Contemporary Art & Theory – Modernism to Postmodernism (K.G.Hay) General Readers Berger, John, "Ways of Seeing", BBC 1978. Cadava, Eduardo, Peter Connor and Jean-Luc Nancy, (eds), "Who comes after the Subject?", (edited by, Routledge, NY & London, (1991). Culler, Jonathan, "Structuralist Poetics: Structuralism, Linguistics and the Study of Literature" (London & Ithaca, 1975) Culler, Jonathan, "On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism", London, 1983. Evans, Jessica & Stuart Hall, "Visual culture: the Reader", Sage Publications, London, (1999, 2004). Fineberg, Jonathan, "Art since 1940", Laurence King Publishers, (1995). Foster, Hal,(ed.), “The Anti-Aesthetic”, Washington: Bay Press, 1980. Foster, Hal, "Recodings: Art, Spectacle, Cultural Politics", Bay Press, Seattle, Washington, (1985) Harland, Richard, "Superstructuralism : The Philosophy of Structuralism and Post-Structuralism", London, 1987. Harrison Charles & Paul Wood, "Art in Theory 1900-2000: An anthology of Changing Ideas", Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, (1992, 2005). Jefferson, Ann and David Robey (eds), "Modern Literary Theory: A Comparative Introduction", London, 1982. Sturrock, John, (ed.), "Structuralism and Since: From Lévi Strauss to Derrida", Oxford, 1979. Sturrock, John "Structuralism" (London, 1986) Wilden, Anthony, "System and Structure: Essays in Communication and Exchange", London, 1972. Specific readings Barthes, Roland, “Elements of Semiology” (London 1967, NY 1968) Ibid., “Writing Degree Zero” (London 1967, New York 1968) Ibid., “Mythologies” (Partial translation) (London 1972, NY 1973) Ibid., “The Pleasure of the Text”, New York 1975, London 1976) Ibid,. “Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes”, (New York & London, 1977) Ibid, “Image, Music Text”, (London 1977) Ibid, “A Barthes Reader” (ed Susan Sontag) (New York & London, 1982) Ibid., “Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography” (New York & London, 1982) Baudrillard, Jean * (1996c [1968]), "The System of Objects". London: Verso. * (1998 [1970]), "The Consumer Society". Paris: Gallimard. * (1975 [1973]), "The Mirror of Production". St. Louis: Telos Press. * (1977)"Oublier Foucault", Paris: Editions Galilée), translated as “Forgetting Foucault”,in 'Humanities in Society', 3 (Winter, 1980), pp. 87-111. * (1981 [1973]), "For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign". (transl. Charles Levin), St. Louis: Telos Press. * (1983a), "Simulations". New York: Semiotext(e), (transl. Paul Foss, Paul Patton, and Philip Beitchman), (New York: Semiotext(e)). * (1983b), "In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities…Or, The End of the Social and Other Essays," (transl. Paul Foss, Paul Patton and Philip Beitchman), (New York: Semiotext(e)). * (1983c), "The Ecstacy of Communication," in “The Anti-Aesthetic”, ed. Hal Foster. Washington: Bay Press. * (1988), "America". London: Verso. * (1990a), "Cool Memories". London: Verso. * (1990b), "Fatal Strategies". New York: Semiotext(e). * (1993a), "Symbolic Exchange and Death". London: Sage. * (1993b), "The Transparency of Evil". London: Verso. * (1994a), "Simulacra and Simulation". Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. * (1994b), "The Illusion of the End". Oxford: Polity Press. * (1995), "The Gulf War Never Happened". Oxford: Polity Press. * (1996a), Cool Memories II. Oxford: Polity Press. * (1996b), "The Perfect Crime". London and New York: Verso Books. * (1997), "Fragments: Cool Memories III", 1990-1995. London and New York: Verso Books. * (2000), "The Vital Illusion". New York: Columbia University Press. * (2001), "Impossible Exchange" (2001). London: Verso. * (2002a), "The Spirit of Terrorism: And Requiem for the Twin Towers". London: Verso. * (2002b), "Screened Out". London: Verso. Benjamin, Andrew,(ed. ), "The Lyotard Reader", Blackwell, Oxford, 1989. Best, Steven and Kellner, Douglas "Postmodern Theory: Critical Interrogations", London and New York, MacMillan and Guilford Press, (1991). Ibid., (1997) "The Postmodern Turn". New York: Guilford Press. Ibid., (2001) "The Postmodern Adventure". New York: Guilford Press. Butler, Rex, "Jean Baudrillard: The Defense of the Real", London and Thousand Oaks: Sage, (1999). Charbonnier, Georges, "Conversations with Lévi-Strauss", Jonathan Cape, London, (1968). Cousins, Mark and Hussain Athar, "Michel Foucault", London, (1984). Culler, Jonathan, "Barthes", London, (1983). Guy Debord, "Panegyric. Vols 1 & 2", Transl by James Brook and John McHale, Verso, London, (2004). Debord, Alice (with essay by Olivier Assayas): "Oeuvres cinématographiques complètes", Gaumont Video, Paris, (2005). Debord, Guy "Société du Spectacle" ("Society of the Spectacle") (1967) Debord, Guy "The Society of the Spectacle". Detroit: Black and Red, (1970). Debord, Guy "Complete Cinematic Works: Scripts, Stills, Documents", (Translated and edited by Ken Knabb) , AK Press, Oakland, California, (2003.) Descombes, Vincent , "Modern French Philosophy", Cambridge, (1980). Dreyfus, Hubert L., and Rainbow, Paul, "Michel Foucault : Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics", Brighton, (1982). Eco, Umberto, "A Theory of Semiotics", Bloomington and London (1975). Foster, Hal, "Recodings: Art Spectacle Cultural Politics", Bay Press, Boston, (1985). Foucault, Michel, "The Order of Things", (1976) Ibid., "The Archaeology of Knowledge", London, (1972). Ibid., "The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaelology of Medical Perception", (1973). Ibid., "Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason", New York, (1973). Ibid., "Discipline and Punish", London (1977). Ibid., "Language Counter-Memory, Practice", (ed.) Donald Bouchard, Oxford, (1977). Ibid., "The History of Sexuality, Vol 1, An Introduction", NY, (1980). Ibid., "Power/Knowledge", (ed.) Colin Gordon, Brighton, (1980). Frankovits, Alan (editor) ,"Seduced and Abandoned: The Baudrillard Scene", Glebe, New South Wales: Stonemoss, (1984). Gane, Mike "Baudrillard. Critical and Fatal Theory". London: Routledge,(1991). Ibid., ed. "Baudrillard Live. Selected Interviews". London: Routledge, (1993). Genosko, Gary, "Baudrillard and signs: Signification ablaze", (Routledge, London & New York), (1994). Gray, Christopher "Leaving the 20th-century: The incomplete works of the International Situationists", (1975). Hay K.G.: "The Situation of Deconstructions: Ivan Chtecheglov as a precursor of Deconstruction" in, 'Issues in the Theory of Art architecture and Design', No 1, London, (1989). ICA: Documents, "An endless endless adventure, Catalogue, ICA, London, (1989). Jencks, Charles, "What is Postmodernism?", Academy Editions, London, (1974). Kaufmann, Vincent, “Guy Debord: Revolution in the Service of Poetry" (Translated by Robert Bononno), University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, (2006). Kellner, Douglas, "Jean Baudrillard: From Marxism to Postmodernism and Beyond". Cambridge and Palo Alto: Polity Press and Stanford University Press. (1989). Ibid., "Critical Theory, Marxism, and Modernity". Cambridge, UK and Baltimore, Md.: Polity Press and John Hopkins University Press, (1989). Ibid., ed., "Jean Baudrillard. A Critical Reader". Oxford: Basil Blackwell, (1994). Ibid., "Media Culture. Cultural Studies, Identity and Politics Between the Modern and the Postmodern". London and New York: Routledge, (1995). Ibid., "Media Spectacle". London and New York: Routledge (2003) Ibid.,, "From September 11 to Terror War: The Dangers of the Bush Legacy", Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, (2003) Lefebvre, Henri, "Everyday Life in the Modern World", New Brunswick: Transaction Books, (1971 [1968]). Ibid., "Critique of Everyday Life", London: Verso, (1991 [1947; 1958]). Lemert, Charles C., and Gillan, Garth, "Michel Foucault : Social Theory as Transgression", NY, (1982). Moi, Toril, "The Kristeva Reader", London , (1980). Morris, Charles, "Writings on the General Theory of Signs", The Hague, (1971) Lyotard, J.F., "The Postmodern Condition - A report on Knowledge", (transl. G. Bennington), Manchester University Press, (1984). Ibid., "The Differend: Phrase in Dispute", (transl. George van Den Abbeele), Minneapolis: Minnesota UP, (1984). Ibid., "Sensus Communis: The subject in statu nascendi", in "Who comes after the Subject?", (edited by Eduardo Cadava, Peter Connor and Jean-Luc Nancy), Routledge, NY & London, (1991). Marcuse, Herbert "One Dimensional Man", Abacus, London, (1972). Peirce, C.S., "Collected Papers, Vol 2" (ed Charles Hartshorne and Peter Weiss) (Harvard, 1978) Poster, Mark "Foucault, Marxism and History: Mode of Production versus Mode of Information", Cambridge, Polity Press, (1984). Rokek, Chris and Bryan Turner (1993), (editors) "Forget Baudrillard". London: Routledge. Sokal, A. and J. Bricmont (1998) "Jean Baudrillard" in Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science. New York: Picador. pp. 147-153. Sheridan, Alan, "Michel Foucault: The Will to Truth", London, 1980. Smart, Barry, "Foucault, Marxism, and Critique", London, 1983. Stearns, William and William Chaloupka (editors), "The Disappearence of Art and Politics", New York and London: Saint Martins and Macmillan Press, (1992).