Ouyang Yu THE UNGRATEFUL IMMIGRANT If you are looking for one Don’t look further for he is here Writing the poem about the hows and the whys and the nos You expect me to be integrated into the mainstream I don’t care although I become a citizen Not to strengthen your national identity as you like to think But in order to travel more freely in the rest of the world You expect me to speak English and write English Which I can do but not so that you think I am English But to do just what I am doing here Writing poems that do not sit comfortably with your Another day another dollar mentality and nationality You think that because I came to and live in Australia I should be grateful for the rest of my life But you don’t know that I already regret that I’ve made an irreversible mistake And you have made a mistake, too, I think Because years ago you promoted Australia in our country so aggressively Why not be honest and say: We don’t fucking want you Asians, PERIOD! And you know what I think you should do to make me grateful? Strip me of my citizenship and send me back to China in forced repatriation Like you have done to so many of them You think I am serious? Of course I am not What do you reckon? BEING DIFFICULT that critic whose name i won’t tell you until a little while later says that he does not like this poem or that for the simple reason that they are simple because he says that he likes things difficult but let me tell you a story of being difficult about a poet who is shitting one day or sleeping one night who tries a bit of auto-writing stuff or shitting stuff like dada you know or surrealist whatever even a little bit of translation here and there ancient and modern collaging you know very fashionable so that what comes out is not a bit unlike a prose poetry drama essay music pop song in style and derida foucault kristeva greer barthes marx freud jung nitzher all put together so that nobody understands and now the critic plunges into action rubbing his hands and smiling to himself gosh that is the thing So difficult! like myself i must do a good job about this and prove to the world how clever i am then he starts making cards compiling bibliography taking notes reading reviews phoning people and writing fragments dissecting the poem and himself so that they merge into each other but what is his name you ask never mind his name for you can easily pick up one anywhere nowadays if a car ran into a telephone post and that post must fall on one then you say i wish the post fell on one see if it is not too difficult AN IDENTITY CV By and large: By blood: By birth: By death: By language: By mistake: By nationality: By nature: By occupation: By race: By skin-colour: By the way: not much of a poem to speak of; han nationality for the last 46 years including this year but uncertain if going further back; there could be some other bloods mixed; a dna test would be needed to determine the purity or percentage of purity; a no hoper, destined to drift for life; someone australia will regret to have; capable of speaking only two at the moment; bilingual in the sense of bi- sexual or bi-partisan or bigamous or bipolar; getting caught by two, wanted by none, hated by most, and preferring to be left alone; australian for the last couple of years; chinese for the first 43; unashamed of either; having a bit of problem with both; a cross-cultural fucker; a stateless and statusless poet; downward mobile; upward wayward; edgewise, always edgewise; hard to define at the moment; some sort of as yet unformulated new theory would be needed; supposedly yellow but looking slightly white in winter or dark in summer if in receipt of too much sun; preferring to be changeable according to weather, and place; i haven’t had a decent job for the last 11 years; would you consider taking me on?