Elsevier Research Intelligence Access to Excellent Research: Scopus - from research to bibliometrics Lucie Boudová, PhD. December 4th, 2015 Er ELSEVIER Scopus supporting the research cycle Empowering Knowledge ELSEVIER 2 Scopus is the Gold standard: more than 150 leading research organizations rely on Scopus data ELSEVIER 3 How Scopus and Scopus data support the researcher workflow Find out what already exists in the global world of research output Determine how to differentiate your research topic and find new ideas Decide what, where and with whom to partner or collaborate with Identify and analyze which journals to submit your article; get published Track impact of your research; monitor global research trends Manage your career through citation counts and /?-index (and other metrics) ELSEVIER Today we will focus on Scopus but it is important to remember that Scopus underpins other solutions RESEARCH OUTCOMES Analytical Services APIs Custom Data METRICS Pure Mendeley SCOPUS DATABASE [ ELSEVIER Scopus content coverage and selection ill 5 Empowering Knowledge ELSEVIER Elsevier Research Intelligence What content does Scopus include? 58.2M records from 22,245 serial titles and 98,060 books 21.6M pre 1996 records | 36.3M post 1995 records • Content from > 5,000 publishers • "Articles in Press" from > 3,750 titles • Titles from 105 different countries in all geographical regions • 40 "local" languages covered • More than 4,240 Gold Open Access journals indexed Scopus is ideal compared to other products because it has the broadest coverage of global, curated, relevant research, with smart, simple tools to help track, analyze and visualize research. Scopus covers different source types for a reason JOURNALS CONFERENCES BOOKS • Timely • Peer-reviewed (formal research) All subject fields, but typical fields with high ratio of journal publication: chemical, biological, health sciences etc. Preliminary research (can be a bit less formal) Newer ideas Mainly of importance in Computer Science and Engineering-related subject fields • Thorough analysis of a specific topic Mainly of importance in Social Sciences and the Arts & Humanities Different source types are added to ensure that coverage, discoverability, profiles and impact measurement for research in all subject fields is accounted for in Scopus. Different source types to ensure coverage in all subject fields JOURNALS CONFERENCES BOOKS Physical Sciences 7,443 Health Sciences 6,795 v- Social Sciences 8,086 Life Sciences 21,362 peer-reviewed journals 362 trade journals • Full metadata, abstracts and cited references (refs post-1995 only) • Pre-1996 cited refs expansion 4M out of 12M • Going back to 1823 • Funding data from acknowledgements A f 84K events 7.0M records (12%) Conf. expansion (2005 - 2013) 1,017 conferences 6,022 conf. events 41 OK conf. papers 5M citations Mainly Engineering and Physical Sciences 521 book series - 28K Volumes - 1.1M items 98,060 stand-alone books - 785K items Books expansion: 120K books by 2015 - Focus on Social Sciences and A&H Different source types are added to ensure that coverage, discoverability, profiles and impact measurement for research in all subject fields is accounted for in Scopus. Source: Scopus title list (June 2015) ELSEVIER Elsevier Research Intelligence Scopus article growth over years 4,000,000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 ■ Physical Sciences ■ Health Sciences ■ Life Sciences ■ Social Sciences Source: Scopus data March 2015 Ratio of titles per Publisher in Scopus 10% ELSEVIER .8% Springer Other 60% Source: Scopus title list (February 2015) 1% fifi macmillan 5%® WILEY-BLACKWELL co/ Taylor & Francis vJ '^V J Taylor & Francis Group 2%®SAGE -|%iJ)®Wolters Kluwer Health . Q/ OXPORD ' '° UNIVERSITY PRESS 1% Emerald *j 0/0L^^ UBLiSHERS a o/ WB. Cambridge I A) UNIVERSITY PRESS Publishers 10/ BEMTHAM 1 /o lg± SCIENCE 1% ELSEVIER Broad coverage does not mean poor standards BTi: X. ' '-- - * -"f---- ' - - I 1 Titles are selected by the independent Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) The CSAB is chosen for their expertise in specific subject areas; many have (journal) Editor experience Focus on quality through content selection by the independent CSAB, because: Provide accurate and relevant search results for users No dilution of search results by irrelevant or low quality content Support that Scopus is recognized as authoritative Support confidence that Scopus "reflects the truth" Wk iinui!,iiiii istiian as isá FECYT FUNDACIÓN ESPAŇOLA PARA LACIENCIA YLATECNOLOGÍA CONACYT Corisejo Nacionál de Ciencia yTecnologia £^ National Research NRFl Foundation of Korea MlNISTRf OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION »IStic anvur ELSEVIER Elsevier Research Intelligence i 12 Transparent Scopus selection criteria for serial content All titles should meet all minimum criteria in order to be considered for Scopus review: Peer-review English abstracts Regular publication Roman script references Pub. ethics statement Eligible titles are reviewed by the Content Selection & Advisory Board according to a combination of 14 quantitative and qualitative selection criteria: Journal Policy • Convincing editorial concept/policy • Type of peer-review • Diversity geographic distribution of editors Quality of Content Journal Standing Regularity •Academic contribution to the field • Clarity of abstracts • Quality and • Citedness of journal • No delay in articles in Scopus publication schedule • Editor standing • Diversity geographic conformity with stated distribution of authors aims & SC0Pe • Readability of articles Online Availability • Content available online • English-language journal home page • Quality of home page Continuous review process using an online Scopus Title Evaluation Platform (STEP) Info: http://www.elsevier.com/online-tools/scopus/content-overview Questions: titlesuggestion@scopus.com ELSEVIER Scopus title review results and resources In total 4,593 titles reviewed (2011 -2014) of which 2,080 (31%) accepted for Scopus Collaborations for local content selection & advisory boards: 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Titles reviewed: 2011 - 2014 11 ii, 11 Iiiiiiiiiiii 111111 * 11111 li 1111 11111111111 lYfrri* 111111111111111111 111111111111111111 i 111111111111111111 11111 i 1111 m 1111111 1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111 Thailand: l/nma. m'm National Research l\Ured. NRF Foundation of Korea New local boards in 2015: Russia: MINISTRY QP EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION China: Local pro-active content suggestion initiatives: FECYtJ>=T unam pry Hit ERA (Australia) anvur CAIRN.INFO Cherctier, repérerf avancer. Accepted Rejected ? Titul z ČR - Aktivní - OA ^- Nejčastější vydavatel -^ ELSEVIER Curation matters: re-evaluation Our customers demand it. Our business depends on it Discontinue poor performing titles \ Identify and Evaluate Titles Re-evaluate Titles Select only high quality content Index titles Annual rolling initiative: Identify and notify underperforming journals • One year to improve quality based on metrics & set benchmarks (output, usage, citations, self-citations) If red flag remains, the journal will be reviewed by the CSAB with the possible consequence of discontinuation in Scopus Incentive for continuous journal performance Launch Q1 2015, re-evaluation to start Q1 2016 The re-evaluation process is essentially a rigorous housekeeping exercise designed to ensure that the journal content in Scopus meets the high standards we and our customers now demand. ELSEVIER Curation matters Identify & evaluate relevant sources Our Customers demand it Our business depends on it fA Select only high quality content VA Index in Scopus " l/l/e use your Scopus and Ei Compendex tools to measure and reward research activity. When we discovered that some of conferences that you cover didn't happen, we have to ask who is defrauding whom?" The re-evaluation process is essentially a rigorous housekeeping exercise designed to ensure that the journal content in Scopus meets the high standards we and our customers now demand. The "Scopus effect" A biotechnology journal Big increase in article output after debut in Scopus Loss of international diversity ELSEVIER Where is the peer-review (an Energy journal)? "Aims and scope: ... is dedicated to detailed and comprehensive investigations, analyses and appropriate reviews of the interdisciplinary aspects of renewable, fossil, biomass, agricultural residues, municipal solid wastes, hydro, solar, nuclear, geothermal, wind energy sources, all energy conversion processes, hazardous emissions, environmental protection topics included experimental, analytical, industrial studies. Also included are suitable topics regarding energy education and education, the efficient energy management and use of air, water, and land resources." An algorithm to extend the lifetime for ad hoc networks GA-HMM gene identification model for abnormal emergency based on immunology An evaluation index system on undergraduate education based on project-based theoretical theory Guanxiwithgovernment officials and organizational performance: the mediating role of lobbying Analysis of cultural connotation of bronze drinking vessels inZhou Dynasty Mechanical analysis of tennis racket and ball duringimpact based on finite element method Analysis offlowsignal of Chinese vowels and consonants Music emotion cognitive system and retrieval mechanism Analysis of related factors in children with behavior problems Ontology similarity measuring a nd ontology ma pping a Igorithm based on MEE criterion Case investigation on rotavirus infection for lactose intolerance Outdoorspace type and characteristic analysis of the kindergarten Clinical application ofgastrointestinal perioperative surgeryon gastrointestinal function recovery Perspective of Zhangzhen to China increasing peasants' income Cultural dimension of musical iconology based on graph clustering Predicament faced by exotic culture in interior home space design application-Zhengzhou as an example Design on digital library user modeling based on domain ontology Research on the long-term care emend for the elderly in China Discussion on networksports group becominga new form of physical activityin the Internet age Strategic analysis of the problems in microblog operation in college Early intervention and evaluation of high-riskinfants craniocerebral injury Study on the patterns of Zhuang brocade Educational and psychological intervention in the students'positive emotions Urban music culture and cultural Trade based on J2EE Evaluation of urban basic pension insurance based on AHP Urinary tract infection bacteria distribution and drug resistance analysis Extracurricular sports lifestyle in university based on ELECTRE-II evaluation approach Study on the nursing care for kidney transplant patient with respiratorysystem infection Re-evaluation of journals covered in Scopus Journal performance against average in the field: • Output • Citations (including self-citations) • Usage Inform journal and opportunity to improve performance Discontinue the forward flow of the title in Scopus ELSEVIER Methodology: re-evaluation metrics and benchmarks Metric Benchmark Explanation Self-citations 200% The journal has a self-citation rate two times higher, or more, when compared to peer journals in its subject field. Citations 50% The journal received half the number of citations, when compared to peer journals in its subject field. Impact Per Publication 50% The journal has an IPP score half or less than the average IPP score, when compared to peer journals in its subject field. Article Output 50% The journal produced half, or less, the number of articles, when compared to peer journals in its subject field. Abstract Usage 50% The journal's abstract are used half as much, or less, when compared to peer journals in its subject field. Full Text Links 50% The journal's full text are used half as much, or less, when compared to peer journals in its subject field. Re-evaluation: metrics and benchmark Metric Benchmark Explanation Self-citations 200% The journal has a self-citation rate two times higher, or more, when compared to peer journals in its subject field, Citations 50% The journal received half the number of citations, when compared to peer journals in its subject field. Impact Per Publication 50% The journal has an IPP score half or less than the average IPP score, when compared to peerjournals in its subject field. Article Output 50% The journal produced half, or less, the number of articles, when compared to peer journals in its subject field. Abstract Usage 50% The journal's abstract are used half as muchh or less, when compared to peerjournals in its subject field. Full Text Links 50% The journal's full text are used half as much, or less, when compared to peerjournals in its subject field. Important: Journals are only up for Re-evaluation if the journal underperforms in all 6 metrics. If 1 improves, journal will be taken off the Re-evaluation list ELSEVIER Elsevier Research Intelligence i 22 Comparison with nearest peer Physical Sciences Health Sciences Life Sciences Social Sciences Source: Web of Science Real Facts, Web of Science title list and Scopus' own data (April 2015) ELSEVIER Scopus API to provide Scopus data as key citation information on the publisher and/or customer platform ♦IEEE 6 OPEN ACCESS Ü PEER REVIEWED RESEARCH ARTICLE PLOS BIOLOGY 11,422 views Paper's citation count computed w Scopus GAD2on Chromosome 10p12 Is a Candil Philippe Boutin ■. Christian DinaH. Francis Vasseur ■. Severine Dubois, Laetrtia Corset. Kann Seron, Lynn Bekns. Janice Cabellon. Bernadette Neve. Valerie VasseurDelannoy. Mohamed Chikn. M Alme Charte*. Kanne Clement. [.. |. Philipp« Froguel B. [ view all ] ACADEMIC BOOKMARKS ELSEVIER Journal and Article Level Metrics Empowering Knowledge More accuracy, transparency, more metrics About SJR SCImago Journal Rank is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. Learn more About SNIP Source Normalized Impact per Paper measures contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on me dotal number of citations in a subject field. Learn more About IPP The Impact per Publication measures the ratio of citations per article published in the journal. Learn more Ckwts ^ifc Meaningful metrics SCIMAGO Calculations ast jpcatec: 13 Jun 2014 Journal SJR V M V. I:iser = sr-1 re=es-:- C S 5? - 0 Eeheviour : 74: n 0 Nemald-Dgy : 75: 0 Journal of Cognition and... Z !5Z u 0 Amphibia - Repflia Z ZZ'Z 0 African D aspora Z ;57 0 African and Asia^ Stucies : 1.35 hi -seel -1■■=!:ss i.rc .. : 1-3? 0 Archive for the Psyortolo... : 44£ 0 Society and Animals 0.3SB l_i - s:t ■ ca '.' = :€■' v sn- : :47 0 Dead Sea Discoveries : 0 Journal of International... ; S53 0 Middle East Law and Go... : 32S 0 Journal of Moral Philoso... □ 323 0 Journal ■"or the-Etucy of t... : ;-7 0 Crustaceans DL3O0 0 Persoectives on Europe... : ::•! 1 Chart J EZB Table J SJR SNIP Citations Documents % Not cited % Reviews | Source normalized impact per paper by year e Journal Metrics www.journalmetrics.com/ -*- Journal af Cognition and Culture -•- Insect Systematica and Evolution Note: Scopus does not nave complete cftat or inromist on ■"or articles OLblisnec be-'ore 1S96. Catenations last updated: 13Jun2D14 African and Asian Studies ELSEVIER Elsevier Research Intelligence IPP: Impact per Publication All 20K journals have a Impact per Publication (IPP) measuring the ratio of citations per article published in the journal Peer-reviewed papers (Article, Review and Conference Paper) only Three year citation window # Citations in Year Y to papers published in Y-1 toY-3 Papers published in Y-1 to Y-3 (0 o 3 Q. (/) O Immunology and Microbiology (67,9%) Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (65,3%) Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (63,6%) General (58,3%) Medicine (60,8%) Neuroscience (64,8%) Chemistry (55,4%) Health Professions (56,4%) Nursing (53,5%) Chemical Engineering (51,6%) Materials Science (52,6%) Dentistry (55,9%) Energy (42,1%) Physics and Astronomy (47,3%) Veterinary (47,9%) Agricultural and Biological Sciences (45,0%) Environmental Science (43,5%) Engineering (38,7%) Psychology (44,8%) Earth and Planetary Sciences (41,3%) Computer Science (33,7%) Mathematics (32,5%) Decision Sciences (3 2,4%) Economics, Econometrics and Finance (29,0%) Business, Management and Accounting (27,7%) Social Sciences (20,1%) Artsand Humanities (10,1%) 1 2 3 4 5 Years after publication date ELSEVIER SNIP: Source-normalized impact per paper All >20K journals have a Source-normalized impact per paper (SNIP) measuring contextual citation impact by weighting citations per subject field Peer-reviewed papers only Three year citation window Field's frequency and immediacy of citation Database coverage Journal's scope and focus Measured relative to database median Impact per Publication (IPP) Citations potential in its subject field Journal IIP Citation Potential SNIP (IIP/Citation Potential) Inventiones Mathematicae 1.5 0.4 3.8 Molecular Cell 13.0 3.2 4.0 SJR: SCImago Journal Rank All 20K journals have a SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are equal Prestige transferred when a journal cites • Citations are weighted depending on where they come from •A journal's prestige is shared equally between its citations Life Sciences Arts & Humanities High impact, lots of citations Low impact, few on citations One citation = low value One citation = high value SJR normalizes for differences in citation behaviour between subject fields Example Use title list to find: • ? the best Czech journals • ? the highest SNIP and SJR ELSEVIER Integration of article level metrics into Scopus Spontaneous knotting of an agitated string .Artiei^, Raymer, D.M. D, 3mith: D.E. I Department of Physics, University of California at San Diego, Mail Code 0379, 9500 Gilman Drive, San Diego, CA 92093, United States Abstract It is well known that a jostled string tends to become knotted: yet the factors governing the "spontaneous" formation of various knots are unclear. We perfc inside a box and found that complex knots often form within seconds. We used mathematical knot theory to analyze the knots. Above a critical string leng sharply with length but then saturated below 100%. This behavior differs from that of mathematical self-avoiding random walks: where P has been pro jamming of the string due to its stiffness result in lower probability, but P approaches 100% with long, flexible strings. We analyzed the knots by calculati of digital photos of the string. Remarkably, almost all were identified as prime knots: 120 different types: having minimum crossing numbers up to 11. wen to seven crossings were observed. The relative probability of forming a knot decreased exponentially with minimum crossing number and Möbius energy, it on the observation that long, stiff strings tend to form a coiled structure when confined, we propose a simple model to describe the knot formation based model can qualitatively account for the observed distribution of knots and dependence on agitation time and string length. © 20Ü7 by The National Academy Author keywords Jones polynomial: Knot energy: Knot theory: Random walk: Statistical physics Cited by 36 documents Untangling the Mechanics and Topology in the Frictional Response of Long Overhand Elastic Knots Jawed, W.K., Dieleman, P., Audoly, B. (2015} Physical Review Letters Origin of metastable knots in single flexible chains □ ai, L. , Renner, C.B. , Doyle, P.S. (2015} Physical Review Letters Tangling of tethered swimmers: Interactions between two nematodes Backholm, M., Schulman, R.D., Ryu, W.S. (2014} Physical Review Letters View all 36 citing documents Inform me when this document is cited in Scopus: ^ Set c itatbn alert | Q Set c itation feed MENDELEY Mendeley readership Statistics shows how many times Mendeley users have downloaded a specific article to their libraries. Altmetric is a way to see all of the social or mainstream media mentions gathred for a particular paper as well as reader counts on popular reference managers Related documents Efficient knot group identification as a tool for studying entanglements of polymers Mansfield, M.L. (20DT) Journal of Chemical Physics Knots in globule and coil phases of a model polyethylene Wnau, P., Kantor, Y., Kardar, M. (2DD5J J ou rn al of th e Arneric an C h emk al Soc iety Statistical topology of closed curves: Some applications in polymer physics Drlandini, E. , WhittingtDn, S.G. (2DD71 Reviews of Modern Physics View all related documents based on references Find more related documents in Scopus based on: © Authors I © Keywords Metrics 36 Citations JÍE 0.65 Field-Weighted Citation Impact 1 136 Mendeley Readers 3 Blog posts * 1S30 Tweets m 11 Mass Media stories ss Mentions in 6 additional sources Select data provided by sitmetric.com t View all metrics Spontaneous knotting of an agitated string Bac k to arti: le Raymer D.M., Smith D.E. (2007} Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 104(42}, pp. 16432-16437 Overview Citations Scholarly Activity Scholarly Commentary Mass Media Social Activity Mendeley, CrbeULike, etc. Bkjgs, Reviews, Wikipedia, etc. Twitter, Fecebcck, etc. Overview Citation Count 36 Cited by in Scopus Field-Weighted Citation Impact 0.65 0 Citation Benchmarking 74th percentile Compared to Multidisciplinary articles of the same age % Mendeley 136 Readers Blogs e 8 Posts Q&A sites ^ 1=9 *1 Post to G&A site Twitter 1630 4 Other sources 83 Mentions Engagement highlights & Scholarly Activity -140 readers from 2 sources Downloads and posts in common research tools ^MENDELEY cite like Mendeley: 136 Readers Top Discipline: Physics Top Demographic: Ph D Student Save to Mendeley CfteULike: 4 Saves Benchmark highlights Q Based on 14D readers frorr 2 sounes Compared to Multidisciplinary articles of same age All Scholarly Activity - 140 View all Scholarly Activity 3-T- =E^CE\TLE & Social Activity -1713 mentions from 5 sources Mentions characterized by rapid, brief eng ag anient Dn platforms used by the general population, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google +. 't0' 163D Iweetsfrom 1597 accounts ^ 6 Reddit posts from 6 accounts Wi 41 Facebook posts from 4D fa 1 pin from 1 account accounts BH 35 Go ogle posts from 34 accounts Benchmark highlights Q Based on 1713 mentions from 5 sou ra es Compared to Multidisciplinary articles of same age All Social Activity 1713 View all Social Activity ■WT- ^SEVTLE Integration of article level metrics into Scopus Overview Citations Scholarly Activity Scholarly Commentary Mass Media Social Activity Mendeley, CiteULike, etc. Blogs, Reviews, Wikipedie, etc. Twitter, Face hook, etc. Citations 36 Cited by documents Citation Count 36 Cited by in Scopus Field-Weighted Citation Impact 0.65 Citation Benchmarking 74th percentile Compared to Multidisciplinary articles of the same age % Cited by 10 c 0 1 u 201 1 2012 2013 Years 2014 Export 2C1 5 36 Citations Date range: [ 2011 to 23'5 O Exclude self citations □ Exclude citations from books Edit the data for this graph. Update Benchmarking © Measures of activity relative to specific research domains, based on cited by in Scopus Compared to Multidisciplinary articles of same age All Citations ixrw 3z^^z%ti_z ELSEVIER Integration of article level metrics into Scopus Overview Citations Scholarly Activity Scholarly Commentary Mass Media Social Activity Mendeley, CiteULike, etc. Blogs, Reviews, Wikipedia, etc. Twitter, Face bock, etc. $ Scholarly Activity 140 readers from 2 sources Indirect measurement of activity by people using scholarly platforms such as Mendeley and CiteULike. Mendeley M 1 36 Readers SavetD Mendeley CiteULike 4 IIP Saves Mendeley Reader demographics View publication in Mendeley 1 Reader 5 Readers ni ^__i____I.:__A Metl Scholarly Commentary tab includes: Q Email - Blog posts, reviews, Wikipedia articles, etc. by experts and scholars* long-read SMRT sequencing data Bat k to artic le Scholarly Commentary Blogs, Reviews, Wikipedia, etc. s§t Scholarly Commentary 16 mentions Reviews, articles and blogs by experts and scholars, such as P 000Frine: research blogs: and Wikipedia. Blogs Microbial sequencing at Nature Methods Methagora 26 September 20 H Over the years. Nature Methods has publishe sequence data for microbial studies. We cdvi the stage for a molecular taxonomy of ink rot Our review of "N on hybrid, finished microbial sequencing data", aha the HGAP paper In between lines of" code 16 June 2014! As it is out in the open that I was one of the i though I could as well make my review public February 2013) online at Publons. _he review Mass Media Social Activity Twitter, Fase book, etc. 3§E About Snowball Metrics Our review of "Norhybrid, finished microbial sequencing data", aha the HGAP paper In between lines of code 16 June 231 + As it is out in the open that I was one of the i though I could as well make my review public February 2013) online at Publons. _he review ||\ Post-publication peer reviews Ih Pubpeer | 1 comment from PubPeer □ Publons 2 comments from Publons Massive parallel sequencing George Church D1 January 2D 14 Massive parallel sequencing or massively parallel sequencing is any of several high-throughput approaches to DNA sequencing using the concept of massively parallel processing: it is also called next-generation sequencing (NGS) or second-generation sequenci An outsiders guide to bacterial genome sequencing on the Pacific Biosciences RS Pathogens: Genes and Genomes 27 February 2D 1 4 It had to happen eventually. My Twitter feed in recent times had become unbearable with the insufferably smug PacBio mafia (that’s you Keith: Lex: Adam and David) crowing about Data provided by altmetric.com Metl Mass Media tab includes: Q| Emai Noi Chirj [201 - Coverage of this article in the mass media, e.g. newspapers and trade long-read SMRT sequencing data Batk toaste magazines* l L A Scholarly Commentary Mass Media Btogs, Reviews-, Wikipedia, etc. Social Activity Twitter, Face book, etc. ^^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■^ © Mass Media 4 stories from 4 sources Coverage of research output in the nass media 3|E About Snowball Metric Pa riser 26 May 2015 ^imm^BteffiEm^mw*' m&ttmmwxMft (Next-Generation > mmm-i^m®. P; the. jtiH^ipflH^ntRj^* n&mmmm&LmmwL&&m$im&&> -m*m&> 1* New Cost-Effective Genome Assembly Process Medical News Today 06 May 2013 The U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DOE JGI} is among the world leaders in sequencing the genomes of microbes, focusing on their potential applications in the fields of bioenergy and environment. As a national user facility, the DOE JGI i A new cost-effective genome assembly process Nanoiverii 05 May 2013 A new cost-effective genome assembly process EurekAlert! 05 May 2013 ( DOE/Joint Genome Institute ) Genome assembly, the molecular equivalent of trying to put together a multi-million piece jigsaw puzzle without knowing what the picture on the cover of the box is: remains challenging due to the very large number of very sma 0 Select dets provided by Altmetric.co. * Data provided by altmetric.com Social Activity tab includes: - Mentions of this article in social media* Email ong-read SMRT sequencing data Backtoarticie Scholarly Commentary Bbgs. Reviews. Wikipe-dia. etc. Mass Media Social Activity Twitter, Fa ce b o c k. etc. @ Social activity 89 mentions from 3 sources Mentions characterized by rapid, brief engagement on platforms used by the general population, such as Twitter, Facebook and Google +. 3|E About Snowball Metrics Twitter 84 Tweets Google + 1 Post ^0 Twitter - 84 tweets from 66 accounts Jason Chin ©infoecho | 07 January n Facebook - 4 posts from 4 accounts Vaccini - Clinica de Vacinacäo 01 April Vacinas da rede publica e privada säo de boa qualidade. Mesmo que voce já tenha tido HPV, deve tomar a vacina. Moon* ©LovelyMoonB | 31 October2014 Nicole Cloonan ©ncloonan I 14October2014 Joon ©joonomics | 14 October 2D14 1 View 10 more Sociedade Brasileira de Imunizacoes (SBIm) 26March 'Existe diferenca entre as vacinas da rede publica e da rede particular?' "Quern esquece de tomar a 23 dose de uma vacina na data prevista deve reconegar o esquema vacinal?' "Ja tive hepatite B, preciso me vacinar?" Confira as respostas para essas perguntas Integromics- IT for Life Sciences | 06 May 2D13 Hierarchical Genome Assembly: New de novo assembly method , uses @PacBio'stechnology http://t.co/zbS5rFqla7 Molecular Creativity | 06 May 2013 Nonhybrid, finished microbial genome assemblies from long-read SMRT sequencing data http://www.natu re. com/nmeth/journal/vaop/ncurrentjTull/nmeth.2474. html * Data provided by altmetric.com Social Activity tab includes: Percentile Benchmarks for Social Activity and underying data sources - Twitter demographic map Benchmarking © Measures of activity relative to specific research domains, based on all sources of Social Activity Compared to \ Biotechnology All Social Activity - 89 T I articles of same age and document type $3T- ===?CESTL Twitter - 84 Facebook- 4 Google + -1 MT- =>==? : E\T _E ■MT- ^CESTI. \ Sw = = : E\T ;.*T.4 Twitter demographics 32% United States 5% United Kingdom I 5% Japan I 4% Canada 4% Australia I 2% Germany View all £ Select data provided by Altmetric.com Data provided by altmetric.cbmv"K ELSEVIER Using Scopus Empowering Knowledge Journal Analyzer - Compare Journals Document search Author search I Affiliation search I Advanced search ( Browse Sources I Compare journals Search Tor. Eg, "heart attack" AND stress Article Title, Abstract, Keywords 3 Add search field I imi+ +n" Compare journals Search for and choose up to 10 journals to analyze and compare. addiction| Journal Title ▼ Limit to: All Subject areas Show:© SJRO SNIPQ ISSN Quick, easy access to an objective and transparent overview of the performance of your own and your competitors'journals over time Compare up to 10 sources on a variety of parameters (SNIP, SJR, Citations, Documents, Percentage Not-Cited, Percentage Review) Provide access to a transparent and objective overview of the journal landscape going back to 1996 39 Journal Analyzer 1 6 sources found About Compare jo um a Is calculations Journal i 0 Addiction 0 Addiction Biology □ Addiction Research and ... □ Addiction science Si clini... 0 American Journal on Ad... □ CJAM Canadian Journal... 0 European Addiction Res... □ Heroin Addiction and Re... 8J International Journal of... 81 Journal of Addiction Me... □ Journal of Addictions an... □ Journal of Addictions Nu... □ Journal of Addictive Dis... □ Journal of Groups in Ad... □ Journal of Social Work P... □ Sexual Addiction and Co... SJR 2.172 2.649 0.603 0 632 0 697 0.1 OB 1.087 0.216 0.520 0.792 0.393 0.176 0.974 0.444 0 201 0.439 \s- Chart FŤTŤI Table SJR SNIP Citations Documents % Not cited % Reviews SCImago journal rank by year e 3.00 2.30 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Calculations last updated: 13 Jun 2014 0 -*■ Addiction 0 -■- Addiction Biology 0 International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 0 -*- Journal of Addiction Medicine 0 -*- European Addiction Research 0 American Journal on Addictions Key take-away: Use the analyser to Benchmark and compare 40 ELSEVIER Analyze results • A tool launched in 2012, providing helpful graphics and table displays to gain more insight into search results • Measures quantity: # documents on 7 parameters Scopus Steven Rid dell El | Logout Brought to you by Scopus Team Search i Alerts i My list i Settings Live Chat i Help and Contact i Tutorials i Library catalogue TlTLE-ABS-KEY (d Ling beetles j ff Edit ^ Save Sel alert Sel feed 1,432 document results View secondary documenls View 2 palent results Search your library ^ffl Analyze search resulls J Sort on: Dale Cited by Relevan [ Search within results... 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