kcali|i 1960^ftJ£lfrQ*Ai±, ^ «1, tzizw * - & ^^^fi&tc jnx. 0 4*OB#A<7>to&**§< (L a < -£v^o) one's diet '^M. (-£A,«T) after the war S (£> X 9 ) chart 1960^ft CtaA,£v>) the 1960's ~H ~ style °r% (I* *9> 9 *9> 9) milk ~ ,Z X h to be due to ~ ±± (t» L 1 <) the staple food £ (i 9 ) amount, quantity S. beans If^ (-^$v») vegetables vMt (»9> L) oils and fats past [K M] 1. 1950^ft^B^A<7)^lii:^^^c7)7lio^^o 4. ifrfcOS^^rglif "9fgfro£ri\> — 212 — Lesson 43 ft B.C - 500 - IS • mx -A.D1- - 100 - - 200" - 300 - - 400 - - 500 " - 600 " - 700 - 710 - 800 - & 794 - 900 - ft - 1000 - -1100 - - 1200 - 1192 t - 1300 -- 1400 - 1338 1333 ffl -1500 - 1573 m «l5l ■ 1600 - 1700 a " 1800 " 1868 - 1900 .aft to 1945 jV. lift BSID TO IS® (-£v>ti§ ) the Cristian Era B#ft ( CfivO a period > the division into periods Mia OfAL) primitive times "S"ft (Cl/'ivO ancient times cfifr ("tb ^ -9 -tirV^) medieval times iSifit (§A,-£v>) recent times jfift (c^7^iv>) modern times lift (IfA^ivO the present age Before using earthenware Jomon ware (straw-rope pattern pottery) Yayoi ware ancient burial mounds (&T<) the age of wars £±#fcLU (£o**>k t-^f) place name rlP Edo = Tokyo ^'/p (*v^) Meiji period TviE (/:^ L x o) Taisho period BSf0 (l» X -9 to) Showa period (^v>-£v>) Heisei period 1) 1299^ 2 ) 1492^ 3 ) 1498^ 4 ) 1517^ 5 ) 1687^ 6 ) 1765^ 7 ) 1775^ 8 ) 1789^ 9 ) 1869^ 10) 1876^ a. yyyx^fir b. xjzxmncomM c. ;U3 = f=A"7^>Fi:|( g. r * 'J ts **:& * >3 3 (HI compare (4) * t - itU^)"** to compare JtE(l> • C i» 9) specific gravity tiititz^ 'X»-fh to contrast contrast (13) ff j| fx kfcfZ (■ ^ <) i" h to compare opposite, anti-reserve (4) r jR&O^ • reaction RBfc(l±A • to reflect jSR(^ • it/J) violation of a rule R(tiA,)~ anti-~ — 216 — Lesson 44 484 485 m- < a, j: * * > a = (M&) counter-against (7) s — HfcKfc^) L"C against— (fc*'1 * & "9) correspondence BtfiltA, * tz^)^h to oppose 2*iK/:t»)3 2 vs. 3 t approve (15) f ft If ff y 5f$c(c^ • -tÉrV>)-^~& to agree, to approve of common together (6) — it it 486 & SI(In • o-9)<7) common ÄftUKé J; "9 • t) • C <) republic n" * ť*-9) cooperation 487 direct, just straight (8) ■r t t t ]IC(%io)i" to repair M$k.{% 1 < • £") immediately after S»lE(*)J:< • •Jt*-?) direct current ESK*) i < ' -£^>) direct — 217 — Lesson 44 81^ MM (Ü&) k surface appear, table (8) t f ?l£-{$> b t>) ~fr to express • !>'i 7)'i~2> to announce ^Mi'O £ o ' if Ay) an expression H®(£> «t "9 • #>A) a surface appearance A presence &bt>-i- (id T jn 3&($>bt>)tLh to appear 1&ft(lf A, • tz\t*) modern times m.MlfA,'£A<) cash 3L£0fA-£v) the present i begin ' first lio (7) N 7 (li C) #>"C for the first time $0ff (11 • ^) early summer first £D#(L±-ti) the first steps — 218 — Lesson 44 1. Jť<á 2. 3. 4. Ět- 5. ÍE1" 6. Sft* 7. J£$Je1-£ 8. fiitirh 9. ^mi~^> 10. iJjaöT n. &si-s i2. smi-a i3. um 1. m%mí&M& £#&&&$> Z 0 2. Ťt7->a^- Kíä, O^iJ/io 3. ftíuH, KtrAtLi-ťo L i 1*0 4. ^-tB*^W$IJSUov^-CO|^^^LŽl-0 6. c^ziooiltiitllifmtv^ÄS^KS^^o-tv^l-o 7. íso$p^(í, a*t7> 'jAojt^xfk-ei-o 9. l5]i:i:P^^ai-(7)t:v^v^^^^frtL^o Lesson 44 2-3. mi 1. to compare 2. to contrast 3. to oppose 4. to agree 1-s 5. common problems 6. direct expression 7. for the first time tbX 1. first 2. violation of a traffic rule 3. A vs. B game A B CO 4. against — 5. personal relations 6. republic ~~' LX I I I li *>a< -fro fci^ ti? t> -< 7. immediately after 8. direct indirect 9. to announce 1"* 220- Lesson 44 10. a surface 11. to express 12. to compare 13. relatively thi 9 ioL 1- to *f><9 14. cash 15. the present 16. the first steps 17. early summer 18. reaction 19. to be opposed to 20. a co-operative study 1-a £ LTv>£o — 221 — Lesson 44 h 3 ^>Kcor^-r'To SoA^M# £M^LT, ?iL/:t, &Jfr<7);g^ 2. 51t§^ 7ffBOT'j ^o&JLH^ **7^ti»ä-e-r5Ö\ RWt't^o 4. &fcfc-C, ItiTC^e-fmi^'o * ^IH" management economic growth ?!L& an advantage l^f't (tt A, t )T& to examine (-£a,'t) after the war 5feJlS advanced nations -q -9 to fit, to suit — 222 — Lesson 44 1— ttoTt^tfr I— ?z±-trti> \........illlKl ■frA, t> \Z XA. (T) m^VU-gtffrfrvX^zm*. — §P"B^3i (Radical index) Ex. rI£j Og&W»± rH (rA,^A,)j T\ ^Oli^(i7®0 ?lfnff*0 rgjj-^^ij (^(Doh) Xm^t, rHj ^o"CV>^- ^o^-v^E&h, -?-i^f> rf It IT II- • • - j ftUfr ^®^^•^v^lI(t>^)^;3fe^'ev^0 riEj ot^tcti, &t A,) \Z. in order 121+ Site (r^JI|?lfD^#*j (1986) J: •}) Lesson 44 (D H5f Wt^V^li, — fejg^^l (Stroke Count Index) Ex. % oia^{i4®o m&m^ij (mmm^Mn-Hiz&b) ^tm^m^ (D — W||lR§| (Reading Index) Ex. r^fii^ij &^7Mmm0 tzt^a, r#ftj *>mm*frfrt>%\<^ ®tb ■Q AJ # w> -H ^~ l -K Q •nn K? ru ilua o ru niia « 111112 a) 'o • j—I -M tí nJ ilna 0 ■vS -R ra Hun m B -J # nJ ilna # i lina M. AJ #d í? « W 4Í ití e ss « o •tí ra f_i i|un o j>n -»-> o c -J Lesson 45 I 154511 | -y h 1 -JPt^Og -ti-o U Tf ^ b/i. g£¥ - 3- *4 W « (Abstract ideas) ! ^ - =£S&<7)~ all the subjects all all the students i^felt all the production £S ^pg £® £fr si* - =— #~ S0f the newest the most ~ wtM the highest, the greatest the first ft A ftj£ - =the ~ th W>1^ the No. 1 % 3 0 the 3rd time f S!l the 5th lesson fgl $3 %~>X NHK % 1 |6^^vt Iffi - = ~;&*£v> no examination no — ft etlli no planning meaningless &KI'k ft¥4 ^ - =~-Cli£v* #2j5fc informal not un- #f4^Kl unscientific *S«3W illogical - = ~"Cli&V> ?F'J&?I& unnecessary ~L&^ ^F'/i^^ careless un-, in- ^IS^U& unkind — 226 — Lesson 45 ■tt -ft -tic, -al -tive -ness, -ity character -ization -ize(with 7- )^) ?4^#J scientific &I^#J economical f&Stfj logical * itlx&Ü comparatively xmm tt^^j ^m^j is-itift £3=14 productivity A HÜ humanity ^fflt4 practicality, usefulness HU^t-t national character iüült£ high speed animal matter iSft'ffc modernization j5ftfb"t"<5> to modernize HSfb industrialization XUfbi"^ to industrialize Surft §M sann |f- (Li) =v>^>\/^^ various (ri><) =^n^'tlO each jffij- i =M7aO both ^- (&) = $/i~£v> not yet -ft OH) =&S law = method -$IJ (-£t>) =©JS system ~p|c (fr) = lesson, section "1^. ("£A,) = line, railroad *9> 7 ) = to be ~ ing (Ci9>-?) = all —, whole ~ its itfoiM mmm imm &m &m #ffw m& m# ms m±¥ mm^ *m *a Sä f§t£ ßifflä Mr* it$ia£ e«J £ÄüiiJ MnfüU IIS #i£!$ $14" I** -B* -^4" — 227 — Lesson 45 -7h 2 2 - 1 . M^ ^(^/;)<-^ not at all = £&(-tfA, • if/,)-^jl(if A • v^) all the members £8B(-^ • ^) all, whole * most (12) \ n f f ft(&o • § A,) recently • 3b<) the worst ftf&($v> • T^) the lowest frit no, non-k un-, dis- V (12) fr tar jiff- JfiL jttL 491 492 493 $£(&)v* not to exist &*UI&(tr • -£v> • \fA,) limitless • C) secure, safety lR^b(tp • «11) invalid — 228 — Lesson 45 494 495 it not, non-no good (8) it ft $mn&)(V- • if ^ • CO'tl) unrealistic #Mf(£> • £ 3) #&□(£> • •) • <""o) an emergency exit delinquency $ rank (11) h k w * %=.%(tz\<* • • L*) a3rd person • v^) No. 1 HZ^/iV • {I • £) the second ^cH(L • ££v>)K gradually i target, (suffix to make na-Adj.) (8) ( ft ft g#K& < ' t|) a purpose, an aim 3?ft#J • ^ • "C ) & iAM(c • Mh, • personal, individual cultural 496 sex, quality (suffix to make N.) v a S ( 8 ) t f Ht£(/^ • -£v*) the male 1*fcglJ(-£V> • ^o) the distinction of sex tS(tv^ • Lo) character njffct4(^ ■ "9 • ^) possibility 497 — 229 — Lesson 45 MM law, rules method (8) > V / v / / • Oo) a law ^(U^ • a method 1£ffi£(L ' £ 9 • lio) how to use ^Scfe(-KA, • ) grammar control system (8) h j£ 1 n % ft' ft'l ftljj£(-£v* • a system *IJJ]£(-£v* • ^ <) a uniform ^JtffJ(75*V* • \z^k ' -ttl^) a membership system 3 \. impose, assign section 77 (15) N >. r n 0 0 0 5 D If 11(75*)i" to assign A^illKLA,* U-• ?5*) a personnel section 1S±I5MI(li < • L • 75* • TV>) a doctor course — 230 — Lesson 45 2-2. R&tK9 I. £S 2. ftÜS 3. 4. 5. ilS 6. gift 7. &t£ 8. t£R 9. 10. Mm II. ft&#fU>flN&=ft«Him 12. Äfcm3Sfc»f£ = MIS*gi 13. fäft ~ ^4 14. Äf:^^ II. ^^?i^^I%^^^^o^^-C##^$^c 1. B^ifcWftJJf l±, 6 • 3 • 3 • 4flJ-Cfc&o 2. MlilSl^Äil^üß-tr-ro a chief of the division of *1' international relations 3. rrtj t fcoj \U PC-9801y*TAO/-*<7)B:fc8£7- K7° A>ECHO OFF UlEOBftti 1992-01-15 (tK) -C1" Btt£A79LT< : 5!£OM(± 10 : 30 : 14.00 -C1" B##J£AtiL-c < *f$v>: B ft i: B#£iJCOA7Jiffetr , 7^7 7^7 hX'\tJX£it0 tzbJLlf, rKAWAj fcA7J-M>£. SftWUSffiUli rfrt>j tttitto rf-7j W + r*7j (frtzfrtz), rf-8j r*7j (i^j^h rf- 9 j X rKAWAj (7^7 7^7 mfrvm^n1) * rl. Jll 2. 11 3. j£ 4. ?5J 5. (DXiizmt-j-fr x-<->\ • /f--CiELv^£3A,-C\ V 9-y • *-X~fefcLX 5^5^3TyKmito a. jt^A93 t. 7t^ d. nm m. i&m C. n tf- Y. ^-7. r B. 9 'J 7 P. EP«IJ S. &m J. v + > 7° F. #3 • rxaE H. *tg&g» W. 7 -f > K 7 K. mi& l. —fi^g 1 V. ft- * X. 0. tT'y 3 > Q. 1*7 ^> K£gA."CT$v*o — 235 — Lesson 45 r-tlj £**7-t£i:ti, X^hlWWmx rESCj *-£#U n-?>V^fMl 2. M 2 ] T. 77^^ S. $v\> rA>j Wv-^tJW.:^ 7 0 „ fcJ-fcflMfflL-T, *4 -vf^^ it. *— ^^(v^*,/^^) 9 ) name of word-processing software #J8Kfc ( L J: § f * to initialize ISM a screen M(i:-<) time ^tk (l> x n V) i~ h to indicate e»(l^)tS to start SttW(tfc'-9"C#)U automatically J§£(tf*vO in case of ~ -JCWy n 7 tf- a data floppy Btt(tKm) date A^(t:»9 •) i <)1"S to input tS(1")tr to finish f£&(^A,^A,) conversion ¥fcO±A,JK) half-width S£^(^< TV\)-t& to fix :(£A,£o) print fc3?UtA,$ <) search #5tf£;e(L j: Li-ttoT^) format £^£fiU •) lettering HtfriL^Oi Cl^6<) auxiliary directory S*ftOtVH*A,) lines —M^l&(^ot5*o^A,^A,) global conversion tfj([(ttv»$^ calculation &&(<*C)tr built-in &7 (L*9>9^J:9)"t& to quit -fe - 7*?£IIT quit after save ?i$IJH-7(§ i^-^V^t^^^J:^) abandon and quit ^-ff (H-fA,) "t^> to preserve, to keep — 236 — Lesson 45 Review L. 41—45 n:*(a) mm mm (sog m m (mm £UT) £(S) *(Ä) Ad : S)^6T vn: (^m-th M(mi-& mm-tz mm-rz> — 237 — Lesson 45 m. m^mmBSM - m / %m / eis / 1. — 2. mw&) - 3. ftfŕlf# - 4. - 5. ^í#l:f4S - 6. itmumit - 7. ýzWLt&UuZ - 8. - H. ( ) Kä^fc?ÍI4=£T^iI^A*i&£v\, 1. B^fy^ŤAli, 6 • 3 • 3 • 4( ) £v>fc>ii&o 2. ( )AP(7D50%fi<^AfßTfiH*43tTv^o 3. vXŤ-A^^-jlJktT, £Ž( ) £±lŕ£0 5. Ý^>f—A(±, £±( )®c:i/^fL/jo 6. mt, 20£H ( ( )iĚKtz0 7. ( )^^ÄJ^H^mi^/"io 8. mL^&zmm ) -$h0 it W f£ #J ä ^ i # f ^ ^ — 238 — Lesson 45 m. - ( *^ ) 1. ft^ - 2. mt - 3. @; 5. A^ - 6. AK - 7. \m - 8. Eglft - 9. &m 10. -SB 11. mM 12. &± 13. M 14. #JE 15. f§14#J 16. f&glft 1. (a. $m$. b. c. -C1-0 2. 'J-£A.(± (a. U*M. b. B#ft c. B^14) OgBSK£A,-CV>*0 3. -<7)gf&£ (a. Hffllft b. Hffl£ c. HflHfc) L&tfft^&o&V^ 4. tliifC (a. »fl b. M%#> c. »t4) fc#x.<7)&*>±£o 5. ftJfiJi, (a. b. c. fmfflJ) c^fcttOtti ^)nDntfU <^tL&0 6. n>tfa-^o (a. mmu b. ^ffl$u c. mmm iuwtZo 7. t>Z*) (a. mmit b. Jgfifft c. Jgfifte) Hfcibfcv>-t% gL^>iLn0 8. iCOP^h7>ti, (a. ^MoU b. £MftJ c. X-ffrh, £%VM