Počítačová lexikografie Mikrostruktura Adam Rambousek Obsah hesla Mikrostruktura • struktura jednoho záznamu ve slovníku • kontrola pomocí softwaru Mikrostruktura struktura jednoho záznamu ve slovníku kontrola pomocí softwaru pudácký .vdj. k pudák. NcjlcpSi piuláČti ícnisi zátah si jí [Anýiky] všímat. Hol. pudák, -a m. přezdívku příslušníka núřeii na Vndňansku. kde se vyslovuje ..pudu" m. „půjdu". Půjtfáti škádlívali jc [lidi z Vodňanska), pokřikujíce: „Pudu na půdu? Ncpudu na půdu" a říkali jim podobne „Pudáci". Hol. půdař, -e m. zlodij. který vykrádá půdy. Máme na mysli půdaře, to jest zloděje, kteří dělají vejiky, jak $c tomu říká v odborné hantýrce. Pfft Křiklavý případ půdaře Stavi-nožky volá do nebc. RozMu. pudařský ad). * půdař. Přichází také Pírko, se f proslulé púdařské rodiny. V»eh. p u dař st ví, -í n. zlodejstvu kradeni na půdách. K půdařství patří mnoho lstivosti. PHt. pudding (iyW. -dy-). -u m. fc«h. lehký výživný pokrm, jehoi základem je mouka a vejce. Ovocný, čokoládový, kynutý puddinp. bucuô šfi ffi s.v. © correct; right yidiánr -perfectly correct <2> yes ® not bad; pretty good bú cud yán BR vp stare fixedly with no eye rnovement bůdá fflfj" v. catch and kill bíidá Ífii[-ÍÉ] v. notify búda* ^ % adv. © not very/too © not often bu da bú chéngqi ^ $Ttf> Ji£ 1$ FE- Spare the rod and spoil the child, bít dá bú xiangshi ^#^#1 líí[-Ä] rz. From an exchange of Wows, friendship grows, búdabíuaáo Jf> ýzJfisb just the right size bťidáder ^ tT vtr JL adv. without pause; immediately afterward bů dágä j£ H v.p. have no relation; have nothing to do with Orientace v hesle • usnadnění orientace pro čtenáře • identifikace: lemma, homonymie • co když to nejde? (např. znakový jazyk) • sekce, oddělovače .. ^A^o-CC[^r]í+] • "menu" cor-ner1 /tarnsr/ noun fc] Jrkir 1 where two sides meet B d iff i cul t situation 2 turn/meeting of roads 6 in boxing/wrestling 3 end of mouth/eye 7 in soccer, etc, 4 small (quiet) area + PHRASES 1 the part of something square or rectangular where two edges meet; Watch the tatty, that table has sharp corners. ♦ at/in the corner The date is displayed in the earner of the screen. ♦ / had to park in the far corner of the parking lot ♦ right-hand/left-hand corner That's me, in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture. 1a. a place where two sides or walls meet, usually inside a room or a box: ■+ of The box was tucked away in a dark corner of the room. + in the corner She sat in the corner reading. 2 a sharp turn in a road, where you cannot see what is coming: Slow dawn for the comer. 2a. a place where two roads or paths meet: on/at the comer I get my newspaper from the store on the comer. ♦ turn the corner (=go around It) As she turned the comer onto Bank Street, shesaw us. + street corner people beggingon street earners 3 the end of your mouth or eye: 4 of A tear trickled from the corner of her eye. Lemma • lemma a přidružené informace • homonymie • výslovnost pro znalé IPA, v češtině přepis • jazz (vysl džez) /d^eez/ • nahrávka (Text-to-Speech) • prízvuk nOM,OLUIHl/lK • varianty • např. jiný zápis džez, jazz Lemma • morfologie • neobvyklé tvary, gramatika Olymp, -u m. (6. j. -u) • často můžeme doplnit (polo)automaticky (Příručka) • frekvence • podle korpusu • dělení slova • un-cle Významy • číslo, oddělení • definice • operator L [often with modifier] a person who operates equipment or a machine: a radio operator. • L An operator is a person who connects telephone calls at a telephone exchange or in a place such as an office or hotel • L pracovník obsluhující počítací stroje: programátor a o. u samočinného počítače Významy • vysvětlivka (neformální doplnění definice) • The sun affects all living things (=people7 animals, and plants). • a living language (=one that people still use) • poznámka k použití • Though is used with the same meaning as although, and is more common in spoken English • know 35 spoken Heaven/God/who/goodness knows! a) used to say that you do not know the answer to a question: 'Where do you think he's disappeared to this time?' 'God knows!' Významy příklady • vymyslené (kvalita?) nebo z korpusu (kvalita?) • přechovává partyzány u své babičky ve sklepě • babička kupčila s konkurentem • cizí caparti cucali citrónovou cukrovou vatu slovní spojení odkazy • podobná, synonyma, • antonyma, hyperonyma... (překlad) college/university &6 [countable, uncountable] (North American English, informal) a college or university; famous schools hke Yale and Harvard Where did you go to school? ► see also graduate school OF FISH 9 [countable] a large number of fish or other sea animals, swiinmirig together a school of dolphins compare shoal Hes o • etymologie • atlas II, -u m. (6J. -u, -e) (z řec. podle jm. obra Atlanta) h anat první obratel krční • Origin: Old English helpan (verb), help (noun), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch helpen and German helfen • ilustrace Příznaky • obor, oblast, styl (odborný, knižní, básnický...) • užití (hovorové, slang, urážlivé...), čas, četnost které a jak často používat? • jednotné značení (software) • pro počítačové zpracování vhodné označovat vše platnost příznaku (heslo, význam, překlady) • určuje umístění více příznaků • (old-fashioned, British English, informal) • (formal or humorous) Rozdělení • hlavní rozdělení informací • gramaticky - podle slovních druhů • významově - podle hlavních významů • někdy slovní druhy jako homonyma haunt ► verb [with obj.] (of aghost)manifest itself at (a place) regularly: a grey lady who haunts the chapel. ■ {of a person or animal) frequent (a place): he haunts street markets. ■ be persistently and disturbingly present in (the mind): the sight haunted me for years. ■ (of something unpleasant) continue to affect or cause problems for: cities haunted by the shadow of cholera. »> noun a place frequented by a specified person: the bar utu a favourite haunt of artists of the time. [... ] ode-2 [2001) entry haunt ► (of a ghost) verb [with obj.] manifest itself at (a place) regularly; a grey lady who haunts the chapel. ► (of a person or animal) verb [with obj.] frequent (a place): he haunts street markets. ■ noun a place frequented by a specified person: the bar was a favourite haunt of artists of the time. *■ be persistently and disturbingly present in (the mind) verb [with obj.]: the sight haunted me for years. ► (of something unpleasant) verb [with obj.]: continue lo affect or cause problems for: cities haunted bv the shadow of cholera. [...] ODE-2 (2003) entry re-ordered slovní druhy jako homonyma haunt ► verb [with obj.] (of a ghost) manifest itself at (a place) regularly: a grey lady who haunts the chapei ■ (of a person or animal) frequent (a place): he haunts street markets. ■ be persistently and disturbingly present in (the mind): the sight haunted me for years, ■ (of something unpleasant) continue to affect or cause problems for: cities haunted by the shadow of cholera. ► noun a place frequented by a specified person: the bar was a favourite haunt of artists of the time. [...] ODE-2 (2003) entry haunt ► (of a ghost) verb [with obj.] manifest itself at (a place) regularly: a grey lady who haunts the chapel. (of a person or animal) verb [with obj.] frequent (a place): he haunts street markets. ■ noun a place frequented by a specified person: the bar was a favourite haunt of artists of the time. ► be persistently and disturbingly present in (the mind) verb [with obj.]: the sight haunted me for years. ► (of something unpleasant) verb [with obj.]: continue to affect or cause problems for: cities haunted by the shadow of cholera. [-] ODE-2 (2003) entry re-ordered Rozdělení • úrovně významů • jedna úroveň • zanořené úrovně • jen odborníci si všimnou rozdílu necessary (...) adj 1 needed to achieve a certain desired effect or result; required. 2 resulting from necessity; inevitable; the necessary consequences of your action. 3 Logic. 3a (of a statement, formula, etc.) true under all interpretations or in all possible circumstances. 3b (of a proposition) determined to be true by its meaning, so that its denial would be self-contradictory. 3c (of a property) essential, so that without it its subject would not be the entity it is. 3d (of an inference) always yielding a true conclusion when its premises are true; 3e (of a condition) entailed bv the truth of some statement or the obtaining of some state of affairs. ♦ Compare sufficient (sense 2). 4 Philosophy, (in a non logical sense) expressing a law of nature [...] necessary (...) adj 1 needed to achieve a certain desired effect or result; required. 2 resulting from necessity; inevitable; the necessary consequences of your action. 3 Logic, (of a statement, formula, etc.) true under all interpretations or in all possible circumstances, 4 Logic, (of a proposition) determined to be true by its meaning, so that its denial would be self-contradictory. 5 Logic, (of a property) essential, so that without it its subject would not be the entity it is. 6 Logic, (of an inference) always yielding a true conclusion when its premises are true; 7 Logic, (of a condition) entailed bv the truth of some statement or the obtaining of some state of affairs. ♦ Compare sufficient (sense 2). 8 Philosophy, (in a nonlogical sense) expressing a law of nature [...] Uspořádání • podle čeho uspořádat významy? • historicky • frekvence výskytu (dobře označkovaný korpus) • sémantické pořadí, nejprve "hlavní" význam zombie /. ../».& \. [... ] ». 1 Orig., a snake-deity in voodoo cults of or deriving from W. Africa and Haiti. Now (esp. in the W. Indies and southern US) a soulless corpse said to have been revived by witchcraft. El 9. 2 A dull, apathetic, unresponsive, or unthinkingly acquiescent person, colloq. M20 [...] New Shorter Oxford Dictionary (1993) zombie L.J n. & v. [...]«. 1 Orig., a snake-deity in voodoo cults of or deriving from W. Africa and Haiti. Now (esp. in the W. Indies and southern US) a soulless corpse said to have been revived by witchcraft. El 9. 2 A dull, apathetic, unresponsive, or unthinkingly acquiescent person, colloq. M20 New Shorter Oxford Dictionary (1993) zom|bie /.../zombies g You can n-count describe someone as a zombie if their face or behaviour shows no feeling, understanding or interest in what is going on around them. □ Without sleep you will become n-count a zombie at work. |2l in horror stories and some religions, a zombie is a dead person who has been brought back to life. COBU1LD-5 (2006) n / / fnkn iknn^ nnun a rlpvntinnnl ir.nn I i n rci icon /.../ (also ikon) noun a devotional painting of Christ or another holy figure, typically executed on wood and used ceremonially in the Byzantine and other Eastern Churches. ■ a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration: this iron-jawed icon of American manhood. ■ Computing a symbol or graphic representation on a VDU screen of a program, option, or window. [... ] ODE-2 (2003) New Shorter Oxford Dictionary (1993) COBU1LD-5 (2006) icon (also ikon) noun a devotional painting of Christ or another holy figure, typically executed on wood and used ceremonially in the Byzantine and other Eastern Churches. ■ a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration: this iron-jawed icon of American manhood. ■ Computing a symbol or graphic representation on a VDU screen of a program, option, or window. [... ] ODE-2 (2003) icon /... / n [C] a small sign or picture on a computer screen that is used to start a particular operation: To open a new file, click on the icon at the top of the screen. 2 someone famous who is admired by many people and is thought to represent an important idea: a 60s cultural icon. 3 also ikon a picture or figure of a holy person that is used in worship in the Greek or Russian Orthodox Church. LDOCE-4 (2003)