Look at the words on the left and select the meaning of the boxed kanjl from A-C. / alS^-l EicHS U iLWt 3it 2|q|S a-c §°fW ijjfsJ; ||a| ck / Veja a palavra a esquerda e escolha o significado do kanji no U de A-C. ~7~ *^jr Afci impossible, can't do / I 4 nti H?!-^ / impossivel ,1- o Zlo —e- /\ inconvenient / incoveniente Tšfe*^^ unconfirmed, unproven / ^Jv^mÁíQ o|Sf°] / náo-identificado ft *> < C A underage / n|£tí / menoridade ^ „v lacking in common sense !> cjH* falta de bom senso ± not for sale/u|a«-S-/ / ) 'TIj HP artigo que nao estar a !> tfu OA. venda a £^ c i£~lT^ir^ b ~Tii^' unplanned, haphazard / / sem piano irresponsible / a ť U ti' ť iíě tcA irresponsável -Lřz< ífi- n Fill in each box with the correct kan]i using 7f, 5f„ or *R . / CM at°>S *r*r* PF*3M*J §0HA1 -Bef ^1 irAlc4. / Escolher a resposta correta de PF'S'Jf'JffiJ e colocar no □. té 1 i/ířflltT^í^ í 5< .-:7t.s ic^ir i* a? * z. t i*£S5 * ID | ©«¥£T0' b » 1 0'_ tlA \j * '> TL/;. T-t„ tf^U i-tt/CJ:, t" >Ji< it t o £#?Cli: i5UJ^Ťy a c/=y * * # fc*> jr. ft Look at the words on the left and select the meaning of the boxed kanji from A-C. / EtCHtf JxL7! tl^pf 3£-ir -lDiS a~c #tH|Ai £|A|c|. / Veja a palavra a esquerda e escolha o significado do kanji no de A-C. it A my, mm Si* prevention / o\\Q / prevencao (prior) notice / I pre-aviso(anuncio) a good feeling (for someone or something) / 5^ / boa impressao a good impression / boa impressao(sensacao) reuse, recycling / a"H#H / reutilizagao to resend /^HS/ reenviar the best / M / o melhor the worst / M ^i' I o pior a mr~-f-& c £1; (fru) 3* Ss b in> ■ iu<)rgi c £t16^• fc £> b to fv ii J -3\z z'*V £ -f „ 2 ik^Hiwiiz^fx 3 £>«#*fi. t 9-^Jt/c^£>o 4 t°--f!i If T" L tz o AW'»h»i:tTTv>H m I, ft < « Combine the boxed kanji with the word below, and write the correct new word for A-C. / d°| ttxl^l o| all 2| trCHf a~c s|______CH| *Hg6fe Eto-|S «1 MA|dK/ Combine 0 kanji no [J com palavras abaixo e complete a frase de A~C corretamente. a ILMitz < UIoT if* ffiLTJS'J i to b hj! B Wf^li -t> h V&i Till to. c 4xfl, f—Ali U ^ t T/vU^ -5A.TA AH.1 L/ c ^-o-tri tz^^i L x 0 • St' Look at the words on the left and select the meaning of the boxed kanji from A-C. / ir MjI n^sj ILWr 9J"Tr a-c §cH|a-| ^-a|r4. /Veja a palavra a esquerda e escolha o significado do kanji no □ de A~C. ■tf A I) J; < «'A LA full power, all of one's strength / g a| / toda a forca one's entire body / £1 ^1 / o corpo todo it. a -tfx.r; b /; < * ^ C *A TA SA l*A U J: 0 iff) mi # =t o £ J; 9 A5 A full score / ^ / a nota maxima full occupancy / / lotagao esgotada(completa) both sides/ f os dois lados parents / "3.1 os pais common, shared / -ir!- / ser comum sympathy / / simpatia it a a [§] l; b Z't>b-d"UZ-o n Fill in each box with the correct kanji using £, ;S, R,or&./Oo| SSt# QxJ* f^fe-■ RCj ■ ftJ S°W = ^r **1 §Al^k / Escolher a resposta correta de r^-JSj-fEj-itj ecolocarnoQ 1 0» »•>.-.*. C £'* 2 fc^n^|iV0 4 <&/Cfroi-ftf\ 1 n©3l¥tT<0Ctl^«a»gftttr. a~c©_izmz&mZZttfZm&m U^mt c Zco^idi 'Ji5 oi1