STUDY SKILLS SPEAKING & WORKING IN PAIRS BEING AN INDEPENDENT LEARNER 1. Students at most universities are expected to be independent learners. Tick the sentences below which describe characteristics of this type of learner. Independent learners: 1 make choices about what courses to study within a programme 2 set their own short- and long-term learning goals 3 leave assignment writing until the last minute 4 know where to find information they need 5 use the library, online information and other sources effectively 6 wait for the tutor to tell them what to do 7 accept what they read in textbooks and on websites as facts Choose two of the characteristics of an independent learner that you think you already have and two you need to develop. How might you develop the weaker characteristics? In pairs or small groups, compare your answers. 2. What are your own short-term and long-term learning goals? How can you achieve them? Write them down, then swap your paper with another student and compare/discuss them. WRITING AND READING 1. Think about your English learning history (when, where and why you started to learn it, what strategies worked for you and which did not, your good and bad experience ….) Write a short paragraph of about 100 words. 2. Read it out and share your experience with your classmates. READING Quoting OECD’s test results comparing the ability of graduates in different countries, BBC reported that Singapore and South Korea may have achieved highly at the school level but their university graduates are below average. “It casts a light too on how an efficient school system might not translate into success in higher education. South Korea and Singapore, both high achievers at school level, are below average in the graduate rankings,” BBC said. The OECD’s Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) test measures the key cognitive and workplace skills needed for individuals to participate in society and for economies to prosper. It was conducted in over 40 countries with 5,000 individuals in each country participating. The test assessed literacy and numeracy skills and the ability to solve problems in technology-rich environments. The top 10 highest performing graduates are from countries: 1. Japan 2. Finland 3. Netherlands 4. Australia 5. Norway 6. Belgium 7. New Zealand 8. England 9. United States 10. Czech Republic SPEAKING Read the following metaphors on learning and teaching. Choose one you like best and explain why. Then make your own metaphor on the subject.