UNIT ONE The ffi bä structure A The |E bS structure, which is unique to the Chinese language, has the effect of shifting the object of the verb in the sentence to a pre-verbal position. It is u&ed most often with action verbs. The sentence: fflXSI&T M^ft-f- * ta da pb le na/nei ge beizi 'He broke that cup.*, for example, may also be expressed as; teffiBG'HH^JTiKT * ta ba na/nei ge belri dfi po le. There are two important rales concerning the use of IE bfi: (1) The object must be of definite reference. In our example, the object ■W't'ff 7 na/nei ge beizi is of definite reference. One cannot say: *tt-1^?fl&7 * ta ba yi ge beizi d3 po le because -1^7 yi ge beizi is of indefinite reference. (2) The verb mnst incorporate a complement. In our example, the verb da is complemented by fl£ po, without which the sentence would sound incomplete. One cannot say: *ftffifHtff 7-n - ta ba na/nei ge beizi da B There are various kinds of complements. In (he examples given below, the complement in each case is shown in round brackets: (1) Resnlt complements. These are either adjectives or verbs, which indicate the outcome of an action. po above is an example of a verbal result complement. (See also Basic Chinese, Unit 22.) ^iTlffifi^llf *?7 ° siji ba qicbe xiu hao le (5F hao) The driver repaired his car. 2 Unit 1 ^iffimSffl-T* T » xuesheng ba heiban ca ganjing le (T# ganjing) The student cleaned the blackboard. ta ba na/nei pi an wen/hang xie w6n k (£e wan) He has finished writing that essay. m^^^tJWJ - ta ba chuanghu dou da kai le (iff kai) She opened all the windows. j£#fflfcMl#*rT * didi ba dianshjji nong huaJ Ic (if huai) My younger brother broke the television set. 'h$1e±ftS#fl£7 ° mAo mao ba ditln nong zang le (M iang) The kitten has made the carpet dirty. Note. Jt can be seen from the above examples that the particle / le, which usually signifies a changed state, is naturally associated with these result complements. If lhe verb used In the ITU bA strocture, apart from indicating an action, also possesses an inherent notion of result, \ k by itself may be sufficient to function as the complement: WES^ill'-T • tfl bi chuajighu dOti kai le She opened all the windows. teffJJtin^j f " tamen bh men guan le They closed (he doo;. (2) Location complements using £ zai phrases. (See Basic Chinese, Unit 21.) wo ba huar gua zai qiing shang (:tL . - . L zai . ., shang) 1 hung the picture on the wall. mama ba huar cha zai huaping li ftt -.. ffi zai... Ii> Mother put the flowers in the vase. mfeimei bA yasuiqtfn fang zai zh£ntou xi& (£e ■ ■. t" zai... xia) (My) younger sister put her new-year lucky money under (her) pillow. (3) Direction indicators as complements. (See Basic Chinese, Unit 21.) w6 ba yifu fang hui yigui li qu le (IeI -.. hui... qu) I put the clothes back into the wardrobe. Unit 1 3 baba ba qiaa cun jin yinhang li qu le (j& . ife jin ■ ■ qu) Father put the money in the bank. ta ba cha duan shang km Uii k (_L . *. 5|t shang. .. Lai) She carried the tea upstairs. (4) Duration and frequency complements. (See Basic Chinese, Unit 14.) w6 ba kewen fuxf le llang bian (ftiM hang bian frequency complement) I revised the text twice. m m&m&iT—t *m ■> chushl ba jr kao le yi ge xiaoshi (^IM^t yl ge xiaoshi duration complement) The cook roasted the chicken for an hour. wo ba toufa shu le yixia (—t" yixia brief duration complement) I gave my hair a brush. Note: Brief duration may also be expressed by repeating the verb: #fc*KBH'.rtt' w qing ba wo de dayl ni zhe Please hold my coat, D When the negators mei(ydu) 'did not', "have not' (used in state- ments) and S1] bie or bu. yao 'do not' (used in imperatives) occur with rtE ba, they are always placed before JC bS in the sentence: ftferSWIEi(S-irffl K ° ta mciyou ba maozi dai shang He didn't put his hat on. WmMW^WSiJ - bie ba wo de dongxi gao luan le Don't mess up my things. The IE b& structure usually expresses an action which has already been realised, and the negator (as above) is likely to be & iM) mei(y6u). However, ^ bu may be used with it, where a condition is stated: Unit 1 5 muqin dui hAizi shud: dI bil b£ jiake chuan shang, bie chu qu wanr Mother said to her child: 'If you don't put on your jacket, you mustn't (tit, don't) go out and play/ E Modal verbs always precede the fE ba structure: Ift^^ffiM^pJJ&Jn^^ * ni bixu ba wuzi shoushi ganjing You must tidy up the room, WteiSmtf^MK * meimei bil k£n ba wanju. hudn g£i jiijie The younger sister was not willing to return the toy to the elder sister. F Coverbal phrases and adverbials of manner generally precede IE ba. They may, however, follow the ffi ba phrase, where emphasis is on them: ta yong daozi bd ningmeng qie cheng yl plan pian She cut the lemon into slices with a knife. less usual: ta ba ningmeng yong daozi qie cheng yt pian pian She cut the lemon into slices with a knife. Similarly: ffeS^tfeffi^iSJ&feT 0 ta qingqing de ba dongxi fang xia He put the things down quietly. less usual: ffelE^ffiS^*,fej!&T 0 ta ba dongxi qingqing de fang xia He put the things down quietly. G Generally speaking, jE ba constructions indicate 'intentional manipulation' as most of the above examples show. Occasionally, however, a ba construction may also indicate 'unintentional intervention' or the result of it. For example: W^lE^^ffMT 0 meimei ba qunzi nong zang le My younger sister dirtied her skirt. (W) lE^aaffiff ° didi mei(ydu) ba diannao gao huai My younger brother did not break the computer. Note; gio and '■/!■ nong both meaning 'handle' are often used in association with complements indicating undesirable results. 6 Unit 1 Exercise 1.1 Rewrite the following sentences using the ba structure: 1 'N£JlfTKxiaohair da po ie bmichuang The child broke the window. 2 'J^SOHSET—'fxiao hong shu le yixia njufu Xiao Hong gave his hair a brush. 3 t*u£i?C!*t^« qtag chi zhe/zhei xie yao Please lake this medicine. 4 *6M^fi-MJRi±J7^IE^ * ta cong yinhang li qu chu le na/nci bi qian lai She took the money out of the bank. 5 &tW®i%mMUnum& * zhe/zhei ge wejili laoshi jieshi de hen qlngchu The teacher explained the problem very clearly, 6 fftlft^litfeteTlE^tiELP.T ° ni de yifu wo fang zai yigui li le I put your clothes in the wardrobe. Exercise 1.2 Make fEi ha sentences using the words and phrases below and translate the resulting sentences into English: J WX jiangyi fa g# £W l&osh} xuesheng 2 ikl xi le im yifu (ft ta 3 *p± bilshl m% di gel yaopian ffiA bingren 4 liu zai jia li le ft wo fSit yaoshi 5 /MS xiftotou t& jtngchd #Ktt7 zhua zhu le 6 W7 xlu haa le ^IflL stf! W qiche Exercise 1.3 The following Chinese sentences all contain errors. Make the necessary correction in each case: 1 /] ^ffiff7fT * xiaohii ba beizi da The child broke the cup. 2 ^Jifii343&-£7_h D laoshi ba sbu zai zhuozi sbang The teacher put the books on the table. 3 Sfclfifa&Si''!lS • wo ba rin bixu xtf win I must finish writing the letter. Unit 1 7 4 mWE*kmnM.£$bT ° ta ba shitou dao hai li qu reng le She threw the stone into the sea. 5 fdiJiTiW^T • chushl ba ji shu/sh