Buddhism: Teaching, Practice, and Rituals JAP149 23/11/2016 Basic terms: ] Māra ] Bhumi-sparsha mudra ] The Five Skandhas o forms o feelings o perceptions o inclinations (impulses, activities) o discernment (consciousness, discrimination) ð identification of self, sense of individuality ] The Four Noble Truths o The Truth of Suffering o The Truth of the Origin of Suffering o The Truth of the Cessation of Suffering o The Truth of the Way leading to the Cessation of Suffering ] The Noble Eightfold Path o right view o right intention o right speech o right action o right livelihood o right effort o right mindfulness o right concentration ] The Three Opposites of the Three Poisons · Crossing the Ocean · Reaching the Other Shore ] The Noble Eightfold Path and the Six Perfections ð a gradual process involving progression ð establishing good (noble, right) conduct based on ethics ð which provide a firm foundation for the development of concentration ð preparing the mind for a perfect understanding of wisdom (prajnā pāramitā)