Boat People Oceans storm with First-Fleet waves navigating imperiaJ-cJaims a float of Tall-Ships convict-slaves exiled and bound antipodean shores Now courage charts a legal pass asylum's sorrow horizon's hope but surf s still up with First-Flect-waves crashing all tomorrow Seas rise again on hearts displaced homes fade disappear with night oh what sorrow seeks refuge to lands that fuel-fire in this climate-induced flight? D Domestic The stones of Aboriginal women domestic tenants cannot be told enough. They illuminate a deeply-rooted racist/acet ojAustralia's history. They tell 0/ the trials tribulations and triumphs amidst the backdrop oj oppression. -Jackie Huggins, White Apron, Blade Hands, 1994 Girls of tender age and years are torn away from their parents... and put to service in an environment as near to slavery as it is possible to jind. -Australian Aborigines Progressive Association, 1918 The great need in dealing with the girls of the [Point Pearce] mission is that they be placed out to domestic service as they reach a suitable age. There is no training and little for them to do in a native cottage home and so many girls grow up both useless and idle - Personally I feel strongly that voluntary effort in this direction is useless. A compulsory systematic for the girls are often absolutely no difficulty become very capable and the laundry do domestic work, that they are lazy was enforced placing of them out is necessary - Requests received by me and there would be in finding situations for them. They as domestic workers especially at housework I think any girl so long as her health is right can The difficulty with the natives is I could do more with diem if obedience but as it is the parents interfere so much Evidence: South Australian Royal Commission on the Aborigines, 1913 Z&^vMtM WOMAN'5 MIRROR The Ways of the Abo. Servant J!» HELEH COLHAH. I got her direct from a camp some miles from here and until she became used to things I had to tolerate the company o/her mother and younger sister Jora/ortnight (Jaykay 1926) With all their drawbacks less handy about the place to work them (Colman 1026) about six months but I already feel as if ten years from me such is my peace o/mind (CM 1925) She loves washing happier when her arms are deep in soapsuds (Jaykay 1926) idolise her she appears to them as a real live golly wog tiring in her games and devotions to my babies (CM 1925) both /earsomely like baboons even to their hairy faces necks but as waitresses they could not have been better [she] was then about 12 years however the gins are more or though one needs tremendous patience Topsy has only been in my possession have been lifted and is never The children and she is never They were and short thick and their laundry work was excellent (FPJ1927) Washing day was always more or less exciting one never knew exactly whatwasgoing to happen next (Colman 1926) Aborigines Protection Board 1939 Committed to Institution till 18 years Charged 'Destitute' Age 8 She is very/ond o/her own people and is looking/orward to going home Apron Sorrow apron-folds and pockets keep secrets pinned tucked hidden they whisper into linen-shadows that flicker-float with the sun hung limp on the breeze they sway a rhythmic sorrow (see Justice; Resistance; History Wars) Nationalism Grab your snags and gather the troops it's time to light up that good ol' Aussie barbecue. -Amelia Broadstock, The Advertiser, 14 January, 2015 place hand on heart it's Australia Day! crack the champers fly the flag bow and ci _. _ , _. Anthem andGodSa Rotate Clockwise Shift+Ctrl+Plus the test on critical facts like cricket and gems who pledge loyalty through Common-Bond this invented national- family ... Welcome to Team Australia! turn back the clock it's the 1950s Howard's post-war-ideal a way-of-life so launch the lies Children Overboard and fantasy weapons that will mass-destruct then batten the hatches Bolt the white-gate dig-deep the land to germinate heirloom- pure seeds of hate gifted by the Nation-State ... Go Team Orstraya! sound the alarm on those seeking-asylum send a bold message turn back the boats reject UN Treaties defy human-rights lock- up the kids then turn a blind-eye campaign on terror stereotype-Others BantheBurqa they're all the same ... Go Team'Straya! so bunker-down with a meaty-uprising savour the flavour from barbecue-rants buy a'50s blender whip-up a pav add a dollop of bigotry to the Australian-dream cook-up some fear baste with cold-ideology so many experts on nation and race Oh my heavy-heart's lament I despair my country this brutal Team but_for this reminder with clenched-jist resist the strength of the Old Ones (sec Boat People; Mythology; Queen of England; Union Jack) Xenophobia I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians... They have their own culture and religion, form ghettos and do not assimilate... A truly multicultural country can never be strong or united ... I talk about the exact opposite - the priuileges Aboriginals enjoy over other Australians ... I worked for my land; no-one gave it to me. -Pauline Hanson, House of Representative Member from Oxley, 1996 "Please Explain?" asked the flame-haired xenophobe her cool-eyes smiled as she carved from the centre then sliced far-right away from the heart to reveal a wedged and rising One-Nation