THE ROMAN RELIGION AND LAWS; FAS, NEFAS, IUS, LEX, SACRILEGIUM RELIGION AND LAWS ¢Numa Pompilius and Egeria ¢Grave of Numa Pompilius ¢Ius divinum – came directly from the will of Gods ¢Ius publicum – regulated the relationships between the Roman govermnet and citizens of Rome ¢Ius privatum - regulated the relationships between individuals FAS AND NEFAS ¢Fas – what can be acceptable ¢Nefas – what cannot be acceptable ¢ ¢Dies fas et nefas – days when decisions of the senat or people assamblies, state actions, war decisions can be done IUS AND LEX ¢Ius – Right; permit or authorization to act ¢Lex – Law; a rule of conduct SACRILEGIUM ¢Sacrilegus ¢Sacra privata ¢Sacra publica ¢A crime against religion ¢Punishment with dea th SPECIAL WORDS IN THE TEXT ¢Pontifex maximus ¢Praetor urbanus ¢Iurisdictio ¢Patres ¢Interrex (interreges) ¢Provocatio ¢Legis actio ¢Peregrinus, peregrina ¢