who what teaser... when where Joe Lennon "Academic Writing: The Good, the Bad, and the Way Forward" "So, you’ve written something in English, and now it’s sitting there on the page, looking weird. You know it’s not perfect, but you don’t know how to make it any better. In this module we’ll look at revising tricks and techniques that will turn your pile of words into a powerful statement you’ll be proud of. We’ll also consider various answers to the questions: What makes good writing in English? How can I tell bad writing from good? Are there good reasons why bad writing is praised? This module would be especially useful for students currently working on writing projects, but also for anyone who would like to get a new perspective on academic writing." "Two group sessions: Wed 18 Sept, 16:00-17:30; Wed 25 Sept, 16:00-17:30 (these times/dates are negotiable based on your schedules); then individual meetiungs with Joe to discuss your writing." TBD Petra Trávníková Grammar Module "In this module, we will cover (both theoretically and practically) any grammar you choose prior to the individual sessions- you will decide what you would like to do." "3 sessions: 23rd Oct., 13th Nov., 20th Nov., 8-9.30" "FSS, U44" Marcela Sekanina Vavřinová Pronunciation "According to most recent research, the biggest percentage of all communication breakdowns happens due to wrong or unclear pronunciation. Therefore, in this support group we will most certainly listen and then, speak, we might also sing, we might improve our guessing and intuition of what the others are saying..., simply, we will be doing whatever you personally need to do to improve your pronunciation, so that you feel at ease while speaking with others..." "Thu 26/10, 16/11 and 7/12 at 10am," FI. TBA Dana Straková Treat for Bookworms "Whether you love reading and talking about books or are thinking of writing fiction on your own, this module is the right choice for you. First we will analyze one short story together, so you learn the ropes. We will look for motifs, themes, images, and other features supporting a good story. Then we will take a close look at four short stories and discuss what you believe are their greatest strengths. In the last session you will recommend books that you like using all the terms you will have learned. Alternatively, you can share a piece of your own writing demonstrating how these literary devices work." "3 sessions: Thursdays 10:00-11:30, 19 Oct, 9 Nov, 30 Nov" to be announced Šárka Roušavá conversation "We will be speaking about conversation, as well as any topics you bring along." "Wednesdays at 17:30 to 19:00, Oct. 25, Nov. 1 & 8" Fac. of Arts - room to be announced Martina Šindelářová Skupeňová BAM module "Get your ears and feet ready for this module. We are going to use the wonderful database of audio files from the BAM project to practice different listening techniques and to discover a lot about Brno, its history and architecture." "Wednesdays at 17:30 to 19:00, Nov. 8, Nov. 22, Dec 6" around Brno Lenka Zouhar Ludvíková pecha kucha training "Many of us find timing our presentations difficult. Pecha kucha format basically pushes you into timing and rehearsing and planning. Isn´t that useful? The first session will be a bit of introduction and sharing and wathing a video, the other two will actually be pecha kucha events and you will be the presenters." "15th Nov + 29th Nov + ???, at 5:30 pm" to be announced Lenka Zouhar Ludvíková academic discussions "Whether you love them or hate them, this is a module for you... Reading a lot at home to prepare for the actual debates that we are going to try will make you use phrases and strategies and logic fallacies that will be discussed. And whatever else you ask for:)" "8th nov, 22nd Nov, 13th Dec at 5:30pm" to be announced Dana Straková "Translation into formal English " "Have you ever wondered about the differences between spoken and written communication? Is it hard for you to express your ideas in formal English? In the first two sessions we will tackle these questions, in the third one you will receive feedback on your own piece of writing." "3 sessions: Thursdays 8:00-9:30, 19 Oct, 9 Nov, 30 Nov" to be announced Dana Straková Academic Reading "This module you will learn how to work with English sources and texts more effectively. We will look at how you can choose your sources quickly and find just the information you need, how to make notes that help you study effectively and also how to approach an English text when you want to pick up some useful language." "3 sessions: Wednesdays 16:00-17:30, 18 Oct, 8 Nov, 29 Nov" to be announced Ivana Malovičová vocabulary builder "In this module, we will share strategies for vocabulary learning. You could experiment with both traditional as well as online tools helping you expand your academic English vocabulary. After the first session you can make a SMART vocabulary learning goal and then you as well as the whole group will benefit from your experience." "3 sessions: Wednesdays 17:30 - 19, 18th Oct, 1st Nov, 22nd Nov" to be announced Kirby Vincent + Lenka Zouhar Ludvíková international study buddies Are you one of the students who says they have nobody to talk to in English? Would you like to try working on a project of your choice in a multilingual team? This module will connect you with students in Helsinki via a videoconference which will hopefully connect people. Sounds like nokia? Why not? You will present the topic in the end of the term... 18th Oct 5:30pm "CJV, Komenského nám.2, jazyková studovna" Eva Trumpešová - Rudolfová Daring to Dare "Combining all our shared knowledge in Emotional Intelligence and other subtle life skills, we will actually try to dare... dare to face the critics of our lives, of our ways and of our studies/ career...dare to face ourselves as the biggest critics...dare to face the challenges life in the 21st century in its complexity offers including daring to stand out and going for what you want... Highly practical and hopefully useful with only as much theory as will be necessary to get us from where we are to where we need to be!" 26th Oct 5pm (other sessions to be agreed together) to be announced Vojtěch Sysel + Mikuláš Jurda + Lenka Zouhar Ludvíková EA presents Natural Science Module "VS: Is a black hole immortal? Let's find the answer! Warning: we will have to travel ""to Infinity and Beyond"" with the scary black hole! LZL: Let´s stroll around the Open Garden and learn the names of plants there... MJ" "24th Oct, 2pm 12th Oct at 9am" "CJV, Komenského nám.2, jazyková studovna Open Garden (Otevřená zahrada nadace partnerství)" TPot. iCan i Pad Klára Pavlíková (IBM) "Soft Skills, Hard Work (Klára Pavlíková" "What do soft skills mean? Why they are important? What soft skills do you need? Practicing your presentation & communication skills tips and tricks. The last session will be dedicated to soft skills on demand. " TBA TBA Lubor Fedák (IBM) How to train Business Mindset "How much do you already train your future personality profile? How much do you already improve in the area of business, leadership and innovation? Whose books do you read and what do you apply from them into your personality development? Who is you trainer, couch or mentor? If you miss responsible answer to any of these points, come to our workshop about building your business mindset and learn how to think as future successful leader in your employment. The aim of the course is to start, steer or at least confirm your right way of creative and leadership abilities useful for your future career in any kind of business. " "17th Oct, 24th Oct. and 31st Oct; 16:30-18:00" TBA Dagmar Wiesnerova (Czechitas) User eXperience Design Basics "In this course, students will get an introduction to UX design and to what UX designers actually do in their daily lives. We will talk about wireframing and usability testing (you don't need to google it in advance, really) and the basic tools you will need (surprisingly, it's pen and paper). The instructor will try to prove that you don't need to code to get a job in IT or be the most creative kid on the block to be a designer. Each session will slightly connect to the previous one. Don't expect a boring lecture, it will be very hands-on, so get your post-its and markers ready!" "Wed 18th Oct, 25th Oct and 1st Nov at 6pm" TBA Lenka Franců (Czechitas) Yoga "In this course, we will combine 60 minutes of exercise with 30 minutes of introduction. We will talk about India, about my teachers' training course in India, and about yoga philosophy. During the physical part, we will go through basics movements, asanas, and breathing techniques." "23Oct, 30th Oct, 6th Nov, 8:00 - 9:30am" TBA (ACOR?????? Zuzka Žufanová Board Games (DIY) Come and play with us... "Mon 16th Oct., 6pm" teahouse Za zrcadlem ##### Sheet/List 2 ##### who what teaser... when where everyone quiz night A customized pub quiz... Joe Lennon moderating the night for you and only for you:) "11th Oct, 5:30pm" Šárka Roušavá cinema to be announced... Martina Šindelářová Skupeňová theatre Let us digest and discuss a new adaptation of the American classics - West Side Story. 29th November Výstaviště everyone Xmas shower "An unofficial closing session of the term with mulled wine, home.made sweets and a secret Santa," Lenka Zouhar Ludvíková breakfast "This shower has had a long tradition in the course. And as I like going out for breakfast, I´m offering it again. Let´s eat together, learn some new words and discuss the best places to go to. Bytheway, which café / bistro / place would you recommend for breakfast?" "24th Nov, 8:30am" bistro SOUL James Thomas sketch engine "This shower is going to introduce the Sketch Engine, a tool that can make you write like a native speaker." to be specified Bruno talk to a professional "Talk about anything concerning studies or working abroad, IT studies or the best pizza in Brno to a foreign lecturer, IT specialist of Italian origin teaching at Masaryk University" "Wed 7/12 at 2pm " FI MU A321 Tomáš Mátl (Czechitas) How to pick the job that makes you happy "The workshop will help young ladies to understand what is important when seeking a job that they want to be enjoyable, satisfying and fulfilling. They will try to create their personal vision, which helps to realize what are the important things and attributes the job must fulfill. They will understand, what are the key qualities they need to succeed in their professional lives. And what are the key qualities their bosses should have for them to enjoy cooperation. If the time allows, we will talk about how to be in the driving seat when going through the job interviews." "13th November, 2pm" "CJV, Komenského nám.2, Jazyková studovna" Petra Trávníková Language of the Internet "English is the lingua franca interconnecting the world on the Internet and Internet communication rules the world! We will discuss how people communicate within various Internet genres depending on your choice. And/or, we can also have a look at how to write an email including the most frequent mistakes." "19th Oct.,11.30-13.00" "FSS, room U44" Petra Trávníková Sit through a sitcom "Be it Friends, Big Bang Theory or How I Met your Mother, let's get together and discuss our fav shows, from any perspective we choose." "4th Dec., 8.-9.30" "FSS, room U36"