Lesson 38 I I h 1 M^m&v> - - If - - £v> - ^ - - - - - - mm* - -^nwi ttu> - t>££ Tc^/f - m%tz (%m) — 154 — Lesson 38 2 - 1 . >1^»#^ slender minute cis-jh* (id i f In ffl(ll*)\<* slender details small, detailed ffl5Mt ( $ ^ • .£ /v • "T £ to subdivide fat big ^£-6 (4) —* K fat, thick &R|(£i,> • £7) the sun ±(&t)2> to get fat K^-'Witz^ • • i -7 ) the Pacific Ocean heavy important (9) s n f f i it(23&)^ heavy ^JK/iV^- C *9> ) weight ]t;*c ( C i?> ^ • /"iV) & important fi^J (t tf> d • 0 J: <) gravity 421 422 423 Lesson 38 . light (12) ~~ n P | j V> light fj^fi (!t^ • ^) gas oil, light oil li^ Ot^ • L l <) a snack |£ElfjJ$0t^- L - b'l ■ b*> a compact car 1* narrow (9) / \ r f V Ik ^(■tii)^ narrow, small 5£fl( c? i "9 • cO a narrow sense 5* (* S ) £ PI (t /v) the strait gate (to Heaven) weak i^-s (10) r 15 if 5j|(J:;fc>)v> weak li^ (J: fc> • I h) fragile, vulnerable to weaken ii*(t^< - XL) a weak point sleep fatr-S (10) i n Bp K(fctrH> sleepy *-Ig(il-AA.) hibernation BE(tet/)6 to sleep ■ h-L) a good sleep — 156 — Lesson 38 * pain bitter <&-Ltr (8) ■— 4- 1 ^( (18) Y k 1 r P P' ft Pi ft Wl&ifrA. • tzL) tt simple, easy WfMiL X • frD a letter lil^#fl(^T • < T • Li • an aerogram simple (9) ■^■(/c/JC: only, simply -^-g§ [tzL • D a word i£f£ (/c/v • t>) a unit ^-IkitzL • -f 9 ) singular number — 157 — Lesson 38 2-2. mfrwg l. *ffl'. • i. 3. $ľ-' 4. Hi' 5. IRi> 6. JJffljH* 7. Si . • 8. í*.' 9. 10. £t> 11. t/ÍJ 5. f í ň *i $ ii í* ^ jS x- i> m iz £ n h fr h \m\ ti o 7. -f^i-ti:/^ 1 7jlTj£ffl^< LT i 6. weak 7. sleepy 8. painful 9. simple, easy 10. small 11. bitter 1. small changes 2. slender fingers 3. fat (for a person) 4. the Pacific Ocean 5. one's weight 6. important 7. gravity .....! ¥ J;9 li to 9 U kd 9 t£ o C W> t 0 i: if? L^> fragile 12. a weak point 13. strong and weak a sound sleep l"1- a hard life 16. an aerogram u 7b i A. A A. to be in a difficult position 18. bitter tea 19. pain < 5 < 09 — 160 — Lesson 38 -IL-7 h 3 tit a crab omelet 3f@ 80S i • -k £ i: i A? i: i /h? 1:1/2 •/ft i; 4 1 i ^ 7" 'J - > i; 1 * y 7°2/3 /h? i: 1 ft /h£ i: 2 *s i; l * # if (>i)n) ingredients W (i - ) an egg = l:. j'- 310(^1) three il — a crab fee a spring onion L J; ;) if ginger ft%%h{frfz < fj starch L-fc) salt LWjlt a mushroom #ÍŠ($5i;i/2>:i«/;*U i t >rW©h$ i: 1 ř/Rt? i: 1 Tt^^WC/JIlx.T, J: < o ©$A^LT, ifcšfe£oit, ICWžo ©&A£ftáo VíWftYXŽ C 1 írfc^KAtt, x-yt-t^to AfcÁtt-C, — 161 — Lesson 38 fbM '• h to cut £ $*tr to chop i: < to beat (an egg) to mix fr^i-^h to stir up trP ( < t>) X. & to add ^(tao)"f^ to heat yjlLAtL^ to pour J to put together HI (^/j) J & to become hard, to set m(fr?z)libZ> to harden b\^h to melt 17^1" to dissolve £>o < l5iS"t" to turn over * GO & to boil to bake, to grill ®{^^tz)*bh to fry lightly M(ts) ~f to steam ?Wt& to pour on, to put on [ISffi] ^^llO^^&f-WMt <0 //LT < ? ■ —162 — Lesson 3£ 1. -tťÁ,V>C)ffii (Lkí-M1) kinds of fabric (>6A,) cotton ^ (it) wool 0 linen H silk ^IJX^XJl/ polyester 2 . í5feí#tO(-ti-A.^ < )(7)f;fc;j how to wash 53 40 KS3 less than)/tftM 7 n >{ii^íU(i8() ~210oC)-c7w)\ * T CO (cloth) i: íii (to squeeze; ~3cT x > y 3()°C W K 7^n/li|S äi (80 120°C) X'frtfh chlorine, chloric) 60 i-IÍ ŮM (O l 1 ti < a bleach) tH£ x. á Pr3M: ^^hkh, ť — 163 —