Lesson 37 I mm I lM - 5 - : iSöfl^Äi&ll (Intransitive Verbs & Transitive Verbs) ' I' A (i) (life) ft (i) (fife) M (S) (fife) — 144 — (1) (2) (3) (4) ~ a* ví. Intransitive Verbs -aru té** %ih (í)Ožž) M tí (ti- tf) (oo*<) VS. 30* * Vt. -ru -eru Transitive Verbs -eru -eru -asu -SU -u (*<) .6) : Aá/Aŕiá, ŕti*/ftt, I*>s/Üt, ^ž/^-tírž, ^i.ž/lt, ^á/l^ó-f, Lesson 37 OL-y h 2 2-1. it i t>3 I mm transmit legend -ofz-t>Z> (6) / i r \^ fai^tz) ?zh to transmit *¥fz;(T • o/i) -9 to help, to assist fopil ("CA • a biography a message 410 substitution period, fee 75»-x.-5 ? < (5) ft ft it(fr)fc>%> to substitute ntSMft(• ^ • room rent Btft (U • £V) an era 3c ft ( ^ T • tz^^)~f Z> to take turns call (8) n D a OA 411 412 n{l)& to call PfUJUO* ■ tz) L calling ^ -9 ) a breath — 146 — Lesson 37 413 414 au *>a$ (Hie) burn (12) t * r r < to burn, to roast *£( ^ )£[*]( U <) grilled meat B ^) It sunburn ^'^(-tiVv • Li i)t^ to be burned down Ä bend, curve melody i-lfZ> (6) 1 n ih rtti ft to curve fftfH ( § i < • ) a curved line ffi(£)lf& to bend ftffl^(?o • ^ J; ( • a composer undress J drop out &-<* (11) 1 I 1 I 1. i C to undress, to take off Mttiitzo ■ L®o)'f2> to escape WOMitlo • h < to drop out 415 416 separate part with P 1 ^7 J5 (7 glj(t>^)tl& to part from glJ(^o)<7) different, another #glJ(£<-^o)& special K5JIJ(<-^o) distinction — 147 — Lesson 37 417 418 419 420 Ü 80 \ collect assemble (12) / i f f ft f m (*>o) i h to collect to gather A41 ( U 1 • >T ^ ) "t" ä to gather % >))-fh to concentrate line up (8) f If it 3fe (& h) to line up 3fc/fc (&<& • #) a tree-lined road ordinary tio) parallel joy pleasure (12) + ) IT f % C3 -=tr to be glad pleasure a comedy surprise astonish < 3 ? (22) ** t to be surprised surprise ■ ^ ) a wonder — 148 — 2—2. m&&w 1. g& 2. It< 3. £IJtl£ 4. ff^ 5. 7. &< 8. gfcC 9. 10. ^ 11. 1. $U 9 BfUlROiy d&^-t* J: n Kfsx.T < /i$ i/^o 2. |^££ttSL-C, ^T'&^£o$-£-CV>££*£ ito to greet 5. r-fcA 1. to transmit 2. to substitute 3. to call 4. to burn < 5. to turn 6. to take off 7. to part from 8. to gather 9. to line up 10. to be glad 11. to be surprised < 0. □ (:®^&Jil'i-£Ati££i> 1. a message 2. a biography 3. to represent 4. money to be paid XL Z;h, XA, § 5. an era 6. a breath 7. to burn everything up 0 It'A, L £. 9 — 150 — Lesson 37 grilled meat 9. grilled chicken 10. to distinguish 11. to escape 12. different places 13. special tz-3 bKD^ 14. to compose 5-3 ii< 17. a tragedy and a comedy CO . a curved line 16 . a meeting place L t$ 9 |J i j |IJ 18. to concentrate o- if s S If s L * ^ «> T & (7) i 4" & ^3 & (1 ^ * it o X # § ^ X. & $ V > 0 3. HläA^coLA,::^ (±, /:'v>tLi:L*H^U"^^o — 151 — Lesson 37 y h 3 1-f7c<&$9 mi 2 mzfrfrtlX < A $ ^Q + Y Ax > AfjA%fC#£!%tr - 1^ (3#ffi, «^LtU^0)fLt, ZtiZ&tDAizfcJLZto fcz.Z>#\i, * * £ET&i^At/^\ BA^AftAfKA&tttUi^ S-tirAo >XCl----1 #W7-C, tC$-C'J-$A$ la0 tJ£(i2 a/1 c^'Mot v^T, fttJWB^BA^ fo/:t:%fitfo-Ci>$ L/:„ ^aaa^C^e, oUCt*JLi9o A(A *I«Bia> ^A 6 B^Afm#oAv^to AW iAA fii.r >c3--.....------------------- i&t>%Hti\£%h%\<*A£-tA IMbo/:^ iSLAfe ?5oA< A$v>0 I^tfB#l±, — 152 — Lesson 37 £n o t t * fr r~n r ž s T fr ď_Z3] «CjÜ^tf) U 2 U >(Kanji Lettering) > — 153 —