Lesson 45 I ^4511 I J.- y b 1 •SOU *tfí> UVfc.A «Sf - 3 - ÍÉ Ä ňU$fc& (Abstract Ideas) &§IS* '.it - =&& to industrialize sink ^fflik g^t mmt mt &it M- (Li) =V^V^/i various OK) =-ett^nw each On) = M#w («&) = ££~£v> -fjfij (-t^> 0 o both not yet law method system ■til (fr) = lesson, section (-£A,) = line, railroad = to be ~ ing (C^^>) = all ~, whole mm mm mmm mmm mm m mm ffiffi M# MS Wi±^ MM^ *m *a *§m ffifflri aWri Jtlrii K¥«U äÄSU *fflHfU Hill £lälf HütS ^m* mm* i»* tfr#* -H* Lesson 45 ,i7h 2 2-i. m^omzu 1:1* 3 5 (W£) . whole, all (6) / £(£o£X-fc^ not at all = (-t?^ ■ -t?A,) - V> ^K-tfA • V^) all the members ^(-tfX • ^) all, the whole most (12) n & I" f tfioi)1!) the most ~ ftiir (£ V> • § /I) recently ftSU£^-&<) the worst ($ V> • the lowest no, non-un-, dis- 7" (12) ; i jt"- $S(&)^ not to exist ;K• '.: secure, safety $£Bm(ti'-£^-lfA,) limitless (tf • CI 7 ) invalid 491 492 493 — 228 — Lesson 45 < ^ «t * * > a 5 (®££) %\ not, non-no good (8) ) 1 ir ft m&mM(l> ■ If A, • to-Tl) unrealistic #?f(t> ■ - l) ^1$U(0- • t j; v Ch) an emergency exit delinquency % rank (11) ) %-^{ti\,^ • £A • L *?) a third person (/iv^ ■ V^) No. 1 • • the second ■ £V) C gradually target, (suffix to make na-Adj.) (8) f fi @W(fc<-"t£) a purpose, an aim XffcW • ^ • X £ ) ft IIAW(i • XIL • "C#)ft personal, individual cultural sex, quality (suffix to make N.) ( V 3 r> ) ( 8 ) i- t f ^'MtzL • -£v>) the male • ^o) the distinction of sex £K(-£V> • Lo) character nTfgtt • ^ • -£v>) possibility — 229 — Lesson 45 law, rules method (8) V / x___- / ffitdiT ■ l)o) a law • {In) a method i£ffl&(L • «t 1 • 111) how to use -%&{&^-\Zn) grammar control system (8) / t> \ ft $ ftiJJK ("^^ • t') a system ffiJH (-t±"V> • & <) a uniform kM$IJ(^V^ • • a membership system P? I impose, assign section (15) -V >- r n d 0 p 5 ^@ d If M(fr)~t to assign A#I3c(t^ • C • #0 a personnel section 1f ±l£fi(l± < • L • ^ • TV>) a doctor course — 230 — Lesson 45 2-2, wtfrwm I. 2. fta 3. 4. 5. mim. 6. @W 7. 8. 1£K 9. 10. sy« II. g^SrLvv|f#=ftir'|f# 12. ft«>Ti;lSfc#£ = ftM#8 13. Atfl- « 14. äüp*^ 1. B*^&W$IJ«<ä> 6 • 3 • 3 • 4ftfJ-Ü&äo 2. ISliB^rfLsSWlfS^to a chief of the division of international relations frank and progressive 6. fltff«W*&*>£3&*, *gJ±£Ä**£ofc0 7. fäli^N 'L^aW^^^^^^-C-fo psychologically very unstable 8. H3 0H'^»mA-t:f^^tL/Jo — 231 — Lesson 45 2-3. mzm^ 1. all, the whole 2. the first 3. free of charge 4. an emergency exit -tf'A Jo Li &> 5. Lesson 4 6. a purpose 7. distinction by sex 9. an educational system Iii i>< -tf-o if 8. a method -t+o Iii Iii 10. a personnel section 1. all members 2. all over the country 3. the whole -tfX OA 4. recently 5. the last if A, £o 6. the biggest 7. the smallest Ji> Ui SlN fc'l1 JO L i i — 232 — Lesson 45 8. ignorant 9. indifference 10. meaningless 11. safety ts *> tr frA, L^ is- ^ h M L* 12. unscientific 13. illogical 14. informal, unofficial 15. a third person 16. the second time 17. the fifth plan £o H Lí £V C jM> 18. emotional 19. modern 20. practical 21. a theory -•• theoretical —► to make into a theory 1-4 22. to produce a. -r o hk productive -*■ productivity 23. humanity 24. sociality 25. male *—* female — 233 — Lesson 45 26. how to use 27. commercial law 28. the civil law = L frtz . a four-year university 30. a three-shift basis J: 3^ 3 0 31. to institutionalize 32. the account section 33. a section chief i i it* i i i i rr~ 5. -etU> zwi-k \h\ -hmmz&i-to r^^A^j x\u nt*~*ntt \h\ tmrn ^7/^7 h$-I,T[N][I][H][0][N][G][0]i: + ~*ffLf to r^^'ftATjJ T*J±, KOtMb^^rE-C, [U][ti][A.][Cl][* ] fc^-£1? L £ to Cl^-Cli, ro-v^A*J XB^ftai: Xtl LX&i U ?o [N] [I] [H] [0] [N] [G][0]i:A*nfc, ®ffiici± \\z\l/^z:\ tB i -To \fJ\ * :oiTi:M?^Lt «Hv^xt«t ([Sift|* + 1. »§rBi 2. mm 3. tit 4. 5. !©» 6. • • • • 'JXfW^i^, 2. #81111 x^r-Jf-tttUto * — (l1 7l: ^ T ) brand name of word-processing software X1j (IZ® -9 V) X < ) to input HJ ill (/5?i6 ^) a screen 5I1S H A/) i~ & to check, to confirm IStf (1} i. n \L) ~t h to indicate f> 4 > X'ftg (l£"A/) for Microsoft® Windows® operating system (!i < ) half-width itPi (-if A.^< ) full-width ~XiC^ D) capital letter (^A/^A,) conversion 5i7E (tJ»< T^) "f£ to fix fttfl ($<-±v0 to compose T without fail (ti-f'A,) ~f%> to preserve, to save