Shokugyo Employment Shinnyu shafn no kunren (basu-gaisha): Training of new employees (busline company} itt^o, B;i ihnas -^<^ lil In ftfiior, ^jsTca 4^0 isi#f jjffiMl i^i*^ fit, C(D W&B. il 2£*5£. JWiti ^Iffrfc iflift Hi? i Pp* Hffc ±£> Plfc* |§li\s ftt>-MM ffi#^**-To frL< $$3: tHT WMMMm 1.000a&±fc A1±-f£ p^ft^i frAftM t Hfl #£fc£T\ ^8 Att5&&* ftt>ti£T0 ¥±xt IIA* Wßi% a^e> fläSÄ& t r. jiŤia Alf Ä'i Site ii^t0 mn^ : b & 4\ a i éíto mm0 i finta* é t AttÄ^T. Ét#l Efell ÄŤiiŕAtt^ faAsŕ£ Hot its© l|É Pv^r, #ft#fí gÄiüJi Ili^álÉ Upi —ÉÄ%%#€&i b' 'lätifzTLxOo thfrh Wb. u/vT w%* ^^tzOLtz lütei txh fjft^fNR Mü (MMN*!* £i|f *t£A—S^K- AoT. JPÜ 8iA,T HR flsi. ÜÄ-f tSHI* AP© i Ä suse* s#ak: -# Hi &6 Ü'Wi Iff =k o c N #Ü t T Gurafu 1 Risö no Shokugyö: Graph 1 Ideal Occupation 10 0 30 % 20 I_i_ Gurafu 2 Riso no Shokugyö (Rjyü) Graph 2 Ideal Occupation (Characteristics) 40 % 30 20 10 0 21[ 14 10| 10 i 9 6 5 3C 2[ 2E 1[ 1[ Public employee Salaried worker Running a company (employer, manager) Skilled worker, craftsman, etc. Shopkeeper Farmer, fisherman Doctor, lawyer School teacher Academic, researcher Journalist, publisher Artist Politician Priest Actor/actress, singer, athlete 35 29 19 7E 5C 3C Ordinary job with secure income Working for oneself rather than for a boss Helping people and making the world a better place A job which earns people's respect Making money Helping to change the world 1 Becoming famous ^s^tt o no g|i rtfc*fc fcfei 4# ££T i^Jh A# 68%. iAIii | 32 %<7) WHSi l^^T i*^^ itm l^u f^#§ feftiy 4i ipi 26 % ***** 3 fete. ^ttJtl^ti: %-U% If ax, JI^BiJk RUiMyi imA£ HP ill: l/c A^ Hl£ io % laiNK, cft^© fam £D Ml£ Lfc^. Pfjif f*S iS##PJ | M? (7) Ate AM# ab^^T'-f o Omawarisan: Policeman