D. B. GROVE, pa a s* Rit. no rii.RKiiT 8T. v. b. palmkk's REAL ESTATE I 1 S AM* No. 104 SOUTH THIRD STREET, {Afew doV* bfttab the Errkmget) O^r A jr.'imy far f be Purehnte arid Sf*le rrT Houses and LrtjT Farms, Farjnipg, Timber, and Conl L*»dfr Bond»» and Mortgage*, íífound Krnis, Aptfandie Goal» Ac* _"J * ADVEUTTKEMHNTO and SufcacripEiwi* receded Fur somi; of lbe brat; And iwKL widely circul&ierf Ncwnpflfwra itt íVnn.tylvani* aod New Jersey, and in many or l he principal riiica and towns throughout t ho United States, for which tu* Kit* lite 4(t#iiňyf afTnrriinff 411 eieelWir pppnrr unity far Mf.tcimnüt^ Mechanici, Prořtsaiona! Men, Hcrtd and Boarding-hotts* Keeper*, Rati rood, lostirtix», and H Trarttportatkw OjíTipanie*, nud lha emprprisínp biuineaq. portion, of iba oo«i«mf- ^ nity i" a*r*lly, f a puhlráh *>rl*roíw!y abroad (hör lespectire yursuit»—ft? Jc*ra Ijte teltfta pí" bubt*engř ami accomplkb tkftir objttt bono with-oyt ibA. Ijrntble of parptaxing and fruitless inquiries, the cxpetine aod kbour of kt-.; Mr writing, the risk of making enelrwyrw of money. 6ce. arc !mŠ í OA ")