o da Nobunagas work to subdue the whole country involves preparation in both eastern + western Japan ► *KBa#S^Hii-S^o^(t{i, ffi»H<7)S6t^-e*S0 1560 (*ff 3) t * i 0 /v If A. * Sfefr'fc <5±"5«^&5o L^Lftfi^^ti^im-tir-f, 1570 ffijll <0»i^T^# ■ fM^KP^O, SMs Mf*ft§lt^l:i, 1573 XLlii ts. ft L co IIIm^^-^^o ^-com, ^\u*m^tmmL±imtt, 1582^ ^ he unification of the whole country by Toyotomi Hideyoshi li L!íí>T*±L 13. A. CO ň Ľ ^\A, ť b) Äffl^lft*vlu«T^®3fe5l*©Jb^o 1583 (AjEII) ^{liáliffl^cD smU(D&žmr>xm&^mížfL, ^(Dm^nwj^imé^ mm £58 U 1590^, yfĹlt&¥l£LX±m%m--Lt: