Buddhism: Teaching, Practice, and Rituals JAP149 7/12/2016 Basic terms: ] mandala o consecration, initiation, protection ] esoteric practices: o visualization of mandala o identification with the central deity ] ritual mandalas o Shingon Ryōbu Mandalas ] pilgrimage mandalas o Kumano Nachi Mandala o Tateyama Mandala ] objects of proselytization (spreading the teaching) o Kumano Jikkai Mandala ] objects of worship o Kasuga Deer Mandala o Taima Mandala Vairōchana => ignorance => Buddha family => practice Amoghasiddhi => jealousy, envy => Karma family => action, accomplishments Ratnasambhava => greed, pride => Jewel family => strength, equanimity Amitābha => desire, greed, lust => Lotus family => compassion, communication, relationships Akshobya => anger, hatred => Vajra family => study, education, reason, intellect