7n^7^ 1 I $l)lJ^t/)\ {How many [long, thin objects] are there?) hat counter do you think is used to count the following? Refer to the : ceding list of counters. -ocks 5. jackets 9. parks 2. fingers 6. envelopes 10. goldfish IL computers 7. movie theaters 4. horses 8. streets = tf> — a $0 U ifclto {There's one car.) These are answers. What are the questions in Japanese? 1. There are five pencils on the desk. 1. There are three cars at home. 3. There are two windows in the classroom. 4. There is one person to the left of Mr. Yamada. 5. There are ten books in my bag. 6. There are six coffee shops in this town. There are eight books over there. 8. There are three bananas on the table. y. There are three parks in this neighborhood. 7 5 j- -i \L~r *f — m OTlffao {It's expensive, isn't it!) —The average starting salary in your future career 1. How many dollars (KJU) are each of these? a. a year's tuition, room, and board for an on-campus student at your college or university b. the price of the car you hope to own some day c. the average price of a house in your community d. the value of ¥1,000,000 in your country's currency (Check the business section of your local newspaper if you don't know the 5. Z-fXTtWÍT — 6. t~x (*/>&JiX) 7. y*ljýiy?yh7$-Ji 8. ^trv h/K—JU 9. v3=^>^ Answer the following questions about your home. if A, 3. tfttWcufcOii-rfr, 4. A(^Ai^í^o _ S A. Ů; you don't know, guess.) 6. ^'yhWi^íÍ3f)Ho______ Complete the following dialogues according to the guidelines given in parentheses. 1. (There are three men and two women on the basketball team.) b: 5ATto z> t b: uu^ fc^e:©a^_£&^&©aV_Tt, 2. (There are three Japanese and one Chinese mah-jongg players. All of them are students.) a: k$3*>ŽÁ,CDX>JK— tcWtfc__fro b: a: ^^SÍATt^o t DA. b: uutu B#a#_&.*c _ _ Make up a statement based on the information given. example: books/in my room/50 1. students / in the library / 2 2. instructor / in front of the classroom / 1 3. banks / in this town / 4 4. cafeterias / at the university / 5 5. hospital / next to the post office / 1 1. Using your local telephone book, answer the following questions about the people and businesses in your ommunity. 2. 77^V-[sXh^>Umirfa&0&?fi\__ 3. l-b^tt&UOtf^o _ 4. ^ux-A-MttA.^DITK _ fc tZfr & hi IC ^ 5. m^ZAjtefilA^tfro _ 6. zf^Oy^MM^X^^t^o _ ItUrlU^MK [How long did he do it?) ng the example, make a dialogue for each exercise item. 3*Ig£M Erf 3/5^ -5 ^tUlf^Tt^c ii h 5. ^HT^ttwjy^aT /liat would a person such as those described below say? Make up sentences with used to mean EXAMPLE: (a person who has insomnia) cd o (a student who is healthy, diligent, and so interested in Japanese that he or she has never missed class) (a person who is allergic to alcohol) (hint: one drop = — X c?) (a person who is so afraid of flying that he or she has never dared to try it) (a stationery store manager who has sold out all the pens and pencils) 14^1 I Number + "fe/number + UAV+ negative Q Translate the following sentences. If you think the number is large, use If you think the number is small, use U£\ 1. Kim has seven cars. 2. John read three books this year. 3. Mary has three part-time jobs. 4. John slept five hours yesterday 5. Takeshi has six cats. 6. Lee drank one bottle of beer at the party. 7. Ken has one friend. n; Answer the following questions. Use "number + "fe" or "number + Ufr" if necessary. 3. zt^yX&fä&ft^Xi^i -fi>\