Big Eyes (Einaim Gdolot)/Uri Zohar, 1974 1. What is the film's Theme? (What is the film about?) Big eyes it's a movie that show us the reality in Israel without any filter. Uri Zohar takes us inside his life through benny priman. He (benny) is a coach of basketball team in Tel Aviv he have a wife and a baby but is doesn't stop him to be with others girls Benny try to have the cake and eat it too. Is life in the movie is very complicated and Benny try cope between is family and between basketball team and between the other girls that he meets. We can see in the movie that it is not an easy job for Benny and the cheating doing a lot of problems with is family and with the team. The intention of the film is to show to the viewers that in the Israeli society in the time after the six days war they have big eyes. This film is not like any film before the film show us the ugly parts in the Israeli society, Society without clear values. Is clear from the beginning that Benny can't live in peace with the lies. 2. What is the function and meaning of the theme song (Lyrics, Music & performance by Arik Einstein and Micki Gavrielov; music: Micki Gavrielov)? Refer both to the words and to the music. How does it function when the music comes alone without lyrics? The lyrics of the song in the film tells us the story of Benny lives. The song beginning with the words ''this a story about Benny proman that always he lost a card". The meaning is that Benny always takes risks like in poker and he loses every time. the words of the song don't gives you hope for benny they just tell us about the problems of benny life's and the word show us how much he loses in is life. But the song not gives information that benny going to be ok in the end. From the other side the music in the film song is very positive not like the words in the film song. The music is with happy rhythm that give the viewers chance that something good going to happen. 3. What is the function and uniqueness of the baby in the film? The baby show us the complicated situation that benny lives. In the film i didn't see that Benny showed love to the baby he (Benny) forgot him several times when he going to meet with the girls. The baby is the only thing that hold the marriage. When we see that Benny going with the baby to meet girl and he gives the baby to Yossi (Arik Einstein) we can see how the values of Benny is very low. 4. What's your impression about the uniqueness and novelty of this film? I saw in the film a guy that try to enjoy from all the worlds. Benny not getting the viewer a feeling of relaxation. Benny is ran all day from his wife to the girls that he meet with them. All the film you have a feeling of caos and mess. Benny try to be every place but in the way he need to lie to is friends and is wife. After i read about the film i understand that the film is connected to return to religion of uri zohar. In the film we see Benny lives without values and without direction in the life and In the end of the film we see him drunk in the wedding and he have "cipa"- dome on his head this a symbol that Uri Zohar don't find is place in the secular world without the values that he want in is life. I thinks that the film is the story life of Uri Zohar and in the film Uri gives us clues about what going to happen in the future in his life.