(* [2^ | L E S S -j^j ^? Tanabata Festival N (ancient times) a" (tf*>L) old times ■§-f£ (&*»Lar.i&.U) old (ale ,U| — +- +»• Jtfc Jfc _±t Ji. 3i ™ i n h a (symbol of repetition of a kanji) (ti'AL) once upon a lime (C-fcVfc) people1 B#>y-v) shrine #Jt (>->!-■>) Shinto religion (ill ' * f ;f |i |b ^ (early) ?-VA (tJ\n>) early JfJ-fe^l** Ctt*#Sf'*) to get up early $j (V^f a-)) early morning (6) ' n b b b b. i (to set up) fe^5 (£3*) togeturj feC "t" (fa"Ci~) to wake someone up fe&"f-5 (#y*yrS) to stand up (10) - * * * 4 * jL fc fc I I (cow) 9r (3 t) cow f-IL (¥**^3.?) milk ^[*| (+'a.''/(C<) beef (4) > 4=. ft (to use) fi") (■?*4.'50 to use ;M£ (?fy) ambassador ftffl'f (y3Wi'» "Occupied" (8) ' -f r r f i3 f ft l£tzh K"> [*> < (tifc ft <) to work ^13&3> 5> ]-■:/) labor (to work) «» ; f r r f i* fs fg f* f* 9 i*Ti»~_ 2% i iitl'C'Kf^ to take home g]g| ix?U>) United Nations (u- > -r sl r>) consecutive holidays (to link) (10) " r P & m s 4 Sjt S'JiplS (bi'ilS) to separate ?"H£ not in particular #?'lft( h -^special *W*"<*) discrimination {- (-^y^vyi;) separately (to separate) (?) ' " n ? $ yj J* K —)$ (-f -f K) once (3>K) near future ;S/X ( + >K) temperature H-HJ (-tV^a^K) 30 degrees (time; degrees) (9)" -*-rFfj*f*%%. # # (J&aO red color #^ (**»<.>) red /KA^ftvAO baby #Ht(** P^) the equator gjt-f-^ (-t * a ? v) the Red Cross (red) (7) - - * f- it #• # "# -tr # (£*>) blue color (*i3lO blue If-Jf (-t"f 7->) youth (blue) «) - - * * "f * * * ft (^o) color ^ feTi" (Oo^Vj:) various (VJ^-'f) scenery 1 ttfe (\- 7is 3 ■>) characteristic (color) ^ ^ £ £ (In (his chart, katakana indicates the on'yomi and hiragana indicates the kim'yomi.)