Roots unrooted Pavel Caha The morphologist’s view: Roots vs. affixes 1/28 Roots: the morphologist’s view Aronoff (1994): A root is what is left when all morphological structure has been wrung out of a form. (1) Czech conjugation sg. pl. 1st prosím prosíme 2nd prosíš prosíte 3rd prosí prosí 2/28 Roots: the morphologist’s view Aronoff (1994): A root is what is left when all morphological structure has been wrung out of a form. (1) Czech conjugation sg. pl. 1st prosí-m prosí-me 2nd prosí-š prosí-te 3rd prosí prosí 2/28 Roots: the morphologist’s view Aronoff (1994): A root is what is left when all morphological structure has been wrung out of a form. (1) Czech conjugation sg. pl. 1st prosí-m prosí-me 2nd prosí-š prosí-te 3rd prosí prosí past.masc prosil prosili inf prosit prosit 2/28 Roots: the morphologist’s view Aronoff (1994): A root is what is left when all morphological structure has been wrung out of a form. (1) Czech conjugation sg. pl. 1st pros-í-m pros-í-me 2nd pros-í-š pros-í-te 3rd pros-í pros-í past.masc pros-i-l pros-i-l-i inf pros-i-t pros-i-t 2/28 Roots: the morphologist’s view Aronoff (1994): A root is what is left when all morphological structure has been wrung out of a form. (1) Czech conjugation sg. pl. 1st pros-í-m pros-í-me 2nd pros-í-š pros-í-te 3rd pros-í pros-í past.masc pros-i-l pros-i-l-i inf pros-i-t pros-i-t imp pros pros-te 2/28 Roots: the morphologist’s view Aronoff (1994): A root is what is left when all morphological structure has been wrung out of a form. (1) Czech conjugation sg. pl. 1st pros-í-m pros-í-me 2nd pros-í-š pros-í-te 3rd pros-í pros-í past.masc pros-i-l pros-i-l-i inf pros-i-t pros-i-t imp pros pros-te 2/28 The M-Root In a lot of words, one can distinguish the root and the affixes (2) Czech demonstratives fem. neut. masc. nom ta to ten acc tu to toho gen té toho toho loc té to toho dat té to toho ins tou tím tím 3/28 The M-Root In a lot of words, one can distinguish the root and the affixes (2) Czech demonstratives fem. neut. masc. nom t-a t-o t-en acc t-u t-o t-oho gen t-é t-oho t-oho loc t-é t-o t-oho dat t-é t-o t-oho ins t-ou t-ím t-ím 3/28 The M-Root In a lot of words, one can distinguish the root and the affixes (2) Czech demonstratives fem. neut. masc. wh, anim. nom t-a t-o t-en acc t-u t-o t-oho k-oho gen t-é t-oho t-oho k-oho loc t-é t-o t-oho k-om dat t-é t-o t-oho k-omu ins t-ou t-ím t-ím 3/28 The syntactician’s view: Lexical categories vs. Functional catgories 4/28 Lexical categories • In syntax, people used to have a related distinction, namely that between LEXICAL CATEGORIES and FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES. 5/28 Lexical categories • In syntax, people used to have a related distinction, namely that between LEXICAL CATEGORIES and FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES. (3) Syntactic structures (Chomsky (1957)) a. NP → T + N b. T → the c. N → man, ball, ... (4) NP T the N man 5/28 Lexical categories • In syntax, people used to have a related distinction, namely that between LEXICAL CATEGORIES and FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES. (3) Syntactic structures (Chomsky (1957)) a. NP → T + N b. T → the c. N → man, ball, ... (4) NP T the N man • One distinction is obvious from the notation: open vs. closed class items. 5/28 The DP hypothesis (5) Abney (1987) DP D the N book 6/28 Affixes can be functional heads (6) Danish a. en a bog book b. bog-en book-def ‘the book’ c. den the gamle old bog book 7/28 Affixes can be functional heads (6) Danish a. en a bog book b. bog-en book-def ‘the book’ c. den the gamle old bog book (7) DP D den NP AP gamle N bog (8) DP N bog D en 7/28 Affixes can be functional heads (6) Danish a. en a bog book b. bog-en book-def ‘the book’ c. den the gamle old bog book (7) DP D den NP AP gamle N bog (8) DP N bog D en Lexical categories are M-roots. 7/28 Affixes can be functional heads (6) Danish a. en a bog book b. bog-en book-def ‘the book’ c. den the gamle old bog book (7) DP D d-en NP AP gamle N bog (8) DP N bog D en Lexical categories are M-roots. Functional categories may be affixal (but do not have to be). 7/28 How lexical categories became empty 8/28 Plural (9) the books 9/28 Plural (9) the books (10) Chomsky (1957) a. NP → NPsing b. NP → NPpl c. NPsing → T + N + Ø d. NPpl → T + N + S (11) NP T the N book S s 9/28 Plural (9) the books (10) Chomsky (1957) a. NP → NPsing b. NP → NPpl c. NPsing → T + N + Ø d. NPpl → T + N + S (11) NP T the N book S s (12) DP D the NumP N book Num -s 9/28 Gender (13) Spanish a. l-a-s the-fem-pl muchach-a-s child-fem-pl ‘the girls’ b. l-o-s the-masc-pl muchach-o-s child-masc-pl ‘the boys’ 10/28 Gender (13) Spanish a. l-a-s the-fem-pl muchach-a-s child-fem-pl ‘the girls’ b. l-o-s the-masc-pl muchach-o-s child-masc-pl ‘the boys’ (14) DP D las NumP GenderP N muchach Gender -a Num -s 10/28 Portmanteau (15) Luganda a. omu-ntu ‘person’ (class 1) b. aba-ntu ‘people’ (class 2) c. eki-ntu ‘thing’ (class 7) d. ebi-ntu ‘things’ (class 8) e. awa-ntu ‘place’ (class 16) 11/28 Portmanteau (15) Luganda a. omu-ntu ‘person’ (class 1) b. aba-ntu ‘people’ (class 2) c. eki-ntu ‘thing’ (class 7) d. ebi-ntu ‘things’ (class 8) e. awa-ntu ‘place’ (class 16) (16) a. ss-a-yas-izza neg.1-past-break-perf ki-kopo 7-cup ‘I didn’t break any cup.’ b. ss-a-ky-as-izza neg.1sg-past-7oc-break-perf e-ki-kopo 7-7-cup ‘I didn’t break the cup.’ 11/28 Portmanteau (15) Luganda a. o-mu-ntu ‘person’ (class 1) b. a-ba-ntu ‘people’ (class 2) c. e-ki-ntu ‘thing’ (class 7) d. e-bi-ntu ‘things’ (class 8) e. a-wa-ntu ‘place’ (class 16) (16) a. ss-a-yas-izza neg.1-past-break-perf ki-kopo 7-cup ‘I didn’t break any cup.’ b. ss-a-ky-as-izza neg.1sg-past-7oc-break-perf e-ki-kopo 7-7-cup ‘I didn’t break the cup.’ 11/28 Bantu II DP D a NumP Num Num Gen N ntu 12/28 Bantu II DP D a NumP Num⇒ ba Num Gen N ntu 12/28 Once you factor functional structure away, there is nothing left • Borer: Thus far, the investigation of e.g. the table or walked the dog proceeded from the assumption that formal properties of such expressions can be fully accommodated without availing ourselves, at any point, of information that is uniquely connected to table, walk and dog respectively. Rather, both syntax and the crucial aspects of the semantics can be computed on the basis of functors and the semantic formulas which such functors denote. 13/28 Once you factor functional structure away, there is nothing left • Borer: Thus far, the investigation of e.g. the table or walked the dog proceeded from the assumption that formal properties of such expressions can be fully accommodated without availing ourselves, at any point, of information that is uniquely connected to table, walk and dog respectively. Rather, both syntax and the crucial aspects of the semantics can be computed on the basis of functors and the semantic formulas which such functors denote. • A lot of people in Generative Grammar now entertain this position. 13/28 The birth of S-roots 14/28 A-categorial categories dance: N / V dog: N / V (to cause trouble for someone over a long period of time) ... 15/28 A-categorial categories dance: N / V dog: N / V (to cause trouble for someone over a long period of time) ... Harley and Noyer (1999): ... different “parts of speech” can be defined as a single l-morpheme, or Root (to adopt the terminology of Pesetsky 1995), in certain local relations with category-defining f-morphemes. For example, a noun or a nominalization is a Root whose nearest c-commanding f-morpheme (or licenser) is a Determiner ... 15/28 A-categorial categories dance: N / V dog: N / V (to cause trouble for someone over a long period of time) ... Harley and Noyer (1999): ... different “parts of speech” can be defined as a single l-morpheme, or Root (to adopt the terminology of Pesetsky 1995), in certain local relations with category-defining f-morphemes. For example, a noun or a nominalization is a Root whose nearest c-commanding f-morpheme (or licenser) is a Determiner ... (17) DP D the dog 15/28 A-categorial categories dance: N / V dog: N / V (to cause trouble for someone over a long period of time) ... Harley and Noyer (1999): ... different “parts of speech” can be defined as a single l-morpheme, or Root (to adopt the terminology of Pesetsky 1995), in certain local relations with category-defining f-morphemes. For example, a noun or a nominalization is a Root whose nearest c-commanding f-morpheme (or licenser) is a Determiner ... (17) DP D the dog (18) TP dog T -ed 15/28 “A novel syntactic term” Borer, Structuring Sense III, 347: by virtue of being syntactic objects without a category, roots represent a novel syntactic term. (19) a. S-roots: Whatever is left when functional categories are “wrung out” of a form. b. M-roots: Whatever is left when all morphological structure has been wrung out of a form. 16/28 “A novel syntactic term” Borer, Structuring Sense III, 347: by virtue of being syntactic objects without a category, roots represent a novel syntactic term. (19) a. S-roots: Whatever is left when functional categories are “wrung out” of a form. b. M-roots: Whatever is left when all morphological structure has been wrung out of a form. (20) DP D d-en NP AP gamle N bog 16/28 My position • There are no S-roots — There are no a-categorial root nodes in syntax, no novel objects in the Borer/DM sense 17/28 My position • There are no S-roots — There are no a-categorial root nodes in syntax, no novel objects in the Borer/DM sense • There are no lexical categories 17/28 My position • There are no S-roots — There are no a-categorial root nodes in syntax, no novel objects in the Borer/DM sense • There are no lexical categories • Functional categories all the way down 17/28 My position • There are no S-roots — There are no a-categorial root nodes in syntax, no novel objects in the Borer/DM sense • There are no lexical categories • Functional categories all the way down • M-roots are the pronunciation of functional categories 17/28 My position • There are no S-roots — There are no a-categorial root nodes in syntax, no novel objects in the Borer/DM sense • There are no lexical categories • Functional categories all the way down • M-roots are the pronunciation of functional categories 17/28 Predecessors (21) Ramchand (2008) initP initiation ProcP process ResP Result 18/28 Predecessors (21) Ramchand (2008) initP initiation ProcP process ResP Result • enter = init+proc+res • walk = init+proc • melt = proc 18/28 Nanosyntax and adjectives 19/28 The framework • The basic building blocks of language are very small (smaller than morphemes) • Phrasal spell-out (and the Superset Principle) 20/28 The framework • The basic building blocks of language are very small (smaller than morphemes) • Phrasal spell-out (and the Superset Principle) (22) F5 F5 F4 F4 F3 F3 F2 F2 F1 20/28 The framework • The basic building blocks of language are very small (smaller than morphemes) • Phrasal spell-out (and the Superset Principle) (22) F5 ⇒ phon F5 F4 F4 F3 F3 F2 F2 F1 20/28 The framework • The basic building blocks of language are very small (smaller than morphemes) • Phrasal spell-out (and the Superset Principle) (22) F5 ⇒ phon F5 F4 F4 F3 F3 F2 F2 F1 (23) F5 F5 F4 F4 F3 F3 F2 F2 F1 ⇔ phon 20/28 Two classes of adjectives (24) a. gradable: tall, rich, fast, warm,... b. non-gradable: nuclear, communal, baroque, ... 21/28 Two classes of adjectives (24) a. gradable: tall, rich, fast, warm,... b. non-gradable: nuclear, communal, baroque, ... (25) a. a very/extremely warm weather b. *a very/extremely nuclear family 21/28 Two classes of adjectives (24) a. gradable: tall, rich, fast, warm,... b. non-gradable: nuclear, communal, baroque, ... (25) a. a very/extremely warm weather b. *a very/extremely nuclear family (26) a. a very American movie b. an un-American movie 21/28 Two classes of adjectives (24) a. gradable: tall, rich, fast, warm,... b. non-gradable: nuclear, communal, baroque, ... (25) a. a very/extremely warm weather b. *a very/extremely nuclear family (26) a. a very American movie b. an un-American movie (27) a. This stipend is for (*very) American scientists b. This stipend is for non-American scientists 21/28 Two classes of adjectives (24) a. gradable: tall, rich, fast, warm,... b. non-gradable: nuclear, communal, baroque, ... (25) a. a very/extremely warm weather b. *a very/extremely nuclear family (26) a. a very American movie b. an un-American movie (27) a. This stipend is for (*very) American scientists b. This stipend is for non-American scientists (NB: I came up with the examples myself on the basis of descriptions and the negative examples seem not to be correct, as pointed out by Jeff) (28) Gradable adjectives are based on scales, non-gradable adjectives have no such scale. A non-gradable adjective can be turned into a gradable adjective by associating a scale to it. 21/28 Two classes of gradable adjectives (29) Gradable adjectives form pairs belonging to an identical scale a. happy — sad b. friendly — hostile c. healthy — sick 22/28 Two classes of gradable adjectives (29) Gradable adjectives form pairs belonging to an identical scale a. happy — sad b. friendly — hostile c. healthy — sick (30) Positive vs. negative adjectives 22/28 Two classes of gradable adjectives (29) Gradable adjectives form pairs belonging to an identical scale a. happy — sad b. friendly — hostile c. healthy — sick (30) Positive vs. negative adjectives a. unhappy — *unsad b. unfriendly — *unhostile c. unhealthy — *unsick 22/28 The three classes of adjectives Ongoing work by Guido Vanden Wyngaerd and Karen de Clercq (31) a. sad NegP Neg ScaleP Scale PropertyP ... b. happy ScaleP Scale PropertyP ... c. nuclear PropertyP Property 23/28 No difference between roots/affixes (32) Deriving adjectives a. positive adjectives: (un-)event-ful, (un-)faith-ful, (un-)help-ful, (un-)law-ful, (un-)success-ful b. negative adjectives: (*un-)use-less, (*un-)breath-less, (*un-)sense-less, (*un-)merci-less, (*un-)cheer-less 24/28 In tree structure (33) a. -less NegP Neg ScaleP Scale b. -ful ScaleP Scale 25/28 In tree structure • ‘Lexical categories’ (like adjectives, verbs) fall into various classes that can be described by various degrees of functional structure • Functional structure all the way down • No “roots” in syntax • Root makes sense as a morphological term — the base to which affixes attach 26/28 To be continued... 27/28 References Abney, Stephen. 1987. The english noun phrase in its sentential aspect. MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Doctoral Dissertation. Aronoff, Mark. 1994. Morphology by itself. Cambridge: MIT Press. Chomsky, Noam. 1957. Review of Skinner Verbal Behavior. Language 35. 26–58. Ramchand, Gillian. 2008. Verb meaning and the lexicon. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. 28/28