Lesson 39 Lesson 39 -*=+*.t* sky, air empty, vacant (8) ■ (•?- ) sky '^M( < "9 • -tir £ ) a vacant seat ( < 0 • air ^fBJ (< n • ^) space port harbor (12) ; i i X . 1 432 i'S (& i ) a harbor, a port i&Wj" (^i't ■ J^) a port citv '^i&< ')) an airport fl'iife,: "*> " - ') >" • -1 'J • -tir/v ' an airship — 165 — Lesson 39 434 MM t y a 5 mm step floor il4 (12) " i f y f f • ~ floors rfi ^'. • • 1 stairs — (v>o • tH^) the 1st floor (/^ • 7H^) a step, a stage 435 ~X%~ build construct (9) -1 =ar ^- ^ tfi o to be built m^itzX ■ i>(D) a building il Xh to build iliSOtA, •-£o) to construct -ZTL found P^s. establish (11) v -ir ->r i-ir f ;n 5 5 67 1 . I 1 ixBf (ito • (t^)-f £ to plan, to design nxfiiif • £/) equipment J. •"' (-tiro ■ o) -f & to establish 7L complete * > (7) 1 ^ikifrh • -tf/v) & perfect Vfi f i/jv'v ■ 'J ,t '))t-S to finish, to complete H&ifrA, • -ttv^t"^) to complete — 166 — Lesson 39 438 form, emerge '<) t>3 ) r Jf Fie A (-ti:V ^ • C A.) an adult $t#J (-^ • - "9 ) ~f Z> to succeed h%i>. l-tH^ ■ <0 o) -fh to be organized J&H (ft >9 • fc) Narita spend expense (12) —1 1 * t '{?MI' '> " <£ ') ) an expense 9zMf( (') • ') • 1» travel expenses /'Eft'1 L J: < • X» food expenses '"{'-ft (./jf< • O) school expenses 439 440 release let go 7 IF (8) 'j'^'I'i! 15-") • L ) i"to release [Jijft ■•:;•*, "i'-v to open Ifc'&iMn • J: n)t to broadcast Lesson 39 2-2. m^mM 1. £ 2. ?t 3. jflU 4. 5. AS 6. ^it 7. f ffl 8. eps 9. 7Ě)S-rž io. ijtsit* n. séhž-t* 2. ?F!ÍT<ílíC*ái, ',■•< < /J;> fffl7j*it5<££o 5. 2 /] ÍOH UífcgSflfcř V ťR£p]lí> íl" "M"* < -CíiWí^řlTC^ < Xift) U & o £ A Ž- ßic A t — 168 — Lesson 39 2-3. WZ\ I. DKig^&iil^fcAixfc^ 1. sky 2. a port 3. to fly 4. to build a house fi-ttt 5. to let free 6. an airport 7. an airplane < 9 - 9 the 1st floor 9. an expense 10. to complete O 9 11. to construct 12. to broadcast 1. air 2. a vacant seat 3. space 4. vacant < 9 & — 169 — Lesson 39 5. a port town 6. traveling expenses 7. an airfield 1. stairs 9. a four-storied building 10. a radio station tzA. XA, fr^ tz tzX IS-5 11. to make a plan 12. to establish a school 13. an adult 14. to be organized 15. to succeed in. ( ) ^a^&jn^£*^&$^0 1. ( ) ^'i;^ ( ) ;:, i'.^M' 2. ( ) v>-cv»4 ( ) <7)^t£ ( ) tH^Jfo 3. ( ) ( ) tm^i-fo 4. ( ) ri*lf ^ £ 0 ft fcfj-f ( ) trS^i-to 5. li/t-Mc&ofcAfc ) WBtm'Jt Lesson 39 JL~y h 3 Mtl. 2002^4 RKt-yyitZo 2003^ 9 J! JtH^'/iU^ff -r^ff^ffiti 1 H¥#J477fä-C\ ^87J5-f-A, Stt)5900 b > £iIA,"C^£ 0 W#,%^EHi^X7^X^'|*ilj:7^- MÄH, ±i?llW^tefiC$#ii* ii Y v Y * HPS (V < £ 0 international 1 ffl (/iVv^o £ ) the 1st period Ä% (tf^o) air cargo ^ tij ('W ■> §; A,) an average (ItV^-ttV^) KeiseiLine ■&W) (^ 0 ) i" ä to transfer -^'^j (^oUö ) on the other hand \M.M (*) i < ^ T ) non-stop service *'Jffl# (UUf) a user ■T"^ (*>tf) Chiba Prefecture (^o-?-^ >b) a runway Jjtf± Of/CSV) (tH>-?-<) ±^ ( L * J: ^ ) at present a rapid train punctual hard, difficult & main Mtf (^-tr) to be crowded 1] &<7>JbÖ?IEUt*U£0, mT&^X^tltfxZm&ftZ^o ) jSFH^?iogiJ^I± rtr^MiaP^/iJ -c^o ) fiKfflSüfi, 2002^ U Hfl j§L£0 ) ilffllWffcote, j£ffl£^lCI±fö^l&7jJ2#&o£( ) hlm^;M(Dm%9- < 1977^H5gJs£1.£0 n pit fe. P/f 'J Ay>/U — 171 — Lesson 39 nm & L1 iirkM) b < K i 7 f-n mm i y K 7 I1 'J kf > ii mmm 7 7 > X t- X h y >J T id ammm) 7" v v ;l/ to 3 - U y / n 0-3 t fif^S;^^^) J-t^o 7. ^Ip: 1. *0l"i 2. 3. is if 1" 4 4. gJtfNJfcfr 5. ^iLimk 6. ffifffi t - 7° > x =- X 8. fUjfc^ 9. r:|j^-fs-i5]-;gjt& 10. ^ • ffi • ffi • if • * 11. ffiffi^h- • ^hs?h 12. ItjJrb XIBI ss • n &mm — 172 —