B Flpuie 1. Excavation of a pit using a) the baulk-debris method (8 contexts}, B) the open area method (l context) andq the modified baulk-debris method(2 contexts). at corinth, we have recently reassessed our own methodology and abandoned lbe trench and baulk, method in favor of the open area method (tig 1b), now standard practice all over britain, much of the us and in other parts of fcurope. instead of arbitrarily sectioning all the stratigraphic contexts on the site and removing them based on what trench they happen to be located in, open-area excavation, in a sense, treats the entire excavation area as one large trench, and each individual context is identified, recorded and removed (if possible) in chronological and stratigraphic sequence. this method allows us to see more if not all of any given context at the same time and thus have more information at the moment of excavation with which to interpret context formation, finds and stratigraphic relationships. it also allows for more chronological control of the site, that is, it is possible to concentrate all attention on the stratigraphic relationships and me material record of the chronological period being excavated instead of having one trench at early modem levels, another at roman and another at mycenaean and trying to piece these disparate records back together after the excavation season has ended. Example: in the section illustrated below, the topsoil (context 1) ls the latest context present. 1 overlies several discrete deposits, 2, 3,4 and 10, physically touching all of them. but through further excavation it is revealed that 2 cuts 10 and thus has to be later in time. further, 2 and 3 are both cutting into context 4,4 overlies 5, 5 cuts 6 and 7.. .and so on. however, if you look at the harris matrix for this hypothetical situation, you will see that the relationships have been streamlined so that redundant relationships arc not expressed, tor example, even though we've already established that 1 is later than 2, 3,4 and 10, it ls unnecessary to draw additional lines from 1 to 4 and from 1 to 10 since the matrix is already expressing the fact that 1 is later in time than both 4 and 10 as it is situated above them in the diagram. (note, in this example, cuts are not included.) Figure £. Hypothetical plan* and vertical section showing several strata overlying bedrock. The Harris matrix expresses these relationships in a diagram. 5.2 DEPOSITS All contexts are classified as deposits, cuts or structures. Deposits are positive contexts (opposed to cuts) and are not built features {like structures). Most contexts are deposits. Pic fills, slirfaees, agrieultural plow^one, naturaI events Iike flood wash, and grave fills are all examples of deposits. 5.2.1 title tag This is the essential summary of the context. The best way to write a title tag Ls to keep it short and to the point. Use keywords and phrases that not only describe the deposit, but define it. Say what you mean, and call the context what it is. You should never use more than 10 words and strive to use as few as possible, recording only the essence of the context. These title tags can be modified if new information allows for more precise interpretation later. Title tags are most useful as a quick reference tool. Describe the defining characteristics of the context but do not simply reference other contexts. If referencing a related context, use its title tag in a shortened form and do not reference context numbers unless tbey are wall numbers. There is no need to mention the chronological date of the context as this information will appear in the Chronological Range field. However, it may be important to note earlier or later relative phases. Likewise, avoid referencing any database field (color, compaction, sorting, composition, etc.) that has a pull down menu unless you find it absolutely definitive of the context (i.e. there is literally nothing else that you could say about it to define it). Avoid abbreviations. Hut the most Important and definitive words first. Here are some examples of good and bad title tags: Good Title Tags Pit fill, third deposit from top Dumped fill Agricultural zone cut by modern plow furrows Ashy fill of small pit N-S partition wall L-W property boundary wall Destruction debris: tile scatter Hoor of packed earth Leveling fill below elay floor Lxterior surfaee repair Robbing trench fill of wall 5604 Well fill, tenth deposit from top floor over wllII 5604 floor cut by foundation trench of wall 5604 Natural deposit Bad Title Tags Fill of orange tree pit (pit cut = eontext 9) Third deposit of fill in pit Reddish soil L of context 43 Middle Roman destruction debris hill of well Silty soil 10m east of wall 5302 Northern floor patch 5.2.2 CHRONOLOGICAL RANGE This field can only be filled in after all pottery has been read and recorded, all coins read by the numismatist and recorded, and all other finds that could potentially date the eontext examined in the museum. This date field takes the LATEST date supplied by all the evidence collected for each context. You must also take stratigraphic relationships into account by keeping an up-to-daie Hams matrix, for example, if the pottery from a context dates to the 41h century AD, a 6* eentury coin was also found in it and it was lying above a floor with a pottery date of ca. AD 700, the Chronological Range of the content is ca. AD 700 since the stratigraphie relationship dictates that the context must be dated toca. AD 700 or later. It might be wise to wait until several contexts that are stratigraphieally BLLOW your context are excavated with pottery and coins read to make sure that you have a good idea of the dates of strata below your context. Note which body of evidence dated the context: pottery, coin, stratigraphie relationship or other (and then elaborate). Pottery dates are recorded separately in the pottery fields in the database. 5.2.1 ELEVATIONS You must take elevations on top of every context you record - take the highest of the top elevations and enter that number in the Top Elevation field. When you are finished excavating a context, take the lowest of the bottom elevations and enter that number in the Bottom Elevation field. Elevations can be taken with the total stationer with the dumpy lev-el if it is in the field. Although the recording sheets only ask for "highest of the high" and "lowest of the low" it will take several elevations to adequately describe a basket and these should be recorded on your top plan. 5.2.4 SLOPE DOWN TO AND DEGREE By comparing the different elevations you take at the top of your context, you will be able to see if the surface slopes down towards any particular cardinal direction (N, NE, E, SE, S, etc). The Slope Degree is an estimate of the degree to which the top surface slopes: chose one of the following options: level, slight, moderate, steep, vertical, or uneven. 5.2.5 COORDINATES Based on your measurements of the size and shape of your context, determine the North, South, East, and West extents of your context. This field is used to determine a bounding box for the context and its location. Your top plan will be useful here. 5.2.6 SOIL COLOR A Munsell chart is not required - who has ever seen Mun.se 11 Colors of soils used to draw meaningful conclusions about a deposit? Ideally the sample should be moist but that is difficult in mid-summer in Greece, so spray the soil if needed. Color should always be assessed when the deposit is moist but not waterlogged. This should be kept as simple as possible and standardized. Use the terms below (from C. Spence ed. (19%) see tion 3.1.12 and the Munsel I Soi I Color Charts, There are 3 components to describing soil color: a modifier, ll hue and a color. Chose from the following options, choose one term from each component: MODIFIER: Light, Dark, Very Dark HUE: Brownish, Greenish, Greyish, Pinkish, Reddish, Yellowish COLOR: Blaek, Brown, Green, Grey, Pink, Red, White, Yellow If your basket is not uniform in color, select MIXED. You should then describe the different colors that you see in the Excavation Notes field below. " Mixed/ as a rule, should be reserved for soils that truly are mixed and have more than one distinct color component. It is much, more important to describe the color of a deposit in order to define it as different from surrounding contexts than it is to try and analyze its color down to the individual particle level. 52.7 SOIL COMPOSITION All soils will be made up fmm a combination of sand, silt or clay. Sand feels gritty and you can see the individual grains with the naked eye. Silt is smooth and slippery to the touch when wet and like powder when dry; the individual particles are much smaller than those of sand and can only be seen with the aid of a microscope. Clay is sticky and plastic-Iike to handle when wet and like extremely hard and compact when dry. The individual particles are extremely small and can only be seen with the aid of an electron microscope. You have to physically touch and feel the soil to be able to describe the texture and composition of a deposit. This field asks for or the majority elements of a deposit. Inspect the soil with care, but there is no need to go overboard describing percentages of sand or silt here. You may chose from the following options: Finland, coarse sand, el ay, or slit Sllty sand {very common) or elayey sand Sandy silt {very common) or elayey silt Sandy el ay or sllty el ay Or MIXED (if mixed, please elaborate in the Excavation Notes section). Rub mOesj Sediment between einGekS 1. Ls the sediment sandy or gritty? YES>2 NO >6 2. Can the sediment be formed into a ball? YES>3 NO >4 3. Will it form a U-shape without breaking? YESxilayey Sand NO >SlLTYSAND 4. Are the sand grains like granular sugar? YES >COAHSIl SAND NO >S 5. Are they the size of castor sug&r? YES >FTNIl SAND NO > kine, Sand 6. Does the sediment stain the fingers? YES>7 NO >* 7. Sediment texture is smooth and silky? YES>W NO > sandy SI LI 8. Ls it also sticky? YliS > t layky silt NO >SILJ 9. Ls it sticky and hard to break? YES >Clay NO > HI 10. Does it break easily and cleanly? YES > sandy CLAY NO > SlLTY CLAY Figure ft. Diagnostic question* For soil (atier L\ Spence 1994). 5.2.S SOIL COM PACTION This describes how compact the soil in a deposit is. You should excavate some of the deposit and discuss compaction with the excavator in order to make this observation, First you must determine tht composition nt" the soil. Lf the MAIN component is flne-arairiťd (sill or flay), choose from: Hard, firm, soft, or very soft. If the MAIN component is coarse-a rained (sand I, choose from: Strongly cemented, we a kJy cemented, compact, or Loom, SEDIMENT TERM DEFINITION TYPE COARSE-GRAIIVED Strongly c emented Caiuiot be broken with Lipids.. Weakly cemented Pick removes sediment in lumps aIulT. -caw he ho ken allI: h.Eir.Lis. Compact Requires pick For excavation. Loose Can be excavated with trowel. FlSE-GRAlVED Ihku Brittle or very tough. Firm Molded by strong finger pressure. Soft Easily molded with fingers. Very soft Non-plastic, cruLTibles in fingers K i fill i e 7. Chart fo ir de scribing soil compaction {after CL Spence 1994^ 52.9 INCLUSIONS Inclusions are anything in the soil that is not soil (ceramic sherds, glass fragments, stones, shell, bone and other organics like carbon or land shells, piaster fragments, mudbriek. fragments, tile [small or large fragments] and other building materials). List all inclusions that are present and to estimate the % of inclusions in the soil. Fig lire it. Chart fo r esti mati ng percentage composition of inclusions. Each square equals the percentage. (Redrawn after Hodgson 1974). 52.9A SORTING This term refers to the distribution of inclusions in your soil; usually random in the ease of dumped fill, water-sorted in the ease of water-laid sediments, gravity sorted in tipped fills etc. A complex depositional history often produces a complex particle distribution in a single stratum. "I"he degree of sorting is a measure of the frequency with which particles of the same size occur. For example, if the deposit consists mainly of fine pebbles, it is 'well sorted1. An appreciation of sorting gives some idea of the processes responsible for deposition. When describing the level of sorting of the inclusions m your context, chose from the following options: well, moderately, poorly, very poorly 52.92 SIZE This is not a field on your recording sheet (or in the database) but should be described in the Inclusions field. Describe the size of the primary inclusions in a deposit, For stones, use thee hart below to standardize your vocabulary in your descriptions, for other inclusion it is more useful to give average dimensions (in meters). Fixe Pebbles 0.002m -O.OOooi Medium Pebfw fs O.OOooi -0.02m Coarse Pebbles 0.02m- 0.06m Cobbles O.Otfm- 0.2m bol'lder.5 0.2m Figure 10. Modified Wentworth Scale for describing the size of stones S2.93 SHAPE AND ROUNDNESS J'Iks is inn u field on your recording sheet lor in l he d ill Lib use) but should he described in the Inclusions field. Describe the shape and roundness of stone inclusions. This information helps to determine the nature and origin of the deposit. ROUNDED SUB-ROUNDED ANGULAR Spherical Tabular Platy Figure 11. Guide to describing the shape* of stones. 5.2.10 THE HARRIS MATRIX AND STRATI GRAPHIC RELATIONSHIPS See £ 1.4 for an explanation of the principles behind the Hams matrix. Use this field to begin assembling the overall Harns matrix for the site, by fotusing on the context you are recording (the center rectangle) and any and all other contexts physically related (that means actually touching). You will use this informational well as the physical relationships of other contexts to refine this preliminary field matrix into a proper Hams matin* that maps chronological relationships rather than purely physical ones. In the matrix. Context numbers ABOVb- the context you are recording are LATb-R in time than your context. Context numbers Bb-LOW the context you are recording lll-c EARLIER mimic than your context. 7 R 9 1 1 12 □ 14 Figure 12. A modified Harris matrix with, hypothetical contexts. When the overall site Harris matrix is composed, positive features (deposits, structures, skeletons) will be represented as a context number inside a rectangle (as shown above), and negative features (cuts) with an oval. However, for the field vets ion - a work in progress - all contexts besides the context being recorded will be represented with rectangles. Use the empty el reIts incorporated into the lines that eonneet contexts to describe physical characteristics and relationships between contexts, WHY and HOW you interpret one context as being distinct from another and how they related to each other. CHARACTERISTICS This field asks you to justify the reasons why the context you are recording is a distinct unit and different from the soils around it. This should take the form of simple comparisons based on your description of the soil of the context. So, for the example matrix shown above, m [he Characteristics field, it might read: a) 7 is harder than 10 b) Sis blacker than 10 c) 9 is blacker and has fewer inclusions than 10 d) 10 i s softer and redder than 11 e) 10 is very slightly redder than 12 0 10 i s softer and redder and has more ine I us ions than 13 g) 14 is a cut RELATIONSHIPS Use this field to record how the contests in your Hams matrix physically relate to each other. As is explained in the manual in §1.4, there are only a few relationships that can exist between contexts. These relationships should be recorded in this field as well as in the appropriate database fields: If the context you are recording is EARLIER than another context: Your context is tilled by it, or Your context is overlaid by it, or Your uuntL'xL is cut by it. The context you are recording is EQUAL TO another context when you can prove that a single context has been truncated by later action and now exists in two or more parts, i.e. separated by the later activity, or when you have sectioned a single context and excavated it in two or more parts each with separate context numbers. When you ha%e an equi%alent relationship, write in the equivalent context number with an equal sign next to the central rectangle in the matrix. If the context you are recording is LATER THAN another context: Your context is I a Id on it, or Your con text is laid against it, or Your context cuts il. So, for the example matrix shown above, in the Relationships field, it might read: a) 7 is laid on 10 b) 8 is laid on 10 c) 9 cuts 10 d) lOcuts 11 e) 10 is laid on 12 1) 10 is laid against 13 g) 10 is laid on 14 The Hams maim relationship fields in the database will be used to generate a master matrix for the entire site and are extremely important. The information entered into the database fields should be considered the final product of the Hams matrix process that started in the field and should be updated any time a new interpretation of stratigraphie relationships is made. BOUNDARIES WITH OTHER CONTEXTS This field eanonly be filled-in when your basket has been completely dug. This describes how dramatic the change was between the eontextyouare recording and the contexts) revealed below it. Please ehoose from: Sharp: the change is dramatic and very easy to see (a major change in color, texture, inclusions or all of the above). Clear: the change is clear, but not dramatic (a clear change in color or texture or inclusions). Dirt use: the change is not clear or easy to see, but it is perceived by a slight change in color or texture or inclusions. If more than one context is revealed below the one you are recording and they differ in how distinctly different they are from your context, leave this field blank and elaborate in the Excavation Notes section. 5.2.12 FORMATION/INTERPRETATION This is your interpretation of the nature of the context, what it is and how it got there. Sometimes this is easy, like when you are digging the fill of a pit-Sometimes it is difficult to determine in the field dunng excavation before all finds are analyzed and stratigraphie relationships are determined and you will only be able to describe your context in general terms, like "Deposit accumulated over N-S wall", "Dumped debris", or "Possibly a leveling operation?**. See §2.5 Excavating Special Deposits for more in depth descriptions of different deposits and features that you will encounter in the field. This information will be helpful when coming up with a title tag for your context when you enter it into the database. If the nature of the formation of the deposit is notelear at the time of excavation, state this elearly - it Is better to be honest than to force an interpretation with no evidence to back it up. You can always add to or modify this field later, just make sure you note that this is a 'Later Note' and date and initial it so that is elear to anyone consulting your records in the future what was a field interpretation and what added later. 5.2.13 METHOD AND CONDITIONS Please give the following information: Tunis used: small piek, big pit k, trowel, wooden chops tick, broom, etc. Soil Conditions: Excavated Dry or Excavated Moist. If your basket has been exposed to the elements for a length of time, comment on how long (a week? 2 weeks? Longer?). Mention if there was a recent significant rain or if you sprayed the soil down with water prior to excavation. 5.2.14 SIEVING Indicate whether or not you have sieved soil from this context, what size of mesh sieve you used (usually this is 5 mm) and what percent of the total context you have sieved. You can estimate this by counting the number of zembiIs or wheelbarrows of soil that are removed and then calculating the ratio between those taken to the dump and those taken to be sieved - explain how you arrived at this uumber in your Excavation Notes. 5.2.15 SAMPLES TAKEN Indicate if you have taken samplers) for water flotation, how much (in L) and what percent of the context this sample is. If samples were taken, a sample sheet needs to be completed - see §2.7.1. 5.2.16 COINS You cannot enter information about inventoried objects in the field, but you will enter some coin information. When a coin is found while excavating a context, immediately take a reading on it using the total station Then mark the find-spot on your top plan using these measurements, with the elevation written next to the word 'coin*. In the data field on the recording sheet, list each coin with its elevation, "Coin (8 7 2% LI.):_ " and leave space as each coin wi 11 be gi ven a unique number {something like 2008-178) at the museum that you will need to write in this space. All coins are taken to the museum at the end of the day in individual paper envelopes. On the outside of the envelope, record the area of exea%,ation (Nezl or N of Nezl), the date, the context number and the north, east and elevation measurements from the total station. Draw and outline around the coin on the outside of the envelope m peneil. Coins found while sieving also go to the museum packaged like this, but instead of noting the measure ments of thL-ir find spot, write "from sieve.' 5.2.17 KINDS COLLECTED List the finds you collect from each deposit in this field along with quantities of each category (e.g. Glass (1 box), metal (1 bag), bone/shell (1 box), etc.). This should be a list of all finds, regardless if they are being sent to Pietri or to the museum. S.2.1S EXCAVATION NOTES This is your opportunity to put into words in the field anything you observe about the eontext you are recording and any other interpretations of the excavation. It is fine to be repetitive here if it is necessary to get the point aeross {to repeat information you entered into the data fields above) but do try to step beyond simple description and attempt more complicated interpretation. This is the best place to explain WHY you think the things you do about your context. It is not helpful or appropriate to treat this area as your personal diary - keep your notes professional. for each deposit please attempt to record the following information: 1. Begin by stating what you are digging and why you are digging iL 2. Any descriptive information relating to the fields above that needs elaboration or clarification. 3. What contexts this deposit reveals - this will help with the Harris matrix later on - you won't have eontext numbers for these new contexts yet, but you can describe them. 4. If you were expecting to reveal someth ing w i th the excavation of thi s deposi t, did you? Or did this deposit reveal something unexpected? 5. Any information about the excavation or revelation of this context that was not recorded in the data fields above. 6. Anything else you think is important, or any ideas you have about how this deposit relates to the rest of the excavation. If you want to add to these notes at any point after the Initial composition in the field, you MUST write 'Later notes,* date and Initial them. 53 CUTS All contexts are classified as deposits, cuts or structures. Deposits and structures arc positive features; aeut is the remainder of a negative human action - the removal of something. You cannot excavate a cut, you can only observe iL All cuts must be recorded and assigned a context number so they can be integrated into the Harris matrix as they are the remainder of human action and are thus part of the history of the site as a whole. 5J. I TITLE TAG See §5.2.1. COORDINATES Sec §5.2.5. 5J.3 ELEVATIONS Take several elevations along the top and bottom of your cut - the highest of the high is entered in the Top field and the lowest of the low in the Bottom field. sJ.4Shape in plan Describe the shape at the top of the cut. Choose from the following terms: Square, Rectangular, Circle, Seml-clrcular, Oval, Sub-rectangular, Linear, or Irregular. If you choose Irregular, you must elaborate on the shape of the top of the cut in the Notes section. 5J.5 DIMENSIONS If the shape is asymmetrical (so not a circle or a square), measure the longest distance first, this is your Length, the shortest distance is the Width, and the Deptb is the difference between the highest top elevation and the lowest bottom elevation. Record in meters. If the cut is square, the length and the width will be the same measurement. If the cut Is a circle, give the Diameter rather than the length and width. 5J.6 BREAK Or SLOPE-TOP Describe the degree with which the top surface of the edge of the cut breaks into the sides. Choose from the following terms: Sharp Gradual Not perceplWe Figure 11. Guide to describing the break of slope - top{C. Spence 19$4)L 5J.7 SIDES Describe the sides of the cut using the following terms: Vertical, Convex, Concave, Stepped,or Mixed. If you choose Mixed, you must elaborate on the sides of the cut in the Notes section. 5J.H BREAK OF SLOPE - BASE Describe the degree with whic h the sides break into the base of the cut using the following terms: Sharp Gradual Not perceptible Figure 14. Guide to describing the break of slope - base(C. Spent e 1994). 5J.9 BASE Describe the base of the eut with me following terms: Flat, Concave, Sloping, Pointed, Tapered - blunt, Tapered - sharp, Uneven. If you choose Uneven, you must elaborate on the base of the cut in the Notes section. A tapered point A tapered tArrr point A Capered founded ponl Wertcal sries And ji m bw Figure IS. Guide to describing the base of a cut (C. Spence 1994). SJ.Ift ORIENTATION This only applies to linear cuts. If linear, note the orientation of the cut in cardinal directions (N-S, t-W, Nt-SW, NW-St). 5j.II TRUNCATION Does the cut have its original shape or has it been truncated (cut by) by another action/context? If so, describe what part is truncated and, if possible, state what has truncated it. 53.12 HARRIS MATRIX See $ 1.4 for an introduction to the principles of the Hams Matrix and £5.2.10 for instruction on using the Harris matrix for deposits. Using the Harris matrix for euts is very similar. The principle difference for euts is that you are not asked to describe the differences between soil contexts as the cut is itself an interface between soil contexts. Note that cuts are expressed with ovals in the final Harris matrix produced for the site as a whole. 5j.i3 FILLED BY This field asks for the context numbers of ALL the deposits filling this euL 5j.i4 NOTES This is your opportunity to put into words in the field anything you observe about the context you are recording and any other interpretations of the excavation. Lt is okay to be repetitive here if it is necessary to get the point across (to repeat information you entered into the data fields above) but do try to step beyond simple description and attempt more complicated interpretation. This is the best place to explain WHY you think the things you do about your content, lt is not helpful or appropriate to treat this area as your personal diary - keep your notes professional. t-or each cut please attempt to record the following information: 1. Any descriptive information relating to the fields above that needs elaboration or clarification. 2. How you came to recognize this cut based on the observations you recorded above. 3. What this cut cuts into (you will not have a context number for this deposit yet, but you should describe it well as you will need to add the context number(s) to your Harris matrix in the future when this deposit is excavated.) 4. Cuts of pits and trenches are important as the material from the fill inside and the deposits they cut are very good dating tools. Describe how this cut and its related deposi ts migh t a id the dating of th is part of the s 11 e. 5. Any information about the excavation or revelation of this context that was not recorded in the data fields above. 6. Anything else you think is important, or any ideas you have about how this cut relates to the rest of the excavation. If you want to add to these notes at any point after the Initial composition In the field, you MUST state that they are 'Later notes,* date and Initial them. 5ASTRUCTURES All contexts are classified as deposits, cuts or structures. Structures are purposely built features like walls, built floors, built roadways, hearths, and well heads. On your recording sheet check the appropriate box to note whether your struttLire is excavated or unexcavated. 5AI TITLE TAG See §4.2.1. 5A2 C H RO NO LOGICAL RANGE If the structure you are recording is actually excavated, treat this field as you would for a deposit - see §5.22. However, many walls and other structures at Corinth are not excavated so that they may be preserved for display to the public. When this is the case, you can only date your stmeture based on the chronological ranges of stratigraphieally related contexts. Ideally, this will take the form of foundation trenehes(see §2.52) and the fills they cut. Howler, if no foundation trenehes l^isi for a strueture, you must rely on other stratigraphie relationships and your Harris matrix, for example: does your strut ture tut any floors, pits or other eontextsand thus post-date them? Are there any floors that run op to your strueture and thus post-date it? Are there any deposits or other struetures that overlie your struut ure and thus post-date it? 54J COORDINATES Based on your measurements of the size and shape of the strueture, determine the furthest North, South, tiast, and West that the strueture extends. Your top plan will be useful here. 54.4 ELEVATIONS Take elevations at several points on the strueture, but only reeord the highest of the high and the lowest of the low in this field. The other measurements should be added to the top plan. 54.5 l>lMENTIONS Overall length, width and height of the strueture, in meters. 54.6 MATERIALS List all forms of building material used in the structure. If there are different materials and they are being used in different and purposeful ways (like if marble was only used on the eomers or large stones only at the base of a wall) then please elaborate here. frequently used building materia Ls at Corinth: * Not an ex ha usti ve I i st* limestone, sandstone, marble, andeeite, eonglomerate roof tiles, diamond tiles, briek{ fired), mudbriek, day plaster, hydroplaster tesserae - stone, tesserae - glass, 54.7 SIZE OF MATERIALS Measure several examples of eaeh form of building material in the strueture and list the average size for eaeh type, in meters. 54.* FINISH OF STONES See illustration below. This deseribes the exterior surfaeeof any STONb-S used in the strueture and Ls not to be applied toother forms of building material. If there are no stones used, leave this field blank. Choose from the following terms: Loworkfcd. Roughly Hewn, Squared, Tooled Surface, or Mined. If the surfaeeof the stones is tooled, deseribe the appearanee of the tool marks in the Notes seetion. If you seleet Mixed, you mu.\f elaborate in the Notes seetion below. Often, a ehange observed in the masonry style or the building materials used in a structure is evidence of a later repair or addition to the structure and so a new phase of the use of the structure. Make sure that this is not the ease here - all repairs and additions must be recorded separately and given their own context number. If it is a wall being recorded and the two faces are significantly different from each other, please select the Mixed option, and then describe each face in the Notes section, explaining the differences you observe. 5.4.9 MASONRY STYLE See illustration below. This field is only applicable to structures built up from the ground (so not built roads or built floors or hearths or mosaics). There are two fields: one is a more general description of the way the structure was built. Only it" possible, fill in the second field which is more specific to the Classical woHd and to Corinth. Select from the following general terms: Dumped rubble {present In some foundations) Uncoursed {no regular courses or regular horizontal alignment) Random courses {courses of varied and random belgbt) Regular courses {courses of regular and consistent height) Coursed [Mixed Also state whether any of the following techniques are used in conjunction with the masonry style: Stringcourse {a projecting course of tile, brick or stone to emphasize a junction or boundary) Leveling course {a course of building material used to create a level surface upon wbleh to continue building up the wall) Quoins {corners) stressed Revetment {wall surface faced with usually marble or other flue stone slabs) If you select Mixed, you must elaborate in the Notes section below. Often, a ehange observed in the masonry style or the building materials used in a structure is evidence of a later repair or addition to the structure and so a new phase of the use of the structure. Make sure that this is not the ease here - all repairs and additions must be recorded separately and given their own context number. If possible, select from the following specific masonry terms: cyclopean, lesbian, polygonal, ashlar opus cementlclum, opus Incertum, opus mlxtum, opus retlculatum, opus sign In urn,. 3 Bqund random 3 AtHW - RfTdpm coursed 5 Squared, bun uj course* ^l_jc: 1 it J e3 ^- 7 Uneven courses r a CD 8 QuOf* un«f«m