Počítačová lexikografie Dictionary Writing Systems Adam Rambousek Dictionary Writing System • správa celé tvorby slovníku • propojení s dalšími aplikacemi (korpusy, analyzátory...) • (dictionary production system, lexicographic workbench...) • ukládání obvykle XML databáze DPS • IDM (Francie) • client-server • DANTE lexical database, Oxford University Press v - i • •■- Abandon mm I Abandun Abaoya Awvi-wlin-i AearicLiiaicr A:. Abasement Abaser Abashedly ADassi Abatable AhMfl /\&aic Asaierient Abalm AbatKnri Abator Abattoir ALaluit: Atowd* Abated Abtaiy -2 J & <2 U >d 6i 'A ulrjln j= man salrr.f (wftii*In rtinn i - v BHD pi gMf a * MU HiibofiuttJ ■j rclfllDJi-dc-Kcc trd:r.iGh n Ferula. ■'■i' '-■■■ii - i ■ ■ i iMWa.itaw hTTifii*. c/■tilcti d*0t Dsmuailus twLaupifig nlnlmiiMir hclnflrt ta 1ccll;l- in f.M I "hitHartC itcl-li Ui Cjpabl; dbilnnsndlialid * [»m|iltne Dung ip b IClQt wllir an. trli; l,pe>»j Wis., mtws witfim on clement 7 •El Alianduii ' 'A'bgn'dnn" . A complete gMng up Id rClck-wlthin an entry and type your crtil*...] iiahirnl rnpubirs; fiMttiliit' careless freedom or ease. iirlifcja tjiiiKlrarit, icai aaraoase, uxrora university rress -ss: -T-i .VEE=-=R im 3 ^ a □ % * ft HOME " Ti" r NEW PRINT PREVIEW SfiVE TEMPLATE VERSIONS FIND User kr.il*iiliÄiil!cii TOOLS HELP □as Br Abandonee Abandoner Abandonment Abandum Abanet Abanga Abannation Abarticulation Abased Abasedly Abasement Abaser Abashedly Abashment Abasia Abassi Abatable Abate Abate Abatement Abater Abatised Abator Abattoir Abature Abatvolx Abawed Abaxial Abay Abba Abbacy Abbatial [...... ■Ml Abdal n [Ar bada. pi aodäi a substitute a good, religious man. saint.fr öada'ato change, substitute.] ■\ religious devotee order.ish in Persia. a a h hi xkef a u < en try ><: sense Xdef > Abderian a [From ^ooVa. a town in Thrace, of which place Democrttus. the Laughing Philosopher, was a native] Gi.en to laughter: inclined to foolish or incessant merriment_ Abderlle n. [L. Ai>aer.ta. AManlM, fr. Gr. Abdhrl ths.; 1. An inhabitant of -.bdera. In Thrace. The Abderlle Democritus. the Laughing Philosopher. Abdest - [Per. 3bdast. ao water ♦ cast hand.] Purification b/ washing the hands before pra.er: - a Mohammedan rite. Abdicable a Capable of being abdicated Abdicantn One who abdicates. Abdicanta [L acdicans. p pr of aOd'cans.] Abdieating; renouncing; - followed by of— :.(LTbar>TdoN") E)n. F.See Aban L1 A complete giving up to [Click within an entry and type your edits...] natural impulses; freedoKMrom artificial constraint; careless freedom or ease. ) ch.na.. will be " reflected in the Tree View > LEX • Erlandsen Media Publishing (Dánsko) • client-server / desktop, multiplatform • Van Dale (Holandsko) _? :j .-i d *2 li h _ j _i ±',-iA'i 2. >*■7.^- 1 iti£3 1 1 ! \- ? '. l\]emlňf. ; *,iu\t, pi KinLkMin Ov:-™, ^< .m^hnLaJmN ' "*n-" ^ ■■ffflffflffflffflfffl sense- ^1 £■ LLůWttUi LílIp.-íJ:.': Gk btttH Hutf IMKLxith- [)(m-:-kl- - ::i f:.1tihriir.-| ?tt. IMí) 1 :: .Ml brirL —.hilL-.hi.-jrj -JuLf ili'i kpab.LVH h="u±r»il Iwdy ' -jjirtMC- ujv nvhjl in |/. IIk imiJiwi ivOt:-hTu pem 4 Ml a hi-.JI.^iv It i.. I^pbttw h ■ - - '■'i1-" h" i ." ■". K'ji . 1 r' Mhi/J hr llvjizJ E1 i 1.-. 1 e 1 v. U1.'. hv ^.' iv:. Mii ň L 1.'. -i'.j <. -up.-! Ej ;d| : rfJV-Kr rírmigf-1-i.-.nrvlrt ■■■fT.|rt-.-.hir.1 .-.ň 1V.-.I |^ : .iiuln -lfVfAv.ig(.v.-.lvi- .liif Ihiim.'iv oni frelKihirirjii:"J«í0h3hi(iiy (í sooJn i> ; 0 Vfjihtng L-. i at:-.i|ciirL: hjv^-hl tjh--c ri.H.-^ Shi; ip.JI|p.II nil .piw -11 ! ■-tO.TX-tau h-! ■ lim Ijj 1 'h. j. vpdv.-r, ^wwidrhh. irn! I-ikIr; *lh* ■■ cl' iVrr ■ .11 ! -■vk'Tiw- irf b ; -d o^-rtmrt t. Lh. xb-ip :hHcJ= -j. J LUIfJJ.'J L-4ICJ JJILl'.' hT. j.T jlU-hlll^ lj 1 .:jh- J."::""Lji^ ■* idnr — chm-bered \-Lt-J'i ^chanijďL-ťh^-dmbed'ECt cham-ber-lng'■■ ■:hVi:i:I. ::F-"ii 1! In pjum i=n c_m L^-jEibjK ýtJ.M.J -■ L'.aJjI^ tri i .. A-^-.'J..' V. ■." .th/^Jl- . h \*£ "^^m'T"''1'"" ''"'*J"""h '''ih":,, "* * ! IDTJO 2 !-: nm _ , c-untr fur: up ! hi i™ -mr.UlP m lh- cWhr r-.rp=m * i K.11I. rjvnl-g pl^ilr h : ''(.jmihnmi IJ K--In ■ N.r ■Tiiroiííhlrí iho li :-t-4 vllhh vhjch-i ^-c Lnfi *&../:-u# Kr. m hailf iikii. S ft. 71m Knibuc Gl^l-Íc...! hjnfe. ht ?4 ;--- r - .-in ■ ".■i-'i ■ huinD>tdHrth: .vfi^rrr'r'ULii-iHTpliTiJli J - 1 1 iLtXvi.1 040 Licensed to Jens ttlandsen. Copyt ighl (c) 2004-2009 IMP ApS User name: Jem L Ele Edit Sřuctue B/eference Uat Note Workflow Fvfictiorts goto yjew Wjndow üeto MW-coll Lookup loeagnj chamber noicake hotch hotchpot hotchpotch hot comb hot comer hotdog hot dog hotel Hotel hotelier hotel man hot flash hotloot hothead hotheaded hothouse hot key hotline hot link hotly hot-melt hot metal hot money hot pants h jt pep per hot plate hot pot hot potato hot pursuit hotrod hot-rodder hot seat hotshot hot spot hot spring hot stull Hottentot hot ticket h: itt a hot tub hot up hot war hot water hot-wire hound hounds hounds-tongue houndstooth hour hour angle hour circle hourglass hour hand houri hour-long hourly / * ft ft Fcham-ber \ 'cham-ber\ n [ME chambre, fr. AF. fr, LL camera, fr. L, arched roof, fr, Gk kamara vault] (13c) 1 ! ROOM esp : BEDROOM 2 : a natural or artificial enclosed space or cavity 3 a i a hall for the meetings of a deliberative, legislative, or judicial body b ! a room where a judge transacts business — usu. used in pi. c : the reception room of a person of rank or authority 4 a ; a legislative or judicial body; esp '. either of the houses of a bicameral legislature b ! a voluntary board or council 5 a : the part of the bore of a gun that holds the charge b I a compartment in the cartridge cylinder of a revolver — cham-bered \-berd\ odj [chamber pf chambered; chanvber-ing \- ble- )nn \ (1575) 1 : to place in or as if in a chamber HOUSE 2 : to serve as a chamber for; esp i to accommodate in the chamber of a firearm chambers; (1706) : being, relating to, or performing chamber music tlOUSe /MW-coll r£-f. íot.ifř i - □ x house \'haus\ n, pi hous-es \'hau-zaz also -&3z\often attrib [ME Iwus. fr. OE hits: akin to OHG hus house) (bet, 12c) 1 : a building that serves as living quarters for one or a few families ! HOME 2 a (1) : a shelter or refuge (as a nest or den) of a wild animal (2) ! a natural covering (as a test or shell) that encloses and protects an animal or a colony of zooids b ! a building in which something is housed 3a: one of the 12 equal sectors in which the celestial sphere is divided in astrology b : a zodiacal sign that is the seat of a planet's greatest influence 4 a : HOUSEHOLD b : a family including ancestors, descendants, and kindred 5a I a residence for a religious community or for students b : the community or students in residence 6a la legislative, deliberative, or consultative assembly; esp \ one constituting a division of a bicameral body : the building or chamber where such an assembly meets_ c : a quorum of such an assembly 7a: a place of business or entertainment b (1) : a business organization (2) I a gambling establishment c ! the audience in a theater or concert hall 8 I the circular area 12 feet in diameter surrounding the tee and within which a curling stone must rest in order to count 9 fr. Tlte Ware/tons*, Chicago dance club that pioneered the style ! a type of dance music mixed by a disc jockey that features overdubbing with a heavy repetitive drumbeat and repeated electronic melody lines — house'flll \'haiis-,ful\ ?i —houseless \'hau-slas\ adj — house-less'ness n on the house : without charge : FFEE Path: /nom/entryJ1]/def/sense[6)/sense[2] Model: Text Not Allowed Project MW-coll Locale: -.- Schema context: -derault-Last phase: Error: ID: 100031695 Character: G « 'J *J D f D «. HI 'J D # Q * B # Element sense Operations 0 Forward Valuation sense X f .p 'S, TLex • TshwaneDJe (JAR) • client-server / desktop • Oxford University Press, Longman Publishing Erihrtf fidHiOn iut Ltrjirwir DjKifrmtirr FSini( Ouj* fatfn A[d> til | A | P J* + B 1 111*.3|iL(£x4jl1J#Ari|G PrDruniiabMi fell ia 3 Sara 1 AutoNunfiarx 1 T£ TE^MTMM EjxjnicH* turret?=CwI rpgn wndl tui D*ur dJ fcurncH* £jLarrt>ta-'0ti ptJ'jc urs t'l. a lie Ccrntsnatjon lomrruttgrmant cow £ remote W Tf=*r>dkH£ TE TE:=CW»*«M Cvnb*M*on L#mm»5rgr^wn» wuwHriux T£ T£-unconscious Ccmtwiaton lomrnaSign'isani itarta.Et/mofcj l-TE TEmottuM TE TE=wewfatoUbt U«wraSisnj»»«i:q»).Er/i**Nft _ LA JLLt. .Ej_E. JiJX _JJA. .LJLLli. ^.Ljllliil jLUDliJLI J-liJ |i 1 vfllhoul ■ C est ban quanA ta pna danger Sam muilqiiB good -.vhrn \&i cin 6tncr ■.nrhwul nvjiii < tV I . *Oj; prul fart iH'M (Wft'i^f ^■wnc-w- We cm do 4 ™rJ»* T™fc»g on Swdsy ■ mmcwiwalum:■ uncorHciou* ■ MH tfiHJtl rq fJwipl wdtirjoj a d&ubl ^Drf-l* 1 »n>t Jqu*r* unittf ■£.'.>■■! l j.. i'.i.t if wt iiw JJ> Of dirail^mli toiw* f> wK jtjTC ?mf au#i'?ii ui jof: Aad we waited ifae body, of count We ■wMild i e nnff If ft tJw body uniei* kwiktk ihwf (TB) r wrthout ■ 'rmdnupoj benttdwu la lolltsam riitjbusdihon Vouwoddo'i h»v? fajgj* n tfcc rJiucc ral ■nvtIkwi hat trWrai yog 1 S**riliM cntf. (H**»$ ptnon -nnsrm [A*r«n1 MP»4oh [idn-m 1 5««* bliii herwi Sort* Chiui [wtarinz. s£t#k]~jz| npiop. <£oC:AC EV IB im PhKMMmrt] i*mti fnte| ii ^ 1 K«akh • J'atpaipv m~t»ip4ch*r a* marcher a tut J* at;. "Jl^aun* qucsitdnj oMOrat: m denander Qua: c tit tufaa pour to tout*? " H dtt. "A vat M bai/rochttma Iksosts " I HWtla)li wiSkuva to ha. I uid, 'Tk»t'i a frfw IJUm wailt >ou UTu' do \on it iot ymc Yri "h " Hr laid, "t go to dhf dancr ihnot: rvrn' niokr: " i ch La ':e:gf mr id cgw«rmT«} m h Hr*» IMrlA ta VOW hsflh ^OeftJ ■ *PN bWIM mp** m 900J heihr. • Ca3i-- ■ >ri ihuvmh Hnli >n bjd hrakh 'Cj3*.- í [New Document Object Model] TshwaneLe* • (C:\DtcOooary of Loutwana FrencrUMict] [•chief edition Voe lem,me Djctionnaire Fermat kd i *iP^P|Q3[DCDEJl*9 0](bk Feneffe Ajde b / u I *#»cii aa x i >4 i * a a| e sans sanetuaireO sandále (*) sandwKftO MnoC) sancjle (*) sanoier (•) sang-melén sanesue (*) sani sans PJ sans-coBur (") sans-joie i'*) Santa ClauaO •at* O saoul sapor |i] (*} sa per \2] saofén _ 4 1 sans-cosur (■) sani 4 (^iTJ s Lamm* tans lemmaS^n-sans Mc^^20C9-C2-23 20 - Pronunciation text so B POSGroop Au*c+)umber-l.PartOfSpe«ft=pťep Q Sanaa: 1 AutoNumBef-1 • TE TE=w>1hou1 • Example Exampta=C'ast bon quareJ tu peux da : - Example Exampte='On peuttaire sans travaiiie S Combtnabon: LemmaS«on=sanscesseEtymotc TE TE=«VJteSS L-TE: TE=Ceas«l«3$ ~; Combination LemmaS»on=sans cornatssance. TE TE=onconsooos B Combination LemmaS*on=sans doute.Etymolo TE TE^no doubt TE :{ .•. - tadOlM -: Combtnabon ierrimaS»gn=sans (que).Ef/molo. m ft U 3 Attnbutt (Fl) -J} Attrijott • sans connalssance unconscious ■ sans doute no doubt, without a doubt ■ sans (que) a unless »Et on vetlialt le mort. bten sůr On our aitJamais latssé le mort sans que quelqu un soft la And we waked the body, of course We would ve never left the body unless someone was there (TB) 6 without • *T'auras pas battu dans la sail* sans ú te/out dehors You wouldn't have fought n the dance hall without hon throwing you out, (LA, An94) a ce. va tans dire it goes without saying (Adman] sanscosur [$dkcer|n. 1 heartless cruel pitiless parson • 7V es rten qu'un sans«*ur You're nothing but a cruel man (SB) [Admin] sansjoie [sajwaj n,m, 1 great blue heron (Admm] Santa Claus (tciiakloz. sřtekbzj n prop 1 Santa Claus [Admin] same |$d«] n.l 1 health. J'aipas pu m 'ompůchw da marcher á lut Jt dis. "Il y a um questionJ aimerats ;e demander Quo: c 'est tufais pour ta uxnté? " // dít. "Je vos au balproche touš les sotrs " I couldn't help but walk over to hon. I said, "There's a question I'd like to ask you. What do you do for your heakhT' He said, "I go to the dance almost every night * (ch La netge sw la couverture) m A voire santé to your health ■ en bonne sante in good hearth ■ en mauvaise same m bad health * i . M - a • > fcOll>»»f)»tl«hi»r íl W CM^ŕlx—0»i» i»OW II] I—11 DEB Dictionary Editor & Browser v platforma pro vývoj slovníkových aplikací * client-server, XML databáze základní knihovny pro správu dat, uživatelů E3 Bsa- f I 5TeZK rr^-^V-li^-í-r.V.v'-."' ^'■■'v.'-O.J. v^'í/r/íi-v' i rLr ".■ŕľ -t :l if......■ r^vi v i ■.■■...->■. ■ l-.JÍ i Ír*- :a iv.lj! DEBVIsDk English WordNet DEBVkDic ooo User Settings Windows Help code Search Search in al In] cipher:5, cypher:4, cryptograph:]., secret codel [n] code flagl, nautical signal flagl In] code of conduct:!, code of behavior! [n] code:l. codifications [n] code:2 In] code:3, computer codel [n] color code:l [n] dress codel [n] error correction code:l. ECC:1 [n] ethic:2, ethical codel [n] fire code:l DE BVIsDk Greek Wordnet OOO Preview |lree Revtree Edit Query Xml | POS: n ID: ENG2 0-062 56978-n Synonyms: code:l, codifications Definition: a set of rules or principles or laws (especially written ones) Domain: SUMO/MILO: -->> written communication:!, wril language:! -->> [engderivative] codify:! <<-- [engderivative] codify:! <<--[] Bushido:! <<--[] legal code:! <<--[] building code:! <<--[] dress code:! <<--[] fire code:! <<--[] omerta:! <<--[] sanitary code:l, health code:! <<-- Highway Code:! SYNSET.ID=wnen:ENG20-062 Search Search in al Preview |Tree Revtree Edit Query Xml | POS: nID:ENG20-06256978-n Synonyms: Kw6iKac;:2 Definition: awoAo Kavöuwv f| apxwv r| vouwi ypanxtov >> YpcaiTfi EniKotuajuitt:!. loyt. STAMP: / Querying a dictionary is complete. Querying a dictionary is complete. I ltem[s): 30 DEBVIsDic Korean WordNet Top 500 OOO Search Search in all User query Preview Tree | Revtree Edit Query Xml | Item K Ol >£t : 1 : 1 o|-o| äliE ; 1 sä T\ 1 1 1 > Qjerying a dictionary is complete Found 4 itemts). Item(s): 1 I I me var PR Progress-R " I GBLoc 1 I lreLoc 2 I LocEtym ' Has query headword |McMackin variants Mar. km I RelEtym GB freq, lSSlflÖ 1997S4 ZOllfeJJ- Ire freq. 1997J92 2008 Main GB location, 1881 Glasgow 1076/813 Main Ire location 1847-64 [Tyrone sense nr, i expl Rl » Irish + e.b. + expl + sense remove sense ET from Mac Maicin<7b> 'son of the young man', from a pet form of mac 'son, youth'. Compare Mackin. _ it J_I archive EB j* (Ireland" Allex McMacken, 1 (Leballycleare, Antrim); Bs Ireland (Ardstraw, Flaxgrowers lreland< 1796 in Flaxgrowers Select special character nraMiD x ■ archive EB Finiai Makmakyn oi (Rliiims); Michell Macn o 0 a ä] ä ä[i ; E e e e e [f] T i i 9 T 06 (click on letter, then Ctrl+V to paste it to text) close more + expl. j open links T + e.b. edit src open links T + e.b. edit src open links T + other info + references move this sense to entry ▼ move not in IGI I IGI M | Poll Tax | Patent Rolls | Feet of Fines | PROB 11 | A2A | Discovery DAFN I Chancery Proc | Fiants Poll Tax forename Irish Names. Woulfe Add sense Remove sense Entry sense 1 Sense 2 Sense 3 jazyk HM*! jazyk Entry source fsc+SSJC Entry type single word noun STAT. Sg/Pl 12792/3985 FRQ 16777 ARF 6122 Source Author wesely | Created 2008-12-04 10:44 Updated 2009-09-14 12:26 LISTS (expand/collapse) DERIVATIONS VI Def.oiKim: SSJČ svalnatý, velmi pohyblivý orgán v di LISTS FOR VI (expand/collapse ) DERIVATIONS SYNONYMS ANTONYMS jazyk : HEADING Headword jazyk Homonymy Entfysource i fsc+SS)c Entry^Pe single word P OS/type Abbreviations: full wording Entry comment ľ Save and close Save ivy SEMES El for VI Adj+SUBST vyplazený jazyk, zapadlýjazyk; rozeklaný jazyk (expand/collapse) E10 for VI Infinitiv (resp. VF) + Prep+SUBST-v EllforVl SUBST+Subst (expand/co: rty a jazyk; jazyk a zuby Comm. on Ell případně S übst 4- S ÜBST, typické případy kooi El2 for VI Ustálená spojení se SUBST - Návrh: mlsný jazyk; rozplývat se na jazyku HEADING EXPR ADMIN, PRONOUNC ORIGIN HYPHEN REGIC ETYMOL. Qj j mrt jazyk jako na obrtli1> veroorzaken:1, teweegbrengen:!, Ieiden:3w_v-si36 <<-- aanspreken:4, aanstaand, behagen:2, bevallen:2, liggen:4, iyken:3, zinnen:2/d_v-i322 ->> [NEAR_SYNONYM] oproepen:2, bovenhalen:l, evoceren:l, evoqueren: 1/dv-raoi Equivalence relations: get:3, let:4, haVe:5/ENG2CHD011617E-V | /ENG3O-00120796-V CaUSeil, dO:5, make:5/ENG20-01E98809-V I /ENG30-C164580H WordNet domains: Querying a dictionary is complete. Item(s): 10 SYNSET.ID = ENG20-01598309-V ▼ | Search J | Search in all | | Usar query | [v] cause:1, do:5, make:5 Preview Tree Revtree Edit Query Xml POS: v ID: ENG20-0159880S-V BCS: 1 Synonyms: cause:1, do:5, make:5 Definition: give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally Usage: cause a commotion Usage: make a stir Usage: cause an accident Domain: SUMO/MILO: ->> make:3. create:! -->> [eng_derivative] causal agent:!. cause:4. causal agency:! ->> [eng_derivativei causing:!, causation:! ->> [eng_derivative] cause:2, reasons, arounds:4 ->> [eng_derivative] cause:! <<- [eng_derivative] causal agent:!, cause:4, causal agency:! <<- [engderivative] causing:!, causation:! <<-- determined, shape:!, mold:6, influenced, reaulate:3 <<-- initiated. pioneer:2 <<-- effect:!, effectuate:!, bring about:!. setup:8 << make:8 <<- occasion:! <<- provoker, evoke:2, call forth:!, kick up:2 Querying a dictionary is complete. Item(s); 1 TeZK Intro Thesaurus Background Contact Search; ■ souřadnicová operace ■ souřadnicový systém ■ souřadnicový systém UTM ▼ správa geografických dat ▼ katalogizace • katalog kódování geoprvků a atributů >> klasifikace ■ tezaurus ■ třída ► metadata ▼ postupy hodnoceni jakosti . nepřímá metoda hodnocení H y pony m ic tree ■ referenční data ■ úplná kontrola » vyjádření prostorových referencí geografickými indikátory » vyjádření prostorových souřadnicový systém (coordinate system) 0 1: systém umožňující určitými geometrickými prostředky jednoznačně určit polohu libovolného bodu na ploše nebo v prostoru, napr. systém pravoúhlých souřadnic, systém geodetických (zeměpisných) souřadnic, polární souřadnicový systém; souřadnicový systém je charakterizován počátkem souřadnic, souřadnicovými osami ajejich orientací 2: systém, určený údaji o referenční ploše Entry details , jejím měřítku, referenčním bodu a užitém kartografickém zobrazení 3: množina matematických pravidel pro specifikování způsobu, jakým jsou souřadnice přiřazovány k bodům (CSN ISO 19111) translations domains en: coordinate systém geodézie fr: systéme m de coordonnées ge: Ko o rdi nate n systém s ru: cucTSMa KoopflUHaT sk: súradnicový systém reference ČSN EN ISO 19111 Geografická informace - Vyjádření prostorových referencí souřadnicemi DEBWrite • betatest • webová aplikace, obecný editor • nastavení struktury hesla -> editace • přístupová práva, vzhled • https://deb.fi.muni.cz/debwrite/ olrmnír element |grarn element reconJirvg element no an label hfiariwnrd multiple □ type | text * J label [grammar multiple □ type | text •* J l-iln-l [pronunciation audio multiple *l Type file label meaning multiple +1 type container * I Label meaning nr multiple □ type | number * 11 Label explanation multiple □ type | texlaraa t Label usage- multiple Iii type itwaarea T, add element I save setting noun ] TJ pnonullCladOH ailfllO | Ch«»1ito No chosen *...........Ig meaning nr ■ ■■■4iLiin.1i n-ii |~rhe růůtn gets a lot of light in the afternoons. brightness from the sun or from a lighjt, which allows you to see things \T\ |T]meaniiifi eanlug nr explanation a piece of electrical equipment that produces brightness |l could see a light in the window of the farmhouse-. load preview