QP2* Parents (interview) QP201* Individual characteristics QP202* - QP211* Household characteristics QP212* - QP213* Child characteristics – discrimination & difficulties QP214* Parental worries QP215* - QP218* Parent„s internet use QP219* Child‟s internet use QP220* - QP224* Parental mediation (towards the internet) QP225* - QP227* Success of mediation QP228* - QP233* Child‟s internet risky experiences QP234* Child‟s general internet competencies QP235* - QP237* Child‟s internet risky experiences QP238* - QP239* Sources of information and advice on safer internet QC3* Children (interview) QC300* - QC305* Internet use QC306* - QC312* Internet activities QC313* - QC318* Social networking sites QC319* General internet competencies QC320*- QC321* Specific internet competencies QC322* Risks experienced online (general) QC324* Online communication QC325* - QC335* Parental meciation (towards the internet) QC336* - QC337* Friends„ mediation/support (towards the internet) QC338* Teachers„ mediation/support (towards the internet) QC339* Sources of information about internet safety QC1* Children (self-completion) QC104* - QC106 Individual characteristics: self-efficacy, social difficulties (emotional problems, conduct problems, peer problems) QC107* Sensation seeking QC108* Risky behaviours offline QC109* General (offline) support QC110* - QC111* Risky experiences online (general) QC112* - QC113* Negative experiences: bullying QC114* Negative experiences: bullying (victim) QC115* Negative experiences: online bullying (victim) QC116* - QC117* Negative experiences: online bullying - type of experience QC118* - QC119* Negative experiences: online bullying - emotions QC120* - QC122* Negative experiences: online bullying - general coping QC123* - QC124* Negative experiences: online bullying - online coping QC125* - QC127* Harming others: bullying (perpetrator) QC128* - QC130* Risky experiences: sexual content QC131* - QC133* Risky experiences: sexual content online QC134* Negative experiences: sexual content online QC135* - QC136* Negative experiences: sexual content online - emotions QC137* - QC139* Negative experiences: sexual content online - general coping QC140* - QC141* Negative experiences: sexual content online - online coping QC142* Risky experiences: content QC143* Risky experiences: abuse of personal privacy QC144* Internet addiction QC145* - QC146* Risk behaviour related to social web (frequencies) QC147* - QC151* Risky experiences: meeting strangers QC152* - QC154* Negative experiences: meeting strangers QC155* - QC158* Negative experiences: meeting strangers - preventative behaviour QC159* Negative experiences: meeting strangers - type of experience QC160* - QC161* Negative experiences: meeting strangers - emotions QC162* - QC164* Negative experiences: meeting strangers - general coping QC165* - QC166* Negative experiences: meeting strangers - online coping QC167* - QC168* Risky experiences: sexual messages online QC169* Risky experiences: sexual messages online – type QC170* Risky experiences: sexual messages online QC171* Negative experiences: sexual messages online QC172* - QC173* Negative experiences: sexual messges online - emotions QC174* - QC176* Negative experiences: sexual messges online - general coping QC177* - QC178* Negative experiences: sexual messges online - online coping QC179* - QC181* Harming others: send sexual messages D* Derived variables DPagechild2 >>> DPsibling3 Individual characteristics DPPTage3 >>> DPSESHH3 Household characteristics DPdiscriminateA >>> DPdisability2 Individual characteristics DPPTplaceNM >>> DPPTconf2 Parent's internet use DPplace3 Child's internet use DPimprove2 >>> DPdomore2 Parental mediation DPchange2 Success of mediation DPbothfqweek2 >>> DPhelpdealB2 Risky experiences DPcandealA2 >>> DPcandealB2 General competencies DPplaceNM Internet use DPrestrictIX >>> DPtechctrlNM Parental mediation DCROB2 Risky behaviours offline DCbothfqweek2 >>> DCbothfqmonth2 Risky experiences DCblfreqweek2 >>> DCblfreqmonth2 Negative experiences: bullying (victim) DCblupsetA2 >>> DCblupsetB2 Negative experiences: online bullying - types of experience DCblyfreqweek2 >>> DCblyfreqmonth2 “Harming others”: bullying (perpetrator) DCSCfreqweek2 >>> DCSCfreqmonth2 Risky experiences: Sexual content DCscupsetA2 >>> DCscupsetb2 Negative experiences: sexual content online - emotions DCupsetA2 >>> DCstupsetb2 Negative experiences: meeting strangers - emotions DCsmfreqweek2 >>> DCsmfreqmonth2 Risky experiences: sexual messages online DCsmupsetA2 >>> DCsmupsetb2 Negative experiences: sexual messges online - emotions DCsmsentfreqweek2 >>> DCsmsentfreqmonth2 Harming others: send sexual messages DCriskexpNM2 Risky experiences DCexpbothNM2 >>> DCexpemoNM2 Negative experiences DC300i >>> DCweekuse6 Internet use DCwebactNM >>> DCwebact2NM Internet activities DC316A2 >>> DCpersonalinfoNM Social networks DCcompetentNM Specific competencies DCcommstypeNM Online communication DCPTknow2 >>> DCPTchange2 Parental mediation DCpeersuppNM Friends„ mediation/support DCteachsuppNM Teachers„ mediation/support DCattitudeIX Attitudes to online communication DCSDQppMN Individual characteristics – peer problems DCSDQcpMN Individual characteristics – conduct problems DCSDQepMN Individual characteristics – emotional problems DCSEMN Individual characteristics – self-efficacy DCsensationIX Individual characteristics – sensation seeking DCaddictIX >>> DCaddictfreqE2 Internet addiction DCriskactNM Risk behaviour related to social web (frequencies) DCROB2NM Risky behaviours offline RPagechild4 >>> DPagesel2 Children age dc129x4 >>> DC143x2 Negative experiences DC301NM >>> DCdevice3 Internet access DCtimeuse Estimated minutes online each day DCskillsNM Number of skills, TOTAL (8) DCwebableA >>> DCwebableC Opinion towards Internet DCaddictA2 >>> DCaddict2 Internet addiction + další neroztříděné proměnné + základní demografické proměnné: agechild sexchild sexpt agept Slovníček: NM … number (typicky posčítáno několik položek dotazníku) MN … mean (průměr několika položek dotazníku) IX … index