1/4 DO-IN Massage Transcript/Translation from book of MUDr. Josef Jonáš “Puzzle of life” (1993, pp. 177-182) Introductory information: Exercise is similar to massage shiatsu, it uses points; whole zones and knuckle-bones; it has the preventive diagnostic and treatment effect; the pain or restriction in a certain zone is a indicator of warning and in this case we try to solve the problem properly (the change of dietary, leaving to the country-side for relaxation, stopping of quarrels, reorganize of daily-routine, etc. ), the best it is to do it in the morning because by the way, you get know, how to live day better. “If the the massage is practices in right way, you gain body and mental vitality, vital face , the skin will be younger. You will solve the organism disabilities from their appearing. You will get to know your own organism, that is not useless knowledge. I can promise more, but you will know it by yourself. The person should not throw out the nice day from his life just after visible benefit, but thanks to any free respect to life. The life is such as a mirror. What we give to it, we can take it back.” We start by friction (rubbing) of palms together to be them dry, warm and full of static electrics. Your health in this moment lies in your fingertips, where the magic energy appears, it is able to change negative on beneficial. Massage by one finger and forefinger all fingers one after the other. (We start with the finger on the left hand and finish with the little finger on the right hand). Take it as base part and knead it to the direction to the end. Here we stay a little and push the nail bed from both sides (Note-allegedly, it prolongs your life). By pushing we notice, if any finger is extraordinary painful. (Addition-we are allowed to massage fingers like we wipe off them in stated order one after the other from joint to the direction to the tip - it goes from yoga technics.) Every finder is a holder of meridian. The thumb holds lungs’ functions, the second finger carries the meridian of large intestine (diagnostic point between the thumb and the forefinger on the hand), the third finger is a finger of tamponade, the fourth one is the finger of triple heater, the last one, the fifth meridians of heart and small intestine. (Note, besides the end point on the nail bed, we are interested in heart meridian in the palm, where people lean on stick.) We diagnose the malfunction inside the organism or in particular organ by massage and pressing fingers. During the next step we get know about joint relaxation. Bend down finger to the direction to the palm and back to the hand back. Examine, if any of them is harder than the rest. It cannot be. The shortening of tendon or hard articular case means, that appropriate organ feels the same. For the same reasons, start with base joint in finger, relaxed joints characterize a good ability to adapt. Observe our wrists. Bend it to the both sides at least into the right angle by supporting on the palm of other hand. Three meridians run through the palm side and three through the back palm side. If you feel pain here, try to avoid it. After base examination percuss fists of arms on the external side up to shoulder and on the internal side move down. Shake out the hands, release and concentrate on the feeling after massage. Execute the diagnose - and continue with massage of the head. 2/4 Rub the forehead by fingers of both hands crosswise and vertically. Move skin along bones. Relax it. On the vertical line that passes through a doll, with about two centimetres above the top of eyebrows there is another 14 point of Sun runway. Press down it. Straight in the middle between eyebrows there is a control point for the liver. (Note: These points inform you, how you lived last day.) On the internal side of eyebrows we find out the 2 point of the way of urinary bladder. (it starts on the internal part of eye). On the external end there is 20 point of triple heater. Because of it, we massage this place and push carefully. Under the eye on perpendicular running the ball of the eye the way of stomach starts. On the yoke bone it is his 2 point. Carefully we massage it. Slide down the wings of nose (where the way large intestine finishes) here is the important point. Between mouth and chin - in the middle - there is one of the points in ascending order of front track (the way of conception). On the sides of face we can find a point, that informs us about the condition of small intestine. (Note: On the face this way we examine the whole stomach area.). The massage of eyes, which we press by three fingers, we stimulate the whole display and reflectively influence the liver. Then close the eyes by palms and move them up to down and from side to another side. (Note: This exercise helps to keep good vision.). Massaging of the nose root and wings, we stimulate lungs, heart and spleen. In grooves there is a point for large intestine. Finally, we have chin, that is reflex zone for kidney and genitals. Gently wipe off tiredness from the whole face with two hands. Tap of hair part of head brings us the feeling of freshness. (Note: Meridians of the gall bladder, urinary bladder and triple heater leads there, furthermore, there are many reflective zones.). Leave the head by pulling of ear auricle down and up, as possible we can massage whole ear auricle by forefinger. Thumb and index finger hitting the swing head to his attachment to the clavicle. (Note: Here are points primarily of stomach and small intestine). We release our head by circling from side to side. (Note: On his basic there are a lot of important points). Put thumbs on the temples (rear) and press fingers on the base of the skull - move from ear to hollow at the end of the backbone, where we should press stronger; on the way we pay attention to these part of body, that hurts us. (Note: So, we stimulate lengthened spinal marrow, that wake up whole organism.). Cross to the chest by light kneading of neck, throat and shoulders. Tap the rib chest, primarily the breastbone by fingers of both hands together with rumbling “súúúúúú “. (Note: A pleasant vibration can help to relax mucus, make better blood perfusion and influence on the important structures, that are situated behind breastbone.). Stomach. Prepare our fingers this way, that we press a little under the both rib arcs. After thoroughgoing breathing in we breath out with bend at the same time. We press by our thumbs far and far under the rib arcs. (This way we stimulate liver and spleen.). Put the thumbs on the triangle, that is created by rib arcs and the end of the breastbone, and breath in well. Deeply and easily breath out and press thumbs inside. The whole act should take you about 5 seconds. Relax sharply and take a deep breath in. Repeat it several times. 3/4 Lower limb. Hold the thumb and properly move it. Do not forget to turn around. (Note: The meridians of spleen, pancreas and liver go along thumbs and first of all, it is a reflective zone of head with brain glands-pinealgland and pituitary gland. The basic joint is a neck, and here we feel tiredness before the rest reactions). Then hold the thumbs such way, that the tips of thumbs are heading for space under the leg toe. Move them too regularly. Put your leg by foot on the floor and press the space of tarsal bones by forefinger near the basic joints of thumbs. (Note: We stimulate this way separate meridians.). Press quiet strongly the spaces between joints of whole back of leg. Put the forefinger and thumb the space behind Achilles tendon. (Note: There is a zone of kidney, urinary bladder and sexual system between Achilles tendon and ankle.). Push the thumbs ans massage tendon. /// Many of people at this moment can feel sudden pain. It means, that several of main organs do not work well. To get rid of this pain we massage our body and help backbone. The space behind the Achilles tendon is one of the key points in current civilization. You can influence your anxiety by this point. /// Sole of foot (the last zone). It is not quiet accessible for self-massage. (Note: In any way, you can do it in sitting position, foot across the foot). You can make it like a ritual, as your morning exercise. We can use it as a part of hygiene. It does not take more than 10 minutes. So-called “Shotgun approach” in DO-IN massage. In the bathroom take a a rubber matting or wooden or metallic box full of pebbles, glued with epoxy resin. We can use also other intentional things. Note: We can recommend also full the box with pebbles, certainly, in free order and with bigger amount of pebbles, then pour water to lift it, after ´wade in it´.). “When we do morning hygiene, of course, we irrigate nose, scrape the tongue, clean stomach, and after hovering we massage sole of foot. After washing face with cold water, irrigating of conjunctival bag we dry our skin and make dry massage of face with towel. Warm towel is excellent. Press thumbs through towel on the critical places in forehead, eyebrows, nose, cheeks and shin. Do the same with throat. Then take a instrument -according to sensitivity of skin-rice brush or soft brush or sisal washcloth and before we get reach to hands -through shoulders, neck to chest, then to lower limbs, then make complete removing. We use handle brush or sisal massage waistband for back. The brushing of ear auricles with soft toothbrush is very profitable for our vegetative balance. For stimulating of part of brain -pineal gland we use it as well. We find out this important zone between eyebrows. We refill massage with several manoeuvres, which we consider especially important and rinse cold water. This method is not, of course, usable diagnostic. ” Personal evaluation I think, that using massage is very beneficial and stimulating for every of us. It is important to spend time to it and try it. At least, as so long, as possible, if we are not sure in ineffectiveness and uselessness of this doing. 4/4 According to author of this article, we take him for well versed, and in this case, I think, it is not may be extremely skeptical towards to presenter. However, carefulness and healthy movement is here. When author mention matter of course in morning hygiene in “Shotgun” part, it cannot be, of course, practice whole matter of course for effect. Definitely, not every morning. Conclusion I recommend to try it and evaluate to every person, who is glad to make health better for well-being in body and peace in mind for understanding oneself and approaching as being. As author writes in introduction (paraphrase): „For getting know your own organism, that is not useless knowledge”. Literature: Jonaš J. (1993). Křížovka života – moudrost orientální medicíny a dnešek. Praha: Eminent. Translation: Pavel Humpolíček & Eleonora Nigmatulina ! For university students use only !