Week 11 Notes 6 December 2017 Video about aphantasia: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-34039054 Video about my friend Mathias who writes (and sells) dreams: http://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-39494657/the-man-who-writes-dreams-and-delivers-them-to- your-door Questions to think about as you continue working on your essay: 1. Who would you say is the “ideal” reader for this essay (the person you imagine enjoying this essay the most, or being able to understand it and appreciate it the best)? This could be a real person (your dad), or it could be someone you only imagine. DESCRIBE this person in as much detail as you can. 2. What’s one question you have for your “ideal” reader, before/after they read your essay? If your ideal reader is a real person, give them your essay and ask them this question! And even if your ideal reader is not a real person, give your essay to others, and ask them for feedback. This is the only way to become a better writer. Signup for consultations with me: Wednesday 13 Dec 12:00 Ana 12:45 Tina 13:30 Julia 14:15 Dora Thursday 14 Dec 9:30 Iva 10:15 Alessandro 11:00 Jarda 11:45 Nam 12:30 Marketa 13:15 Terezia