Lesson 44 I £54411 I v h 1 % ü T ü IJ, (Expressions of Abstract Ideas) 0 *■ ( a i B^im-t h compare A with B 0. a l BÄt4 contrast A with B common points different points — 215 — Lesson 44 7h2 2-1. m^omzu compare (4) - t ifc(<£>)^& to compare itji(£> • U- * 9 ) specific gravity *}"Jt(fc^ • O) -t"-2> to contrast ItM(£> • to be proportional 481 . contrast (13) r fj J£$£(C><)"?"& to compare 482 fx opposite, anti-reserve (4) r bLfciliA. ■ CDo) a reaction to reflect jifxXV''■ (±/o) a violation of a rule R((±/0~ anti-~ 483 Lesson 44 m* MM counter-against v4 (7) f r -KfcKfcv») LT against- 2*t(fcH3 2 to 3 S*tO±Á, • to oppose — ^H^o • apair(of-) f approve (15) f fr ** f t ~~ HäľJ5Íc( $ Aj ■ -tírV^)"t"^> to agree with —, to approve of — ~~^Hfš\{ŽA. • t'i)-f& toapproveof- Ü common together (6) — ti- it J N Äldi^ -O^)c0 common ÄÍ^K^J:^ • t"Ť) cooperation ÄÍDllK š l n • t> • Z. < ) a republic - -) • Š J: Ť ) public, common i direct, just straight fcfc-t (8) -r 1 li t t f Ü ÍÉE to repair Wki^ó l < • ~") immediately after ÜJ5iE(*) i < • <0®i) direct current Wfeih I < - -Čo) direct — 217 — Lesson 44 UP* k surface appear, table (8) t k 3i($)hfo)~f~ to express %feM. (ii o • £>° ± -)) ~t h to announce ^M{1> i. n • If A,) an expression 3kM(V-1 l • £>L) a surface appearance presence (*f>t>-i-) (id — T 3K&) modern times 51£Uf% • cash 51£0fX-$v) the present begin first Iii:-* ->a liu-iöt: (7) V ft $ ((± C) «6t for the first time iSJK L J; • tW early summer S*0($V» • L first *0#(Lj:-ti) the first steps — 218 — Lesson 44 2-2. m&%m 1. Jf<* 2. 3. Äfifc-f* 4. Ä-r 5. 6. Silz 7. 8. ttJfrt* 9. ^íjltá 10. SJiÔT 11. Äiitž 12. 13. 1. PÔ^IiÄii^tffiÄÄÄ***, 2. i • Ä - Kli, m^«t »)féílJ£o 5. ÍCUiiStľ-ítV^oUBrífti^o 9. |š]C;Í*£^1-ó&^^fcft£o — 219 — Lesson 44 2-3. wtrnw 1. to compare 2. to contrast 3. to oppose 4. to agree 1-* o ^< tz^ v li^ fc^ ^ -tn^ 5. common problems 6. a direct expression 7. for the first time 1. first 2. a traffic violation 3. a game between A and B A 5. personal relations 6. a republic 4. against — f-l^ 7^ i-tl1 t i 9 6 3 < 7. immediately after 8. direct <-> indirect 9. to announce 220 — Lesson 44 10. a surface 11. to express 12. to compare 13. relatively 14. cash if a. % ^ O < X * 15. the present 16. the first steps 17. early summer IE (Do It Li ti Li 7i> 18. a reaction 19. to be opposed to 20. a co-operative study — 221 — Lesson 44 h 3 fm, a *«^tt»gf W •> x f A tit L/:v i io t v> 11= B#li, K'Ln^. >f>K x r i tit o T* J L,^:; 4 > Kt:^-?/->^i,£-#x/^£.©v^to *TSfw ^it-üli ♦ la's* management ifcf£ (-^A-CT) after the war fäü (tt ^ t i) -f h to examine 4. *£fcO#M£ijff$£it®Kov>-C, |B)i:«t9^^tf-f-«:#xi$v»o H'SIAS economic growth f'J.S an advantage TfcilÜl advanced nations a" -? to fit, to suit — 222 — Lesson 44 l±, ^o-7^(D3@ilW^5| (index) ffh^t-fo (De^UH^I (reading index) m^elx&t 11111*^50^111 (£>v^x.i3 order) i:^;^t*, ^oo'H (DnBM^I (radical index) :M^(D%m (radicals) iM^iP^^^M^^X^ n it0 ffi^tz^v^Wg ®%&Wi\$fc3 I (stroke count index,) (Radicals and Similar Shapes Reference List) (±, MM £ M ^ t < 1" £ tz * Uft btitzi> 1 3-5 . | if 2 «*s » S 3S © £ "-t 35© s -r * III 1 I c r 7224 «29 493D 955C S-2 h 5-4 2. li C^il^^&^fr^&^i: | Ex. ritfmJ : WJ <7)g|5"tli Tw (rA,^A,)J "C\ Bili7I0 m&.^ 1 h\~h 2 . 2 ii^OgPf^^ f> & ^ t § 1. mm a. mtf 2. 5. 3. ISf# e. mi 1. ttft 4. 5Et 2. 5. i:/^ 3. ±Jk 6. tffl — 224 — Lesson 44 1. 4. ftffl 2. Ittfc 6. i. 3. ^m^tsrmu !ifP^*"Cir LHH^^If ^fcRfc, (i:^